101 Nights of Great Sex

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101 Nights of Great Sex Page 8

by Corn, Laura

  Rock your hips. Bounce a little, and let him hear the pleasure in your voice. By now, he will have noticed a flaw. There’s a small hole, a rip, right on the center seam. He doesn’t need to know that you put it there, hours ago, before you even pulled the stockings on. But his tongue has found it and made it obvious.

  Reach down between your thighs and slip the tips of your fingernails into the hole. Tug the edges further apart, then press your unwrapped flesh even harder against his mouth. Let him hear you gasp. “I want you in me!” you tell him, and soon he will be, his hard shaft ripping the seam apart, the tight fabric scratching and squeezing his erection on every thrust. Your warmth and wetness is more than a gift unwrapped. For him, it’s a treasure taken, a secret exposed. Tonight, you’ve given him so much more than sex. Your actions have validated his most secret hope: you find him so irresistible that you can’t wait for intimacy. You think he is so sexy that you would rather rip your clothes than put off sex for one more second. For a man, there is no higher compliment than spontaneous sex.

  Even if you had to plan it yourself.

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  1 quiet room

  1 quiet man

  1 provocative note

  “YOU ARE GETTING SLEEPY, VERY SLEEPY. You can hardly keep your eyes open. This afternoon, when you hear the word ‘scent,’ you will have an uncontrollable urge to take a nap. Once in bed, you will not wake up no matter what I do to your body. You will neither stir nor speak, or the spell will be broken.”

  He may not be hypnotized — not yet, anyway — but he sure will be fascinated when he reads your text Saturday morning. Don’t be surprised if he rushes to get through with his weekend yard work. Even a hard core workaholic will be looking forward to this intriguing little snooze.

  Later in the day, touch a few drops of perfume to your skin. Snuggle close and ask if he likes your new “scent”... then watch him yawn and head for the bedroom.

  Give him a few minutes alone, and then enter the room. In complete silence, approach the bed. He is sound asleep — or pretending, anyway — so be gentle as you examine his body. You don’t want to wake him as you explore with your softest caresses.

  But otherwise, you now have the freedom to do anything you want. If there are certain things you’re curious about, now is the time to discover them. And off in “dreamland,” he’ll be in an incredible state of anticipation, wondering where you are going to touch him and what you are going to do next.

  Undress him. Study all the places that you want to touch. Brush your lips across his eyelids; kiss his neck, his nipples and belly, his thighs and toes. Try to find new erogenous zones; observe the way his skin reacts as you trail your fingertips across his warm flesh.

  Did you know that a man’s perineum is nearly equivalent to a woman’s G-spot? Lightly rub this area between the scrotum and anus and you will send him into an erotic trance. Press your fingers deeper into it as you massage a rich cream into his now wide awake erection.

  Take all the time you need to observe his penis in its various stages of arousal. If he’s a good boy — if he follows the rules and stays asleep — stroke him until he comes.

  You’re actually giving him two gifts this week. First, you’re handing him a truly great climax. Second, he gets to fall asleep right after sex — without feeling the least bit guilty.

  What more could a man ask for?

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  You already have everything you need!

  I LOVE QUICKIES. Love ‘em! I enjoy them so much I wrote an entire book on them (101 Grrreat Quickies). I think they’re an indispensable item in every couple’s bag of sexual tricks. Seduction and mystery make life sublime, but sometimes you just need a little throw-down, no-nonsense, if-I-don’t-do-it-now-I’m-going-to-explode sex. As great as quickies are, though, they do have one drawback: How do you know when your partner is going to be truly ready for one?

  I mean, sex is never bad, but it can occasionally be a tad inconvenient. It’s hard to truly savor an orgasm, for instance, when you know you’ve got ice cream melting in the trunk. And men, I have discovered, are less receptive to seduction during the final minutes of anything that has a ball associated with it. But I found a fool-proof way to determine the best time for fast sex. Simply ask. This week, send your man an e-mail like this:

  Hey, babe. I want to ravage your body one night this week — What are the three best times to have a quickie? Get the answers right and you win... a quickie! — Love, Your Girl.

  This method has a couple of advantages. Not only will he tell you the best possible time to surprise him with sex, he’s also going to spend the rest of the week thinking about you surprising him with sex. This has obvious implications for both arousal and, um, hygiene. He’s going to be ready for you, in every sense of the word.

  So pick a time that works for both of you. No pressing deadlines, no major deal-killers waiting in the wings. Wait until he’s doing something mindless: reading his emails, flipping through channels. Emptying the dishwasher. (HA! Yeah, right. I mean things that actually could happen in this universe.)

  Then walk right up to him, unzip his fly, and pull out that rapidly-expanding stretch of manhood. Get hot, fast. There’s no time for foreplay in a quickie; there’s not even time to take down his pants. Just work that thing, girl. Cradle it and lick it and rub it and pull it into your mouth like it’s all that’s keeping you alive. And don’t slow down until you’ve brought him to a shuddering, shaking release.

  Now clean him off, zip him up, smile — you know, that wicked cat-who-swallowed-the-canary smile — and walk away.

  Don’t worry about him. He’ll eventually figure out he’s back on Earth.

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  jewelry, as much as you can find

  high heels


  “Budget the luxuries first.”

  Prescription for a happy marriage from

  ROBERT HEINLEIN (inventor of the waterbed)

  You probably think your guy doesn’t even notice your jewelry. But it isn’t true.

  And here’s how I know. While writing my first book, 237 Intimate Questions Every Woman Should Ask A Man, I interviewed over one thousand men and asked them this question:

  “If a woman were to do a long, slow, sensuous striptease for you and just leave on two things... what would they be?” And the number one answer was: shoes and earrings! See, they do like it when we wear sparkly stuff. (And they like it even better when that is all we wear.)

  In fact, a quick trip to your local museum or a glance at an art book—especially a book of tasteful erotic images—and you’ll be convinced. Many classic paintings and eye-catching images show women who are not quite nude. Instead, they are posing with jewels, and bangles, gold hoops and bracelets, and loop after loop of pearls set against nakedness. It’s a look that is as old as jewelry itself. It will never go out of fashion, because women instinctively know it looks sexy, and men consistently forget to breathe when they see it. Jewelry on bare skin is, I dare say, the reason why men buy jewelry. If your guy doesn’t always seem to notice your jewelry, it’s simply because your clothes get in the way.

  With this information in mind, you can create a scene of jaw-dropping beauty and sensuality for your lover. First, get undressed and put on all your best jewelry. Hair Clips, rings, bracelets, diamonds, necklaces. Earrings too, and the bigger the better. Toe rings, anklets, chokers, belly-button jewels. Wear as much as you can. The only other thing you should have on is a pair of your most ruthlessly sexy high heels.

  Line your bedroom with candles. Lots of them. Pile pillows on
your bed and kneel on top of them. Call your lover to the room. Watch his mouth fall open.

  In that sensuous candlelight, with sparkling gems and sexy stilettos adorning you, his eyes will pop out of his head. That’s because you look amazing. Elegant. Glorious. Shamelessly sexy. You’re a cross between a showgirl and a princess. (Oh! Do you know where to find a tiara?) Tonight, you are making your lover feel like a very, very rich man, in every sense of the word.

  Now take him to bed. Let him feel the cool metal of your gems against his own bare skin. Let him see how your ears, your belly, and your ankles dazzle. How your jewels and your lips glisten in the light. Let him hear the erotic jangle of your accessories as you climb on him, or thrust against him, or bob your head up and down on him. Finish him off. And then, just to show him what jewelry can do for a woman, finish him off again.

  I’ll bet he takes you to breakfast at Tiffany’s.

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  Pair of elbow-length or opera-length gloves

  satin nightgown or slip

  sexy shoes

  a full-length, wardrobe mirror

  YOU’RE GOING TO RUIN a pair of gloves this week. And it’s going to be so worth it.

  I talked with a lot of people while researching this book, and while I wasn’t surprised to find that massage is a popular romantic activity, I was amazed when I found out that there are places around the world where women give massages while wearing gloves. And I’m not talking about household gloves, either. Full-length, satin opera gloves. Wow. Now that is something special. That is something worth trying.

  Gloves enhance a woman’s arms, wrists and hands—some of the most expressive parts of her body. They don’t have to be satin; there are sexy latex and leather gloves available as well, in different colors and lengths. Most adult boutiques will have something suitable, or go online to find a pair. Midweek, leave the gloves someplace he’ll notice them, like draped over a chair or by the phone in the kitchen. If he asks you what they’re doing there, smile and tell him, “They’re for Saturday. For your happy ending.” And leave it at that.

  Saturday, after dinner, excuse yourself and go to the bedroom. Set a mirror about three feet from the edge of the bed and dim the lights. Step into your lingerie and shoes, and then pull the gloves on. Walk straight up to where your sweetheart is and stroke a finger under his chin in a “come hither” motion. Kiss him and say, “Follow me.”

  In the bedroom, slowly undress him in front of the mirror. As you do, exaggerate the movements of your hands. They are encased in gorgeous gloves, and every flourish you make with your wrists and fingers is dripping with seduction. Extend your arm and drop his shirt. Hold your arm out a bit longer than necessary. Tease him as you walk around him. When his pants have dropped, lead him backwards till he is sitting on the edge of the bed with his feet planted on the floor, and stand between him and the mirror.

  Now run your hands across his skin, tracing his collarbone, circling his nipples, raking your fingers up his thighs and continuing to the tip of his penis. He’s going to love how cool and smooth and sensual it feels, and he’s going to be hard. Get behind him, straddling his body with your legs. “Look at that,” as you snake your arms under his and stroke his hardening shaft, “Look at us.” Your satiny fingers on his erection and the slickness of your slip will surround him, and your whispered reminders to watch what’s happening in the mirror will make him ache.

  “Would you like a happy ending?”


  Watch yourselves in the mirror as your hand strokes his erection. Feel how nicely the satin slides over his stiffness. Take your time and watch his face in the mirror as you stroke him, “Mmm, I like this.”

  Here’s the part where you blow his mind: Ask him to show you how he gets himself off, “Baby, would you show me how you do it?” Assure him that you think it’s hot (It is!), and that you want to see what he does to make himself come.

  Now, watch what he does. Let him focus on the sensation of being held by you while he masturbates. Whisper encouraging things to him, “That looks so good... I love watching you do that... you’re making me so hot.”

  Now, reach around and try your hand. Remember the speed he used, and how tightly he gripped himself. Brace yourself for his orgasm. When he seems close, whisper, “I want you to come for me.” When he does, catch as much as you can on your gloves. Don’t forget to sneak a peek in the mirror while it’s happening.

  Once he’s finished and his breathing’s returned to normal, show him what he did to your pretty gloves. He’ll love it, and wonder how he got so lucky.

  Then take the gloves off, toss them aside, and give him the look. He may be spent, but that doesn’t mean it’s over. Because every girl deserves her own happy ending.

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  1 pair white thigh-high stockings

  1 pair white undies

  1 white shirt

  1 alarm clock

  1 cup of hot tea or other hot beverage

  I LOVE THE MONTHS WHEN I AM WRITING A new book like this one. Love them! Because my personal sex life is never better. I’m doing research into sex tricks, talking to people about their favorite bedroom tips, dreaming up erotic adventures and writing them down. It’s not exactly easy. But it means that I’m thinking about sex, a lot. And guess what? That automatically makes sex happen more often.

  I’ll bet the same thing will happen to you. As you go through this book and take on these seductions, you’ll constantly be reminded how much you love the intimacy, the excitement and the pure physical fun of sex with the man of your dreams.

  So the other day I woke up early and horny. And I decided to try one of my, no, two of my—no wait, three of my favorite tricks all at once. It’s a Mix ‘n’ Match Sale at the Corn Store! Buy one, get two free! I dare you to triple his pleasure this week.

  Step one: Dress-Up Sex. This doesn’t have to be elaborate. The reason it works is not the fancy outfit, it’s the fact that you cared enough to take a little extra effort to impress your lover. My recommendation: White cotton undies. White dress shirt, unbuttoned. And the pièce de résistance, white thigh high stockings. Ah, what a look. So pure and virginal, yet so sexy.

  Step two: Morning Sex. Leave your guy asleep as you slip into the bathroom to put on your do-me-now white outfit. Climb back onto the bed so that you are facing him—or, more to the point, that he is facing you the moment he opens his eyes. Which he will do shortly after you lift one of your stocking-clad feet and start tickling his face with your toes. As he wakens, slide your leg down his chest. Smile, and let him admire the view.

  Step three: The Velvet Tongue. If you haven’t noticed, “The Velvet Tongue” is another seduction in the book. This is a classic. This move should be a part of every woman’s bedroom repertoire. Once you have gotten a rise out of your sleeping giant, lean over to your nightstand to pick up a cup of hot tea, or coffee, or whatever. Take a sip and hold it a moment before you swallow. And now that your mouth is exceptionally hot and wet, lean over his hips, bring his shaft to your lips, and slide it in. Ahhhhhh... Tease him by breaking off your oral treat every minute or two, just long enough to take another steamy sip, and then bring him back to a boil.

  And now that you have mastered The Triple Thriller, get even more creative. I challenge you to start customizing your own recipes for great sex. They say that women are natural multi-taskers. And we can have multi-orgasms. This week, do both. (And do it all before breakfast!)

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  1 chair

  1 large mirror

  multiple lipsticks

  several can

  tray table

  I LOVE TO WATCH A MAN SHAVE. It’s so precise, and so intimate. The wet white foam. The way the razor cuts those straight lines and reveals such smooth skin. When my guy does it, I find myself staring at his face, admiring his looks in detail. For an act that seems so ordinary, it’s pretty hot.

  Turns out men feel the same way about watching women apply makeup. Survey after survey shows that they love to see us painting our lips. Maybe it makes them think about what those lips can do to them. It makes them want to kiss us, to smudge those perfect red lips. Your guy is going to get a chance to do that and so much more this week, in one of the most visually arousing scenes he will ever see outside of a movie.

  Call your guy into your bedroom and ask him to sit on a comfortable chair. Candles create a flickering glow. Next to the chair is a tray table with several of your favorite lipsticks, a box of tissues, and a drink. And right in front of the chair is a full-length mirror, giving him a perfect view of the show to come. You’re wearing something sexy, a cami or bustier. Pick up a lipstick and stand close to the mirror so he can watch your reflection as you apply a perfect set of lips.

  Now snuggle into his lap and kiss his cheek. Oh, look at that! You can giggle as you point out the bright mark you left.


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