Enticed By You

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Enticed By You Page 5

by Amy Muscat

  An arm wraps around my shoulders startling me and making me jump.

  “And what were you going to do when you saw me?”

  Speak of the devil...

  “Jimmy! Don’t sneak up on me like that, for god’s sake.”

  “Well, I was going to smack you, and call you a blackmailing bastard, but I just can’t be bothered to do it now,” I told him grinning.

  Jimmy was a big guy, maybe a little smaller than John, but he was still a big guy. He was in his 50’s, had light brown hair, graying in most places, but there was still some in there that was brown and it didn’t look like he was gonna go bald anytime soon. He had the same blue eyes as Amelia, but his eyes were wise- whereas Amelia’s was a tad naïve, which is why Jimmy is just slightly overprotective of her. He was one of the nicest boss’s you’ll ever come across, especially in this industry. Or so I’d been told.

  Chuckling at me, he gave my shoulder a squeeze and said “Alright sweetheart?” Amelia nodded back and smiled.

  “Okay, I’ve gotta go start getting ready, I’ll see you in a bit, hon,” I said, grabbing my bags and walking to the back where our changing room was.

  “Yeah, see ya,” she said, sounding distracted, probably already getting back into her book.


  Walking through the changing room, I saw all of the girls I was working with tonight.

  I got on with most of them, but there were a few that I didn’t. I did set shifts and these weren’t the girls I would usually work with and they were the girls that everyone called ‘The dirty girls’ and it’s no wonder why Jimmy had got them to work tonight.

  “Hey Emerald, how’s it going? Didn’t think you’d be here, thought you didn’t do bachelor parties?”

  Hearing that, I turned and saw Sara or ‘Lucky’ as the people called her in here. She was blond with big boobs, looked ditzy but was actually studying to be an accountant. She was two years older than me, and had been a stripper for three years now and knew how to make her money. She was one of the few girls I actually liked here.

  “Hey, I’m alright, yeah, I know, but Jimmy being Jimmy asked me to and I was about to say no when he reminded me that I’ve got stuff to pay for in a couple of weeks, so here I am,” I told her with a shrug of my shoulders.

  “Well, at least I’ve got someone I like here to work with. Otherwise, this would be a long ass shift.”

  Agreeing with her I nodded and walked over to the nearest available locker and started getting undressed down to my underwear and took out the first dress that I was wearing tonight; it was a dark red that matches my hair, short, but covers my ass, backless and was like a second skin when it was on. I teamed it up with a black lacy bra and panties and 5inch black heels, before pulling out my perfume and make-up bag.

  Walking over to the mirror, I started the process of becoming ‘Emerald.' I coated my eyes with mascara and black eye shadow going with the Smokey effect and red lips, before tousling my hair to make it bigger. Stepping back, I hated the woman looking back at me. When Lottie and I went out last night, I felt great, I looked classy but glam for my age, but when I was in my stripping gear, I felt and looked like a high-end hooker.

  Sighing as I looked at myself in the mirror, I stepped back and walked over to the lockers and pulled my dress on and slipped my feet into the heels that were going to make my feet hurt later, before grabbing my small clutch, cell and lip gloss. Shutting the locker, I took the key out and put it in my bag.

  Taking a calming breath, I started walking out to the front and saw Kitty ‘the bitch’- as I had deemed her- giving me daggers from the corner of her eye, so I turned and waved a sarcastically at her, causing her pig nose to scrunch up before turning back to the mirror. I laughed out loud and continued walking out.

  Walking back through the club, I looked to my left and saw one of the girls already on the big stage that dominated most of the club floor. The stage had three poles; one to the left, one to the right and one in the middle. Below that there were low tables and chairs for the men to sit, or stand, it was up to them really. The clubs color theme was red, black and silver.

  I spotted a couple of regulars, some that were pleasant and some that weren’t, sitting at the tables. Some watching the girl on stage, some talking to the other girls. I also spotted the man who had come into my coffee shop the other day, and noticed that he was looking in my direction, so I gave him a fake smile before going over to the bar, and giving Amelia my fee before I forgot again, and pulled myself up onto a bar stool, and asking for a diet coke.

  “I’ll get that for her,” a man’s voice said before I could get my money out.

  Turning I saw the same man, offering to buy my drink. Wishing he hadn’t as I try to avoid this as much as I can, I put my game face on and turned off Peyton and pulled Emerald to the front.

  “Oh, thank you sugar that’s very nice of you,” I said all with a smile.

  “That’s no problem Emerald, I always buy a pretty lady a drink if she wants one,” he told me giving me what he probably thought was a dazzling smile, but it just came off as creepy.

  “What a gentleman, so what’s your name sugar?”

  “Andrew. Andrew Whiteman,” he said while holding his hand out for me to shake.

  Hiding my grimace, I did just that.

  “Emerald, but you already knew that.”

  Laughing at me like I’d said something funny, he nodded, and his laugh gave me chills, and not the good kind.

  “Yeah, I know your name, but not your real name, though I’d love to know that,” he said.

  Giving him a fake giggle and giving his left bicep a little slap, I told him that, that wasn’t allowed.

  “I know, but I thought I’d ask.”

  My drink being put down in front of me brought my attention to Amelia and away from ‘Andrew the creeper.'

  “That’ll be three dollars, please.”

  “You sure you don’t want a vodka in that?”

  “No thank you, I don’t drink alcohol when I’m working,” I told him.

  “Okay. I’ve only got $100 bills. Can you change that?” He asked Amelia in an arrogant tone, and looking at me from his peripheral to see if I was paying attention probably.

  “Yes I can... you dick,” she said quietly in the end. I don’t think Andrew heard, and I had to hide my laugh by biting my lip.

  “Well, cheers,” I said, holding my glass up for him to tap him.


  When Amelia came back with his change and slapped it on the bar I turned to her when Andrew fished his wallet back out and started putting the notes back in perfectly, weirdo, and looked imploringly at her silently begging her with my eyes to help me get away from the creeper.

  “Oh Emerald, I forgot to tell you Jimmy was asking for you about ten minutes ago, he said to meet him in the office,” she was a fucking life saver and I could have kissed her, but that wouldn’t be too inconspicuous of me to do that in front of him.

  “Oh, okay, I better go now then, before the rush starts or I get into trouble, thanks for telling me.” Giving her a quick glance, I knew she could tell that I was most grateful. Spinning back to face Andrew, I told him thank you for the drink and that I’d see him later.

  “Alright, I’ll see you soon,” he said, mumbling in the end about something that I didn’t catch.

  Walking over to Jimmy’s office, I knocked twice and heard him say to come in before I opened the door and shut it behind me.

  Jimmy’s office was a large room just off the back near the bar’s entrance. It was a warm, cozy space; with cream colored walls and brown carpet, oak furniture and a big couch that sits about five people. An open fireplace and a mini bar in the corner with all his favorite drinks in the optics.

  “What can I do for you Peyton?” Jimmy asked me.

  “Oh, I just needed to get away from Andrew the creeper,” I said with a shiver when I said his name.

  “Andrew the creeper?” He asked me, laughing at

the name.

  “Don’t. He’s the man that I was just sitting with at the bar and there’s just something about him that I don’t like.”

  “Why has he said anything to you, or asked for anything? ‘Cause if he has, tell me now and I’ll get him kicked out and he’ll never be allowed in again,” always the savoir Jimmy. As I said before, he’s a great boss and would do anything for any of his girls that work here, but I know he has a soft spot for me.

  “No, he hasn’t done anything like that, he just very arrogant and a bit full of himself, I don’t know I just don’t get on with him. Thank you though, I’ll tell you if he ever does.”

  “That’s fine Peyton, you know I love you like a daughter. Did you pay your fee?”

  “Yeah, I gave it to Amelia,” I told him

  “Did you pay the $150?” I nodded “Take $50 back, you done me a favor coming in tonight, and before you argue with me, put it in Ivy’s jar for me, okay?” He said in a voice I’ve learned not to argue with.

  “Thanks Jim, I’ll do that tonight. Oh, speaking of Ivy, can I quickly call her from my cell in here?”

  “Yeah, sure, tell her Uncle Jimmy say’s hello. I gotta go to the front, the men will be arriving in a minute and I’ve gotta go greet them.”

  “Okay, thanks Jimmy, I’ll see you in a bit,” smiling gratefully at him. Such a great man.

  Nodding at me he was already walking out the door and closing it behind him.

  I pulled my iPhone out of my bag and called my parents’ home number, they should’ve had their dinner by now, and Ivy should almost be ready to go bed.

  Picking up on the fifth ring, my dad answered with his gruff voice.

  “Hey dad, how’re you?”

  “Oh hey Pey, I’m fine, your mom’s just dressing Ivy, she just got out of the bath. What you up to tonight?”

  Remembering what I’d told my mom, I told him that Lottie and I were having a girl’s night in.

  “Oh... sounds like fun,” sounding like he had no clue what a girl's night entails, and I suppose he wouldn’t.

  Laughing at him, I heard Ivy’s voice in the background and my dad telling her I was on the phone.

  “Okay, sweetheart, I’m gonna go ‘cause Ivy’s gonna rip the phone from me and will probably end the call again before anyone can say bye, so bye, love you sweets.”

  “Bye dad, love you lots.”

  A couple seconds later Ivy’s sweet voice came on the line.

  “Hey baby!”

  “Hi momma! I miss you lots, but I’ve only got one sleep ‘til you get here nana said,” she told me.

  My heart squeezed at her admission of missing me. I missed her so much too.

  “I miss you too baby so much, but nana’s right, it’s only one more sleep and I’ll see you okay? Right baby, I gotta go ‘cause my dinners done and the movies about to start, so I’ll see you tomorrow okay baby? Love you lot’s,” I told her with emotion in my voice.

  “Otay momma I see you tomorrow love you lot’s,” she said before hanging up the phone for the second time today.

  Laughing quietly to myself, I put my cell back in my bag and walked out of the office and into the now busy club.

  Putting my game face back on I smiled at a couple of the men that were clearly here for the party, as they had on badges saying ‘I’M HERE WITH THE FUCKING IDIOT’ on their shirts, chuckling to myself, I walked back over to the bar and asked Harry, the other barman, for a bottle of water and after giving him the money I turned around inspecting the place, looking for the main man, and saw him with about 20 men surrounding him and about 7 or 8 girls, so I think I’ll avoid going over there.

  I spotted a small group of guys standing over to the side and walked over to them.

  “Hello guys.”

  Simultaneously all four men turned around to look at me and smiled big at me and said hello back.

  Here we go.

  “So you looking forward to tonight?”

  The one with the blue shirt on spoke up, “Yeah, it should be good, looking forward to seeing you up there,” giving me the usual leering smile that 90% of the men that come in here give me, lusty eyes that run down my body from my chest to my feet. It makes me feel sick.

  I cringe slightly, like I haven’t heard that one before.

  Giving them a fake laugh, I told them that I couldn’t wait either.

  Hearing my stage name being called I turned around and saw Jimmy waving me over, looking back at the four men I told them I’d see them soon, to which they nodded at me and I turned back to walk over to Jimmy.

  “You’re on in five minutes Pey,” he said to me.

  “What? I’m the first on the stage?” I asked confused.

  “Yeah, I know you don’t like these sort of things, so I thought if you go up first, your times done and out of the way for at least an hour. Anyway in the meantime you could do a couple private dances at least you’ll make $50 a pop on them. Are you okay with that? ‘Cause if not tell me now and I’ll ask another girl and you could go on after, it’s up to you.”

  “No, it’s fine, actually that’s better, ‘cause I can do my stage dance before they start getting drunk and rowdy, thanks for thinking of me Jim,” I said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and with a tint of pink to his face he waved me off and told me to go get ready to perform.

  I walked over to the changing rooms and waved at the bouncer, who stands at the door so none of the men try and go in there. He gave me a small smile and a nod with his head.

  Walking up to the mirror I gave my lips a quick touch up and took a deep breath before walking to the side door that lead to the stairs that take me to the stage.

  I saw Paul the DJ standing at his designated spot, just off the side of the stage, so we can tell him what songs we want on. I went over to him and told him what song I wanted and with a nod he went through his laptop and found it, giving me a thumbs up, he grabbed the mic and started to announce my arrival to the stage.

  “Gentlemen if I could interrupt you all, could you all give your attention to the stage and welcome the beautiful Emerald, performing for you all. Give her a warm welcome guys.” This got all the men clapping, before the lights started to go down, it was almost pitch black, with just a small glow of light hitting the stage.

  Taking another deep breath, even bigger than before, I walked on to the stage and got in front of the pole and waited for my intro.

  ‘Birds flying high

  You know how I feel

  Sun in the sky

  You know how I feel

  Breeze driftin’ on by

  You know how I feel

  It’s a new dawn

  It’s a new day

  It’s a new life

  For me

  And I’m feeling good...

  I started swaying my hips along with the beat and the trumpets, hearing all the wolf whistling and cat calls.

  I shimmied all the way down and back up the pole again.

  ‘Fish in the sea

  You know how I feel...

  I grabbed the pole and slowly spun on it using one leg, before coming off it again and teasingly started pulling my dress up inch by inch showing them my lace-clad ass before pulling it back down and covering it, hearing them boo. You can’t get naked too quickly, it’s a 4 minute song and I couldn’t stand there naked for that long, fuck that.

  I started rocking my hips back and forth, rolling them to the rhythm, hearing them clapping, more whistling and the odd vulgar comment, I tried to block it out.

  ‘Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean don’t you know

  Butterflies all havin’ fun you know what I mean

  Sleep in peace when day is done

  That’s what I mean

  And this old world is a new world

  And a bold world

  For me....

  I pulled my dress over my head, shaking my hair out, standing there in my underwear I got the feeling that I was being watched, which was stupid, of cours
e, I’m being watched, I’m in the middle of doing a strip tease, but this felt different, I could Feel it in my bones, it felt familiar and penetrating, so I opened my eyes backup and looked around the crowd of lustful men and couldn’t find a single person that I know outside of work. Shaking the odd feeling off, it must just be where there was a lot more men tonight than usual, I started to take my bra off...

  ‘Stars when you shine

  You know how I feel

  Scent of the pine

  You know how I feel

  Oh freedom is mine

  And I know how I feel

  It’s a new dawn

  It’s a new day

  It’s a new life...

  I climbed up the pole, working my arms and spun upside down, opened my legs while there, before sliding myself down to the ground and gripped the edges of my panties and pushed them down my legs, quickly kicking them off. It was like taking a Band-Aid off when it came to that part, the quicker you do it, the quicker it’s over. You could feel the place roar when I did that and I turned my back to them and climbed back up the pole, and did some tricks that I knew they’d like; spinning around it fast, gripping it with my thighs and lowering myself back down. With one hand, I gripped the pole, while with the other I reached above my head making it look like I was reaching for them, which they did like.

  ‘I’m feeling good

  I feel so good

  I feel so good...’

  The song finished on those lyrics, how ironic, and with me doing the splits on the pole, standing up, one leg firmly on the ground while the other was parallel to my upper body and I bowed my head so it was touching my ankle and heard a thunderous clap from the fifty or so men here.

  I grabbed my money, clothes and underwear from the stage as the lights went dim again and quickly-walked off the stage.


  My heart was pounding in my chest. God that was a lot more men out there than I was used to. And that feeling, I didn’t like it, it felt personal. I really do hope there wasn’t anyone that I know out there.


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