Revenge: (Space Outlaw 3)

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Revenge: (Space Outlaw 3) Page 12

by Dominique Mondesir


  "I've checked again, bro, and it all looks good."

  Phoenix turned his attention towards the viewing screen and looked at their destination. It was a planet as beautiful as Earth. Vibrant shades of green coated the planet, making it appear to be made up of moss. Blue lines crisscrossed through the green, like watery veins giving it life.

  "My, my, doesn't it take the breath away?" Phoenix said, walking towards the screen. "What's this place called?"

  "Lavera," said Saoirse.

  "The name sounds familiar..."

  "It is named after the plant that made the Fren family famous. It was found on this planet," said Saoirse.

  Phoenix nodded his head before returning to his seat. "Well, I guess we may as well go and say hello."

  The descent through the planet's atmosphere treated the crew to a sight that took everyone's breath away. Only one word sprang to mind: lush.

  Rolling green hills extended as far as the eye could see, wrapping themselves to the contours of the planet like a silk dress. Patches of trees were dotted about but they didn't dominate the environment; they almost seemed an afterthought.

  As the ship descended further, Phoenix could see rivers of all sizes cutting through the grass like blue snakes hunting for their next meal.

  "Wow," Kai said.

  "Look at the pretty flowers," L breathed.

  Between every valley, and on top of every hill, flowerbeds of all varieties swayed back and forth with the wind.

  "Wow, indeed," Phoenix said with a nod.

  "I have sent a message ahead letting them know we are planetside. We should see their encampment any minute now," said Saoirse.

  As if on cue, a squat building came into view. Its walls were covered with grass, and it appeared to be just another earth mound erupting from the ground. The only thing that gave it away was a balcony that overlooked the valley.

  If Saoirse hadn't pointed it out, they would have missed it.

  "Saoirse, Plowstow--with me. I want the rest of you to stay aboard, in case anything pops off," said Phoenix.

  "They...have asked that our ship stays in orbit once she has dropped off the boarding crew," Saoirse said, her head low, not meeting anyone's gaze.

  "What!" said Phoenix and Plowstow.

  "I ain't going, Phoenix! I ain't going. They must think that we're stupid or something! We'll be dead meat once we leave this ship. Dead meat, and I'm too young to die. What do you think's going to happen, once we leave this ship, eh? I'll tell ya--we'll get surrounded and captured, then tortured for the information that we have."

  Phoenix looked to Saoirse and back at Plowstow, fingers drumming on the armrest of his chair. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes.

  This doesn't feel right.

  He trusted Saoirse, but lately her emotions had her in turmoil. The calm collected warrior he knew and loved had shown a lot of cracks in her armour lately.

  "Phoenix!" Plowstow implored him with a shrug of the shoulders.

  Phoenix ignored him. The benefits still outweighed the risks. They needed friends--powerful ones that could help him against Lord Portendorfer.

  "Kai, do the scanners pick up anything abnormal?" Phoenix closed his eyes but could hear the clicks and taps as Kai worked away.

  "All readings are normal," Kai replied.

  Phoenix opened his eyes to see everyone staring his way. He lowered his head as a flash of a smile danced on his lips. "We proceed as normal. If the shit hits the fan---"

  "It won't," Saoirse interjected.

  "If the shit hits the fan, then we holocom the ship and she can come and rescue us. The plan still remains. Saoirse and Plowstow, with me. Everyone else stay on the ship."

  "Fuck me! I have never had a friend who has tried to get me killed as much as you," Plowstow said, throwing his hands in the air.

  "You have friends?" Phoenix questioned with a laugh.


  The fragrant breeze swept through the grass under Phoenix's feet and made him feel at peace. The rolling hills reminded him of a time of German beer and sausage.

  A small party emerged from the grass-covered building, with Florin and Julius leading front and centre. Julius wore a full-length pink fur coat that dragged along the ground. Florin was dressed in a more sombre way, in a light green tunic and green trousers.

  "How delightful! You made it, safe and sound," Julius said, clapping his hands together.

  "Florin, Julius," Saoirse said with a nod. "It wasn't all smooth going. We were attacked by the Bell Man."

  "Oh, by the gods, is everyone all right?" Julius asked.

  "We are fine. The same can't be said for Rustem, but that's neither here nor there," said Phoenix.

  "Wait...good man--you don't believe we had anything to do with that, do you?"

  Phoenix gave a noncommittal shrug.

  "I can assure you that we did not, and to insinuate anything of that nature is just--"

  "Julius, he means no dishonour," said Saoirse. "It has been a long and trying time, that is all. Everyone is on edge at the moment. Please forgive him."

  "No offence taken," Florin said with a smile. "It is good to see you, Saoirse."

  Saoirse embraced Florin in a tight hug, and whispered something in his ear that didn't carry on the breeze. Breaking away, she looked him up and down before stepping back.

  "I am truly sorry for your loss. The passing of your father is a scar that shall never fully heal. He created the bond that we shall share till the passing away of time. If there is anything we can do, to ease the suffering, then we shall do our best to fulfil that request," said Saoirse.

  "There will be time enough for that later. But first I think your captain and I need to get reacquainted. Julius, please see to our guests," Florin said, walking away.

  Phoenix looked at Saoirse, who gave him a small nod. He looked at Plowstow. "Behave."

  The pace Florin set was a leisurely one, his hands clasped together behind his back. He tilted his head back and breathed in deeply. Coming to a stop, he looked across at Phoenix and smiled.

  "The air is sure fresh around here, isn't it?" Phoenix said.

  "Yes. I love this planet. It still hasn't been fully explored yet. No animals bigger than the size of my arm dwell here; it is such a young world that life hasn't truly evolved yet."

  "So it was untouched until your family got its hands on it? I'm surprised it hasn't suffered more damage from you farming the Lavera plant from its soil," said Phoenix.

  "You take us for barbarians?"

  "So far, what I have seen of the families that are on the Council gives me little opportunity to imagine otherwise."

  Florin nodded his head, turning towards the hills before him. "I guess you're right. Since your arrest--"

  "Abduction, you mean," Phoenix spat.

  " did break the law, even if you where unaware of it. But that's beside the point. Since you have been off your world, I can only guess the horrors that you have seen. Each world more corrupt than the next. But you shouldn't let a few spoil the rest. There are good places to live out there among the stars. You just have to find them, that's all."

  "How did your family find this place?" Phoenix asked.

  Florin bent down and picked a flower with purple petals the shape of teardrops. Red leaves sprouted from the stem. "My great-grandfather crash-landed here. Injured, with more than one broken bone, he couldn't find anything to eat. The only thing he could find or catch were these," Florin said, waving the flower. "So he ate his fill and found, to his amazement, that he recovered in record time. After he was rescued, he put the scientists to work, and the rest is history."

  "Sounds like an amazing success story."

  "You would think so, wouldn't you? But everything that gives also takes. Taken in too large a quantity, the flower can become addictive. By the time my great-grandfather found out, it was too late. But he didn't care that he had become addicted to the drug. It's poetic, in a way; the s
ame flower that saved him from death also held his hand to its door."

  Phoenix opened his mouth to say something, but was waved off by Florin.

  "His bones now give nourishment to the soil that we stand on. He was buried here, as was every family member that has passed since. Not many know of this location. Just a select few," said Florin.

  "I hope I'm not here to provide further nourishment," said Phoenix.

  Florin gave him a sideways glance with a half-crooked smile. "The family do not keep this place a secret because we fear losing the crop that has made us rich. No, no, we own the strain that makes the drug what it is. Anything that is produced from this flower goes through us. No, my great-grandfather feared that beauty such as this would be ruined if many found out about it."

  "That's really a nice way of saying 'What's ours is ours'."

  Florin looked at Phoenix and burst out laughing, shaking his head. "What can I tell you--the old man was kinda selfish."

  "Florin, why am I here?"

  "All in good time. Come now, I think we have kept the others waiting long enough."


  Phoenix, Florin, Saoirse and Julius sat at a round table overlooking the hills on the deck at the back of the house. Nothing but a thin piece of glass protected them from dropping over the edge.

  The drop didn't look too far, but with darkness rapidly approaching, it was hard to tell.

  Phoenix had asked Plowstow to wait outside.

  "Well, isn't this cosy?" Julius said, waving servants forward with trays of food and drink.

  "This fish dish should be much to your liking. It is similar in taste to lobster on Earth," Florin said, pointing to a glowing blue fish with green eyes.

  "Why is it glowing?" Phoenix asked.

  "That's what gives it its flavour."

  Phoenix picked up a piece and stared at it before shaking his head and popping it in his mouth. The flavours danced on his tongue, and he licked his lips.

  "It does remind me of lobster, but mixed with pineapple." Phoenix popped another slice in his mouth and sucked his fingers clean. "How did you like Earth?"

  "It's...interesting." Florin smiled.

  "Go on, I won't be offended. I want your honest opinion."

  "Honestly? I have never met a species that wars amongst itself so much as humans. There are plenty of species that are just as bloodthirsty, but they war against other species, in a vain attempt to better their species as a whole. I believe humans will become a space-faring species if they can learn to live peacefully amongst themselves."

  Phoenix took another piece of fish and closed his eyes as he worked it around in his mouth. "Mmm, this shit is good. You must give me the name of this dish."

  "You disagree?"


  The silence that followed had claws, as Phoenix tried various different dishes placed in front of him. He could feel all eyes on him as he sampled one thing after the next. He allowed them to wait.

  "Is that--"

  "It's complicated. Humans always have been. It's what fuels our art; it's what burns in our hearts as music pours from our souls. To whitewash it as simply as the statement you made belittles us. We are so much more. Pray that you are not alive when we learn to travel amongst the stars."

  "If they are anything like you, I hope to never see the day," Julius said as a servant fanned him.

  Florin looked towards his cousin, with a slight frown.

  "Anyway, I'm sure we're not here just to discuss human culture and enjoy fine cuisine," said Phoenix.

  "No, we are not," said Florin.

  "Well then, shall we get to the matter at hand?"

  "We both have a problem that needs solving," said Florin.

  "Holger?" asked Phoenix.

  "You are thinking too small. I want to take down the whole family," said Florin.

  "Well, good luck with that. My issue is only with Holger, and after I have dealt with him, then I plan to enjoy my newfound freedom doing some well-deserved sightseeing. Enjoy some of the finer things that this universe has to offer."

  "Florin, he doesn't mean--"

  "Yes, I do, Saoirse. Lord Portendorfer has never offended or harmed me in any way. If any of my crew wishes to help you in any way, then they are more than happy to leave," Phoenix said with a look towards Saoirse.

  "You really undervalue a father's duty if you believe that there will be no repercussions after this is over with Holger," said Florin.

  "Be that as it may, my sights are set on Holger. Whatever comes after will come."

  "You may need help in that regard. I can offer it to you."

  "Florin, it may be better if we look elsewhere," said Julius.


  "This Earth-man is wild and uncontrollable--"

  "Who said anything about controlling me?" Phoenix snapped.

  "We are entrusting our fates to the likes of these people?" Julius asked, pointing a jewelled hand in Phoenix's direction.

  "Why shouldn't we?" asked Florin.

  "Because we are better than they are! I thought you wanted to use this ingrate as a mercenary, not partner up with him."

  "I didn't say anything about a partnership. I only offered help."

  "You didn't have to," Julius said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  "Look, I am not a fool. I know I may need friends down the road. But this war that you're planning with Lord Portendorfer, I want no part of it. I've been in too many wars to want to eagerly jump into a new one," said Phoenix.

  "Phoenix, what do you think happened that day that my father was murdered?" asked Florin.

  "The news reports say it was a bomb."

  "Yes, it was. But that bomb was Holger's doing. He knew my father, his father and me, we would be all in one room together. So he decided to take out everything that stood in his way. He didn't just want to murder my kin; he also wanted to murder his own."

  "I wouldn't put it past the fat bastard. But if what you say is true, then surely Lord Portendorfer will deal with the issue? I have heard he is not a man who takes such matters lightly."

  "He is not, but I fear that he will have his son killed and place the blame on the Fren family. I want to strike before they regroup. This is the perfect time," Florin said, slapping his open palm.

  Phoenix could feel Saoirse's gaze boring into his head. He hadn't bargained on this. He just wanted to take out the thorn in his side. But if what these men said about Holger's old man was true, then Phoenix knew, deep down, that he would have to deal with that issue when it arose. He wished he didn't, but if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

  "Will you not at least consider it?" asked Florin.

  Phoenix let out a sigh as he leaned back in his chair. He propped his hands behind his head and looked out towards the darkness that had descended over the rolling hills. Nocturnal animals called to one another in the darkness.

  "Give me whatever information you have on Holger, and after I am done, then we can talk. There is also the matter of clearing my name. My crew and I have a large bounty on our heads that we would like to get rid of."

  Florin clasped his hands together and brought them towards his forehead. "Thank you. I couldn't ask for anything more. Holger resides on a planet called--"

  A gun shot echoed through the room.

  Phoenix watched in stunned silence as Florin doubled over in pain, clutching his stomach. A trail of smoke emitted from the folds of Julius clothes.

  Time stood still as Phoenix heard feet rushing towards the deck. Four servants stood around the table, but two were dropping to the floor as blood gushed from their throats. The remaining two clutched their weapons in front of them.

  Three enemies at the table to deal with.

  More on their way.

  There was no way that Phoenix and Saoirse would be able to fight them all. Plus Phoenix couldn't count on Saoirse's emotional state at the present. Florin had been shot and the wound didn't look pretty.

  As all this passed in a hundredt
h of a second for Phoenix, and he did the only thing that he could.

  He ran towards Saoirse and Florin, picking them up in his arms, and threw himself over the glass railing into the depths of the hills below.



  Nothing but darkness met Phoenix as he tumbled down the grassy hill. Over and over he went, as face met grass, and body bumped into rocks. Are the other two safe?

  Saoirse could take care of herself, but Florin was badly injured and no doubt bleeding out. As Phoenix smashed into another unseen rock, he cut his cries short in case he was heard.

  The explosive flares from the guns being fired from above looked like fireworks on the Fourth of July. Phoenix heard the bolts smashing into the ground on either side of him. He felt the dirt flick up and land on his face.

  Then the flares from the guns were gone again, and he continued to roll downhill.

  This is taking the piss. How far does this hill go?

  Phoenix heard a small cry off to his left, but he could do nothing about it as he continued to tumble. Finally he came to a stop, lying flat on his back, and looked up toward the house. He could hear distant shouts and occasional gunfire, but all had gone quiet once again. Sitting up, he patted himself down in search of injury but couldn't find any. He ran his fingers down his sides and winced in pain, but it was nothing more than a bruise.

  The dew from the grass had made him damp. Brushing himself down as best as he could, he looked around him.

  "Saoirse?" he whispered.



  Phoenix moved forward in the darkness, crouched low, his head sweeping from side to side. The calls of the wildlife did their best to spook him, and rustling from the nearby undergrowth halted his footsteps. Phoenix closed his eyes and stilled his breath, listening to his surroundings.

  There--a faint moan to his left.

  He made his way towards it, looking over his shoulder every so often. The grass under his feet felt like plush carpet. He saw movement ahead of him and rushed forward towards Florin. The wound in the man's stomach had opened up. Florin did his best to stop the flow of blood escaping from the wound, but he was losing the battle.


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