Texas Hot

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Texas Hot Page 8

by Carlysle, Regina

  Mitch stood and lifted the baby carrier. “Don’t worry about it. Believe me, we always need help at Buck River and Bobby John will be a big help. We know he’s a good man and a hard worker. Now let me help you out with this.”

  Gina watched Mitch, followed by Dawson, go with Treva through the back door. Blinkly rapidly, trying hard to swallow past the lump in her throat, she wondered how she would manage to leave this place she’d come to love. Foolishly, she’d believed she had regained her courage but every little bit of it disappeared in the face of this new challenge.

  “So when are you going to tell her?”

  Mitch looked up from the saddle he was soaping and stared at Dawson. His brother leaned against a nearby post, a straw planted firmly between his teeth. “What the hell are you talking about, brother?”

  “For a smart man, you play dumb pretty well. I’m talking about the sweet little yankee you’ve been sharing your bed with. Are you going to tell her you love her or not?”

  Mitch bent to his task rubbing the oily soap into the shiny leather of the saddle pausing only to lift his arm and rub the sweat from his forehead. They’d always planned to bring Treva back but he’d hoped he would have more time to convince Gina to stay. It was a shitty dilemma and he needed to think fast. Unfortunately time was running out. “Best mind your own business, old son.”

  “Normally I do but, man, I can’t tolerate watching you throw away this chance at happiness and, believe me, I know plenty about lost chances. Life is too short to not reach for what you want. I figure it’s long past time you tell Gina how you feel about her.”

  Mitch straightened to stare at his brother. Anger at the situation bubbled up but he was a reasonable man. Dawson was right. “I just need to figure it out.”

  “Well, you’d better do your figuring pretty damn fast before the lady hightails it back to New York and I’m left to mop your tears.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Dawson chuckled, adjusted the brim of his hat and stalked from the barn leaving him alone in his misery.

  Treva’s appearance today was a shocker. He’d planned to ease into things with Gina, tell her he loved her and hoped to hell she didn’t bolt but now his game plan was all screwed up. They were undeniably perfect together. The sweet, fast-talking northern woman had wormed her way into his heart as no one had before. He didn’t plan to let her go but she’d had enough brow-beating from her asshole ex. He sure as shit didn’t want to fall into that category. Mitch had always figured it would take a slow hand to tame her and bring her around to his way of thinking but now he’d have to plan a way to speed up the deal. He tossed the brush aside, rubbed down the saddle and donning his summer straight hat, stepped into the afternoon sunshine to find the object of his thoughts leaning against the corral fence. The mare and her colt, Brooklyn, occupied the space and she watched, as if transfixed, hardly noticing when he moved up beside her.

  She turned to him with a smile. “I love them.”

  “Know you do.” He scratched his head beneath the brim of his hat. “It occurs to me that you have an affinity with horses. You were never around them until you came here but they take to you and you to them.”

  Gina shook her head. Sunlight caught her black hair and Mitch thought it was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen. “I don’t know why I love them so much. They’re so smart. I never knew horses were so intelligent.”

  “I feel like an idiot but would you like to ride?”

  Gina turned to face him full on and the pure joy on her face poleaxed him. “Could I? I don’t know what the hell I’m doing but I want to learn. I want to know, just once, how it would be. Oh Mitch, show me how.”

  Never in a million years could he refuse her. He smiled and pressed a kiss to her smiling mouth. “Ready for a lesson?”

  “Yes! Oh my God! Yes!”

  Who needed to work? He did but to hell with that. The look on her face was all the encouragement he needed to go into the paddock and find his gentlest mare. He chose the perfect mount for Gina’s first ride. He saddled and bridled her then led her toward Gina who waited near the edge of the corral. “This is Blossom. She’s a sweet one. She’s getting on in years but she’s lovin’ and won’t give you a hard time,” he said as he led the mare forward.

  Fearlessly, Gina moved through the rail and walked up to the mare. Her hand went immediately to the side of the animal’s head to gently stroke. “Oh, she’s such a pretty girl.”

  “I’m glad you think so. She’s a good one to start on. Gentle as a lamb,” Mitch said. He took Gina’s elbow and brought her to the horse’s side. “Let me give you a boost and I’ll climb on behind you, okay? It’ll be fine. I’ll make a Texan out of you yet.”

  Gina grinned up at him as he settled her foot in the stirrup. “You just might manage that. You just might. Now boost me up. I want to ride.”

  Hours ago, while having her first riding lesson, Gina had entertained the thought of staying in Verde Hills and on the Buck River Ranch for the rest of her life but now, in the dead of night, she knew she had to return home. No, she might not stay in New York forever but it was far past time she face Anthony. If nothing else, he needed to stay away from her family. He also needed to come to the final realization that she’d moved on. After that she had no idea what she’d do. Come back with no promises from Mitch and hang around like a lonely puppy until he vowed his undying love? Gina already knew she had too much pride for that. There were so many things to think of and to consider. Why did the multitude of questions always plague her in the dead of night?

  No doubt a dilemma faced by every insomniac who ever lived.

  Unable to turn off her brain, she glanced at Mitch. He slept soundly. Carefully, so as to not awaken him, she moved from the warm bed and shrugged into a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. It was a calm, cool night and thinking a little fresh air might help clear her thoughts, she slipped into a pair of flip flops and made her way outside.

  A slight breeze teased her skin as she walked the grounds. The ranch spread out over a vast area and she longed to see it all. Unlike Mitch who’d grown up here, Gina didn’t know every nook and cranny or every blade of grass but she loved it as if she were a native to the land. All around her crickets chirped and in the distance a lone coyote howled. Once upon on a time sounds like this would have sent her running but not now.

  Mitch hadn’t said he loved her but she knew that stopping here and answering that random ad in the newspaper had changed her life. She’d grown. She’d gained confidence and a sense of acceptance in the choices she’d made. Marrying Anthony had been a major mistake. Staying with him was even worse but in the end, the entire experience had forced her to reach deep. By hitting rock bottom, she’d learned to fight, to survive. Now, though it felt lame to think it, she flourished.

  It was all because of Texas.

  And it was all because of Mitch, a man who knew how to treat a woman.

  Gina found herself at the corral for the second time that day. Leaning against the railing she looked out across the land and came to a realization. No matter what happened in the future, she was glad she’d come here and she accepted the fact that this place and the people here had changed her life and perspective. Even if it turned out that her relationship with Mitch was only meant to be a short-term love affair, she wouldn’t regret. Her being here and falling so effectively into bed with him was only a small part of her growth.

  She’d been born here in a sense. She’d grown here. She’d learned to bury the bad and accept life again.

  Suddenly, with the peaceful night all around her, Gina knew what she would do. It was clear to her and the profound relief made her close her eyes as she dragged a steady, deep breath into her lungs.

  Tomorrow she would tell Mitch that she planned to return to Brooklyn. If he loved her and wanted her to stay here with him, he would tell her so. He was honest that way. Should things go down that way, she would go back east, see her family and then pack the remainder of her belon
gings. On the other hand, if Mitch wished her well and gave her a sad goodbye with no words of love, then she would have her answer. She would simply leave. She’d be heartbroken and filled with regret but at least she’d know. And she was stronger now, stronger than she’d ever been before.

  She had survived a lot and would survive this.

  Clarity easing her mind, Gina walked to the barn to give Brooklyn another look. Maybe she was born to be around horses because they called to her in a way that was different from other creatures. Seeing the foal again appealed to her tonight. She pushed the door open and stepped inside instantly reaching for the switch on the wall. When the dim light flickered to life, a horse snuffled near the back of the barn and, with a smile, Gina moved down the row of stalls but then stilled when she heard a sound behind her.


  She turned but then her blood ran cold. A chill swept her.

  “Alone at last, you fucking bitch.”

  “Anthony,” she breathed, as she looked into the handsome yet contorted and half-crazed face of her tormenter. Suddenly all the habits of the past rose up to freeze her on the spot. She couldn’t move, couldn’t blink. Gina could only stare at him as he stood there wearing an evil grin. Every blow, every cruel word he’d thrown at her bloomed to violent life in her brain.

  “Did you really think you could go anywhere that I couldn’t find you? I’ve been watching you for days just waiting while you played the slut for that hick cowboy.”

  Oh no!

  Oh hell no!

  She wouldn’t be helpless again. Fears evaporated as if they’d never been.

  Rage rose up along with the need for self-preservation as she opened her mouth to scream but Anthony was ready for that. He ran up and clapped a hand across her mouth while simultaneously grabbing a fistful of her hair to give it a hard pull. Half-dragging and half- carrying her, he brought her near the entrance of the barn then pulled back his fist.

  It connected to her jaw with a crack and her vision swam as she reeled backward to land sprawled on her back. She tried to move but she lay so stunned that it was impossible. Her worst nightmare had come true and all when she’d been so damn sure of herself.

  It was evident that Anthony planned to teach her a lesson as he straddled her and his hands reached for her throat. He squeezed. Tighter. Tighter. There was no air to take in as black spots swam before her eyes. Maybe he’d manage to kill her this time she thought wildly. Gina tried to kick out but his attack had been too fierce. For all the tough talk, she was helpless against his strength.

  But then a heavy click sounded and Anthony paused to look behind him.

  Through bleary eyes, Gina spotted Dawson pointing a shotgun at Anthony. “I wouldn’t mess with the lady if I were you,” he drawled. “A man could get hurt that way.”

  The words were no sooner out of his mouth when Mitch was on Anthony. His enraged face, his firm resolve, reached Gina from her position on the barn floor and then she saw nothing but a blur as Mitch hauled him from atop her and landed blow after blow. Dawson set aside his weapon and helped her to sit. He may have asked if she was all right but for the life of her, Gina couldn’t answer, her gaze riveted to the unfolding scene. Suddenly Anthony was the prey as Mitch delivered heavy punches to his face and mid-section.

  Here in Texas they’d call it an ass-whoopin’.

  Then three familiar men burst through the door.

  Her brothers. The cavalry. Family.

  Marco, Joseph, and Michael crowded through the door and Marco, the burliest of her brothers shoved Mitch aside and grabbed Anthony. “My turn,” he growled before landing a solid punch to his nose. Sweat and blood splashed from Tony’s face as Marco pounded him.

  Unable to believe her eyes, Gina managed to stand with help from Dawson, who stood as a silent spectator to the melee that ensued. Even Mitch seemed to shake himself from the frenzy and made his way to her. Without a word, he pulled her into his arms. Grateful that he’d made it in time, Gina glanced up as the curses of the hot-headed Leoni brothers filled the space. But once Mitch got a good look at her, his face hardened with fury and he turned back to Anthony again.

  “Goddamn bastard.”

  “Wait. No, wait.” Gina grabbed his arm and shook her head. The sounds of fists hitting flesh stopped leaving nothing but heavy breathing and a hell of a lot of testosterone to fill the room. Her brothers. She gave Mitch a look and went to them. “How did you know? How did you find me?”

  Joseph sucked in a breath and hugged her tight. “Michael let it slip that you were here. We knew Tony was on his way so we hopped a plane, rented a car and somehow, thank you Jesus, we got here in time. We were on our way to warn you when we spotted him sneaking onto the land. He’s most likely been stalking you for a while now.”

  Michael rushed up. “I’m sorry, Gina. I’m so sorry. The bastard tricked me.”

  The regret on his beautiful, young face broke her heart. Gina reached up and touched his cheek. “No worries. I’m okay now.” She looked around the room at her brothers and at Dawson and then at the man she loved. “I’m okay.”

  Mitch moved up beside her and despite her protests lifted her into his arms as her brothers hauled a beaten and limp Anthony from the barn. There was more to be said, much more, but darn if she wasn’t too tired to speak at the moment.

  She was safe. She was loved and family was near.

  She might be a little worse for wear but she was alive and that was something to be happy about.

  Nobody was going to get any sleep tonight and that was a fact!

  Mitch sat in the living room on the sofa with Gina curled against his side. Though his most urgent need was to pace, holding onto Gina was far more important. He’d seen the bruises and had seen the terror in her eyes when everything went down. Had he and Dawson arrived scant moments later he’d be burying her instead of sitting here and loving her. Close call. Much too close. He dragged a hand over her arm, felt her breath against his shoulder and the softness of her hair against his neck and thanked God for looking out for them all.

  After the sheriff had shown up to take Anthony away, they’d returned to the house where Dawson had instantly filled several tumblers with straight bourbon while he’d gone about the business of inspecting Gina’s injuries. She had several nasty scratches, a bad bruise on her left cheek and jaw, and a grotesque necklace of bruises around her throat.

  The man meant to kill her.


  Mitch took in the sight of Gina’s brothers, all big, handsome Italian men who still had bloodlust in their dark eyes. Marco and Joseph sprawled in chairs nursing their drinks and the youngest, Michael, occupied the other spot on the sofa next to his sister. The poor kid was upset that he’d allowed Anthony to find out where Gina was and it was obvious he’d learned a valuable lesson about trusting the wrong people. He’d apologized a dozen times. Dawson took in the scene with hooded eyes.

  Most of the night had passed in a blur of rage and violence. He’d been there before but this time it involved the woman he loved. He’d awakened to find Gina gone and he hadn’t been surprised since she had tossed and turned in their bed for hours. Deciding she’d gone for a walk, he pulled on his jeans and stepped onto his patio. A light came from the door and he wasn’t alarmed until he’d seen a man move through the door. Dawson must’ve been still awake because he came running when Mitch yelled out. Mitch hadn’t stopped to see that his brother had grabbed a rifle but barreled on toward the barn. Dawson and he arrived just in time.

  He knew the scene was forever burned into his brain.

  She was safe now and that was all that mattered.

  Marco spoke into his phone. “She’s fine, Papa. Tell Ma to stop crying. You know we can’t stand that. Tony’s in jail and Gina is good, bruised but good.” His dark eyes took in his sister. “Yes, we’re bringing her home as soon as she can travel. She belongs with her family.” There was a pause. “I don’t give a fuck what happens to Tony. He’ll be charged with ass
ault and go to jail.” He closed his eyes on another pause. “I’m sorry, Papa. I’m just pissed. He’ll leave sis alone now. We beat the hell out of him, us guys and the McBride men. It’s time someone kicked his ass. Yeah. Yeah. Tell Ma, Gina will call her tomorrow when things slow down, okay?”

  When the call ended and Marco had tucked the phone into his pocket, Mitch disengaged from Gina and stood. He looked at Dawson. “Would you mind getting Gina’s brothers settled into guest rooms? It’s been a helluva long night and we could all use some rest.” Then he took in the Leoni boys. “I’m sorry we weren’t properly introduced but shit went down so fast. You were like the damn cavalry charging in to save the day.” He shrugged. “Can’t tell you how glad I am you guys showed up when you did. If I ever get in trouble, you’re the kind of men I’d want to have at my back. It’s good to meet you and have you here. Gina is like family and you’re always welcome.”

  The men said their goodnights and followed Dawson off to their rooms. Mitch looked down at Gina as she sat curled on the sofa. “Can you talk? How’s your throat, baby,” he softly asked.

  She brought a hand to the ring of bruises around her throat. “Kind of rough.” Her voice was raspy and again, Mitch wanted to kill that ex of hers. “I can try.”

  Mitch sat next to her. “No, you just be quiet and listen.” He took her hand and watched her eyes widen. He paused, gathering his thoughts. It was a shitty thing for a man of his age to flounder for words but this was too important. “Your brothers seem to think you’re going back to Brooklyn with them.”

  Gina nodded, her gaze solemn.

  “Well, I have something to say about that. You haven’t said a word about your feelings for me and I’m a dumb ass for not asking outright but I thought maybe you needed more time with me.” She opened her mouth but Mitch held up his hand. “I’d be no kind of man at all if I didn’t tell you that I love you. Dawson and I are products of a dysfunctional family and we’ve been trying to get it right ever since the old man died. I have a failed marriage and figured that might be it for me. You changed all that. You fit here at the ranch as if you were born to it and, as an added plus, you’re sweet as sugar.” Finally, he managed a smile. The words, once out, had a freeing effect on him. “I’m crazy about you. I love your cute yankee accent and the way you love your people. That you’re downright beautiful is just a plus. You’re the woman I want to grow old with and maybe, if we’re lucky, have a family of our own.” Mitch reached out to gently trace the nasty marring of her cheek. “I would never hurt you. I’d rather rip off my arm than cause you pain,” he whispered.


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