A Royal Rebellion

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A Royal Rebellion Page 10

by Revella Hawthorne

  “I love you, everything is alright. I love you, Edward. I’m safe, you’re safe, the baby is safe…” over and over, he reassured his prince, kissing him softly, until finally Edward stopped.

  They were in a dark room, with white stone walls and stone floors, bare but for a thick rug in the center and a few stray, dried leaves blown into the room from what looked like a forgotten arboretum. Light filtered in through the dulled glass walls, streaked with dirt and dust, dead trees left to dry out and rot. The door slid shut behind them, hanging listlessly on its hinges, swaying in the faint wind coming in from a crack in the glass somewhere.

  Percy found himself aching for Hartgrove, and the lush inside jungle that Edward had in his home. Edward had taken him in the arboretum not long before they left Hartgrove for the capital, before their world started to implode. Percy remembered how happy Edward was, how happy they both were, and he wanted to be that happy again.

  Edward stopped in the thick rug, breathing hard, and he gently lowered Percy to his feet. Edward clung to him, and finally fell to his knees, pressing his face to Percy’s stomach, breathing fast, hands clutching at Percy’s clothes.

  Percy carded his fingers through Edward’s thick hair, tugging on the strands. Edward’s eyes were scrunched up tight, and he was shaking, full-body tremors through his solid frame.

  “I love you, Edward,” Percy said, playing with his lover’s hair. “I can do nothing to help you, to fix this, but love you. I can’t understand what is happening to you, what you’re feeling or thinking. All I can do is love you, and promise to never stop loving you.”

  Percy went to his knees, and gathered Edward to him, his prince laying on the soft rug beneath them, face in Percy’s lap.

  “Do you hate me, little one?” Edward asked, voice broken.

  Percy opened his mouth to deny it, but stopped. Edward was asking for a reason.

  “Because you bought me? To breed me, and then set aside once you had your heir?” Percy asked, trying to feel his way.

  “Yes,” Edward gasped out, tensing, holding himself rigid, as if waiting for Percy to condemn him.

  “No, not even a little,” Percy said, and it was true. He never resented or hated Edward for his original purpose in going to Heritage.

  “How can you not?”

  Percy knew how he felt, but articulating it was another matter.

  “I don’t hate you. I don’t resent you. I was born and raised to this purpose, and if not you, then Cartwright, or another man. There was no future for me that ended with me free from a master and without my belly filled by his seed. Not even if I was kept at Heritage to be cloned and bred, and you never came. You, Edward, are the only outcome for me that ends with me happy and loved.”

  “You sound so sure, Percy. So calm. Certain. How can you be?”

  “I…” Percy gave Edward a rueful smile when his lover looked up at him, dark eyes framed by wet lashes. “Not talking a lot means I think a lot. I listen, and I reason, and I feel my way through things. I may not know much about the world and everything in it, but I know how I feel about you. I’ve accepted and been thankful for your desire to have an heir since the night you came to Heritage. Your original purpose brought us together, and gave me your love.”

  Edward was quiet, relaxing, easing out of his tight, panicked state. Percy kept touching him, gentle strokes over face and hair. “Weren’t you afraid?”

  “Of you?” Edward nodded. “Of course I was. But I also wanted you. So badly. And every time you scared me, or put your hands on me, you also gave me reason to trust you. To let go of my fears. Mason was right, you know. Your love cured my fears.”

  Edward laughed, weak and short-lived, but a real laugh. “Don’t tell him, he’ll never let it go.”

  “I won’t,” Percy whispered, smiling.

  “Mason,” Edward said, and then paused, breathing in deep. “If he’s right about all of this, if it’s all true…Percy, I cannot be king. I can’t even keep you safe without help. All I know is how to make things grow and tax laws. I look pretty in the royal portrait, but I was never raised to be king. I just can’t…”

  “Sshhh,” Percy hushed Edward, hugging his shoulders. “You are still Edward, blood prince, farmer and tax expert and lover of Perseus, the most absurdly named breeder in the world. You’re a man, first and most important, and the one I love. The truth isn’t out there right now. It may never be. There’s just us right now, you and me. Let go, Edward, and rest.”

  Edward quieted. He breathed, slow and even, wide shoulders eventually lifting from their hunched position. Percy ran his fingers over the skin of Edward’s neck to the lines of his jaw. His hair fell over his face, and Percy brushed it back, tenderly cupping his lover’s cheek. He leaned down to kiss his forehead, but Edward tipped his face back, and Percy ended up kissing his lips, just upside down. Percy giggled, and Edward reached up and held him down, taking the kiss longer, a shade deeper. Percy hummed, happy, and Edward licked his lips before dipping deeper.

  Edward let him go, and Percy sat back up, laughing. Edward chuckled, and pushed himself to a sitting position, rubbing his face. His hair was a mess and he was flushed, and look tired. He looked everywhere but at Percy, as if embarrassed. Percy reached out and put his fingers on Edward’s chin, tipping his face back to Percy like Edward had done to him so many times. Percy smiled at his prince, and leaned forward, kissing him.

  Gentle, teasing nips, Percy kissed his love. Edward smiled against his lips, pulling back every time Edward tried to deeper the kiss, before dipping back in and kissing him again. Edward chuckled, and reached out for him, hands on Percy’s hips and pulling him onto his lap. Percy went, wrapping his legs around Edward’s waist, his ass resting on the thick length hardening beneath him.

  The mansion was quiet around them, the room cool, the rug soft and welcoming. Edward took his mouth, his commanding nature returning, and Percy shrugged out of his jacket and shirt, all without taking their lips apart. Edward’s hands roved over his sides and back, his shoulders, hands warm and setting fire to his skin in their wake.

  The air was cool but it didn’t matter, he was burning up inside. Edward ran the flat of his hand down Percy’s chest, over his belly, rubbing the firm swell. Percy gasped in his mouth, and whimpered happily when Edward sent his hand lower. His pants were opened, the zipper lowered. Edward’s big hand slid under cloth to encircle his cock, and Percy threw his head back, arching into the touch.

  Edward kissed his neck, mouth open, tongue tasting over his skin. Percy arched back even more, inviting more of his lover’s touch, Edward’s other arm supporting him. Percy was able to toe off his boots, and stood quickly. Edward’s mouth was at level with his belly, and Edward kissed his stomach, hands tugging down his clothing.

  Percy stepped out of his clothes, naked. He shivered from the cool, but Edward soon settled him back in his lap, having Percy straddle his hips, ass open to the rigid cock Edward freed with one hand. Teeth nipped at his nipples, and Percy jerked as a shot of pleasure ran from his chest to his cock.

  Big, blunt-tipped fingers slid in his crease, and Percy wiggled in Edward’s lap, trying to impale himself. He wanted Edward in him, needed it. He needed to wrap his flesh around Edward and hold him as close as he could, deep inside, where they were one person, no separation.

  Percy put his feet flat on the floor and lifted up, squatting over Edward’s cock, hard and fully erect, head glistening with precum. Percy was just starting to get wet, and he wanted the burn. He sank down on Edward, moaning in delight at the too-full sensation and the stretch. He slicked up Edward’s cock as he sank lower, the tug of skin on skin becoming softer, easier.

  “Love you, Percy,” Edward gripped his hips and lifted him just a bit, sinking his body back down. “Ride me.”

  “Yes, Edward,” Percy sighed, pushing Edward down to the floor, settling even deeper as Percy let his weight force Edward all the way inside of him. Percy kept his feet on the floor at either side of Edward�
��s hips, crouching on top of him, ass full of throbbing cock.

  Percy sat forward, and pushed Edward’s hands away from his hips and down to the floor. He held them there, ass clenching on his lover’s cock, and Edward smiled and nodded, putting his hands behind his head and watching. He thrust up, just a bit, and Percy bit his lip and moaned, taking his lover’s hint. He rose up, slow and careful, then back down, enjoying the hard slide of hot flesh in his channel. Edward sighed with delight, holding still, letting Percy set the pace.

  Percy put his hands on Edward’s chest, and rode his lover, slow, deep, and thorough. Their eyes met, and Percy fell headlong into Edward’s gaze, seeing passion and love in the dark depths.

  He wanted Edward to feel how much he loved him, loved the man he called master and lover. Father of his babe. Edward was everything to Percy.



  “What has you so captivated, dearest Abe?” Mason whispered in his man’s ear, peering over his shoulder into the room. The door was open just wide enough to see inside, and Mason grinned at the sight of the very naked, very delectable Percy riding Edward with absolute devotion in every roll of his slim hips. Percy’s slim cock rose hard and flushed against his baby bump, and Mason was surprised by how…sexy the image of the pregnant breeder was. Edward certainly appeared to be enjoying himself. “Oh my, what a show. The little mouse has some delightful technique, doesn’t he?”

  “Mason, shush!” Abe hushed him, and pushed him away from the door. Mason tried to keep watching but Abe pushed him back even more, back to the wall. Mason grinned, ignoring the pain from his still bruised face and split lip. His injuries were healing, and he would be fine.

  Abe was taller than him by a couple of inches, and Mason let his lover tip his head back, examining the fading marks on his skin. Strong hands cupped his face, holding him still, and Mason leaned back on the wall.

  “Want to check the rest of me?” Mason asked, running his hands over his tight black shirt, lifting a bit of it at his waistband. Abe’s eyes tracked the flash of skin and the depthless twilight blue glowed with heat.

  “I will, but later,” Abe told him, slapping his hip and making him jump. Mason grinned, and Abe wrapped him in his arms and pulled him in for a hard hug. Mason breathed in the fresh, invigorating scent of pure male that clung to Abe, the scent that was his alone and one Mason would never forget.

  “I was worried, my prince,” Abe whispered in his ear, and Mason held him tighter.

  “I know. I was, too,” Mason replied. “About you, I mean.”

  “I know what you meant.” He could hear the smile in Abe’s words.

  “Come sneak away with me, I hear reunion sex is the best. Better than makeup sex,” Mason urged, running his hands under Abe’s jacket and palming his ass.

  “Not while we’re in Estiary’s house, Mace. I don’t trust the old man not to try anything with Perseus.” Abe pulled back just a bit, staying in each other’s embrace. “What is your plan, then? Burn down the lies of King Henry and see Edward take the throne?”

  “You know me so well,” Mason smiled. “Taking the throne will be entirely up to Eddie. Exposing dear ole Dad’s perfidy is top of my life’s goals, though. I’m ready for the next phase. Just got to hit upload.”

  “Lucius is letting you use his connection to the communications and internet grids. Why?” Abe asked him, arms tight around his waist. “What is in it for the old codger?”

  “Revenge, my dear man. Served cold with a side of fuck off.” Mason felt Abe jerk at the sound of Lucius’ voice a few feet away. The old man was sneaky. Mason hadn’t heard him either. “I get to see Henry topple from his throne of superiority, and all the Cassian skeletons of the last forty years will come to light. It’ll be an absolute joy.”

  Lucius came out from the shadows in the hall, standing in the dim light spilling out of the partially open door of the room where low moans and gasps of pleasure could be heard. Lucius leaned over and took a long glance, gray eyes lighting up in enjoyment and appreciation. “Cartwright was a genius. Look at that lad’s lines. Beautiful stock.”

  Abe was in front of Lucius in a flash, forcing the noble back a few steps and away from the door. “Perseus is off limits, Lord Lucius.”

  “I heard our future king the first time, Captain. I’ll not risk my life for a taste of him. I’ll look, but no worries. I have my girls for my needs.”

  Abe’s look of disgust made the nobleman take another step back, just in case. Mason smiled, thinking Lucius wouldn’t have to worry about Henry or Edward killing him, but Abe. “Lucius, do be careful. Abe is sensitive when it comes to breeders, and especially Percy.”

  “Ah, yes, I recall. The late Baron Reynard created quite a scandal all those years ago when he bought that male breeder. One of the first to be made, too. He even named it!” Lucius smiled. Abe’s glacial demeanor was so full of subtle, thrumming violence that it filled the hall. “He bought it from Heritage, too, if I’m not mistaken. What a terribly small world. Does the young lad in there know you are the child of one of the first male breeders ever created, Baron Abelard Toussaint Reynard?”

  “No, he does not,” Abe breathed out, voice made of menace. “And you’ll not tell him, either.”

  “Ashamed of your heritage?”


  “How strange then that you don’t want him to know. No worries, I’ll figure it out. I always learn the truth eventually.”

  “Which is why you were exiled in the first place, Luke. Maybe you should take a hint?” Mason said, and Lucius laughed at him.

  “Good point, dear boy. Are you ready then? I can’t wait to see how fast your next video hits the national news.”

  Mason took Abe’s hand. “Come on, Abe. Luke has more security in this mausoleum than Father does on the Treasury. The house is secure, and you have the SUV keys. Eddie and the little mouse are too wrapped up in each other to get in trouble or run away. You can hover over them while they have sex—as I’m sure you’ve done before, you deviant—or you can come with me.”

  “And you’ll be doing what?” Abe asked, but he followed Mason when he tugged on his hand. Mason twined their fingers together and Abe walked at his shoulder, like they did when they first met, all those long years ago.

  “I made another video, but this one is special. I uploaded all the content from this,” Mason held up the portable hard drive, and Abe’s eyes went wide when he recognized it.

  “That’s the drive you stored all the information you stole from your father. Your sisters’ medical records, the sterility tests for you and Malcolm, the paternity tests for Camilla’s and Arianna’s children, and Queen Esme’s journals. I thought you said King Henry destroyed it years ago.”

  “I told you that to keep you safe from him,” Mason confessed, pausing as they walked down the hall, turning to Abe. “If you thought it was still out there, you would have searched for it, and Father would have noticed. I couldn’t risk you. Your decision to accept his offer to work in the royal guard almost broke my resolve! Abe, goddammit. It took too much to get you on Edward’s protection detail and out of the capital to Hartgrove, I wasn’t going to waste it all by having you hunt for the drive.”

  “I wanted to use it to free us both!” Abe hissed, blue eyes full of stifled anger and frustration. Mason sighed, and leaned his weight into Abe, trying to bring some comfort to his lover.

  “I know. But Abe, sweetheart…” Abe’s lips twitched at the endearment, and Mason grinned, “Abe, we are both free. Right now, totally free. In danger for our lives, but that’s not so new for us. The freedom is though, and I’m going to use the drive to bring down the fortress of lies King Henry has built around himself and our family.”

  “Twenty years,” Abe said to him, somber. Mason nodded, agreeing. Abe continued, his deep voice a sexy rumble that sent shivers down Mason’s spine. “Twenty years I’ve waited to call you mine. Two decades of watching you bend until you broke to your father’s will, his th
reats against me and Edward. Helpless to save you or stop him. I did everything I could short of murder to help you, keep you going. Though if it wouldn’t have meant I’d be in jail for regicide, I would have killed Henry when you came to me as that scared fifteen year old, beaten and bloody for confronting his father.”

  “Mmmm…and let on to the world that I was dating a twenty year old soldier stationed at the palace barracks? Smart,” Mason murmured, kissing Abe on his neck just below his ear. “That would have made everything sooooo much better. Arrested for regicide and statutory rape.”

  A hand landed in his hair at the back of his head, and Mason found himself trapped between the wall and all six-foot four inches of rock-solid former special ops soldier. He gasped, the grip tight, just this side of pain, and Abe put a hard thigh between his legs, lifting until he was pressing against Mason’s groin. Mason went limp, letting Abe have his way, and his lover grumbled and pushed harder with his leg, lifting Mason an inch off the floor. Mason was sitting on Abe’s thigh, his cock and balls firmly wedged against hot, firm flesh.

  “I fucked you when you were how old, Mason?” Abe growled in his ear, nipping at the tender flesh he found there.

  “I was…I was eighteen when you fucked me the first time,” Mason gasped, trying to tip his head to the side so Abe could have better access.

  “Mmm…..wasn’t it your birthday present?” Abe bit down on the skin between shoulder and neck, and Mason’s cock joined the fun, straining against Abe’s leg.

  “Best birthday ever,” Mason agreed, melting into a puddle of liquid heat as Abe’s free hand wandered down his chest, all the way to his waistband. Mason sucked in a breath, and Abe’s fingers deftly opened his fly, and slipped inside. Abe palmed his cock, stroking it base to tip with his hot hand.

  “Fuck,” Mason swore, eyes rolling back at the pleasure swamping his senses.

  “This is mine, Mason,” Abe said in his ear, the words making him shiver. “Just as your heart is mine. Isn’t that right, my prince?”


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