Revenge: (Space Outlaw 3)

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Revenge: (Space Outlaw 3) Page 21

by Dominique Mondesir

  The older man smiled while he patted Jerkins on the head. "Jerkins, Jerkins! Look at me! While you serve under me there shall never be anything that I won't do for you. That goes for all of you!" said the man, looking down the hall. With one more pat on the head, he untangled himself from Jerkins and continued on his way.

  He opened a door and stepped inside to find Ajax standing near a table covered with a white sheet.

  "Is this it?"

  "Yes, my lord," replied Ajax.

  He walked towards the table and pulled aside the sheet, was met with the sight of Holger's body. A small sigh escaped his lips, and he shook his head. "How much of my resources, time, credits, I wasted on this boy. While he tried to betray me at every turn. While he tried to kill me. How did he die, Ajax?"

  "Unofficially? We believe one of his girls did it."

  "Him and his lack of discipline and simple pleasures of the flesh. I told him it would cost him. What's the story we are going with, then?" asked Lord Portendorfer.

  "How much do you know about Phoenix Jones?"


  Author Note

  I need reviews!!!

  If you've made it to this section after reading all three of my books and you've not left a review, come on man, I'am kinda hurt. It doesn't take long to do and it doesn't have to be super long. One star, cool. Five star even better!

  You may ask, why are reviews so important anyway Mr Pushy author and I'll tell you. One, the more reviews a book has the more likely people are to buy it, its called social proof. I didn't make it up some scientist egg head did. And two, when you humble brag that you wrote a book and it only has ten reviews, you get a kind of condescending look from the person you're showing the book too, as they walk off. Muttering nice little book. (You know what I'm talking about)

  Anyway click on this sentence and it shall take you where you need to go.

  I keep writing these author notes way to early or late in the day, its 4am here in England and although the weather is hot and the sun is already coming up, I should be in bed but I need to get this book out, as it's out in a week.

  This book was... it got dark. When I first started this series I wanted it to have the humour of guardians of the galaxy or A-Team in space, but for whatever reason there is something in me that can't write light fun books, without someone's family being in danger or someone being tortured horribly.

  I may need to get that checked out.

  I never wanted this series to run on longer than say six or seven books, and the plan is to still keep it under that number. From the start I planned the books out like a TV series. With 1-3 being season one and 4-6 being season two.

  I wanted to get the first three out as fast as I could, so there wasn't a long wait. The next season should come out from October and finish up in the new year.

  That's the plan anyway, but the gods may have other ideas.

  You may notice a few places in the book from other popular media. I always liked the name Tortuga from the movies and never knew it was an actual place. Whenever I say it, it just sounds like a party island where everything goes and you can forget about your worries, even if its for the briefest of moments.

  Tanera Mor popped up on my radar one day, as I was googling islands to buy (yes I do that, I highly recommend it as their are bargains out there to be had) and it just took my breath away. Located in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland, its an island for sale at £1.95 million. Its 766 acres, has its own fish farm, sailing school, many houses and, and, its own POST OFFICE!!

  I want it and I want it now!

  Google it, you won't be disappointed.

  And finally, we get to see the big boss man himself. When I first thought about this series, Lord Portendorfer senior wasn't really a major factor in it. Then the idea took hold of, what if there was someone so bad ass, so ruthless, that people only spoke about him in whispers. Lord Portendorfer senior is a bad mother shut your mouth, and as the series continues, Phoenix will find out that sometimes things should be best left alone.

  I know what's coming for Phoenix, and if I'm honest I don't know how his going to cope with it.

  Anyway, thats enough of me rambling and if you're still here I'm sorry.

  I normally add the first chapter of the next book in the series, at the end of my books, but I'm that close to the wire that it hasn't been edited yet and will probably go through major changes.

  Book four should be out in October, but if you want to be kept up to date of all news, win prizes and the like, click this sentence and it shall take you to my newsletter.

  (I shall never spam you, cross my heart and hope to die.)

  Until next time,

  Hugs and Kisses.

  Also by Dominique Mondesir

  Origins (Fallen Angels Book 1)

  Betrayal (Fallen Angels Book 2)

  Takeover (Fallen Angels Book 3)

  Reflections (Fallen Angles Book 4)




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