Ghost Sex The Violation

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Ghost Sex The Violation Page 12

by G L Davies

  Daniel: I was watching T.V downstairs, Lisa had gone to bed. I wasn’t watching anything in particular. I was missing my friends and the freedom I used to have but I still loved Lisa and I had no idea to why she was so turned off to me. I had always tried to be a loving and attentive partner. I hoped it was just some phase and it would pass and we would be back to how it was. It was a Friday night, past twelve and I thought I had better get up to bed. I turned off the T.V and headed on up in the stairs. I knew the house well enough to not have the lights on and there was always a little light from the street through the front of the house. When I got to the top of the landing it got really dark again, like the dark was engulfing me, covering me. I felt panicky, and this freezing coldness just swept over me. I stood there, literally frozen with all my hair standing on end. I felt something sweep across my neck and I gave out a screech and I just found the energy to dash into Lisa’s bedroom. I jumped into bed and lay there with the Duvet over my head. I tried to snuggle as close to her as possible, but since we had stopped having sex, she had this habit of sleeping with her elbows facing out. Almost like a barrier to stop me getting close to her.

  I lay there expecting the door to open or the duvet to be pulled off but there was nothing. There was just my panicked breathing. Somehow I managed to drop off and wish I had never woke up. I don’t even know how to explain this. You are just going to think I am mad. I feel like a lunatic just thinking about what I am about to tell you.

  When I woke it was still dark and I heard this weird moaning noise. I sat up quickly and turned on the light. I looked over and Lisa was lying there on her back with her eyes open but not moving. The duvet was off her and she was just lying there in her pyjamas. She didn’t look at me or anything but was making this weird moaning sound. I thought that maybe she was having one of those weird night terror things she had suffered from before.

  Then, I swear to you, her pyjama top started to rise up on its own. I was so confused to how she could do this. I asked her if she was O.K. But she never answered; she just had these dead, lifeless eyes. I tried to touch her and then I was covered in that awful cold feeling again. This time it was intense and I felt an icy sharp pain on either side of my face and down into my neck. I could not move at all, it was if I was paralysed. It was so painful. I felt like my head was in a vice. I watched as Lisa’s pyjama bottoms were slowly pulled off. It was like someone was at the foot of the bed and was pulling them off.

  Something invisible was undressing her. Her legs slowly spread and Lisa made a louder moan. She still had her underwear on but I could see red marks appearing on her thighs. I just wanted to grab her and drag her out of there. I couldn’t, I couldn’t help her, I let it touch her, and I let it molest her.

  It was as if it wanted me to watch her being sexually assaulted. It was as if it was displaying its power. It knew I could do nothing. How would you like to see someone you loved raped before your very eyes and there is nothing you can do to stop it? I was in that position for ages. I couldn’t scream but only make weird moaning, gurgling sounds. I was dribbling all down my neck and onto my chest. This is awful, this is so sickening. I saw… I saw a bulge in Lisa’s belly, like something was inside her, pushing out from within. It was under her skin, almost throbbing and then my eyes welled up with tears and then everything was blurred. There was something inside of her and every time it protruded, Lisa would moan, like she was having sex.

  This lasted for ages and I just shut my eyes. I gave up. The pain in my face and neck and the image of Lisa being assaulted like that was too much. Then I felt my head being pushed closer to Lisa’s, by some unseen force, and then she screamed and I was suddenly released and lay face down on the pillow sobbing. The icy cold feeling disappeared and I couldn’t comprehend what had happened. It wasn’t a dream. I had just watched the woman I loved get raped.

  Lisa: I only ever had Daniels account of what it was doing to me. I woke up and I was cumming again, this time it was different, it was incredibly powerful like every nerve ending in my body was on fire and I screamed. I sat up, scared that Dan would have heard me .The light was on and Daniel was lying next to me. He was crying like a baby. I sat up and I grabbed him and he flung my arm away from him. He looked at me; his face was wet and his eyes red. He got out of bed and grabbed his clothes and stormed out of the bedroom. I chased after him and caught up with him at the bottom of the stairs. He was frantically putting on his clothes. He opened the front door and I begged him to tell me what had happened. I knew what had happened but I didn’t know what he had seen. He turned and quietly said Lisa, you were just raped by a ghost and he left the house. He left me alone and I sat on the bottom steps of the stairs and wailed and wailed.

  Daniel: I had to leave, I just had to. Can you even begin to imagine the thoughts whizzing around my mind at this time? I was confused beyond belief. Was I insane? Had I been spiked? Maybe it was a nightmare? I couldn’t figure out and I didn’t want to know to be honest. Lisa had lied to me, she had withheld what had been happening to her and had said it was a sleep condition. She had lied for nearly two years about this and all this time she was having sex with a fucking ghost or whatever the fuck it is.

  I stood in the street. The birds began to sing and I knew it was only an hour or so to sunrise. I was furious and frightened. You really have no idea what it is like. How would you react if you saw that? What would you do? Say it’s O.K and put on the kettle? This had happened at my home too and she had lied about it.

  I thought how fucking dare she stop having sex with me but have sex with that thing instead. That’s how irrational I was at the time. You can’t think clearly when something as horrendous as that happens and I was furious. It wasn’t her fault; I witnessed that with my own eyes. She had no control over it. It was not as if she was consciously encouraged it; it was not as if she wanted it. It was not like she had been hiding texts from me, lying to me, meeting men behind my back, encouraging them to embark on an affair to satisfy her own selfish needs. I was hurt as like an affair she thought or hoped that I would never find out, that any suspicion she could simply hide behind a lie. This was different, Lisa didn’t intend any hurt on me, she had tried to protect me by not telling me but I wish I had known. Maybe if I was prepared then maybe I could have helped her or found a way to help her.

  She didn’t tell me because she said she didn’t want to lose me. I don’t know if I would have done had she told me. Would I have believed her or simply tried to find a rational explanation to try and help her? What I witnessed has no rational explanation. It was a transgression. Lisa has been betrayed by God and by nature for this to happen. This should not happen by how our world works and no psychological condition or physical abnormality can be held responsible for this. This was a supernatural power, evil and disgusting, enjoying tearing the love from two people that had done nothing wrong.

  Lisa: Daniel left me. He didn’t return any of my calls for a few days and he wouldn’t answer the door when I went to see him. He was hurt like no other. I rang him and he answered and I told him everything, I did not hide the truth or make any excuses. I told him everything. He was just quiet on the phone and he said he would call me soon. I spoke to him a few days later on the phone and he sobbed down the phone and told me he was sorry, sorry that he couldn’t help me; sorry he couldn’t love someone who had that happening to them. He was never the same. He was signed off on the sick for two months with depression. He left his job and he quietly disappeared from my life.

  I’m not sure how long I cried for when he hung up after he finished with me. I had this huge empty feeling inside. It wasn’t my fault and I loved him so much and the hurt, the hurt that man felt eats me up to this day. I know I can’t stop what is happening to me but maybe I should have told him the truth or maybe I should never have gone out with him. I was selfish in that I wanted a normal life, a life of love and happiness. I should have been stronger and resigned myself to the fact that this would never go away and because of
my selfishness I broke a man.

  I convinced myself that it would be different this time with Daniel that something as good and pure as we had could beat anything, even ghosts and spirits. I used to pray that maybe the spirit would be a kind spirit and see I was in love and be happy for me. I don’t think it works like that. I don’t think they work on the same wavelengths as us.

  I think of Daniel when we were together, he was kind and caring. How we would sit snuggled up watching a movie or sat there in the sun eating dinner he made, drinking wine. He never complained about anything, encouraged me in every aspect of my life and was so proud of me when we were with his friends. He made me feel young and alive and he made me feel loved. I guess when there is a wrong doing in a relationship and it’s your own fault that you hope that the other person finds happiness, to remove that feeling of guilt and shame. Daniel will never find that happiness.

  It has been two years since Dan left and it still happens, the assaults I mean. They happen here at home, but not as frequently as when Daniel was with me. It is like it thrived off the power of breaking Dan and me up. I went on holiday with Tyler and his girlfriend to Brighton a few months ago to a holiday cottage on the coast and it happened there too. I think that regardless of where I am or who I am with, it has me when it wants too. I can’t help that my body reacts the way it does to it but emotionally and mentally I take no pleasure from it. I wonder will it stop when I am old and haggard or will it continue to my dying day. One thing I do know is that my fate is to be alone for the rest of my life. I will never feel the love and compassion of another man again.


  The testimonials from Lisa and Daniel on the events that led to their detachment are both tragic and disturbing. Clearly we have two individuals that shared an emotional connection only for it to be severed by the paranormal intrusion. Could a metaphysical being cause such alienation between the two or could there be a more rational explanation for the estrangement?

  The encounters and descriptions of the events do have continuity and emotional countenance that led me to believe this is not a hoax. My role, my honour as an investigator, is to delve into every facet of the account and sift through the information to differentiate the fact from the fiction and hopefully discern a probable explanation.

  During the interviews I believed that everyone involved had a sense of conviction and that the events bestowed upon them had abundantly affected them in a deep and profound way. I believed that something was happening to Lisa and was affecting those around her.

  I was fortunate enough to be joined by, A.S Hawkings, a psychologist, for this investigation and she was able to give me some possible explanations into what was happening. Now A.S Hawkins can only make her hypothesis based on the information we have received and these are not definitive answers but more of a probable likelihood.

  ASH: I would not wish to dispute Lisa’s integrity; the events in her life have been extremely traumatic. I have spoken to her, with you, at length and she believes what is happening to her to be real. I have observed during these testimonials and she has displayed no micro expressions associated with deceit or misrepresentation. I would say that she strongly believes that what is happening has happened.

  I have many theories and ideas on what may be behind the perception of what the family believes to be occurring. In fact a whole separate book could be written on this. What I have done is given a few succinct ideas on the causes behind the alleged events. I would say to your readers, that, these are not definitive answers and without continued investigation we will be unable to define the explanation. I think it is certainly food for thought for the readers.

  Now, there is a condition known as Sleep sex, or Sexsomnia, it is a condition in which a person will engage in sexual activities while still asleep. This condition falls within the broad classes of sleep disorders known as parasomnia. In extreme cases, Sexsomnia has been alleged as the cause of rare instances of sexual assault, including rape.

  Sexsomnia is considered a type of non-rapid eye movement sleep. Sexsomniacs do not remember the acts that they perform while they are asleep. Sexsomnia can co-occur alongside other sleep disorders such as sleepwalking, sleep apnea, night terrors and bedwetting and can be triggered by stress, previous sleep deprivation and excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs. Sleep related epilepsy may be associated with sexual arousal, pelvic thrusting and orgasms, though in these sorts of cases the acts are often not remembered. Sexsomnia episodes could be triggered by physical contact with a bed partner. It is a fairly new medically recognized behaviour, has been used in criminal defence cases of rape.

  Now this does not explain what Tyler or Daniel claimed to have witnessed. A broad hypothesis would be that they experienced a hallucination. Visual hallucinations involve seeing things that aren’t there. The hallucinations may be of objects, visual patterns, people, and or lights. For example, you might see a person who is not in the room or flashing lights that no one else can see. This may explain the electrical orbs that were seen in the house.

  Hallucinations are sensations that appear real but are created by your mind. They can affect all five of your senses. For example, you might hear a voice that no one else in the room can hear or see an image that is not real. These symptoms may be caused by mental illness, the side effects of medications, or physical illnesses like epilepsy or alcoholism. Treatment may include taking medication to cure a physical or mental illness or adopting healthier behaviours like drinking less alcohol and getting more sleep.

  Hallucinations are false or distorted sensory experiences that seem real and may be seen, heard, felt, and even smelled or tasted, yet are generated only by the mind. A hallucination occurs when a misfire occurs within the mechanism of the brain that helps to distinguish conscious perceptions from internal, memory-based perceptions.

  I have known of a case where a woman claimed to hear people in her home and this was always at the time of her period. She was diagnosed with PMMD, the most severe form of premenstrual syndrome, which was affecting her hormonal and brain wave activity and was creating very real hallucinations. A course of medication soon eradicated the symptoms and the voices ceased to exist.

  Sleep states and altered states of consciousness can lead people to believe that they have experienced something supernatural. For example, sceptics have used sleep paralysis or a hypnogogic trance to explain encounters in which people see spirits while in bed and are unable to move or escape. Most people experience a hypnogogic trance once or twice in their lives, although it is far more common in people with epilepsy or certain sleep disorders.

  In regards to the sense of people in the house or even shadowy figures being seen in the home there is research to explain what may be happening. When Swiss scientists electrically stimulated an epileptic patient’s brain, the patient, reported a shadow person sitting behind her copying her every move. When she sat up, it also sat up. When she bent forward and grabbed her knees, it reached around her body and held her. The doctors then told her to read a card, but the shadow person tried to take it out of her hand. The scientists had stimulated the left temporoparietal junction, the part of the brain that defines the idea of self. By interfering with the area that helps us tell the difference between ourselves and others, the doctors confused the brain’s ability to understand its own body, thus leading to the creation of a copycat shadow person. Researchers are hoping this is the key to understanding why so many people, both schizophrenic and healthy, encounter shadow beings and other creatures like aliens. Tyler claimed that there were electrical charges, like a static in the home before and during the paranormal experiences. It is possible that somehow an unknown electrical discharge was affecting the activity of their brains and causing these perceived events to be seen as real.

  I sound exceptionally sceptical to the events that Lisa and her family have endured but I do believe that there are rational explanations for some of these metaphysical activities. My concern is for Lisa. I have off
ered to refer her to a general practitioner and a counsellor to help her make sense of what has happened, to ensure she has the full support of professionals that can work towards a solution. It is in everybody’s best interest that Lisa is allowed to live a normal life.


  I was granted a full week to fully investigate Lisa’s home. I would have the house for two days to runs tests and evaluate the house to remove any natural causes and then a further four days with Lisa in the home.

  I was mindful of the hypotheses generated by A.S Hawkings and included them into my investigation. I had to be sure that what was happening to Lisa was a physiological condition.

  Lisa had taken her leave, along with Tyler and I had her home for a few days. The house has no untoward countenance on entry. There is no feeling of doom or a brooding presence. It is for all intents and purposes an ordinary, home in an ordinary street. I had spent many a long hour investigating the history of the home. The house had been built in the late nineteen fifties and had been built on farmland. I studied the census in detail and I could not find any history of any building or structure built on the land.

  Lisa was the third person to live in the home. The previous occupants were an old couple that lived there until nineteen seventy nine and then an elderly lady then lived alone in the house until her death a few months before Lisa and Tyler moved in. The lady that had lived there had died peacefully at Withybush Hospital and not in the home.

  My next step was to conceive and establish a family tree for Lisa’s family. I was hoping that within the family tree that I may discover a history of seemingly related medical or psychological conditions or even those that had participated in arcane practices. Alas my search proved inconclusive.

  I have to have a balance during an investigation but I was still mindful of the possibility of an Incubus. An Incubus is a demon in male form that, according to a number of mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sexual intercourse with them. Its female counterpart is the succubus. An incubus may pursue sexual relations with a woman in order to father a child. Religious tradition holds that repeated intercourse with an incubus or succubus may result in the deterioration of health, or even death. I have had dealings with those that have allegedly had intercourse with such entities. I have included these for your perusal at the end of this account.


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