Texas Hot

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Texas Hot Page 4

by Carlysle, Regina

  “This is nice,” she admitted once they were seated and digging into meat provided right here at the ranch. Gina looked around and he noted that her gaze swept the pool beyond the patio and then further to the row of utility buildings where much of the ranch’s work was done. Off in the distance, a horse whinnied, the sound blending with the wind and other night noises. “We don’t do this sort of thing. It’s definitely a city life for us. I never imagined I could enjoy something so much. It’s really beautiful here.”

  “Maybe one of these days you can bring your family for a visit.”

  Gina looked down and didn’t speak for a second or two but when she lifted her gaze, she was smiling. “My dad would love this ranch.”

  “Tell me about them.” It wasn’t an idle question, he realized. He really wanted to know about her and the life she’d left behind. “If you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. My dad is Frank and my mom is Maria. Both trace their ancestry to Sicily and as I mentioned earlier, I have four brothers, three are older and one younger. Michael is the baby, only twenty, and came along as a bit of a surprise to the folks.” She laughed. “I was ten when he was born and I thought I had my own personal doll to play with. Frank Jr. is the oldest, then Joseph and Marco. Frank is the only one who is married and he and his wife have three beautiful children. Joey and Marco are both divorced and Michael? Well, he’d better not even think about marriage. He’s far too young.”

  “You’re protective.”

  Her lips firmed. “Absolutely, I am. He needs to get his education and learn to be a man before he commits to someone.” She shook her head. “He’s too hot for his own good, incredibly good looking. Mama constantly fends off the girls who come by the apartment. I’m proud of him but I worry too. He’s so easily influenced thinking only of being popular with his friends and pleasing those whom he admires for totally ridiculous reasons.”

  “That’s not good.” Mitch saw her open expression suddenly close. She was a woman with something on her mind but he didn’t want to poke and prod at her. “He’s still just a kid. If there’s one certain thing in life, it’s that young people figure things out at one point or another. All we have to do is wait it out. But eventually they do grow up.”

  “And isn’t that a relief?” Gina applied a knife and fork to the dinner rapidly disappearing on her plate then paused to dab daintily at her lips. “But Dad, well, he would just love this place. I’d really love to bring him here. He has a true fascination for the west. He owns the entire collection of old Sergio Leone westerns and when I was just a kid, I’d spend Saturday nights watching them with him.”

  Mitch lightly whistled the tune to the Good, Bad, and the Ugly and Gina’s smile widened.

  “Can’t beat Clint on a Saturday night,” he said.

  “Or any night, for that matter. My dad would love you. Speaking of family, where’s Dawson tonight?”

  Mitch pushed his plate aside, reached for another beer, and twisted off the top. “Hanging out with his friend, Jules. You’ll meet her soon, I figure. She owns a little gift store downtown and today she roped my brother into helping her with some stuff there. She said the whole town is buzzing about the little yankee working here and she’s determined to meet you.”

  Gina went still, her fork paused halfway to her mouth and Mitch didn’t miss the panic on her face. “People are talking about me?”

  “Hell, honey, this is a small town. That’s all people have to occupy themselves in a place like this. Aside from hitting the honky tonk every weekend and going to the high school football games, we’re a boring bunch.”

  Even in the dim light, he saw her face go pale.

  Gina stood suddenly, gripped the edge of the table and shook her head. “I can’t stay. I just can’t. No.”

  Stunned at the sudden outburst, Mitch stared as she hastily, nervously, reached for several empty platters and bowls. Her hands shook. “Let me start cleaning up. Um. I’ll be right back.”

  “Wait. What’s wrong? Let me help.”

  “No, no. You just enjoy your beer and let me take care of this. I insist.” She turned, her arms loaded with empty dishes and rushed for the house. She paused briefly at the closed door and Mitch stood.

  “Wait just a damn minute and I’ll get the door.”

  She freed a hand and turned the knob while rapidly shaking her head. “I’ve got it.” When she hurried inside, Mitch barreled around the table and took off after her.

  There was no way he was going to sit on his ass when he might be able to help. Obviously something he’d said had freaked her out and he was determined to not only figure it out but to make it right. When he entered the kitchen, he saw her bellied up to the sink, her arms still loaded with dishes.

  “Damn it, Gina!”

  The words had barely left his mouth when she jerked to face him and the stack of plates tumbled to the floor with a crash. Horror filled her wide eyes as she stared at the mess then she lifted her gaze. Fear was palpable and it registered in his mind an instant before she pressed herself against the kitchen counter and defensively lifted her arms up as if to protect herself.


  His heart plummeted to his belly where it curdled like old milk, sour and rancid, as the truth slapped him. Mitch had witnessed that same reaction, that exact expression of terror, on his own mother’s face more times than he wanted to remember.

  He held up a hand. “Shh, it’s okay, honey.” Mitch approached slowly, cautiously, as if she were a wild mustang who needed gentling. “Put your arms down, baby, nobody under this roof is going to hurt you.”

  Gina seemed to come slowly back into herself until finally she lowered her arms and it was impossible to miss the trembling that shook her. Her face flamed and she presented her back to him. Unable to do otherwise, he moved behind her and wrapped her up, his forearms pressed to her belly. “You’re safe here,” he whispered against her ear. “Nobody is going to hurt you, not under my roof.”

  To his everlasting relief, Gina’s tense body began to relax and Mitch continued to hold her. More than anything he wanted to make her feel safe, to feel protected. Finally she bowed her head and dragged a trembling breath into her lungs.

  Mitch’s heart broke.

  In one short span of time, he understood why she’d left her loved ones in New York and had traveled such a long way alone.

  “I overreacted,” she whispered before turning in his arms to face him. Her gaze connected with his and Mitch hated the sadness in her eyes, and the worry. “I’m so embarrassed.”

  Mitch lifted a hand to her face, shook his head, and tucked a length of dark hair behind her ear. “No need. I know a little about what you probably went through in the past but I’ll save that for another time. Right now, I just need to take care of you.”

  “No, I’m okay.”

  “Bullshit. Don’t argue with me.” Reluctantly he released her and went to a cabinet to pull out a bottle of his best bourbon. After splashing some into a glass, he held it out to her. “Drink this.”

  Obediently, she tossed the drink back. Her eyes went wide and filled with tears as she sputtered and gasped. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Not hardly.” He poured another ounce, placed one finger on the bottom of the glass and pushed it toward her lips. “More.”

  “Now you’re just trying to get me drunk.”

  “Never.” He grinned, happy to see a returning glimpse of humor, but then he sobered and watched as she downed more booze. “I just want you to relax. There’s no ex-husband here but if he happens to show up, I’ll kick his sorry ass. Got that? I can’t abide bullies who hurt women and kids.”

  “My hero.” Gina looked down and her discomfort was palpable. For all her outward appearance of being in control there was much that was wounded about her.

  “Would you like to go back outside? Talk about things? I’m a pretty good listener.”

  She shook her head and stepped back to look at the mess of broken pottery on t
he floor. “No, I think I should clean this up.”

  “Uh uh. You just let me do it. It’s not all that bad and I’ve cleaned worse.”

  “You’re stubborn.”

  “That’s what I hear.” Mitch moved toward her and settled his hands on her shoulders. They were tense so he lightly stroked the muscle with the pads of his thumbs before leaning in to brush her forehead with his lips. It probably wasn’t smart but if he didn’t comfort and reassure her in some small way, he’d never forgive himself. Reluctantly, he stepped away and nodded. “Why don’t you just go on and rest, relax. The whiskey will help you sleep and I know you’ve had a long day.”

  She stared at him for a scant moment. “Thanks for dinner.”

  “Can we do it again?”

  “Absolutely.” She managed a smile. “Well, good night, Mitch.” Gina moved to the door then placed her hand on the frame to look back at him. “Um. You’re a good man. Thank you.”

  After cleaning the shards of pottery and tossing them into the trash then stowing what was left of dinner in the fridge, Mitch headed into the den, a man with much on his mind. The drone of the baseball game he’d tuned into wasn’t interesting enough to divert his attention when his thoughts were consumed with Gina and the truth he’d learned about her tonight. She didn’t know a damn thing about life in a small town so no wonder she’d panicked when he’d casually joked about folks talking. Nothing could’ve surprised him more than when she scampered off in a fluster and had fallen apart in his arms.

  “What the hell’s eatin’ you?”

  Mitch glanced over his shoulder at his brother then returned his gaze to the television as he tipped up his bottle, swallowing a mouthful of lukewarm beer. “Nothing.”


  Mitch shrugged. “Just have a few things rolling around in my head. Did you and Jules kick up some trouble tonight?”

  “Naw. Pretty quiet. Watched some movies, had dinner.” Dawson stepped further into the room and gave him a steady stare. “Want to talk about what’s eating you?”

  “Not tonight.”

  “Fair enough. I’m heading off. Morning’ll come soon enough.”

  “See you then.” Mitch watched him go, still mulling over recent events and though he knew sleep would elude him, he shut things down for the night and headed across the house to his suite of rooms. Not long afterward, as he stepped from the shower, Mitch wondered if Gina was stretched out in her bed or was she as restless as he. Considering the shaky state of her emotions before she’d left him, he doubted it. The comforter on his bed gripped in one hand, he cursed aloud and knew he had to know.

  Mitch picked up the jeans he’d stepped out of earlier and slipped them on before moving to the door and stepping onto the patio. Sure enough, there Gina stood, leaning against the fence, much as she had the other time he’d caught her moon-gazing. In the night, her hair glistened, white lights shimmering among the black strands. She wore short shorts and a fitted tee that molded to her breasts. Her legs were long for such a petite woman. Beautiful.

  When he stepped further into the space, she turned but didn’t say anything at first. Finally, she sighed and turned back to her star-gazing. “I might have known you’d check on me,” she said quietly.

  Mitch walked up and stood close enough that he could feel the heat of her body. It poured over him, heating his blood and making him want more than Gina might be willing to give. She smelled of something lemony, fresh and clean, completely feminine and it drew him in.

  He wanted her.

  Without giving it a single thought, he settled a hand on her back and stoked her slowly. “I was worried. I wouldn’t have been able to sleep if you were still upset.”

  Gina shrugged and looked at him. “I’m okay. You’d never know I’ve been divorced for an entire year because Tony seems to think he still owns me.” Her laughter was tinged with sadness. “That’s the way he sees marriage. He’s the boss. He talks, I listen and obey. Old school Italian, I guess.”

  “Old-school asshole, you mean.”

  “I finally gave up on trying reforming him.” She shook her head. “I’m such a damn cliché. At first, I excused him because he’d had too much to drink. The next time, I blamed myself for making him mad. He always apologized and said it would never happen again and, like an idiot, I believed him. It all came to a head when he decided we should have a baby. The very idea made me shudder and I just couldn’t do it considering how rocky our marriage was. I knew even then, I had to leave him but I kept putting it off for fear of his reaction. He’s a volatile, violent man and I was afraid. A baby wouldn’t fix what was wrong with us and I’ll admit it…I deceived him. When he found out I was still on birth control, he lost his temper. It didn’t end well for me. The next day, I made a choice. I couldn’t live that way. The divorce was easy since we didn’t have a dime but, little did I know, the bad part was just beginning. When I moved in with Mom and Dad, I believed he’d move on but he kept showing up there, terrorizing my parents with his threats. Even a restraining order did no good.”

  “That’s when you ran?”

  “Yes. Honestly, I didn’t know what else to do. At home there was no place to hide and no space in which to heal and figure out how to move on.” Gina looked at him. She was perfectly calm but he couldn’t resist touching. He reached out and let his fingers drift through the dark hair resting on her shoulder. “One day, I got in my car and here I am.”

  “A soft place to land.”

  “I think so,” she admitted with a smile that made his heart tighten. “There’s just something about this ranch and Dawson.” She paused. “And especially you, that makes me happy and I haven’t felt that way in a long time.”

  A million words and phrases crashed through his mind and he wanted to speak those things out loud but he couldn’t. He’d always dreamed of the ranch being a place where folks worked the land, the backyard was filled with laughing kids, and the people who lived within the walls of his home loved and cared about each other. That hadn’t always been the case at the Buck River Ranch.

  He swallowed his own pain, realizing that he and Gina didn’t come from such different worlds after all. There was a bind between them, a wealth of similar experiences that connected them though she didn’t yet realize it.

  Mitch threaded his fingers deep into her hair and cupped the side of her head. Moving closer, he heard her breath catch but Gina’s gaze never wavered. “Then you have to stay. Stay here, Gina, and do all the healing you need, for as long as you want.” Her full lips were slightly parted and the moment was too ripe with emotion to resist doing what he’d wanted from the moment she’d stepped into his life. Giving in, taking charge, Mitch took her mouth, drank the sigh that slipped from her lips, then he took that first kiss deeper, tasting response and the sweet flavors that belonged just to her. Raw lust coiled through his belly sending every nerve ending on red hot alert. She was his, his for the taking and his to protect and before this night was over, she would know it, too.

  Chapter Four

  Blood rushed hot and fast through Mitch’s veins as he angled his mouth, extending the endless kiss until her breathing ratcheted up another tantalizing notch and her lush body melded seamlessly against his chest. She was a sweet handful of a woman. Gina knew how to make a man burn and proof positive of that pushed against the rough denim of his jeans.

  Touching her became priority number one so he slipped his fingers from her hair and slid them down the length of her back until they settled possessively at the dip of her waist. Reluctantly, he broke the kiss and looked down at her. Her lips were wet, parted, and sexily swollen, her eyes lowered to half-mast. Little gasping breaths burst from her lungs telling him all he needed to know.

  She wanted him.

  Mitch held her gaze, intently measured her every reaction and then, in a desperate ploy to touch as he wanted, sent his hands beneath the soft cotton of her tee shirt. Warm flesh met his palms. Gina sucked in another breath as he slowly st
roked the line of flesh exposed at the low-slung waist of her shorts. Her softly rounded belly jerked at his touch then Mitch felt her go still when his hands moved to other softer skin. Without pause, he cupped her breasts, loving how those tight, little nipples prodded the palm of his hands. Using his thumbs, he drew tiny circles around them then lightly pinched the taut flesh. Again and again he teased until a murmur of sound escaped her and her pretty eyes drifted shut. Even without make up, her lashes were heavy and black laying like dark fans above her cheeks.

  “Open your eyes for me.” Mitch didn’t want to come off like the abusive jackass from her past and flinched at the raw sound of his own voice but Gina obeyed his command.

  Unable to stop touching, he thumbed her nipples repeatedly and focused on her. “I have to be sure you want this as much as I do.” He was much taller than she, so he leaned down to rest his cheek against hers and whispered in her ear. “You need to tell me to stop now if you don’t want to take this further. I swear by all that’s holy, it’ll kill me, but I will. Do you want this?”

  He moved back to look at her, dreading her answer but was ultimately relieved when she drew her bottom lip between her teeth, released it, and then nodded slowly. “I shouldn’t. I know I need to be careful, cautious, but I’m tired of denying what I want. I have to make a life somewhere and put the past behind me. It should start with you.” Gina fixed her attention on his bare chest. Mitch went still. Then her gaze flashed quickly over his ribs and belly before advancing upward again. Finally, her determined gaze locked with his. “Tonight.”

  Pride in her, need for her, mixed wildly with desire and lust and muttering a heavy, dark sound, he reached for her flimsy top and yanked it over her head. Mitch tossed it onto one of the chairs nearby and stepped back to look his fill. Her breasts were as pretty as he’d imagined, round and pale, topped with tight pink nipples that practically begged to be sucked.


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