A Final Game: Paranormal Ghost Dark Romance (A Vampire in Disguise Book 3)

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A Final Game: Paranormal Ghost Dark Romance (A Vampire in Disguise Book 3) Page 6

by Amelia Wilson

  “And what did we get for arriving on time?” I asked, lifting up one of my eyebrows for some extra effect.

  Just as she was going to answer, the teacher arrived. Cheers to beginning the day with the worst subject of them all.

  I somehow managed to stay alive and awake through the class. Why did I take up Maths again? Yeah right, to impress my parents. The bell rang the moment when I thought I nearly going to fall off of the desk. I startled back to reality.

  “You know, you’re going to fail if you don’t study for this subject. You didn’t hear a single thing.” Mirabelle said, as we were walking up to our lockers to get the books for the next class.

  “I heard everything, you always think I don’t hear anything, but I do!” I said as I slammed the locker door shut. Now we had painting class.

  “Tell me what a hyperbola is?” She said.

  “A polar what?” I asked, scrunching up my face with confusion. What on earth is a polar bear doing in the subject Maths?

  “Just like I thought,” She stopped walking suddenly.

  “What’s wrong now?” I went back and asked her. She just kept staring, “The boys!”

  I looked to where she was staring, and there they were. Our notorious seniors! They were all standing in a huddle and laughing about something. I couldn’t help but do accept, that guy who I slapped in the morning was handsome. He had this certain special aura around him. His smile brought unknown feelings bubbling up through my chest. His golden brown hair had a look which seemed effortless yet looked damn good like it was styled in a parlor. And he was wearing a black T-shirt with jeans. Man, I just couldn’t help myself but stare at his broad chest and shoulders, his toned biceps and his nearly visible abdominalsand…, I am ranting, aren’t I? Wait, a second, why on earth am I crushing over the idiot I slapped in the morning? I shook off the momentary weakness, “We should be going to our class, so start walking.” I said to Mirabelle in a serious tone.

  I started walking with Mirabelle in tow. I had put up a straight face, but mind it, now, when the adrenaline is down, I am anything but serious right now. Maybe, a little scared too.

  As we passed without any obstacles, I noticed from the corner of my eye that that guy had got all serious and somber. He was staring at me with that look which said that he would have his revenge, while the other boys chatted around him and as our eyes met, his face got even more severe, if that was possible.

  Chapter-4 Sharon

  My first day at college finished sooner than I had expected. I didn’t have any more encounters with the too-pointy-nose-guy except the staring competition during lunch. I even made a few friends. There’s the stylish and posh Ashley. She’s not at all bitchy, unlike the girls who are rich like her. She talks great and then there’s, Sierra, she’s much like me. A no-nonsense type of girl yet cares a lot for her friends; we hit it off immediately when we met in painting class. Mirabelle was somewhat jealous of her for becoming so close to me already. She is a territorial person. But who can blame her? I am special. Gerard and Jerome, the two cute twins, were hilarious, and finally, there was this guy, a special one. I always save the best for the last! His name is Julian. Dude, that guy is some hot piece. I mean, he’s not only hot, but he also has manners and an excellent sense of humor, He was nothing like that too-pointy-nose guy. Julian and I made friends when we were in the gym class, and I was struggling to climb the rope.

  Don’t get me wrong; I am a very sporty person. I always got praises from my gym teacher in school being the most fantastic in sports among the girls. But rope climbing thing was new to me, and I didn’t have a clue of what to do. He came up to me and helped me out a bit. He was so polite.

  Currently, I was waiting for my new friends to show up. We were going to a party that a senior was throwing on the occasion of the new semester. We were supposed to go in Julian’s car; he had a range rover which would pack every one of us comfortably.

  As I was dialing up Mirabelle’s number, a knock sounded on the door. I padded my way to the door, and there she was.

  “Sorry, we got a bit late. Our dear Ashley couldn’t find her favorite lip gloss.” Mirabelle laughed.

  “Sure, Belle, I was not getting irritated at all,” I said as I closed the door and walked side by side with her.

  On my approach, I saw that all of the back seats were packed as Mirabelle quickly jumped into the last empty one. The front seat, besides Julian's, was the only one not occupied. I smell treachery!

  Oh well, I don’t think the boys have cooties anymore, I acted like an adult and got in the front.

  I could see Jerome and Gerard trying to control their laughter while Mirabelle was looking down, smirking. Yeah, this definitely was their doing.

  The party had already started when we reached the senior’s house. The room was lit by neon lights, which kept it dark and yet lit enough to see our way. The guy was rich; the house was so big that it looked like a motel. Many of the boys and girls were dancing around to the sound of the loud Metallica playing in the music system. Booze fragranced the air.

  “How about Sharon and me here, bring you all something to drink before hitting the dance floor?” Julian shouted over the loud music. Everybody nodded their heads in agreement. We walked through the swarm of people finally reaching the table having glasses filled with different drinks. I am not much of a drinker, and all of the glasses confused me.

  “By your face, I assume you haven’t had alcohol before?” Julian asked with a soft smile. Always the observer!

  “I had a few, but I am not much of a drinker. I don’t know,” I said honestly.

  “Well, let me help you then. These are beers; probably you know about these and these are pure sodas. So pick what you want and take two beers for Gerard and Jerome and choose what you think Mirabelle will like. Is that okay?” He explained to me all very clearly. This guy was so understanding, and sweet.

  “Yeah, sure,” I picked up what he said and decided to take beers for Mirabelle and me too. We should get to have a little fun now that we are in uni.

  As we brought the drinks, Ashley, Sierra, Gerard, Jerome and Mirabelle chucked it down quick and took off for the dance floor. I was left alone with Julian, standing in a corner watching everyone.

  “So I heard that you are from Southerly Hills?” He said as he took a sip from his drink.

  “Yeah, I am. My family moved in with Mirabelle’s. We came here together,” I explained to him.

  “Why did you move here to Redwoods? I mean, Southerly Hills also has some great colleges, doesn’t it?” He asked, noticing each and every one of my moves.

  “Yeah, it does. Father had a transfer, and he said it would be a great weather change, so moved out here. Mirabelle wanted to join the same college, and her father asked for a transfer too. Mirabelle and my family are very close." I said smiling at him. I liked his way of trying to get to know me. It was sweet.

  “Well, it’s great that your father had a transfer, or else I wouldn’t have gotten to meet you.” He said flirtatiously.

  “What?” I was surprised and yet I was smiling.

  “It’s not a secret, I like you, Sharon. We just have a special connection I guess. I should go get a drink,” with that, Julian fled from the spot. I was left to dwell on his words when I saw a figure coming towards me. Even in this dim light, I couldn’t make a mistake in recognizing him. There goes the perfect evening!

  Chapter-5 Michael

  I had noticed her talking to that new guy, Julian. He seemed someone special, like I knew him from somewhere. That guy has already got famous among the girls, bringing our market down. Yeah, I am calling the girls an exchange object. I don’t regret that. The girls don’t have brains; they only see good looks. I was standing in the dark when I noticed her enter with her friends. Julian was all over her instead of the opposite, and she didn’t even notice. And why shouldn’t he be? Sharon was such an astonishing girl; so beautiful, and with brains. Her hair was loose, and from a distance, I notice
d that she had onlya little makeup on, unlike the other girls around here. Her knee length dress was perfect, not too showy. The type of girl you took to your mother to meet. Any guy would be lucky to have her. What the hell am I saying? I seriously need to take my time off from thinking about her.

  Who invited her even?

  I saw as she walked off with Julian into the crowd and brought a few glasses for her and her friends. While the others took off to dancing, she stood with Julian sipping on her glass of alcohol elegantly. My friends were debating on some girl who was constantly looking at our group. They tried to figure out who the girl was looking at, and here I was standing staring at some girl who didn’t even look my way by mistake. I noticed that Sharon and Julian had some special discussion going on as Julian slowly moved closer to her ear like he was telling her a secret. Her eyes bulged out hearing that, but soon after I could see her being shy and looking down. That’s so cute. Julian left soon after that, more like he ran away for some cause. I couldn’t handle her being all alone in this environment with lusty, drunk guys all around her.

  “I am coming right back, I have something to do,” I announced to the boys as I stood from my seat. They all hummed in unison. I started walking towards her, and it seems like she finally noticed me. And there she goes, frowning at me. Shouldn’t I be the one frowning at her? She slapped me, after all!

  “Who invited you?” She put down her glass of alcohol like getting ready to use her hands on me again if necessary.

  “That’s none of your business,” she said, and glared at me.

  “It’s definitely my business. This is, after all, my house,” I chuckled humorlessly. Realization dawned on her and her mouth formed an ‘o’. She quickly recovered herself.

  “I should have known that already, no one but a douche like you could have such a house,” Sharon said.

  “Are you giving me a compliment about my house?” I asked, smirking and took a step towards her.

  “No, definitely not, it was in the sense, uh—well,” she looked a bit lost.

  “Well?” I took another step towards her and my chest nearly touched her face. We were close.

  “Could you please not invade my personal space?” She looked up at me and oh my god; she had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen in my whole life. She looked so tiny and fragile compared to me.

  I brought my mouth closer to her ear and whispered in a low voice, “Do you not like it?”

  She looked down, unable to take the intensity of the situation. She’s so naïve.

  “Hey dude, what the hell are you doing?” I looked around to find the owner of the voice was Julian.

  “Giving company to Sharon, who you had just abandoned in this crowded party,” I am not going to talk like I was trying to protect her. I just said that like I wanted to get her in my bed tonight.

  “Well, you can now buzz off,” Julian said, dignified. Dude, I can beat you to a pulp, but I was in no mood to do that.

  “Suit yourself, but next time you leave your girl alone, I am going to sweep her off her feet,” I looked towards Sharon and winked, and this time she was surprised. I might just be getting into her crushes list. I did feel a pang in my chest when I said the words, ‘your girl,' Ugh, Michael, get a grip on yourself.

  “Just fuck off,” Julian pushed at me to make me stumble backwards. I wasn’t expecting that. So, I guess this is going to be the hard way. I pushed back, and I could see the fire burning in his eyes. From my side, I could hear Sharon squeak something like stop. But boys never stay in their right minds when they are in a fight. I handed him a square punch on his nose. Just after a few seconds, he came back at me with one aimed at my stomach. Man, seriously? I have been a star street fighter for four glorious years. I easily dodged it and landed a sweet punch on his side. Lee finally arrived on the spot and held my hands back.

  “Let him go, man, what are you even fighting for? Just let it go.” Hans and Tim, on the other hand, were pushing at Julian to keep him back.

  “Now leave, please. We don’t want to have any more trouble here tonight,” Tim said seriously.

  With a last glare, Julian replied, “Gladly.” He took hold of Sharon’s hand and stormed off. I didn’t like him touching her.

  Chapter-6 Sharon

  I was shocked to see Julian pick a fight with Michael. It was not a big issue to them. I, however, am afraid of violence. Whenever there is any shouting or too much of fighting, I tend to cower away or stand like a doll in place with horror in my eyes.

  “Why did you have to pick a fight with him?” I asked, pulling my hand from his as we reached his car outside Michael’s house.

  “What do you expect me to do, huh? He was breathing down your neck just as I left you alone for a minute. I don’t like that, and then he dared to wink at you. I lost it,” he narrowed his eyes, and there was anger radiating from them. I softened at his statement; he only was protecting me. Quite the possessive one! I pulled out the handkerchief in my purse as I neared to his angry, heated frame. I rubbed at the blood running down his nose clearing it off a bit, “It still wasn’t necessary for you to do that. He’s much stronger than you. You do know that right? It only got you hurt. I am capable of protecting myself.” I whispered in a low tone. I could feel his eyes on me, and I tried hard not to look. I admit it, folks, I am a very shy person, past the bravado.

  “I was able to see that,” he said in an equally low tone. I finished cleaning off the blood from his face. He cut me off from what I was about to say.

  “I still didn’t get my reply,” he said, smiling at me.

  “Reply to what--,” then I realised what he was talking about, “Oh,”

  “Yeah… and?”

  “Yeah, I guess maybe a little, I don’t know—“I was cut off with his lips crashing onto mine. I was surprised, and my eyes widened. Slowly, I started kissing him back. I could taste the alcohol and blood from his torn lips. But I didn’t care; it felt like bliss, pure, utter, complete joy.

  We slowly separated from the kiss as he looked into my eyes.

  “I take that as a yes,” he was smiling so wide, it should have hurt his cheeks.

  I answered with a breathy yes.

  He looked so happy with my reply as he took me by the hand, and led me towards the other side of the car, and opened the door for me like a gentleman he was.

  “Shouldn’t we ask the others to join us? We all came in the same car after all!” I wondered, looking back towards Michael’s house.

  “Yeah, I am going to call Ashley,” he said, taking out his phone.

  Mirabelle was going to kill me for not telling her about leaving. Suddenly calling them wasn’t such a good idea.


  I watched from my room’s balcony as Sharon and Julian kissed. How can these teenagers start liking someone in one day? Yeah, she’s a year younger than me; I can call her a teenager, can’t I? By the way, who am I to say that starting to like someone on the first day can’t happen? I already like Sharon too. I liked her ability to talk herself out of anything; I liked her style of dressing; I liked her voice, and I love the way she doesn’t give a fuck to anyone! And then again, she acts so shy and cute at the same time. How has she even managed that?

  Seeing them kiss made me feel a bit hollow. I seem to not be capable of finding love. I fought for a stupid reason with Julian and Lee gave me such a lecture, I feel like my ears have fallen off. Always the too organized and responsible bastard! Okay, I need to stop dwelling on all this, she’s taken now! I need a girl, I am the sexiest guy around college. I don’t dwell on some junior I know only for a day.

  “Are you coming down Mike? What are you watching? Come on, you know Lee didn’t say all of that shit to hurt your ‘too sensitive’ feelings,” Tim said from the doorway to my room.

  “Just making Lee feel a little guilty. I bet he does regret it already, considering he sent you to take me down,” I chuckled as I walked towards the door.

  “You bastard,” Tim lau

  “Did you guys find a girl or something? I guess I am going to go for one,” I said confidently.

  “Yeah, Hans has been already off to his house, Lee and I are being the sober ones today,” he said.

  “Yeah, sure, I will see to that when the next hot piece enters my door,” I said, chuckling.

  Chapter-7 Sharon

  “Are you joking with me? Julian fought with THE Michael Starton, over you?” Mirabelle shouted on my Skype window.

  “Belle, please don't yell, my parents might hear you from all the way down the stairs, and I don’t want that. And yeah, Julian did that for me. Quite possessive, I guess,” I smiled at the memory. Even though it was too violent for my definition of possessive, but oh well, it was cute.

  “Do I see ‘I don’t drool over guys’ Sharon Esther smiling over a guy?” Mirabelle said mischievously.

  “If you don’t shut your mouth over my blushing, I am going to close my laptop. I bet you don’t want that, being that you’re not done taking out all the gossip from me?” I asked with a death glare.


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