Cage of Desire: (Cage of Design Series, Book 1): An Alpha Stepbrother Billionaire Romance

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Cage of Desire: (Cage of Design Series, Book 1): An Alpha Stepbrother Billionaire Romance Page 2

by Christina Clark

  It was him! I recognized the picture in the thumbnail and tapped on the username to find myself on Eric Cage’s account. I knew his name! Wait, this meant he knew my name, he had found me on social media, and had actually liked a photo. Fuck. I went back to notifications and saw that he had liked one from three weeks ago, the one picture on my entire profile where I wasn’t fully covered. I knew I shouldn’t have put up that bikini picture and here he was, deliberately liking it to let me know he’d seen it. What an asshole! Was he mocking me again? Was he sarcastic, like Ha ha...look at the fat girl in the bikini or did he actually like the photo? Ugh, what’s wrong with me? Why do I care? But I did care, and I liked that he was looking at my body; God I am the absolute worst!

  I spent the rest of the class scrolling through his pictures, a lot of cars, a lot of parties, and a lot of alcohol. Occasionally, a selfie cropped up and my heart did a little leap. I chastised myself for being so stupid. The guy was clearly a piece of shit. Yet, I kept scrolling and my heart kept leaping. There were couple of pictures of him with a girl. She was breathtakingly beautiful, with a blonde angled bob, narrow green eyes, and the longest legs I’d ever seen. I tried to figure out she was, but she wasn’t tagged. The poses, however, were a bit suggestive. She was leaning half her body on his in one of the pictures; and biting her lip seductively in another. So he had a girlfriend or something, that ruled out the admiration he may have felt for me and I knew then he had been making fun of me the whole day.

  Tears sprung to my eyes, and I fought hard to keep them at bay; I didn’t need to start bawling on my first day at college But I felt like shit. I was easily the largest girl at Savannah, and I had always felt super conscious about my body and the way it moved, but I had never been bullied. In fact, at my old school, if I ever complained about my body, my friends would shut me up saying things like, “Mia, you’re perfect” and “I’d be pretty happy looking like you.” But I had never encountered something like this, where someone was openly harassing me about the way I looked. I considered going to Mom about it, I mean if someone’s making me uncomfortable, I should go to the dean right? I sighed; I wouldn’t consider going to the dean about something like this if I were at any other school, or if the dean wasn’t my mother. Fine, I’ll just confront him myself. No, am I an idiot? Of course I won’t confront him; that’ll make the bullying worse.

  I slumped into my seat, and then sat up straight immediately, thinking about how I’d look all hunched up and lumpy. I looked down at my thighs straining against my tight skirt and suddenly I felt hideous. I had to leave or I’d for sure start crying, already letting a little sniffle escape. Against my will, a tear starting rolling down my cheek and I hastily wiped it away. I looked around to make sure nobody had seen my little breakdown; I needn’t have worried, the entire lecture hall was enthralled by the professor who seemed to be doing an amazing job. Suddenly, I was angry at this Eric Cage guy. How dare he make me feel like shit and make me miss out on the first class of Medieval Poetry, one of the courses I had been most excited about? I sat up straight again, and pulled out a notebook, furiously copying everything written on the board about Nigel de Longchamps.

  I still couldn’t concentrate though, even though Mr. Longchamps had apparently written some great satire. I just couldn’t follow the lecture. I just kept thinking of how stupid I’d been; thinking that a boy who could be a supermodel would be interested in me. I felt stupid. I hated myself for feeling good when he stared at me like that; and I felt stupid for picking this outfit; and for walking into that man this morning with the iced tea. I just hated this school and this city, where people were mean and threw their drinks all over you without apologizing. I sighed so audibly that the guy in front of me turned around to ask me if I was okay. Yes, Mia. You make a bigger moron of yourself today. It’s so very attractive. I picked up my phone again gloomily, and briefly toyed with the idea of blocking Eric Cage on Instagram- and everywhere else. But that would just prove that he was getting to me. No, I don’t care. I don’t. I scrolled through his pictures again, taking in his pale hair and his perfect mouth; how could someone this beautiful be so horrible? I closed the app, and picked up my pen again. I would not let Eric Cage get to me.

  Chapter Six: Eric

  I had the car picked me up later than usual, but it meant having a conversation with my stepmother who said, “Eric, you know you don’t need the chauffeur for every little thing. Just walk home, we live five minutes away,” to which of course, I replied like a dutiful stepson by telling her to get off my fucking back and send the car when I tell her to. Dammit. I used the extra time to look for Mia, but no luck. Spotting a body as fine as hers shouldn’t have been a difficult task on Savannah’s minimalist campus; but she was either in another class or she’d left already. I had no idea where she’d be now. My class got out later than hers would have, and I didn’t know what courses she was taking. So, I decided to visit an old friend for help.

  I dialed a number as I walked to the car, and Jake picked up after a couple of rings. “Hey buddy, I seem to be in a tiny bit of a pickle, mind helping out?” I deliberately kept my tone light and friendly, but it didn’t seem to work. “I thought I told you not to call me again? And I’m not your fucking buddy.” Hmm, buddy had been too much, but I decided to keep up my bantering voice, “Yeah, you know I already got a fuck buddy, but you, you’re just the guy I can rely on when I need some information on a girl,” he hung up on me. It was worth a shot, but I guess hacking into the school system was out now that Jake hadn’t gotten over the little disagreement we had last year. Fine, I’ll just stick to cyberstalking her until I can figure out my next move.

  I looked out of the window as I pondered the situation. I didn’t like feeling stumped; I needed to up my game somehow. Absently, I opened Instagram again, and found myself at the mercy of that pink bikini straining itself to contain all that deliciousness within. Hold up, why was the little heart button under the picture red? I didn’t remember liking the picture- why would I do something that stupid? That would mess everything up. I clenched my jaw, remembering that Naomi had called while I was looking at the picture and I must have accidentally double tapped it then. That bitch manages a way to fuck things up for me even when she’s all the way in France. Okay, I needed to relax. This wasn’t a big deal, it’ll just tell Mia that I was looking her up. In fact, the more I thought of it, it just seemed to go along with what I’d been doing all day. This would get her attention, guaranteed.

  Chapter Seven: Mia

  I sat on the floor in the middle of my crappy apartment and wept. I’d been holding it in all day, and I thought I was fine, but I stepped into the tiny living room and looked around. It dawned on me that this was home now, and this is what I have to look forward to every day for the next four years. I stood there until the emotions I was feeling started to overwhelm me. I didn’t bother taking off my shoes or walking to the bedroom. I sank to the floor and started heaving huge shuddering sobs. I pulled my phone out and was about to dial Mom, but I stopped myself just in time. Mom wouldn’t be sympathetic, she’d just tell me I wasn’t fit to live alone and I should move in with her. No way I’m subjecting myself to that lecture after the shitty day I had today. I must have sat there and cried for an hour before I slowly pulled myself up. I would have slept there if I hadn’t seen how filthy the floors were.

  I peeled off my clothes and threw them angrily in the corner, bursting into tears again. And then I went and picked them up again, knowing that I had to at least try and keep the place clean. I stood before the mirror naked, and cried some more. I plodded over to the bed and sank into the mattress, covering myself up with the sheets. I had worked so hard to start accepting my curves and that bastard Eric made me feel like shit again. I reminded myself that my body’s function was to sustain me, not to visually please fuckers like Eric Cage who felt like they were entitled to it. I remembered the way he had looked at me in class, and unwillingly, I felt aroused. I hated myself in that moment,
but I couldn’t help feeling it.

  As I lay in bed, I tried to clear my head of any thoughts of Eric Cage; his tanned arms, his jawline, and his glasses. I didn’t want to think of any of those things. I turned to my side; I didn’t want to think about his mouth or imagine what he could do with it. I didn’t want to imagine him without a shirt on, or without anything on. I didn’t want to think of him pulling me on top of him or running his hands all over me. Then why couldn’t I stop?

  Chapter Eight: Eric

  I lay awake in bed, bouncing a baseball off the ceiling. I caught it and tossed it up, repetitively, as I thought about Mia. I was frustrated. A girl had never proved this difficult before; if it was anyone else, by now she would have come right up and either introduced herself to me, or she would have confronted me. Either way, we’d be having sex right now. I wanted to have sex with Mia so badly. I could just imagine tasting her sweet creamy skin, filling my hands with her breasts, and biting her neck. The baseball hit me right in the face, and I yelled in pain.

  I was still nursing my face when my phone rang. I ignored it, and went downstairs for some ice. Carefully, I made my way to the kitchen, and back, so I wouldn’t wake up the maid, my dad, or my stepmother. They’d just think I had been in a fight, and I wouldn’t blame them; who’s stupid enough to hit themselves in the face? I returned to my room to find my phone still ringing. Who was the persistent bastard? I looked at the screen and to my shock, I found that Jake was calling. I picked up so fast I thought I might crack the screen, “Jake? What’s up, buddy?” and I heard his curt voice on the other end say “I’m not your fucking buddy, but I can help you with the information you need.” I started to thank him when he cut me off and said, “Shut up Eric. I’m doing this because I need you to do something in return.”

  I was surprised, what could I possibly do for a computer nerd? “Uh… sure, man, whatever you need.” There was a brief pause before Jake said, “Okay, here are the demands. I need some drugs, and I know you’ve got connections. If you score me weed, pay for it, and deliver it to my house, you’ve got yourself a deal.” I wanted to laugh when I had heard drugs but I was a bit nervous. As soon as he said ‘weed,’ I couldn’t stop smiling at this poor simple boy’s “demands”. I said, “Okay, I’ll get you your weed. It won’t be easy, but I’ll get it for you. Tomorrow night.” I heard Jake breathe with relief, and I resisted the urge to mock him. We lived in New Fucking York, all you had to do was enter any alleyway to find a dealer. We went to an arts college; the place was crawling with junkies. I shook my head; the guy was so innocent it would be endearing if it weren’t so stupid.

  After we had worked out our deal, I texted my dealer, and he replied five minutes later saying he’d have it ready for me and I could pick it up after school tomorrow. I fell into bed, pressing the fast melting ice into my face. I smiled so hard my face hurt, but things were finally falling into place. I decided I would use Jake to figure out Mia’s schedule, and then happen to be outside whichever classroom she was going to be in, until a good opportunity presented itself. Then I would introduce myself, and in no time, we’d be doing it. I rolled over, feeling blissfully sleepy already

  Chapter Nine: Mia

  Eric sat on a chair, and I stood in front of him. He looked at me with a piercing gaze, and said in a quietly stern voice, “Take off your skirt.” I wiggled out of my skirt, and kicked it to a side. His gaze swept over my legs, and I started to blush. His eyes flicked back to my face, “Your shirt, slowly.” I obliged, undoing one button after the other, until it hung open, revealing my skimpy little bra trying desperately to hold my large boobs together. I slid it off my shoulders, and it fell to the ground in a crumpled heap. I was now in my underwear and heels. He stared at me hungrily, examining every inch of me with his eyes, and then said, “Come here.” I started to walk towards him, stopping just in front of the hair. He reached over and put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer.

  I could smell him, and it was making my thoughts swirl. I couldn’t think straight. I was standing and straddling him now, my legs on either side of his chair. He tucked his thumbs into the waistband of my panties, and slid them down my thighs, down my legs and onto the floor. He pulled me closer and put his mouth on my labia, taking them between his lips, flicking his tongue over my clit, sucking on it. A moan escaped my lips, and he stopped, looking at me and smirking. “Sit, Mia,” he said, and I felt a little rush as he said my name in that deep commanding voice. I sat on his lap, my bare skin against his jeans but I could still feel that he was hard. He placed a finger under my jaw and pulled my face close to his as my lips parted to receive his. But he didn’t kiss me; he stopped just as our mouths were about to meet, and he pulled back.

  I was almost panting with anticipation, but he just cocked his head to one side and looked at me. He then fingered the straps of my bra and I waited for him to slide them down my shoulders, but instead he reached for the cups and pulled them down, exposing my breasts. I was now completely naked, and he was fully clothed. It was exciting, and my heart was beating rapidly. He looked awestruck as he rolled and twisted a hardened nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I bit my lip and tried to suppress a moan but it escaped again. He smiled wide, and cupped the other breast in his other hand, twisting both nipples. I arched my back and he moved his waist forward and backwards so I could feel his erection against my bare wet labia that parted for him. He let go of my nipples and let his hands travel down my sides and he gripped my waist again, harder this time, and started moving me along with him. He bent his head and ran his tongue down my neck and across my breasts.

  As we moved faster, he became more aggressive, and started biting my shoulders and my neck, taking my nipple in his mouth and sucking hard. My moans grew louder, and I put my arms around his neck, pushing my body closer into his and moving faster. He placed his hands under my ass and suddenly stood up lifting me, and throwing me onto the bed so that my back on the mattress and my lags dangled off. He knelt on the floor between my legs, and spread them apart. He slipped off my shoes, and ran his along my instep before running his hands up my legs and thighs. He kissed the soft skin of my inner thighs, and placed his thumb on my clit, rubbing it in small circular motions. I gasped as a burning sensation spread through my body, and he looked up at me and smiled.

  He started to lightly run his fingers along the opening of my slit, and I could feel it growing wetter. His thumb still rubbed my clit as he slowly slipped a finger inside me. My eyes widened and I almost screamed with pleasure. I had never felt anything like it before. I closed my eyes and writhed and moaned and my body jerked back, and I was sweating. I opened my eyes again to find myself alone in my bed. I looked around wildly for Eric, but he was gone, and so was the room I had been in. I groaned with disappointment and embarrassment. I had just had a sex dream about Eric Cage. Slowly, I reached down under my sheets to feel myself, and my hands came back wet and sticky. Disgusted with myself, I decided to take a shower and wash off all memories of Eric Cage.

  Chapter Ten: Eric

  I woke up happier than I’d felt in a long time. I checked my phone and found two texts that made me even happier. One from my dealer, saying Your shit is ready for pickup and the other one from Jake, saying Meet me in the computer lab at 9:30. I stretched out my arms above me and yawning widely, looked out the window. The sunlight filtered through the leaves of the tree outside my window, forming beautiful dappled patterns on the walls of my bedroom. What a beautiful day for stalking girls!

  I showered and dressed carefully, knowing today could be the day I’d introduce myself to Mia. I put on my best boxers, hoping I’d get the chance to show them to her later tonight. I actually whistled while I jogged down the stairs. Claudia was frying an egg for me, and she put it in front of me with two slices of freshly toasted bread as I sat at the breakfast table. “It’s just you today, Mister Eric. Your parents have gone out early,” she told me, and plodded back to the kitchen. I watched her uniform clad back leave the
dining room fondly, and smiled. This day was just getting better and better. She returned with orange juice and smiled at me, like she always did.

  Claudia was my favorite person in the whole house. She had been with my dad and me since I was born, and my dad had to raise me on his own. But with a good nanny and maid around, he could relax and concentrate on making money, which is what he considered a suitable replacement for affection towards his son. He wouldn’t be here on my birthdays, but he’d send me a giant present from Japan or Switzerland or wherever he was traveling to at the time. I spent a lot of my angsty years feeling hatred towards him for it, but then I realized how great I had it: unlimited cash and no parental nagging or supervision. That’s when I really flourished as a person, and starting using my wealth to my advantage. I can’t believe there was ever a time when I would have substituted my wallet for a hug from my father. Fuck hugs from my dad; my money meant I could get a lot more than hugs from a lot of different women. I loved the life I lived now, a new girl on my mind every few weeks. And this time it was Mia.

  I thanked Claudia for breakfast and headed out the door It was 8:45 and I had fifteen minutes to get to Jake in the computer’s lab. My dad had taken Roberto and I knew my stepmother had taken the other car just to piss me off, stupid bitch. But I didn’t let it ruin my day; instead I reveled in the crisp air and walked to campus. Today would be a great day; I could feel it in my bones. I would meet Jake, get the information I needed, and be well on my way to scoring Mia Carter. I thought of how close I was to seeing her naked, and my pulse raced as I imagined undressing her. I walked faster, eager to get my hands on her Savannah records so I’d know everything about her. I got there with five minutes to spare, and I looked around to see if she was anywhere nearby.


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