Revenge: (Space Outlaw 3)

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Revenge: (Space Outlaw 3) Page 15

by Dominique Mondesir

  "L, L, L!" Plowstow yelled, throwing up next to his feet.

  "Yeah, baby!" L screamed, waving her arms in the air.

  The PH1 levelled out, speeding along the ground, ripping up earth on its way. Five ships followed the its path. The PH1 rocked from side to side as it was hit by enemy fire.

  "Shields holding," said Kai.

  L took a sharp right and jetted forward towards a valley where the ground gave way to a canyon that was miles deep.

  "Well, that puts the Grand Canyon to shame," said Phoenix.

  Rock faces covered in grass surrounded the ship. The green walls looked so vivid in colour that it appeared to be flying through a painting. There was no time to admire the beauty around them, as the ship rocked once again from enemy fire.

  "Lose them, L," Phoenix said, watching the destroyers gaining ground.

  "I've got a plan."

  "I don't like the sound of that," said Plowstow.

  "Don't worry, it won't involve anything fancy," L said, giving the controls a sharp twist.


  Phoenix's stomach did a double flip, and he tried to control its contents. The PH1 dived further into the valley, taking one sharp turn after the next. Sparks flew as the shielded wings brushed against rock. Phoenix brought up an image of the ship's rear and could see that all five ships were still on their tail.

  "Time for a little diversion. Plowstow, release hatch 6," said L.

  Phoenix watched in awe as black smoke billowed from the rear of the PH1. Nothing could be seen of the ships that were pursuing them, as the smoke covered the skies. L took another sharp turn and sped towards a rock that was shaped like a tight v.

  "Whoa, whoa, L!" said Plowstow, trying to back away from the screen as the oncoming rock structure came towards them.

  L laughed hysterically as she flipped the ship on its side, flying through the gap in the rock sideways. Phoenix did his best to hold on as he felt himself sliding out of his seat. Plowstow threw up once again; vomit now covered the front of his clothes.

  The PH1 shook as explosions echoed at her rear. Through the black smoke, red flames could be seen dancing in the air.

  "That should take care of that," L said, brushing her hands together.

  "L...what's in the other five hatches?" asked Phoenix.

  "Oh, just this and that. I will be looking to add more when we get more credits. Don't worry about it, it's all very technical."

  Freyan stood in front of Phoenix, hands on hips. "How do you think that mess will help our cause?"

  "Freyan! I haven't got time for this shit! I'm trying to save our lives, if you haven't noticed. Now, I believe that you have two patients in the sick bay that need your attention. Why don't you see to them, because if Florin dies, no amount of talking will save us."

  Freyan stormed off the bridge, his angry footsteps echoing off the silent walls.

  "L, get us off this planet, please."

  She gave a small nod and pointed the PH1 skywards. Rocketing forward, the PH1 left Lavera behind and entered into space to be met by a sight that silenced the crew.


  Before them was a space fleet fifty strong.


  "Phoenix, what do I do?" L whispered.

  No one said a word as they all looked at the sight before them. Light fighters, destroyers, and dreadnoughts all occupied the space before the PH1. Phoenix looked to both Kai and Plowstow, who stared back at him open-mouthed. Phoenix didn't move as his eyes once again travelled to the sight on screen.

  "We are being hailed," said Kai.

  "Ignore it," said Phoenix.


  Phoenix breathed in and out, and his fingers began to tap a beat. What to do, what to do?

  "They are still hailing us!"

  They couldn't be captured; not now. There was still so much to do. With Holger in the dark about Julius, Phoenix still had the upper hand. He could take out the king in one sweep, or better yet, he could flip the whole board upside down. He couldn't give them Florin. Their names had already been dirtied amongst the stars.

  Who would believe them?

  "I think we should really answer this hail," said Kai.

  "Fine! But when I give you this hand signal, I want you to get it off."

  The image of the fleet on the viewing screen was replaced by a woman. Her white skin, flat nose, and pointy ears showed that she was of the same race as Julius and Florin. Despite that, she was still very pretty, in an artistic painting sort of way. High cheekbones highlighted the regal look she directed the crew's way.

  "Please state who I am speaking to?" she said.

  "You first," said Phoenix.

  With a snort of disdain and an eye-roll, she said, "My name is Lady Sindee Fren, and I'm--"

  "So is your first name Lady or..."

  "No! Lady is my title. Sindee is my name. But people like you can address me properly! Now, I ask again--"

  "Hold on, people like us? Why would you just class us as 'people like us', when you don't even know people like us?"

  "I know scum when I see it!"

  Phoenix placed a hand to his chest and looked at his crew with mock shock. "My dear Sindee, I can guarantee that we are far from scum. We are upstanding citizens that were unlawfully fired upon by your fleet. Now, if you would do us the honour of getting out of the way, we shall be going."

  "I shall not repeat it: you shall address me as Lady--"

  "What do you want, Sindee?"

  Phoenix smiled as he heard gasps from Sindee's crew. Sindee brought a shaking hand to her mouth and closed her eyes. When she reopened them, the stare she gave Phoenix could have fried him alive.

  "Where is my cousin?" asked Sindee.

  "Who would that be?"


  "I don't know anyone by that name. Should I?"

  "The only people that know the location of this planet are members of the Fren family, and anyone that was given said location. Now, the last time I checked, you weren't a Fren. So the most logical answer is that you were given the location. Therefore I would like to know by whom, and what business you have with them."

  "Ain't you the nosy one?" Phoenix smiled. "Would you believe me if I said we just happened to be passing by, saw this beautiful planet, and decided to take a look-see? After all, we are just humble explorers."

  "Lies! I know who you are, Phoenix Jones."

  "Who?" Phoenix said, looking confused.

  "Phoenix Jones, the mastermind behind the attacks on the Council. The escaped convict of Dredar, the most wanted man in the known galaxy."

  "I think you may have the wrong man," Phoenix said, waving his hand at Kai.

  "I assure you--"

  Whatever was said next was lost as the holocom on the viewing screen went blank.

  "L, full speed towards that star!"

  "Are you mad?" said Plowstow.

  "L--go, go, go!" said Phoenix.

  L looked back at Phoenix and gave him a shrug as she flew the PH1 towards the fiery star in question. It didn't take long for Sindee's fleet to follow. The fleet moved like a bee swarm after the PH1.

  "We just gonna fly into a sun?" asked Plowstow.

  "L, you told me that the PH1 can withstand extreme heat. Correct?"

  "Phoenix I didn't mean we could fly through a sun!"

  The PH1 rocked as it was hit by enemy fire. The whine of the engines rattled bones as it tried to keep them at a safe distance.

  "Shields at eighty percent!" said Kai.

  Another hit jerked Phoenix forward in his chair.

  "I know that, but how well equipped will Sindee's fleet be the closer they get to that star?"

  "Not very. Communications and their electronics will go before ours do. But that still doesn't do us any good," said L.

  "It will be if we hit flaring just before it gets too dangerous to be that near it!"

  "Are you fucking insane?" Plowstow asked.

  L looked back at Phoenix, biting her bottom lip
. "If we hit Flaring as close to the star as we can, then their systems will be in such a mess that they won't be able to follow our ship's signature. I think it might just work!"

  The sight behind them was terrifying: Lady Sindee Fren's fleet firing everything they had. The light display was hypnotising, as reds and greens clashed with the black and purple canvas of space. L did her best to keep the pursuers off their tail, as the PH1 dodged, dived and flipped. The amateur movements that L employed seemed to have the enemy confused. They could never tell where she was one moment to the next, but the strategy would only work for so long.

  Another hit.

  "Shields at sixty percent!"

  "This is fucking madness!" Plowstow said, sick still dribbling down his chin.

  "Come on, L!" Phoenix got up from his chair as they flew closer and closer to the star. Its fiery surface was mesmerising to look at. Its surface looked like the rivers of hell. The closer they got, the more the image drew him in. It was breathtaking.

  Another hit finally had Phoenix off his feet. He grabbed the back of L's chair, as she struggled with the controls. The screens in front of her and Kai kept short-circuiting. A few cut out altogether.

  "We won't be able to get any closer before all systems are down and we're sucked into the orbit of that star," said L.

  Phoenix looked up at the image of their rear and could see that Sindee's fleet had slowed down. Only one ship now led the charge, breaking away from the pack.

  "That one ship that is still following us. I'll bet my right arm that she's on that ship," said Phoenix.

  "Who?" asked L.

  "The wonderful Lady Sindee Fren."

  "Oh! Don't tell me..."

  "What?" said Phoenix, giving L a shrug.

  "Could you not think with what's between your legs for one minute."

  "She's pretty, and don't tell me she doesn't remind you of anyone--"

  "They're firing everything!" said Plowstow.

  Everyone's attention went to the viewing screen, which showed that every ship had fired every missile they had in the PH1's direction. The fleet no longer wanted to damage the PH1 and board the ship; they wanted it destroyed.

  Phoenix gripped L's shoulder as he saw the screens in front of her flicker off completely.

  "L! Punch that shit!


  The ship had taken heavy damage but it would survive the next trip that Phoenix had in mind. Sirens went off occasionally, and L had to hose certain parts of the ship with fire repellent, but they would survive.

  As Phoenix made his way through the ship, his hand trailing along its walls, he thought about the next step he would have to take. It would give him much needed freedom for him and his crew.

  He stopped outside the medical bay and took in a deep breath before he steeled himself for what was to come. As he stepped through the door, the smell of medical dressings and drugs swept up his nose and hit the back of his throat. It brought back memories of the twins--memories of demons that he thought he had gotten over. Shutting his eyes to the prickle of tears that pinched their corners, he clenched his fists and breathed in and out.

  The twins were safe and okay now. They had been cured.

  "Phoenix, are you okay?" asked Freyan.

  "Couldn't be better," Phoenix said, walking over to Freyan, who stood next to a sleeping Florin.

  Freyan was monitoring the tubes and wires connected to Florin. Although paler in complexion than usual, Florin looked much better than the last time Phoenix had seen him.

  "How's he doing?" asked Phoenix,

  "Oh, it was nothing more than a simple gut shot, hardly challenging to deal with--not for someone of my calibre," Freyan said with a wave of his hand.

  "I love how you're always so humble."

  "When stating facts, I can see how that can appear to lesser minds."

  Phoenix let out a snort and shook his head.

  "No, the gut shot wasn't the problem," Freyan continued. "The loss of blood was. Plus, it appears that our noble friend here was being poisoned."


  "Yes. It seems someone really wanted him dead. The poison was a slow-acting agent, one that would have to be administered over time, so it would have to be someone close to him. A family member or servant," said Freyan.

  "Julius?" Phoenix said with a raised eyebrow.

  "If you were going to shoot him, why go to the trouble of poisoning him? The culprit could have been caught at any moment," said Freyan.

  "Maybe Julius thought he had more time. Maybe he didn't expect that I would be involved in his plans."

  "Maybe...but I believe we should inform our new friend here that he may have more than one traitor in his camp. And it could be quite possible that whoever it was didn't know a thing about Julius."

  Phoenix placed his hands over his face and drew in a breath. "You mean that there could be two separate parties trying to take out Florin?

  "Could be," Freyan said with a shrug.

  "Fucking brilliant. How long will his recovery take?"

  "Not long, with bed rest and me looking after him. Much sooner than if he was in someone else's care."

  "And Saoirse?"

  "The head injury she has recovered from, but the blow to her pride...."

  "Do you think she'll be alright?" asked Phoenix.

  "As T.P. Fairfax once said, 'Pride can be a chalice of water to a dying man's lips or it can be the poison that kills him.' Events appear to be sprawling out of control for Miss Vacsoon, events that she thought she could control, but she is finding out life isn't always so simple," Freyan said with a shrug.

  "Thank you for all your help here, Freyan. Inform me if anything goes amiss with our patient here. I believe he's our only ticket to freedom."

  Phoenix found himself trailing a hand along the ship's walls once again, as he made his way towards Saoirse's room. It was a talk he had been putting off, more and more, but it was one that they needed to have.

  Gone was the cool-headed bounty hunter that he could rely on. She had been replaced with someone ruled by her emotions. This business with the Frens had affected her more than she let on.

  Phoenix hoped that she would not let Julius's betrayal play on her mind, but he wasn't so sure as he found himself standing in front of her door.

  As he lifted his hand to knock, he stopped an inch from the door. What was he going to say? How was he going to say it? Letting out a sigh, he shook his head and allowed his hand to descend upon the door.

  There was no answer from the other side. Phoenix waited. Should he go? Maybe leave this conversation for another time?

  No, this needs to happen and it needs to happen now. Bringing his fist down on the door again, he waited for a response. None came.

  "Saoirse, I can do this all day. We need to talk!"

  Phoenix brought his hand up once more but the door opened to reveal Saoirse sitting on the floor, her knives before her, one in her hand. She narrowed her eyes, looking down the blade's edge, before she brought a stone to its edge.

  The noise of the stone running along the knife's edge sounded hollow, like the reaper's blade swinging through the air. Sparks flew every so often, as Saoirse's hands moved up and down in a rhythm.

  "How's the head?"

  As stone sang against the blade of the knife, she said nothing until Phoenix sat down.

  "Could be worse. No lasting injuries. I am thankful for Freyan's help. If it weren't for him, no doubt my recovery time would have been longer."

  "Don't let him hear you say that, his ego might explode. I'm glad you are feeling better. It would have been a shame to have you out of action; this crew would fall apart. You probably already know, but Florin is doing much better. His recovery time under Freyan should be quick. In regard to what happened on one could have guessed Julius's role in all of this."

  "I should have seen it!" Saoirse said through gritted teeth.


  "I allowed emotion to get the better of me. I
allowed it to cloud my vision of what was right in front of my face. Of course Rustem wasn't at that outpost by accident. Something hasn't felt right within that family for the longest time. But the Frens have treated me so kindly that I...ignored it."

  "Saoirse, we all make mistakes. Emotions blind us all. It's..."

  Saoirse had dropped the knife and the stone she was holding and hugged her arms around her legs. She looked like a lost soul, on the verge of tears. Burying her head into her knees, she let out a heavy sigh.

  "Phoenix, when the Frens found me, I was anger and hatred embodied. I was on the trail of a drug dealer by the name of Smit, better known as the Warden. I had found the location he was operating out of at the time, and I planned to capture him. The bounty on his head was enough to clear off some debts I had. It would get me out of the profession of hunting scumbags.

  "I had a partner with me at the time...Eli. He was everything I was not--loving, caring, kind. You wanted to be a better person when you were around him. He saw the good in everyone. He was a fool, in that way. I thought I had Smit in my sights, I thought the warehouse I broke into was his. But all I found was Eli's body, with a note attached."

  The silence clawed at Phoenix's throat as he fought for something to say. "How did he..."

  "Smit had given him an overdose, which killed him. Gone were his beautiful face and welcoming eyes. In their place was a twisted mask of flesh I no longer recognised. From then on, it was my blind mission to get my revenge. Lord Fren helped me in that regard, and it is a debt that I shall always owe the Frens," said Saoirse.

  "Florin may have more enemies in his midst than he realises," said Phoenix.

  "I am a simple soldier. Council politics has never interested me."

  "I believe, going forward, we shall need all the soldiers we can get," Phoenix said, patting Saoirse on the arm and walking out.


  Once again, the crew sat around the cafeteria table, sipping drinks while they waited for Phoenix to get on with whatever he was about to say.


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