Erin's Awakening

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Erin's Awakening Page 2

by Sasha Parker

  Una, the Fairy member, was the opposite of Vesta. She always wanted to research the issue and learn more of the outlying facts to determine the ruling. She was very motherly in a way and cared deeply for her subjects.

  Eragon was the Elven member of the Council and Myles had always thought he was the grumpiest Elf he had ever met. Not that Myles had met a lot of Elves in his life, but something had twisted Eragon and made him an angry individual.

  Kai was Myles's favorite of the Council members. He was a powerful Warlock who ruled with an even hand. He was kind when it was warranted and tough when called for. Most of the Guardians favored talking to him, as he was the most reasonable of the four members.

  Myles snapped out of his musings as Kai's face came onto the view screen. "Myles O'Connor. Good to see you."

  Myles put his fist over his heart and said, "Kai, good to see you, too. We have a situation here and I wanted to see if you knew when more Guardians would be showing here."

  Kai frowned. "What situation?"

  "Erin has requested to leave for an emergency with her work. As you know, Reilly and Lachlan are in New York with Ari. Erin is adamant about going and not willing to wait too long to do so. We are concerned that she might leave on her own," Myles said with a frustrated sigh.

  Kai nodded. "I see. We are doing what we can to free up Guardians to come help, but it is trying as most were on assignment."

  "We understand. We just wanted to touch base," Myles said.

  "You cannot stop a woman from doing what she wants, Myles, I know this. I will see what we can do. Thank you for bringing us up to date," Kai said.

  "Of course," Myles answered.

  "We will be in touch soon with an update but for right now, you are on your own," Kai said with a sigh. "I am sorry to say."

  "We will deal with her...I mean the situation," Myles grumbled.

  Kai laughed. "I know that you will. There is something there?"

  Myles nodded. "Yes, she is our match, Kai, and she is frustrating."

  "I understand, Guardian. Just remember your duty first," Kai said with authority.

  "Of course. Thank you," Myles told him.

  Kai nodded and the screen went black. Kai had signed off, dismissing him. Myles got up to pace with a sigh of frustration over the situation. They were on their own. Great, what else could go wrong?


  Aedan found Coni in her favorite place, her greenhouse behind the castle. It was there that Coni mixed her potions and wielded her spells. He knocked and when she called out for him to enter, he found her in the back mixing.

  "What brings you here, Aedan?” Coni asked him as he approached her.

  "We have a little situation with Erin,” Aedan told her.

  "Ah, the Dublin situation. Yes, it must be frustrating. She's determined to go, eh?” Coni asked.

  Aedan nodded. "Myles and I don't think it's safe for her to go without us. We have to wait until the other Guardians show up. All of you need protection, but we can't be in two places at one time."

  "Yes, I know. The Five have to be protected and with Ari and her men in New York, it makes things a little difficult,” Coni surmised.

  "We were hoping you could try to slow Erin down somehow until they return. Myles is contacting the Council now to get more information on the Guardians being assigned and when they might arrive," Aedan said.

  Coni sighed. "I can only try to slow Erin down, I make no promises."

  Aedan bowed his head. "We thank you."

  Coni bowed her head back to him and said, "Blessed be."

  "Blessed be," Aedan said in return and then headed back to the house.

  Coni shook her head as she thought about all the girls and what was to come. She knew they were getting stronger and more adept with their powers, but she couldn't help her hands from beginning to make a protection pouch for Erin. She knew the men wanted to slow down, if not stop, Erin from going to Dublin. That was like stopping water from flowing, not going to happen.

  She took the small heart locket that could hold the ingredients for the protection spell and began to mix a small bundle of pine needles, bound with natural twine; part of the dogwood plant; part of a willow tree; and a stone with a natural hole through it.

  She knew they could make every effort to try to make Erin wait, but it wasn't going to happen. She was leaving, alone, to go to Dublin, as was her destiny. Coni prayed to the goddess that Erin would be kept safe while she was away from them. She had every confidence that Erin was tough enough to fight if needed. The locket would just help ensure she stayed safe.


  As Aedan headed back to the castle, his mind went back to the day he and Myles had gotten their first taste of their woman. He smiled, she had tried so hard to resist them. He also remembered when they finally got her to open up a little and talk to them. They had cornered her after a workout session, she had been ignoring them and focusing solely on her powers. Aedan had grabbed her hand and pulled her in the opposite direction of the castle. Everyone had already headed back so it was now only Erin, Myles, and Aedan in the clearing.

  He kept pulling her amidst her protests to the contrary of wanting to go back to the castle. "Give us a few minutes, we want to show you something."

  When he felt her give in, he continued to the spot they had found when he and Myles were doing a sweep of the land. He grinned because he knew she wanted to be with them, but she wouldn't admit it to herself. They broke through to another clearing, where there was a small babbling brook. There were wild flowers surrounding it, butterflies flying all around. He heard Erin gasp as she took in the scene before her. He turned and saw the look of wonder on her face as he saw his brother do the same.

  "You like it then?" Aedan asked, smiling at her.

  Erin nodded. "This is beautiful. How did you find it?"

  "When we were out on patrol. We just happened upon it a few days ago," Myles said beside her. He took off the backpack he had on and set out a few things for them. He had packed some water bottles, no wine because they had just finished working out, as well as some crackers and cheese.

  Both men were surprised when she offered no protest but settled down on the ground beside the little stream. She looked up at them. "Well? Are you going to join me?"

  They both settled down on either side of her as Myles handed her a bottle of water. Aedan admired her sleek throat as she swallowed the water down. He had to swallow himself trying to tamp down the surge of desire to touch her body all over.

  "So, tell me something about you that I don't already know," Erin hedged, trying to allow some part of herself to know them.

  Aedan smiled at her. "What do you want to know? I'm an open book for you."

  Myles leaned over her and said, "We are both open to you. Anything you want to know, we'll tell you."

  Erin thought for a moment. "What do you like to do when you aren't protecting us? Or someone else?"

  Aedan smiled. "That's an easy one for me, I like to be doing this. Relaxing and either talking with you or reading a book." At her shocked look, he chuckled. "Yes, it's true, some of us Guardians can read."

  Erin looked over at Myles who said, "I enjoy the work most but as Aedan said, any down time with you would be really good, too."

  Erin rolled her eyes. "Uh huh."

  "Tell me something," Aedan asked her. "Other than your work and now the Blessed Five, what do you do for fun?"

  Erin shrugged. "Nothing really. That is pretty much what I focus on."

  "No, there's more." Myles watched her squirm as he waited for her to tell them.

  "I like to read books, listen to music, that kind of thing," Erin said, not looking at them.

  Myles grinned. "What kind of books?"

  "Oh, I love all books. Anything to get my mind off of reality for a while. Romance, especially," Erin said vaguely.

  Aedan leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Do you ever read the ménage books in the romance section, honey?"

looked between the two men. A light blush crept up her neck to her face. "Sometimes," she said softly.

  Myles grinned. "Maybe we could show you that sometimes stories can come to life."

  Aedan trailed his fingers down her bare arm. He felt her shiver from his touch. Just as he leaned in to kiss her, she jumped up and said, "I...I...have to go. I have some work to deal with."

  They both watched her take off back toward the castle. Myles looked over at Aedan. "Well, at least she seems more open than we thought."

  Aedan nodded. "We just have to keep trying. Be patient."

  Erin was skittish and it was obvious she was shy of relationships. They both agreed the best way to go would be slow and steady with her. They packed up and headed behind her back to the castle. Right now, time was on their side. At least that's what they thought, until she got the call from Dublin.

  Chapter Three

  Ari entered Gino's excited as she scanned the room for Julie. They hadn't seen each other in what seemed like forever. She felt the hand at her back and reached to the side of her where another hand grabbed her. She saw Julie sitting toward the back in a large booth that offered some privacy. Good, she thought, this conversation was going to need privacy. She pulled her two men with her and headed to Julie.

  "Miss me?" she said as she approached Julie.

  Julie screeched as she jumped up and hugged Ari tight. "The hell I haven't!"

  Ari pulled back and saw Julie checking out her men. She smiled. "Julie, I would like for you to meet my fiancés, Reilly and Lachlan Parsons. Guys, this is my boss and best friend, Julie Cinnamon."

  They all shook hands and then sat down in the booth. The waiter, Julie's favorite, Ari noted, came over and took their order. When he brought them their drinks, he promised to return soon with their appetizers.

  Julie turned to Reilly and Lachlan. "So, you are stealing my Ari away. I should be so angry with you but looking at you, I forgive you."

  The two men laughed aloud with her and Lachlan said, "We cannot live without her."

  "She is our one," Reilly chimed in then he took Julie's hand in his. "We humbly thank you for sacrificing her to us."

  Julie turned to Ari fanning herself. "Really? Wow. Lucky bitch."

  It was Ari's turn to laugh as she said, "I told you, it's like that. Now, tell me how the girls are doing and did you find a new girl?"

  "Everyone is doing fine. They miss you and are driving me crazy. I have found someone to occupy your chair, just not to take your place,” Julie told her.

  Ari shook her head. "Keep yourself open, Jules, don't get all closed up."

  Julie sat back and glanced at Ari's two men. "Well, seems you are very open."

  Ari blushed and smiled at the two men sitting on each side of her. "Yes, I am. I love them and am proud to be with them."

  "How is Mamo taking everything?" Julie asked.

  Ari waved her hand. "Oh, you know her. She goes with the flow. She has known the Parsons family for a long time. She is happy for us."

  "Good, that's good," Julie said. "So, have you gotten everything boxed up at the apartment?"

  Ari sighed. "For the most part. We still have some errands to run in the morning. I was thrilled to hear that April had finally gotten engaged and they were looking for a place. There is no one else I would rather have living there."

  April, the receptionist at the salon and friend to them both, had finally gotten engaged to the man she had been dating for two years. When Ari had contacted Julie to let her know she wouldn't be coming back, Julie had been upset of course and then when she calmed down, she was happy for Ari. Then April had gotten engaged and Julie called Ari to let her know she was looking for a place to live. April and Ari had talked and Ari had agreed to lease the apartment to April. It was the perfect solution.

  "April is very excited. When do they move in?" Julie asked.

  "They are going to move in at the beginning of the week,” Ari said as she jumped a little and glanced slyly over at Lachlan. Little did anyone know, but his hand was sliding up her thigh and he had dipped it under her sundress.

  Julie smiled. "When do you have to go?"

  Ari squirmed as Reilly's hand joined his brother's under the table. "We plan to be back day after tomorrow. I just spoke to Erin and she has been called to Dublin for a consult."

  Erin was Ari's sister who was a Marine Biologist. When Ari had spoken to her last night, she seemed excited to be going to Dublin. Ari worried for her considering the attack had only happened a little over a month ago. They had spoken with the Council via Skype and had talked at length about the attack. They knew someone was behind it all and the man sent had been a pawn. Ari wished they could discover the identity of the man who had attacked them, but they had had no luck.

  Now Erin was heading out of the safety zone that Ari thought the castle in the glen was and going to a vulnerable place. Ari herself, being in New York, felt vulnerable, but her two men stayed close by her side. They had only been in town for a couple of days and would leave soon. It was a short, fast trip and although she was sad to leave everyone in New York, she was happy to be going home to the glen.

  Julie brought her back to the present by saying, "What happened?"

  Ari turned slightly to narrow her eyes at Lachlan whose pinky finger had now slipped under her panties and was circling her clit. Reilly's hand was almost to her damp pussy lips, and all that made her squirm a little more. She realized Julie had asked her a question but she was unable to form a thought at that moment.

  Reilly answered for her. "There was a sick sea lion, but it seems to be spreading within the colony."

  "Oh, how awful. I hope she can help. I love those little guys, they seem so cute,” Julie replied.

  Lachlan laughed. "Those 'little guys' can snap your arm off. The wild ones don't like you being in their territory."

  Their lunch arrived and they began to talk of the different goings on in their lives. Ari talked to Julie about the salon and they even joked about opening one in the glen. Julie was all for it as it would give her an excuse to visit. She did promise Ari to come for the wedding. As they finished their meal, Ari gave the guys a look and they excused themselves to go take care of the check. Ari smiled gratefully at them as they went to the front of the restaurant.

  Ari leaned forward and said to Julie, "So, you know I love you right?"

  "Of course I do. You know I love you back?” Julie responded.

  Ari nodded. "Yes. Okay then, so you will be my maid of honor?"

  Tears pooled in Julie's eyes as she said, "I would be honored."

  Ari grinned. "Fabulous. I am truly happy now. That means you have to come early to the glen to help me."

  Julie feigned a shocked look. "Oh no, extra time in Ireland? The torture!"

  Both women laughed and then they jumped up to hug each other, both shedding a few tears of happiness. Then Julie relinquished Ari to her men who had come up behind her. They spoke for a few minutes more, making plans for Julie to come to the glen to visit and for the wedding. They were planning it for a month from now, Reilly and Lachlan had told Ari they would wait no longer. Then Ari hugged Julie one last time and they parted ways. As the men each grabbed one of Ari's hands, she glanced back at Julie saying goodbye to her life in New York.

  The men took Ari back to her apartment as it was the last night she would stay there. They were going to a hotel for the last night in New York before they headed back to Ireland. They ordered dinner in and had a picnic on the floor in the living room. Each of the men fed Ari her dinner and they all sipped on wine.

  "Are you going to miss all this, love?" Reilly asked Ari as they enjoyed their wine.

  Ari looked around the room and smiled. "In a way, yes. This is where my life began for me to be me. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to care for my sisters, even obsessed with it at one point, but when I got here I was able to be just me."

  "We understand that, sweet," Lachlan told her, covering her hand with his.
br />   Ari knew they did understand. Their jobs called for them to be protective of others, there had to be times when it was nice to just be by themselves and responsible for no one. "I am also happy to be moving on to a new adventure that I get to share with you two. I love you both so much."

  Reilly palmed her cheek and said, "I love you, too, love. I am proud to call you mine." He leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  Then Lachlan reached out and turned her toward him. "And I love you as well." He kissed her in the same manner as Reilly.

  When dinner was finished, Reilly carried Ari into the bedroom and set her on her feet. They each undressed slowly, watching the other, stirring the desire.

  Reilly pulled her into his arms and kissed her enthusiastically. Lachlan stepped behind her, pressed his hard cock against her backside, and began exploring her with his hands.

  “I am going to fuck this tight little ass,” Lachlan whispered into her ear and then licked the sensitive area right behind her ear. She shuddered as she thought about taking both of them at the same time. They had teased her mercilessly at the restaurant, she was more than ready.

  Reilly groaned when he felt her wrap her hand around his stiff cock. She teased him, moving slowly while he caressed her nipples. When she stroked him, he reached and rolled her taunt bud between his fingers and then pinched a little.

  Lachlan ran his hands around her and together they teased and pinched her until she could swear she could have orgasms just from the foreplay. She reached behind her and took Lachlan's aroused member in her hand, and stroked them together until they were moaning and warning her to stop.

  She grinned and pulled them a little harder, squeezing just enough to let them know she had no desire to stop them from coming.

  “Nope, sweet, you are not in control here,” Lachlan said, stepped back, and led her to the edge of the bed. He leaned down and then pushed her until she was resting on the side of the bed. He knelt, spread her thighs, and grinned up at her.


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