Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Strong Men [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Strong Men [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Cara Covington

  “Come on, greedy, share.”

  Tracy blinked. Peter’s teasing tone startled a laugh out of her. Jordan eased back and grinned at Peter.

  “You shouldn’t call Tracy greedy. She’s waited a long time for our first kiss.”

  Peter chuckled and moved closer. Tracy loved that he wrapped one arm around her and then one arm around Jordan.

  She didn’t know what it was she just saw flare in his eyes. When he leaned over and kissed Jordan, she moaned. The sight of their lips mating, the way Jordan closed his eyes and slanted toward Peter filled her with such a sense of rightness. Her heart raced, and her nipples hardened.

  Just a bit of moisture seeped out of her pussy.

  Peter lifted his head from Jordan then turned and claimed her lips for his own, too.

  Ambrosia. She tasted Jordan in his kiss, and a savory essence she recognized as Peter’s unique flavor. The two tasted wonderful together.

  Hot and carnal, moist and savory, Peter’s kiss drenched her senses. She leaned into the both of them, needing the both of them. She felt surrounded and aroused, cherished and free.

  When Peter raised his head, she realized they were all three breathing hard. She could feel the outlines of their cocks through the material of their trousers. Both men rubbed themselves against her, and she hungered to feel those cocks naked on her flesh.

  “Are you two going to get undressed?”

  Jordan bent down and kissed her, a light, chaste kiss. “Yes. Yes, we’re going to get undressed, and yes, for sure we are going to have you. But before this goes any further we need to ask you something, first, sweetheart.”

  Just by the words he’d chosen, she knew what he was going to ask. How could she not? She’d lived in Lusty all her life except for the year she’d come to Dallas to work. Even then, there’d been enough family around that she’d felt safe and secure—and, inevitably, scrutinized.

  Tracy tilted her head to one side. This was the one barrier she had feared would be insurmountable. So close to actually having these two strong men for her lovers, she decided then and there she wouldn’t let it be a deal breaker for them. She was having them, come hell or high water.

  Tracy would make no apologies for her answer to his question, either. Loving Jordan, waiting for him, how could she be sorry for the truth?

  The best defense was a strong offense, or so her brother the football fan always said. That thinking had been the major reason she’d chosen to show up here tonight, naked. But big, bold moves really weren’t her forte. She’d had the one in her and spent it wisely.

  “All right, Jordan. Ask your question.”

  “Tracy, sweetheart, are you a virgin?”

  Peter’s sudden indrawn breath told her he’d not anticipated that. Jordan looked at the other man, raised one eyebrow, and turned his attention back to her.

  There’d be no blushing now, and no shying away from the truth. Honesty ran deep in her, but then, so did determination. She let her answer reflect both of those traits.

  “Not for much longer, I hope.”

  “No,” Jordan said, his voice softer. “No, sweetheart, not for much longer.”

  “You waited for us.” Peter bent to her and kissed her lightly. “Thank you for that.”

  “It wouldn’t have mattered, sweetheart, if you hadn’t waited. I need you to know that. But I’d hoped you would,” Jordan said, “although I had no right to hope such a thing, since I was so absolutely not going to touch you. I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I’m very grateful that you’ve taken the decision out of my hands.”

  “Ten years ago I was too young for you,” she said softly. “I’m not anymore. I’ve wanted you for the longest time. I’m having you. You need to get over your habit of thinking I’m off-limits.” Tracy grinned.

  Jordan rolled his eyes at her. “Just when I was beginning to understand you weren’t too young, I decided I couldn’t have you because everyone said that you could be the country’s top pastry chef. There was no way I was going to interfere with a career path as golden as that.”

  Tracy smiled. “Did it ever occur to you to ask me what I wanted?”

  “It occurred to Peter.” Jordan looked down the length of her, and the heat in his gaze as he visually caressed her nearly seared her. “So, Tracy”—Jordan’s voice sounded a bit strained—“what do you want?”

  “I want a couple of things. First, I want the men among us to get naked.”

  “We can strip in seconds,” Peter said. “What else do you want, sweetheart?”

  “You. Both of you. I want you on me. I want you in me. I want to know if everything I’ve ever seen, heard, and read about is real, or not.”

  Tracy squeaked when Jordan scooped her into his arms. “We’ll talk about what you’ve seen, later, young lady. Right now, we’re going to take this party into the bedroom. And Tracy? We’ll do our best to fulfill every one of your wants, and then some.”

  Having Jordan’s arms around her as he carried her to his bed felt like heaven. Tracy barely paid any attention to her surroundings as she passed through the penthouse. All of her focus was on the man holding her and the man following so close behind them.

  Jordan set her down on the rumpled bed. She could smell both of her soon-to-be lovers on the sheets beneath her. She flipped onto her side and supported her head on her hand. She wouldn’t miss a single second of watching these two strong men undress.

  They stood side by side, certainly within touching distance of each other, and began to strip. Her gaze went from one to the other of them, drinking in each bit of flesh as it became visible to her.

  Peter’s complexion, subtly darker, showed off his buff-looking pecs and the dark hair that dusted them. While they were practically the same height, Peter had the build of weightlifter, whereas Jordan, despite having worked for years in construction, appeared leaner, nearly lithe. His seemed more like a swimmer’s body.

  She licked her lips as they dropped their pants. Both men had gone commando, so their cocks sprang free instantly and nearly simultaneously.

  Tracy had seen pictures of cocks, but these were her first up close and personal, and in the flesh.

  “My God, you look like a kid in a candy store.” Jordan’s voice tickled her senses.

  She grinned and looked up, meeting his gaze. “That’s kind of how I feel. I want to…” Tracy let her sentence trail off. Instead of telling them what she wanted, she decided to show them. In one fluid movement she came forward, on her knees, until she was only inches from that arousing and aroused male flesh.

  “I’ve never…I want to…” Oh, she wanted to do so much! To touch and taste, to caress and pleasure and learn them both.

  “We’re all yours,” Peter said. “Just be gentle with us.”

  The absurdity of that statement coaxed a chuckle from her. That should be her line, except somehow she knew that they’d be more than gentle with her.

  She reached out and ran one finger over Jordan’s cock, base to tip. His skin felt hot, and the twin sensations of softness and hardness nearly overwhelmed her. She didn’t think she’d touched him beyond a delicate caress, but his cock seemed to bounce in response to it. The sound of Jordan inhaling through his teeth told her that small touch had pleasured him.

  She glanced up at him and received his smile in return.

  “Go on, sweetheart. I can take it.”

  “No, I want to take it,” she said. Leaning forward, she inhaled deeply, drawing his scent into her. The sound he made could have been a groan of pain except she knew it wasn’t.

  Bracing herself on her hands and knees, she leaned in until she could nuzzle Jordan’s stiff shaft, breathe him in right there at the base, and blow lightly on the hair that nested his cock.

  “Jesus.” Peter’s one word came out on a strangled sigh. “You’re a stronger man than I knew, babe. I don’t know if I could take that kind of torture.”

  “Mmm, let’s see if you can.” Tracy had been going to treat Peter to t
he same inspection anyway. She only had to shift a few inches. This close she could see a few differences in their penises. Jordan’s was a bit longer, but Peter’s seemed thicker. Of course, here, Peter’s complexion was just a bit darker, too, a reflection of his Hispanic heritage.

  She stroked Peter’s cock with one finger exactly as she had done with Jordan’s and noticed the same velvety softness of the skin encasing the hard, erect muscle, and the same bounce in response. It was as if their cocks leapt for joy. Flicking a glance upward, she leaned in and nuzzled him, inhaling deeply.


  His fingers combed through her hair, then cupped her head. She felt him tremble, just before he eased her back. She might be a virgin, but she understood she’d pushed both him and Jordan to their limits.

  “Sometime in the next day or so, Blondie, we’ll have you in this position again, and you’re going to do a hell of a lot more than inhale us.” Peter’s voice had dipped low, becoming an incredibly erotic sound that shivered through her.

  “Oh, yeah,” Jordan agreed. “But right now, it’s our turn to touch and sniff and drive you wild.”

  Peter gave her a gentle shove. Tracy went with it, sprawling out onto her back, thrilled beyond anything when both men immediately crawled onto the bed and flanked her.

  “Did you do this for us?” Jordan’s hand brushed her bare pussy.

  She understood he asked if she’d shaved for them. “Maybe.” Then she grinned. “I’ve never liked hair between my legs.”

  “Now that could be a problem.” Peter stretched out on her left side, turned so that he faced her, and propped his head up the same way she had done earlier.

  Tracy frowned. “A problem?”

  “Mmm.” He stroked a hand down the left side of her body, tweaking her nipples, caressing her belly.

  “Because.” Jordan’s hand caressed her right side in cadence with his lover’s. “We’re both going to have our heads between your legs. And I’m pretty sure that neither one of us is willing to shave our heads first.”

  “Oh, God.” Just the idea of feeling their mouths on her pussy had her shivering inside.

  “No, sweetheart, not nearly. We’re just men.” Jordan leaned over and cupped her face. He kissed her, his lips firm and hungry on hers. His mouth opened wide, and his tongue delved deeply into her, stroking hers, exciting her beyond measure.

  Soft and sensuous, nearly reverent, his lips savored her, wooing her senses completely. She drank him in, stroking with her tongue, absorbing his taste the way she imagined a parched woman would absorb a cold drink of water.

  Jordan moved, his lips leaving hers to sip and sample her neck and shoulder. Fingers on her chin turned her head to the left. Her eyes drifted shut as Peter’s mouth settled on hers.

  More forceful, maybe a little greedier, Peter devoured her, his tongue penetrating her mouth in a rhythm that made her hips twitch.

  Everything inside her came alive with the touches of these men. Hands cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples, pulling gently, then kneading and petting until she whimpered and writhed.

  Masculine chuckles vibrated against her moist flesh as mouths moistened where fingers had awakened, so that her nipples, pebbled and wet, shivered for more. Soft caresses explored her body, hands brushed over a stomach filled with butterflies and electric sparklers. Down her legs and up her thighs those seducing fingers traveled until finally, finally, they stroked and teased her slit.

  “Oh, oh, yes.” Dreaming of this moment, she’d pleasured herself, used her own fingers on and in her pussy to stroke and delve, to arouse and excite, but never had those untutored efforts felt as full, as primal, or as exciting as this.

  Unable to resist, her hips chased those teasing touches. Desperation for more, more, and still more began to build inside her.

  “Baby, you’re so hot for us.” Jordan’s words brushed the underside of her breast.

  Tracy whimpered as two hands took turns brushing over her pussy, teasing her clit. And then she moaned in pure bliss when she felt fingers probing gently at the opening to her vagina.

  “So wet, too,” Jordan said. She felt him move on the bed, lever himself above her as he kissed a trail down her rib cage.

  Peter continued to pet and tease her pussy, and Tracy could swear she felt her labia swell and moisture gather to coat her passage in preparation for what was to come.

  Then Peter’s hand left her. Before she could complain about that, Jordan moved, hunkered down between her spread legs, and gave her slit and her clit a long, luscious lick.

  Chapter 6

  Jordan had never been one to spend a lot of energy talking with a woman when he had her naked in his bed. He preferred instead to just dive into the mutual pleasure to be had.

  But Tracy wasn’t just any woman. She was the one woman he’d secretly wanted for a very long time. She was special, and a virgin. She deserved to be treated not just with gentleness but in a way that would make her feel special. In years to come, when she thought back to her first time, he wanted the memories to be good ones.

  “Did you know that I’ve dreamed of you?” And he still couldn’t believe she was really here, like this, with them. He’d said once they had her, they’d never let her go. But he was man enough—he hoped—to understand that this, her first affair, may only be her first. When the time came, though he knew it would break both their hearts, he and Peter would have to let her go.

  But for now, she was theirs. He kissed her inner thigh, a treasuring kiss. Then, as she had done with them, he breathed her in.

  The scent of her woman’s flesh aroused him and made his mouth water. His need for her soared.

  “Jordan.” She reached down and stroked her fingers through his hair.

  Her eyes sparkled, and he knew that giving her these words had been the right decision. By God, no matter how many lovers she had in the years to come after she moved on from them, she would remember him and Peter.

  “I’ve dreamed of having you right here, like this. I’ve dreamed that I was free to do whatever I wanted to you, with you.” He let his gaze meet Peter’s. How did he know that man would be looking at him in just that way, with such tenderness and pride in his eyes?

  Maybe this was meant to be, all of this. Maybe this moment was the right moment, and these two lovers, the right two lovers. They shared a chemistry, an electricity, as Peter had said. Jordan didn’t know how long it would last. Tracy wasn’t too young to be their lover, but she was still young, and about to embark on her first sexual experience. He couldn’t expect her to stay with them forever. All they really had was now, and for now, he would seize the moment and to hell with the consequences.

  Tracy reached out and combed her fingers through his hair once more. “You are free to do whatever you want to me and with me.” She tilted her head and looked at Peter, who was stretched out beside her, his hand stroking her arm. “Both of you are.”

  Jordan grinned. “A generous offer, considering you have no idea, really, what all we want to do with you. You can’t possibly know the value of that blank check you just handed us.”

  Tracy’s expression turned grave, but the humor in her eyes gave her away. “I’ve done a lot of reading on the subject over the last couple of years. I do believe I have a pretty good understanding of all available options.”

  “That would indicate an open mind.” Peter inched closer to Tracy and began to play in earnest with her breasts. “I like that.”

  Jordan didn’t want to wait another moment. He’d had one brief taste of her. He needed more.

  He opened his mouth and set it on her slit, then moved his head back and forth, spreading moisture, gathering flavor. Her muskiness rose up, hot and sweet, and he prepared to gorge himself on it, and her.

  Tracy gasped and arched her back. Jordan smiled, but never took his mouth from her. He used his tongue to taste her, to tease her, and to penetrate her body. Her silky sheath rippled along the length of his invading organ, as if by flexing h
er muscles she could hold him within her, make him her prisoner.

  If she only knew. He was her prisoner already, and willingly so.

  Her flesh, soft and hot, pulsed under his ministrations. She moaned and began to move her hips to the primal rhythm of Eros. Her whimpers spoke of growing desperation, and Jordan chuckled softly into her dewy folds. His hands reached around and cupped the globes of her ass. He squeezed her soft flesh gently. Ours. He shifted his grip just slightly to better hold her down, hold her open for his pleasure, and hers.

  “Oh, God! Please…more. It feels so good. I want more.”

  He could taste her juices as each undulation of her hips gave him another few drops of her honeyed nectar. It didn’t matter that his cock hardened almost painfully. Tracy’s pleasure and Peter’s, whose cock stood straight and stiff as he watched him tongue her, that was all that mattered, and Jordan immersed himself in giving that pleasure to them both.

  He slowed the stroke of his tongue, lapping all around but not touching her clit. The slower loving brought her down, just a little. When the tension in her thighs eased, he removed his right hand from her and reached up to fondle Peter’s cock.

  “Mm.” Peter surged into his hand, his passion clearly rising.

  Tracy’s hand joined Jordan’s, and between them they had Peter’s cock surrounded. They stroked him in unison, and Jordan thrilled that the three of them were connected physically as they already were spiritually. Jordan gazed up over her belly and felt everything inside him soften and turn right when Peter kissed her. They shared a hot, opened-mouth kiss that Jordan could have sworn he tasted, too.

  He licked Tracy’s pussy, back and forth until her clit stood hard and erect, quivering under his attention. He released her left hip and brushed fingers against her opening, then gently slid one digit into her. Her passage felt hot and tight and wet and so damn good he had to work hard not to come. Focusing on his woman, he used a second finger in addition to the first, and as he delved deeper, he spread his fingers slightly, marveling at the tightness of her sheath.


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