The American Soldier Collection 16: Seeking Love in Salvation (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The American Soldier Collection 16: Seeking Love in Salvation (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Would you like a drink?” Beck asked her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her cheek and neck. She smiled and locked gazes with Ridge, who held her expression with a firm one and raised one of his eyebrows up at her.

  “I could definitely use one,” she stated.

  “Wine, beer, vodka?” Beck asked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. She chuckled.

  “Wine, if you have it,” she said to him.

  “I got it,” Jace said and walked over to the cabinet where they kept their wine.

  “Cabernet, chardonnay, or blush?” Jace asked.

  “Chardonnay, please,” she replied and walked over to the island, reaching for a piece of fruit. Ridge stepped closer and pressed up against her back. He massaged her shoulders and he felt the tension lessen.

  “Talk to us. Tell us about why you were so upset when I met you in town earlier?” he asked and continued to suckle along her neck, tasting the soap and, of course, Valentina’s intoxicating shampoo. He slid his arm around her waist and pressed his cock against her ass.

  She leaned back against his shoulder.

  “I had a very upsetting day.”

  He slid his hand back and forth along her belly and hip bone. “And?” he whispered into her ear, kissing her neck.

  “Just a bad series of events, some unexpected news on the case, and it just keeps getting worse.”

  “The case with the kids you’ve been telling us about?” Sparrow asked her.

  Ridge moved next to her and she stepped back so she could talk to them. Jace and Beck sat on the stools by the island, giving her their full attention as she explained the series of events the last two days.

  “I heard about the officers being shot, and about a woman who was attacked on the news, but they didn’t mention where,” Beck said to her.

  “Well, they can’t say it was at a women’s shelter. It’s bad enough it happened, now the shelter is being evaluated as to whether they’re equipped to handle cases like Roxie’s. Whether some better forms of security need to be in place other than what they had. It’s a mess, but the worst part is the kids. Roxie’s kids are scared and not talking. I met with them yesterday for a short period of time, but then someone from social services was there and deciding what to do with them.”

  Ridge caressed her back.

  “Those poor babies. Will they wind up in foster care?” he asked.

  “Thank God the woman that Roxie attacked at the shelter is going to live. Roxie is going to have to pay for doing that. Samuel is their biological father, but he’s heading to a life behind bars. There are already murder charges pending, and the potential for another one if that police officer he shot doesn’t make it,” she said to them.

  “So they become the responsibility of the state. Unless there are other relatives,” Jace said to her.

  “There aren’t any. We’ve been looking into both of their families to see if anyone could take the kids, but they haven’t had any relationship with any of them for too long.”

  “What’s the next step?” Beck asked.

  “I’m going to see them Monday,” she said and ran her finger along the rim of the wine glass.

  “That’s what the teddy bears and stuff are for? The kids?” he asked.

  She nodded and held his gaze.

  “They’re going to have a tough road ahead of them. Tye, he’s the six-year-old, Lena the four-year-old, and even Grace the baby, love to cuddle. I thought the bears would be great for them, and the blanket with the teddy bear attached to it could be great for Grace.” The tears filled her eyes and Ridge pulled her into his arms.

  “Oh, baby, I know it’s tough,” he said to her.

  Sparrow pressed up behind her and kissed her shoulder as she stepped back from Ridge’s hold.

  “Have you looked into asking the social worker if there are people who would take the three babies to try and keep the family together?”

  Valentina wiped her eyes and looked at Sparrow. “It’s the beginning stages. Right now they’re keeping the kids at the women’s shelter until next week sometime. Then they’ll transfer them to a location where other kids live until all the legal matters get settled. They’ll look for foster parents, but there’s no guarantee all three will go to the same place. They have to see if there are vacancies. Once the parents are behind bars and are sentenced, they’ll see if they want to remain having custody of the kids or give them up to the state. Then adoption could be an option.” She swallowed hard and then took a sip of her wine. Sparrow kept a hand on her waist.

  “Well, let’s hope for the best. Maybe the mother will give herself up, will serve a short period of time, or the judge could work out something and she can still have custody of the kids and raise them.”

  “I’m not sure that’s going to happen, since she’s only kept them this long because of their father. It’s a screwed-up situation, and those babies are going to suffer the most. It’s heart-wrenching.”

  Ridge felt sorry for Valentina for having to face these types of situations at work. She had a big heart, and it was one of the reasons he found himself falling in love with her. One glance around the room at his brothers and he could see them falling for her, as well.

  He liked that they were all gathered here together, talking about her job and giving her support. He wanted more nights like this, and mornings to wake up to with Valentina in their arms.

  Chapter 9

  “She’s a beautiful young woman,” Scout, one of their fathers, told them. Sparrow smiled.

  “Great personality, too, with a sense of humor,” Sarge added, taking a slug from his beer and winking at Sparrow.

  “It seems like the four of you are pretty smitten with her,” Ray said and held Jace’s gaze.

  Sparrow looked over toward where Valentina was talking to their mom by the herb garden. She looked beautiful today, wearing a light blue sundress that accentuated her figure and was short enough to give them a good view of her toned legs. It was a tease, though, as the bottom fell right above the knees. He thought about later, when they’d get her back to the house, and all the ways they would talk her into staying the night.

  “So is this serious?” Sarge asked them and then looked to Sparrow for a reply. He was the oldest and always took the lead on things, but with Valentina it was different. They all led and followed. She was wrapping them around her heart quickly.

  “We brought her over here for dinner, and told you all and mom about her a week ago,” Sparrow replied and then leaned back and looked over to find Valentina smiling and talking a mile a minute with their mother.

  “You just be sure to take your time. This type of relationship involves a lot of trust and patience, too. She seems like she has a lot on her mind, having to care for her sister and nephew who look scared all the time. Be sure you’re thinking with the right heads,” Scout said to them, and Beck cleared his throat.

  “We are, dads, don’t worry. We’ve watched you guys with Ma and we know this type of relationship is special. So is Valentina. We all have a lot in common, and it feels right,” Beck told them.

  “I like her already, and she sure must be special to keep Jace from disappearing on those camping trips alone,” Ray said and gave Jace a glare. Their fathers always worried about Jace and how he didn’t like sharing his emotions and chose to hide and keep things to himself.

  “Everyone has their ways of dealing with things, Dad. I always came back, didn’t I?”

  “We wondered if you would, and we worried, just like your ma did every time. You know it’s okay to feel the pain still, and the memories of your service. We’ve all been there,” Sarge added.

  “I don’t need to talk about this right now. Not at all. I’m fine. Don’t I look fine?” Jace asked and then stood up. He was insulted and didn’t like to talk about the way he disappeared.

  Sparrow sighed, knowing this was a conversation that always took place here at the house and that was why Jace wouldn’t come over for dinner with them. He avoided
their fathers, worried about their opinions of him as a Green Beret like them and having weakness. Sparrow knew their dads weren’t like that. They cared for them, all of them, but Jace couldn’t see that.

  “Jace?” He turned around to see Valentina walking up the walkway to the porch with their mother.

  Sparrow saw the concerned expressions on both women’s faces and it hit his heart hard. Valentina cared about them so much, too.

  “Jace, what’s wrong?” Ella asked.

  “Nothing, just the same old crap.” He walked down off the porch. Valentina reached out and grabbed his hand and he pulled her along with him.

  “What about dessert?” their mom called out. Jace waved his hand and pulled Valentina along with him toward the path that led back to the woods. Was he walking her all the way home to their place through the woods? Sparrow wondered and then looked at his brothers.

  “Let’s give him some time, maybe Valentina can calm him down,” he said to them.

  “She’s a really sweet woman. Cares a lot about her sister and nephew, and what a sense of humor. I haven’t heard Jace laugh like that in so long,” their mom said with tears filling her eyes.

  Sarge grabbed her hand to pull her closer and then onto his lap. She gasped and held down her skirt as he placed her on his lap.

  “She’s a good woman, and good for our boys,” he said to her and then kissed her shoulder. She smiled at him.

  “Good for us? Why do you say that?” Ridge asked.

  “She won’t take any of your crap, gun or no gun,” Ray stated, and they chuckled.

  “You think she’ll be okay with Jace?” their mom asked them.

  When he first returned from serving, Jace had been hard to handle and always seemed to have a temper. He would have some outbursts, but Sparrow, Ridge, and Beck were always there to calm him down. After he retired and had started disappearing when the raging started, they’d all been worried that he could hurt himself or someone else. His mom’s concerns brought back those memories a moment.

  “She’ll be just fine and so will Jace. He loves her,” Ridge said and then stood up to toss out the empty beer. Sparrow looked at Ridge and then Beck, and they smiled. “He isn’t the only one,” Beck said.

  “Well, I’ll be damned. It looks like you might get your wish, Ella,” Scout said to her.

  “My wish?” she asked.

  “Yes, you know, the one you were repeating over and over again when you first met Valentina and knew our boys were interested in her,” Sarge added.

  Ella was quiet.

  “She was dancing around the kitchen hoping that it would all work out between the four of you and Valentina. She said if she could choose a daughter-in-law and a wife for her sons, Valentina fit the bill more than perfectly,” Ray told them.

  Sparrow smirked.

  “Ain’t that the truth?” Sarge said and dipped their mom, kissing her gingerly on the lips.

  “On that note, I think we’re going, too,” Beck stated, standing up.

  “What about dessert?” their mom asked as Sarge let her up and she went to hug Ridge.

  “Our dessert should be waiting at home in about ten minutes,” he said, and his brothers chuckled but his mom gave his arm a slap.

  “Ridge Brazos, you be sweet to that young woman. I like her a whole lot. She’s a keeper.”

  “Just like you, Ma,” he said and hugged her. Beck hugged her next.

  “Kiss-up,” Sparrow said to Ridge, who winked at him but smiled. Their fathers picked up on all of it. Now Sparrow hoped that Valentina could calm Jace down. He didn’t want anything to come between their relationship. This sudden foreboding feeling hit his gut hard, and now he was worried.

  “Let’s get going,” he said to his brothers, and they headed down the steps and over to their pickup truck. A glance toward the woods and he was hoping Jace didn’t start one of his arguments with Valentina.

  * * * *

  Jace was walking so fast Valentina could hardly keep up. “Jace, slow down. Why are you so upset?” she asked him as they got to a set of big trees and then the large clearing in the distance. It wasn’t far to their house now, but it was getting darker, and soon she wouldn’t be able to see too far ahead.

  “Jace,” she demanded, pulling on his arm.

  He released her hand.

  “God damn it, why can’t you just be here for me? I just need you to be here for me while I deal with this and get it under control.” He raised his voice and she stopped short and stared up at him.

  Jace was a big guy. He was in such amazing physical condition, thick, solid, and capable. He was intimidating. She trusted him, though, just like she trusted his brothers. Something their dads said to him had set him off. She thought she’d heard something about him disappearing for weeks.

  “I am here for you. Maybe if you tell me what your dads said—”

  He shook his head, stepped toward her, and then stepped back. He was really struggling here. “Jace, whatever it is, we can handle it together. Talk to me,” she whispered and then stepped closer. She ran her palms along his back and then one on his arms.

  “Everything was perfect. We were all enjoying the visit. It wasn’t like other ones. Like the ones that made me stop going there with my brothers,” he said in a low voice.

  “You stopped going there to have dinner? Why?” she asked.

  He turned around and pulled her close.

  “I don’t want to say.”

  She hesitated a moment, which was so unlike her. “Why not? I’ll understand,” she said.

  He clutched her chin and stared down into her eyes. She felt the desire, the love she had for him instantly.

  He licked his lower lip. “I love being inside of you. Everything is perfect there.” He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her. She ran her palms up his chest and then to his shoulders. She could feel his palm massage along her waist then under her dress. She parted her thighs. She could never deny them entry. Not ever. She adored all four brothers immensely.

  He pressed her panties down and then softly drew tiny circles on her mound, teasing her clit and making her moan into his mouth. He pulled from her lips and kept his mouth on her jaw as he whispered.

  “I had a difficult time after the last two tours of duty. I would be combative and on edge with everyone. When I retired and came home permanently, I had some episodes,” he told her.

  “Episodes?” she asked.

  “I was on edge and got into verbal arguments that could have easily escalated into worse if it weren’t for my brothers.” She tightened up and pulled back a little. He gripped her tighter and pulled her close. “No, don’t be scared of me for telling you that. I would never hurt you, baby. Never. I’ve come far.”

  “How so? What’s different from when you first returned, and why are your fathers concerned to bring it up tonight?” she asked him.

  He continued to play with her clit and walk her back a few feet. When her back hit the tree, she held onto his shoulders as he manipulated her body to his liking. She felt his digit press slightly against her clit and into her channel. It was a tease, pure and simple.


  “I didn’t want to fight with the people I loved, so when I started getting uptight about things, and before it escalated, I would take off and go camping by myself. I would disappear for as long as I needed to calm down and to deal with it.”

  “I haven’t seen you disappear,” she said to him, holding his gaze.

  He licked his bottom lip and stroked his finger up into her cunt. “You had something to do with that,” he whispered and then kissed her deeply. He stroked her pussy, in and out, as his words sunk in. She felt happy and special. He released her lips.

  “You make things so much better, clearer, and perfect. I need you so much right now, baby. I need to get lost in this body and know that you’re mine and that nothing else matters but us and making love.” He pulled his fingers from her cunt and quickly undid his pants and stepped from one
leg. He lifted her up and she straddled his waist.

  She held his gaze and felt his cock at her entrance. “Let me love you?”

  “Only if you let me love you,” she replied, and his eyes darkened and his expression got serious as she felt his cock slide into her pussy to claim her. They both exhaled in relief and in response to the sensations being together like this caused them to feel. Jace rocked his hips and thrust into her faster, deeper, as she held onto him and kissed his mouth, his cheeks and chin.

  He made love to her against the tree in the beautiful woods with a peaceful breeze, and for the moments that passed, nothing else mattered more or was stronger than the bond she was forming with Jace and his brothers. She wanted them all, and that was validation that a relationship like this could work. She prayed she would feel this content forever.

  * * * *

  Ridge spotted Jace and Valentina heading their way. The sound of her laughter and then her swatting at Jace as he carried her over his shoulder across the yard was funny. His concerns lessened immediately at the sight.

  “Looks like everything is fine,” Sparrow said and stood by the steps of the porch.

  “What took you so long?” Beck asked as Jace climbed the steps and smiled.

  “Seems Valentina has a thing for making out in the woods,” he said, and Ridge and his brothers all saw Valentina’s naked ass under the dress.

  “She’s a horny little thing, so I hope you all are ready to satisfy her appetite,” he added.

  “Jace,” she scolded and slapped his ass, but Jace continued to walk her through the house and up the stairs.

  “I’ll lock up,” Sparrow said with a smile, and Ridge and Beck followed Jace and Valentina to the bedroom.

  When he plopped her down on the bed, she landed with her legs wide open and resting on her elbows. “Jace, give me my panties.”

  He chuckled. “You don’t need them.” He fell down between her legs, caressed up her dress, and then stroked her cunt.


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