Hestaesia: Lost in Love

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Hestaesia: Lost in Love Page 29

by K. L. Thorne

  The pastry had been so fine and buttery, paired with beautifully soft pieces of chicken and a thick, well-seasoned sauce... And vegetables! The faerie smiled to herself, feeling a wave of contentment wash over her.

  Lori still couldn't quite believe the day's events. What had begun as one of the more terrifying moments of her short, uneventful life, had ended with comfort and acceptance as she had never known.

  Magna was truly an angel in disguise. Though the aged woman had every reason to want to throw Faye and herself out – she had been the nurse and maid to King Tennul, the demon their father had infamously slaughtered only decades before – she had been nothing but accommodating.

  Yet again, Lori couldn't help but make comparisons between how kindly her demon companions had treated both her and her sister, and how unfavourable their treatment would have been if they had been demon princesses picked up by her father's men. She shuddered. Thoughts for another time, for sure.

  “You're very welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.” Magna smiled, her eyes creasing at the corners. “I do so love to see young women eating heartily. So many of you worry unnecessarily about your figures.”

  Lori caught Lephas's eye across the table. The demon grinned at her, his dark eyes sparkling affectionately. She kicked him playfully under the table.

  “Oh, please,” Indi scoffed from beside her. “As if either of them would need to worry about their figures. They're both gorgeous.” The faerie laughed, taking a sip of dark red wine.

  Lori smiled and gently tapped her own glass against the girl's in thanks.

  “This wine is beautiful, Magna.” Faye nodded, sniffing the liquid appreciatively. “I can't believe you made it yourself.”

  Magna flapped her hand dismissively. “Ah, it was just a trivial pursuit really. Something I thought would be a bit of fun a few summers back.”

  Lori took a sip, soaking in the warmth of mild intoxication that had flooded her senses. She watched Lephas over the rim of her glass, silently delighted when he met her eye again.

  Feeling brave, and a little tipsy, she fixed him with a sultry gaze. The princess licked a drop of wine from her bottom lip slowly and her heart skipped a beat when the demon's eyes dipped to watch the movement.

  She needed to touch him, skin to skin, so badly she ached. Finally beginning to feel fully rejuvenated, Lori was painfully aware that she and her demon had some unfinished business.

  Lori's stomach churned with nerves and excitement. She wanted to have sex with him, as soon as possible.

  There was no denying she was a little apprehensive. It had been a long while since her last sexual encounter and, in honesty, it had been overly pleasurable for her. Lori was worried. What if it was awkward, or she did something stupid to ruin it? What if she wasn't very good?

  The princess pushed her questions to the back of her mind, the alcohol helping considerably. She may have had concerns, but they were far outweighed by her desires and her curiosity.

  There was no doubt that Lephas's talent in bed would more than compensate for any bumbling errors she might make. She knew he would be willing to teach her what to do. He was nothing but patient, kind and oh-so considerate. Lori shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Faye asked from her other side and unfurled the blanket she still had draped over her knees to share it with her sister.

  “Thanks.” Lori smiled, awkwardly accepting the blanket.

  “The snow is still coming down out there.” Oriel glanced out through the larger window above the kitchen sink. It had long since grown dark but the large, heavy flakes could be seen, illuminated by the moons above.

  “I love the snow,” Indi sighed, sipping from her glass. She pulled the shawl she had donned tighter around her shoulders.

  Though Lori would never admit it, the beautiful faerie made her feel self-conscious. Despite living in Awrelwood, the faerie capital, she had never seen anyone quite as stunningly beautiful as Indi.

  Her hair tumbled down her back in thick, glossy black curls, those bright, intelligent violet eyes, not to mention her killer body…

  Lori knew her own hair was a bit of a mess and she felt positively scrawny and flat-chested next to the bombshell-like curves of Indi. Surely the girl's extraordinary beauty hadn't gone unnoticed by her demon?

  Lori glanced across at Lephas, surprised to see him already looking at her. She blushed, frowning playfully at him.

  “What?” She mouthed at him, feeling her cheeks heat.

  Lephas didn't reply, just shrugged and shook his head. He smiled into his glass as he took a few large gulps of water. He wasn't a fan of wine, by all accounts.

  “So do I.” Faye agreed.

  “Maybe we can go for a ride tomorrow, if it's cleared up?” Indi suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

  “That would be fun.” her sister exclaimed. Lori chuckled softly, she knew Faye all too well. The two girls were going to be fast friends if ponies were involved.

  “Oriel, be a dear and clear the table?” Magna asked the prince, patting his forearm affectionately.

  “Sure.” He agreed, quickly draining his glass of wine as he got to his feet. Lephas stood and started to help gather things together without being asked.

  With Indi and Faye engrossed in a conversation about horses, Lori turned her attention to Magna with a kind smile.

  “How are you feeling now?” the old demon asked.

  “Much better, thank you. I don't know how I'll ever–” Lori's sentiments were cut off as she hid a large yawn behind her fist. “–repay you.”

  Magna laughed softly. “I think maybe it's time to retire to our chambers once the boys have finished cleaning up. You darlings must be exhausted.”

  “Yes.” Lori sighed, watching Lephas and Oriel chatting easily between one another at the sink. She couldn't make out what they were talking about, but she had a feeling the prince was teasing her demon about something again.

  She had to admit, Oriel hadn't been anything like she had expected. After his initial, and understandable, distrust, the man had quickly relaxed around them.

  He had a wicked sense of humour and was handsome beyond all reason, a dangerous combination that poor Indi seemed to have been completely suckered in by; if the doe eyes the faerie made at the prince were anything to go by.

  Though she didn't exactly have a wide expanse of knowledge when it came to men, even Lori had recognised Oriel as trouble. He had 'scoundrel' written all over him.

  It was yet another trait she was confident she didn't need to look out for in her own demon. Her heart fluttered happily.

  “Where is your bathroom?” Lori asked Magna.

  “Just down the corridor and to the left. You can't miss it. The door has pine cones carved in it.”

  “Lovely, thank you.” She dipped her head in thanks and carefully untangled herself from Faye's blanket. Her sister didn't even look up, still in deep conversation with Indi.

  Lori carefully picked her way around the busy kitchen and tip toed across the cool slate floor. Lephas and Oriel still had their backs to the table, stood side by side and both up to their forearms in soapy water in the sink.

  As she passed, she trailed her fingers over the small of the commander's back. He had long since removed his leather jacket and it was still a novelty to be able to feel his flesh so easily though his undershirt.

  Lori didn't pause to check if she had elicited a response, just swanned as gracefully as she could manage towards the bathroom. She focussed on not falling over, ignoring the jelly-like sensation in her legs from the wine.

  She easily located the bathroom and was relieved beyond measure when she opened the door to reveal a large copper bath tub. Maybe Magna would allow her to take a bath tomorrow. The old woman would never know how much she would appreciate it.

  Alone in the dark, cold tiled room Lori shivered. A single row of candles was the only light source, making the room flicker and waver.

  The faerie hurriedly relieved herself
and buttoned back into her trousers, struggling to pull the tight leather back over her thighs

  She couldn't wait to change into some normal clothes. Though she hadn't packed much, Lori knew she had one or two of her favourite garments rolled up in the bottom of her satchel.

  With a secret smile, she recalled packing a small, egg shell blue silk nightdress before she had left Awrelwood.

  Lori's stomach fizzed wondering what Lephas would think of the article of clothing. If she really was to sleep separately from him again this evening, she would need to engineer an excuse for him to 'accidentally' see her in it.

  Excited to get her plan in motion, she hurriedly exited the bathroom. The faerie had just pulled the door closed behind her when a familiar voice spoke.

  “Oh, there you are.” The commander smiled, walking towards her down the short corridor.

  “Hey, you,” Lori purred. “What are you doing?”

  “I just put your things in Indi's room for you.” The demon motioned over his shoulder. “Come on, I'll show you. Faye is already in there helping Indi set up the camp bed.”

  Lephas tried to turn but before he could, Lori reached out and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. No words were needed.

  The demon stooped and took her face in his hands, kissing her roughly. Lori whimpered, surprised and delighted in equal measure by his forcefulness.

  The kiss was fleeting, ending as quickly as it had started. The princess vacantly allowed Lephas to steer her towards a softly lit, cosy bedroom.

  The room was beautiful, just like Indi herself. Soft, large knit woollen blankets, all in varying shades of pink, adorned the bed. The old-fashioned iron double frame took up most of the small room but it somehow just added to the aesthetic.

  Every surface was littered with pretty pebbles, shells, and trinkets. A small fire glowed comfortingly in the far corner.

  Faye and Indi looked up from the ancient wooden camp bed frame they were trying to erect as Lephas pushed Lori through the door.

  “Do you girls need anything else?” he asked.

  “No, thank you Lephas.” Indi smiled and shook her head. “I think we're all good.”

  “Okay, well, I'm only on the chair out here if you need me.” The demon nodded back in the direction of the lounge area. “And Oriel will be at the end of the hall.”

  “Are you going to be alright sleeping on that thing?” Lori spun on her heel, fighting to keep from looking too disappointed.

  “I'm sure I'll manage. Anything will be better than that travel mattress.” Lephas laughed.

  “It wasn't that bad.”

  “Says you. You spent most of your time using me as your mattress,” the commander retorted. Before Lori could answer him, he began to pull the door shut. “Goodnight ladies.”

  “Goodnight.” They chorused.

  Indi and Faye turned their attention back to the bed. An old, rusted hinge creaked as they unfolded the frame.

  “Sleep well,” Lori all but whispered, disappointment settling at the bottom of her stomach.

  “Sweet dreams, Princess,” Lephas replied, with a heart-stopping smile. He quietly pulled the door closed behind him with a click.

  Guess that's my plan to seduce him with my sexy nightwear out the window.

  Lori sighed irritably and turned to watch her sister and the faerie.

  “He's such a sweetheart,” Indi cooed as she and Faye tugged the camp frame up onto its legs. She warily pressed her weight into it.

  “You are such a lucky bitch.” Faye scowled, grabbing the lightweight mattress and slotting it into place on the bed.

  “I know.” Lori sighed happily with a wide smile. She reached for her satchel and began to dig through her belongings for the nightdress.

  “I'm so jealous of both of you,” Faye complained and started to unlace the intricate corset laces on her own thick winter wear.

  “You travelled here with Raxx, didn't you? Do you not find him handsome?” Indi asked, getting to her feet.

  Lori watched enviously as the faerie pulled her simple blue dress up over her head, revealing a body she could only dream of. Though Indi was only wearing simple white cotton underwear, she made it look better than any of the world's fanciest lace and silk. Her large, pert breasts were barely contained by her brassier. The globes threatened to spill out as she leant forward.

  Lori glanced down at her own meagre breasts, barely visible through the thick woollen tunic she was wearing.

  “That's not the problem,” Faye continued as she undressed. “I find him very attractive but he's avoiding me, I think.”

  “Just since you met up with us? Or before that?” Lori asked curiously, turning her back to pull her tunic and silk undershirt off over her head shyly.

  “Since I met him. He's been sending me such mixed messages,” her sister grumbled. “I did think he was interested in me for a while, but now I don't know. Maybe he's changed his mind.”

  “Men are so complicated.” Indi agreed.

  “If you don't mind my asking, what exactly is going on between you and Oriel?” Lori asked, lowering her voice. She slipped the nightdress over her head and bent forward to slide her leather trousers off, bringing her underwear down with them. Though the nightdress was short, it wasn't obscene. She didn't have the energy to go searching for a clean pair.

  “That's complicated as well.” Indi smiled, buttoning the front of her simple cotton pyjamas closed. The faerie reached beneath and, after a little shuffling around, pulled her brassier free. Lori was disappointed to note that Indi’s large breasts seemed to stay just as perky without the item's assistance.

  “Are you an item? What's so complicated?” Faye probed, finally ridding herself of her laced shirt. Her sister had chosen to don a simple silk undershirt, not unlike her own. Faye seemed happy to sleep in hers. The faerie got to her feet and began shuffling out of her thick riding breeches.

  “Yes and no. We are, um, intimate,” Indi hedged. “But I live here with Magna, so I don't get to see him all that often.”

  “How exactly have you come to be here, anyway?” Lori asked curiously and clambered into the bed. The old frame creaked and groaned loudly.

  “It's a long story. Magna found me as a babe and took me in. We have no idea where I came from. Oriel didn't really spend a lot of time here when I was growing up - he had already moved away to Banesteppe – but I did spend a few of my early years with Zelrus.” Indi settled herself warily on the old camp bed.

  “Zelrus? What is he like?” Lori swallowed.

  “I love him like a brother. He was always more than kind to me. He even indulged my silly games when I was a tot.” She smiled softly. “Are you worried about meeting him?”

  “Very.” Lori nodded, feeling her gut twist nervously.

  “I haven't seen him for a few years. He's been very busy, and travelling all the way out here to visit us could be dangerous for us all, but he writes us letters from time to time,” Indi continued. “I know Magna misses him terribly, but she understands how important his work is. I don't know what Lephas has told you about him, but he's a kind man. I don't think you'll have anything to worry about.”

  “Really?” Faye sighed with relief, climbing into the bed beside Lori.

  “Really. He's got big boots to fill, from what I've heard of his father. I'm sure he has to stamp his authority with his men, but I know him as my big brother. He never passed judgement on me for being faerie. I can't imagine him being able to hold a grudge with either of you for too long, especially once he gets to know how wonderful you both are.”

  “Thank you for those kind words. I do hope you're right.” Lori felt a small bubble of emotion rising in her chest.

  Lori and Faye readied themselves for sleep, shuffling down underneath the thick, heavy blankets. Lori sighed deeply as her head hit the soft downy pillow.

  “Will you both be alright here for a spell?” Indi asked, getting to her feet once more. “I'm going to get myself a quick glass of water.”
br />   “Sure, though I can't promise we'll still be awake when you get back.” Faye yawned widely.

  “I'll be back in a moment.” The faerie slipped silently out into the dark corridor, leaving the door slightly ajar.

  The sisters lay in comfortable silence for long moments.

  Lori sighed. “What a day… I'm so glad you're here,” she whispered. “Did you and Sivelle get my letter?”

  Faye nodded. “Yes, though it was the very worst letter I've ever had to read. Sivelle and I were heartbroken that you'd left.”

  “I know, I'm so sorry. I–” Lori's voice cracked as she turned over on her hip to face her sister.

  “Hush, there's no need to be.” Faye smiled kindly. “We understood completely. We were just so sad that it had come to that. We missed you terribly.”

  “I missed you both more than you'll ever know.” Lori shifted herself forward to hug her sister tightly. They embraced for a moment before parting.

  “I do hope Sivelle is alright on her own,” Faye mumbled.

  “Me too. Maybe we can try to contact her once we get back to Banesteppe? The demons may know some way we can get a letter to her.”

  “Yes, that would be a good idea.” Faye yawned widely again, her pale blue eyes were heavy and vacant with exhaustion.

  “Come, let's worry about this tomorrow.” Lori tucked the sheets up under her chin. “We both need to sleep.”

  Faye didn't respond, her eyes were already closed. She sighed softly.

  Though she was more tired than she had ever been in living memory, Lori tossed and turned. She felt strangely empty and alone despite the warmth of her sister beside her.

  She felt foolish to admit, even to herself, that she was missing her demon - just as she had the night before. He was only just outside and yet it felt like there were miles between them.

  She had spent her entire life sleeping alone and yet now, after mere days, it felt alien to sleep without him beside her.

  Lori rolled over, restlessly. Faye mumbled something, deep in sleep and twitching gently.

  An hour or more ticked by and yet sleep still refused to envelop her. Lori huffed irritably.

  “This is ridiculous,” she whispered to herself and sat up decisively.


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