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Deliverance Page 1

by T. K. Chapin


  Book Two


  T.K. Chapin

  Copyright © 2015 T.K. Chapin All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  Other Books


  About the Author

  One Last Thing…

  Chapter 1

  The aroma of eggs and bacon sizzling on the wood stovetop filled the early morning air at the Vivac residents, in the housing district of Silvermeer. It had been ten years since Amon and Katlynn had arrived in the town, and they had become quite accustom to their new lives as Illadari and Tessla.

  Coming out from his room off the kitchen, the young Kessler of a mere ten years of age took his seat at the table rubbing his forehead. “Mother, my head feels strange,” he said, as he looked at Tessla, with longing eyes and a frown that she could not resist.

  “What’s the matter my dear?” she asked as she scooped the eggs and bacon onto a plate, and sat them in front of him. As she set the pan back on the stovetop, she comforted Kessler with a soft kiss on the forehead. “My poor, poor Kessler. Whatever will we do?” she asked, as she looked him in the eyes. “I guess we’ll have to take you to Alkein…” She said, with a raised eyebrow.

  “No! I’m fine, I’m fine,” Kessler said as he sat up straight and beamed. “I don’t want to go back to that mean old priest… he’s the meanest man in all Silvermeer!” Kessler exclaimed. “My head only feels strange, it doesn’t really hurt, I promise mother!”

  “Oh Kessler,” Tessla said smiling at him as she returned to the stove to prepare Illadari’s breakfast. “If you are sure you are not ill, I suppose we won’t need to take you to Alkein,” she said as she broke a couple of new eggs into the pan. Kessler nodded quickly as he began to eat his eggs and bacon.

  Coming out from his and Tessla’s bedroom, Illadari greeted Tessla with a kiss and a smile. “Good morning love,” he said wrapping his arms around her. “Breakfast smells delicious!” Illadari said as he joined Kessler at the table.

  “Father! You will never guess what Yesef found down in the sewers the other day!” Kessler said excitedly to his father.

  “The sewers?” Illadari asked with a raised brow. Glancing over at Tessla, she shook her head indicating she knew nothing of the trip Kessler had taken into the sewers. “What did your mother and I tell you about playing in the sewers young man?” Illadari asked.

  “I know… there are rats and creepy things that live down there, but I promise we were safe. We found a dagger with cool etchings! Along with it was also a pouch full of gold and a few potions.”

  “You left it all there right?” Illadari sternly asked.

  “Of course, it wasn’t ours and we didn’t want to get in trouble!”

  Smiling at Kessler, Illadari rubbed his son’s head and nodded as he said, “Good. You should never take anything that doesn’t belong to you.” Tessla brought over her pan from the stove and dished Illadari’s breakfast onto his plate in front of him. Smiling up at her, he said, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome my love,” she said as her heart swelled with happiness. She returned to the stove to make herself a plate for breakfast. As she pushed the eggs in the pan with the wooden spoon, she thought back over the years of her life. Her love for Illadari had started out selfish, and now, she’d do anything she had to for the one’s she loved. Suddenly a knock came from the door, disrupting Tessla’s reminiscing. Kessler speedily ran his plate over to the counter, wiped his mouth with his sleeve and set the plate next to the sink. Tessla bent a knee down, and waited for her kiss on the cheek from Kessler. Kessler smiled and wrapped his arms around Tessla’s neck and planted a kiss on her cheek.

  “Love you mother!” Kessler said.

  “Have a good day at school. Be sure to come straight home. No sewers!”

  “Yes, of course mother.” Running over to his father, Kessler embraced Illadari’s side.

  “Have a good day son,” Illadari said with a smile. Kessler left out the door, joining his companion Yesef, to head to the school that was about a ten minute walk from their home. As the door shut, Illadari turned his attention to Tessla. “He’s a good boy.”

  “He played in the sewers… we told him specifically not to do that!” Tessla said.

  “True. But he also didn’t take any of the stuff he had found. He knows how valuable gold farthlings are; he could have added that to his allowance and got himself something pretty nice at Gimbol’s Sweets and Treats.”

  Tessla glanced out the window as she thought of Kessler, “He really is a good boy.” Tessla smiled scooping her eggs onto her plate. As she took a seat at the table, she paused for a moment before eating. “Your appointment with Quin is at noon. I have placed a piece of gymer bread in your pouch, along with a waterskin for your lunch. That way you won’t have to waste any time coming home, and can proceed straight to Quin’s.”

  Smiling at Tessla, Illadari set his fork down and placed his hand on top of hers. “Thank you. You are a delightful woman, did you know that?” he asked. “You take care of me and this house more than I could ever ask for and I appreciate it greatly, my love.” Leaning over, Illadari kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you,” Tessla said blushing. “I love taking care of you and Kessler,” she said as she started to eat her breakfast. A knock came from the door. They both knew it was Ponio stopping by to have Illadari join him on the walk into work at the Halls of the Living.

  Standing up, Illadari grabbed the pouch with his lunch and kissed Tessla. “I love you. I will see you later on this afternoon.”

  “I love you too,” Tessla said beaming with joy. “Have a wonderful day in the Halls.”

  Chapter 2

  “We need to stop by the general store on our way into the Halls today,” Ponio said as Illadari shut the door behind him.

  “Did Tilvo have a rough night again at the tavern?” Illadari asked with a hearty laugh.

  “He sure did… He has more love for the hops than he does for common sense,” Ponio said. “And one of these nights, he’s going to end up dead and there won’t be anything we can do about it... I don’t understand why he even tries to pick fights with the adventurers… He must already know it’s a losing battle.”

  “Well he used to be one. He most likely does it to prove to himself he still has the gusto in him.”

  “Your point is a valid one,” Ponio replied. Sighing, he contin
ued. “He is an old man… he really should just settle down and tend the needs of his darling Ester and the general store.” Ponio opened the door to Tilvo’s shop letting Illadari in first.

  “Thank Omad!” Tilvo exclaimed. Immediately, Illadari and Ponio noticed Tilvo had something wrong with his leg as he began to hop across the floor up to the both of them. Glancing down at his leg, Illadari saw a large piece of crystalline glass protruding forth from a laceration. He’s lucky he didn’t bleed out already, Illadari thought to himself as he bent down on a knee.

  “You must settle down,” Illadari said softly as he inspected at the wound.

  Tilvo’s head hung a little low in shame as he shook his head, “I’m afraid you’re right. But the hops get in me and make me feel like I did in the old days, strong and mighty!” he said swinging his hands in the air. Standing up, Illadari placed his hand on Tilvo’s shoulder and looked narrowly at him.

  “You know what’s right Tilvo,” Illadari said. Glancing over at Ponio, Illadari nodded, indicating to him that another major healing was needed.

  “Another major healing? That’s the third time this week,” Ponio said pulling out the scroll he needed to heal Tilvo. Ponio reached down to Tilvo’s leg and quickly pulled the glass from his leg causing him to fall back onto the shop’s wooden floor. Tilvo moaned in agony as he laid on the floor grabbing his wounded leg. Illadari cringed thinking of the pain that was coursing through Tilvo’s body. Ponio motioned in the air with one hand while holding the parchment in the other, and casted a major healing onto Tilvo’s leg. His wounds began to mend, and once his leg was about healed fully Illadari helped him up off the floor.

  “Let’s try to stay out of trouble for a bit Tilvo… I understand your cousin Oren pays for all your healing, but he can’t save you if you end up dead,” Illadari said.

  “I will try to do my best High Priests,” Tilvo said bowing his head to both of them. Illadari suddenly grabbed his own chest as pain ripped through it. “Illadari?” Tilvo said worriedly.

  Ponio placed his hand on Illadari’s back, as he tried to bear through the pain surging through his torso. “He’s okay… he’s been having chest pains off and on for a few weeks now,” Ponio said with a nod to Tilvo. Watching intently, Tilvo looked concerned as Illadari walked away from both of them, and tried to get his breathing under control.

  “Has he spoken with Quin?” Tilvo asked curiously.

  With a hand resting against the wall of the shop, Illadari got his breathing under control and said, “I am meeting with her today at noon.” Walking back over to the two of them, he continued, “Hopefully she can determine the issue that’s going on with me. While I have yet to die from the pain, it’s rather uncomfortable and inconvenient.”

  Saying their goodbyes with Tilvo, Illadari and Ponio left the general shop and headed to the Halls to get ready for the day of work ahead of them. On leaving the general store, Ponio turned to Illadari. “How come you did not mention that you were meeting with Quin?”

  “I just had found out this morning that Tessla arranged the visit for me,” Illadari paused for a moment. “I was going to tell you,” he said with a smile as they set foot onward to the Halls.

  Upon arriving at the Halls, Oren stuck his head out of the Bishop Quarters and requested that Illadari come meet with him after they had finished setting up for the day. As the door slammed shut, Illadari’s eyes widened as he looked over at Ponio wondering what Oren was in need of.

  “What do you think it’s about?” Ponio asked curiously as they setup in their healing stations in the alter room just off the main hallway of the Halls.

  “I’m not sure…” Illadari said concerned as he set his pouch down next to his summoning rock. Dipping his hands into the cleansing water, he lowered his head in prayer.

  Omad… Provide strength, power and healing to the weak and afflicted adventurers.

  Walking over to the white stone wall, he grabbed half the medallions that hung on the hooks, which totaled six, and brought them over to his summoning rock. After hanging the medallions on the wall behind him, he sat down. “I’m not worried… well… maybe a tad,” Illadari said looking over at Ponio as Ponio grabbed the rest of the medallions.

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Ponio said.

  “Well, wish me luck!” Illadari said standing up. Leaving the alter room, Illadari headed to the Bishop’s Quarter. Each step he took closer to the door caused Illadari to become more frightened. Did I do something wrong? Illadari wondered.

  Chapter 3

  After cleaning up from breakfast, Tessla ventured out into the town of Silvermeer to make her way to the general store, in search of supplies for their home. She had given Illadari the last of the gymer bread and needed more to go with the stew she planned to cook that evening for supper.

  Upon entering the shop, she noticed her friend Liza browsing the sensual snake oils and quickly turned away to hide herself. I wonder if she and Sam are still having issues? Tessla thought as she looked over at Liza picking up a vial. Making her way to the shelf with the gymer bread quickly, Tessla was trying to be careful not to be spotted, as she feared Liza would be embarrassed browsing the snake oils.

  While checking various loaves of gymer bread, Tessla heard her named from across the shop. “Tessla!” Liza shouted as she ran across the shop floor beaming with a smile. Wrapping her arms around Tessla tightly, her smile growed.

  I guess she doesn’t care who knows about her intimacy issues? Tessla thought as she hugged her friend. “How are you doing?” Tessla asked glancing at the vial of boson berry snap.

  “Things are…” Noticing Tessla saw the vial, she continued, “They are difficult right now honestly…” Her words trailed off but her eyes looked for encouragement in Tessla to continue on.

  “I hope everything ends up good for you,” Tessla said with a smile trying to divert from continuing the conversation. “Sam still in the Guilted Gulf?” she asked hoping to push the conversation to a bit less awkward one.

  “Yes…” Liza’s voice said with a heavy and saddened tone. “He’s home only a few days a month.” To Tessla’s surprise, she lifted the vial and placed it in Tessla’s face, “Have you and Illadari used this before?”

  Overtaken with embarrassment for herself, Tessla quickly grabbed Liza’s hand and shoved it down as she looked around the shop at the other guests. “Stop it!” Tessla whispered loudly to Liza as she continued to glance around the shop. “We don’t use that and if we did, I wouldn’t be talking about it in public!”

  “I’m sorry,” Liza said softly. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

  “It’s okay…” Tessla said. Whispering, she continued, “If you are going to shop for enhancement oils, I suggest you discuss this type of thing with your husband. Not your friends and absolutely not in public.” Squinting at Tessla’s hair, Liza’s eyes fixated on something. Grabbing her own head as she saw Liza looking at it, Tessla asked, “What? Something wrong with my hair?”

  “It’s just strange,” Liza said. Grabbing a few strands of her hair, Liza pulled it over Tessla’s shoulder and showed her the strands of blonde. “See?” Liza asked.

  “That is odd,” Tessla said. I used to have blonde hair… is it coming back through? she wondered. “I will have to keep an eye on it and see what happens… I’m sorry about the oil thing, I know you miss Sam. When’s he due to be back?”

  “Tomorrow,” Liza smiled making eye contact with the vial of oil. “That’s kind of why I was picking this up…” she said excitedly.

  “That’s so gross!” Tessla said smacking her playfully. “You did not need to say that!” she laughed.

  Smiling, Liza said, “You and Illadari should join us for supper tomorrow evening. I know how much Illadari and Sam get along! They’d probably love to catch up.” Tessla laughed a little inside, she knew that Illadari couldn’t stand Sam and all the fishing stories he would tell. Illadari was always a gentleman and would allow him to rattle on for hours about his
stories of the open seas.

  “I’m sure they’ll love it,” Tessla said with a smile.

  “I best be on my way,” Liza said giving Tessla a warm embrace. “It was nice seeing you, and I look forward to having the two of you over tomorrow!” Tessla politely smiled and nodded as she turned and continued with her search through the loaves of gymer bread. Strolling through the store, Tessla ended up with a few loaves of gymer bread, a couple black diamonds and a pinch of salt for the stew.

  As she was fishing for gold pieces from her pouch to pay for the items at the counter, Tilvo asked, “How is life Tessla?”

  “Oh you know, it’s been good,” Tessla smiled up at him as she handed him two pieces of gold.

  “Good. Is Illadari doing okay? I saw him earlier and he didn’t look so good. He had this chest pain thing going on when he was in here,” Tilvo said.

  Tessla thought to herself, he had another episode? This morning? Nodding to Tilvo she said, “He’s going to Quin today, so we are hoping she can figure it out.”


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