Forged by Fate (Entangled Embrace)

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Forged by Fate (Entangled Embrace) Page 10

by Reese Monroe

  Home. Yeah, right.

  “Can you hold on that long?” Justin glanced over his shoulder.

  “He healed me,” she whispered as her fingers grazed along the welt in his cheek. “Stubborn fool. You shouldn’t have wasted your energy.”

  “Okay, hold on to him. We’ll be home soon.”

  “I need to call Dasha. She’s going to freak. Is she safe in the dorms? Maybe we should get her. She knows about this. What if—”

  “I’ll drop you at the compound with Theo, then I’ll go get the BFF.” He handed the phone over the back of the seat. “Call her. Don’t tell her any details over the line. Just tell her to pack for at least a week, and I’ll be there in under three hours.”

  “She’s going to love that.” Probably would, too, since it was Justin coming to get her. She’d said he was hot about fifty times already.

  “Of course she will.” He threw a glance over his shoulder and smirked. “It’s me who’s picking her up.”


  He coughed. “Just call her and settle back for the ride.”

  Easy for him to say. His life hadn’t just completely and utterly turned a one-eighty.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  “What did you do to her?” A screeching voice yanked Theo out of the peaceful darkness he’d fallen into.

  He sat up and scanned his surroundings, fangs out, ready to fight.

  Another screech pierced his ears.

  “Quiet, Dasha.”

  Justin stomped through the doorway. Now that Theo’s senses were returning, he realized he was in his master suite at the compound. The familiarity of the calming gray walls, lush decorations, and canopied bed soothed his nerves.

  But what calmed him the most was the sight of his Mate on the king-size bed beside him. Though the blood on her clothing ignited a wave a fury.

  He leaped off the bed and hammered Justin against the wall. That elicited another yelp from Dasha. He shot her a look. “Be calm.” Her body slouched, and she shuffled to the chair beside the bed.

  He returned his full focus to Justin. “How dare you take her there.” He tightened his hold on Justin’s neck. “She was nearly killed.”

  His brother gasped. “She needed.” Gasp. “To help you.”

  Theo loosened his grip and assessed the room again. Dasha combed Sadie’s hair, a fat tear streaking down her cheek. “What’s wrong with her? There’s so much blood.”

  “She’s fine.” Theo had made sure of that in Hades. It took his remaining energy, but he healed her hard and fast. He’d smelled the rancid poison flowing through her blood. Again. He shoved Justin harder against the wall. “That’s twice she was poisoned while under your care.”

  Justin planted his palms on Theo’s chest and pushed him away. “Screw you, Theo. We saved your ass…no, she saved your ass. I just kind of helped. That female is like nothing I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot.”

  “Shut up, you jerks. What’s wrong with her? Why isn’t she waking up?”

  Theo stepped to the other side of the bed, keeping his brother in his sights. He couldn’t decide if he was angry with him or thankful to see him alive and well. Of course he was thankful. Next to Sadie, Justin was the most important person in his life, and the chaos in Hades had him worried his Mate and his brother would perish.

  Dasha waved in his face. “Hello?”

  “She was injured, and I healed her, but this…event…triggered her metamorphosis.”

  Dasha watched him with wide eyes. “Speak English.”

  “She is my Ahavah. Supernaturally bound to me by The Great One. She’s been going through changes since her Mark appeared.” He pointed to his neck. “She’s changing into what she’s meant to become. And her coming to Hades seems to have thrown her into it full-on.” He glared at Justin.

  “No. She’s not sure yet. She gets to choose.” Dasha shook her head. “She said—”

  “She did choose.” Justin knelt beside Dasha. “When she chose to enter Hades to rescue Theo, she called on her Ahavah connection to locate him and tapped into his power to fight.” He looked over the bed to Theo. “And for all that is holy to The Great One, she can fight.”

  “She’s a master black belt, what’d you expect?” Dasha turned her attention back to her friend.

  “Of course,” Theo whispered.


  “All her training. How unusually smart she is. Driven. Mentally tough through her competitions and training. Not to mention being raised in group homes.” He scrubbed his chin.

  “And you’re one of the oldest Gatekeepers around.”

  Theo had stayed pure. Saved himself for his future Mate as it was taught by The Great One. Most had not.

  “So she’s superstrong. Excels at whatever she sets her mind to,” Dasha said. “No shocker there. Why’s she sleeping?”

  “Her body’s changing.” Justin glanced at Theo. “In preparation for you.”

  Theo dipped his head. A wave of heat rushed over him. He could only hope she was ready for him, but the way she shied away when he reached for her in Hades, he felt the disgust. Sure, some commitment was mixed in there, but disgust was prevalent.

  She had to have been so scared to even look at him all bloodied and hacked up. Yet she’d chosen to enter Hades to help him, chosen to face death to get to him.

  “Well, as her best friend, I can’t in good conscience let her lie there in bloody clothes. Get out so I can clean her up a little.”

  “I’ll do that.” Theo stomped toward the bathroom on the other side of the room. She was his to take care of, no one else’s. He clicked on the light and stepped into the forest-green bathroom. He dug out some towels and set them on the counter. Two steps brought him to his walk-in shower, and he flipped on the water.

  “I’m thinking no,” Dasha said from the doorway. “You don’t get to see her naked, you pervert.”

  He stepped toward the small girl and looked down at her.

  “Puff your chest out all you want. She’d be absolutely mortified if I let a guy wash her up while she was unconscious. Think about it.”

  Had his Sadie never given her body to a male? His heart swelled until he feared it might burst through his ribs. In such an era of free love, she hadn’t participated? He’d always assumed as the years had passed and he saw how the world progressed that he would have to be resigned to the fact that his Mate would have given herself to someone.

  “She’s not been with a male?”

  Dasha chuckled. “Sometimes you sound so archaic.”

  He looked past her to where Sadie lay on the bed and let out a breath. She’d waited for him, and she’d chosen to enter the depths of Hades to get to him. There was still much to learn about the person Sadie was, but he had already learned that The Great One had truly blessed him with an amazing, strong female to share eternity with.

  Dasha waved her hand in front of his face. “You can leave now. I’ll get her cleaned up.”

  Justin went to the windows and looked out. Theo closed his eyes and opened his senses. All was calm around the fortress. The sun had descended, and his internal clock indicated he’d been regenerating for nearly three hours, so it must be early evening by now.

  “Come on, Theo. Let’s have some food. You’ve got to be starving, and I need details on what you found out.”

  Theo glanced at Justin, then back to Dasha. “You have thirty minutes. We’ll get some food ready. Are you hungry?”

  She nodded. Her eyes teared up, but she swiped her hand along her eyes before it dripped free.

  “You’re a good friend, Dasha. I’m sorry you’re involved.” Theo edged past her. “If you want me to, I could erase your memories.”

  She shook her head. “I’m okay. Sadie needs me. She might be all superstrong and supersmart, but every girl needs a girlfriend.”

  Justin chuckled behind Theo. “You’re her family.”

  “She’s never had one, so I’m it.” She planted her fists on her hips. “And I t
ake that seriously, buddy. So get out already.”

  Justin tugged him away from the tiny yet fierce girl. “See you in thirty. Come on, Theophilus.”

  Reluctantly, he stepped out of the bedroom and shut the door. When Sadie awoke, he would Mate her and never be separated from her again.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  “I feel like I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole, Dash.” Sadie stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

  Dasha stood behind her, combing her damp hair. “You kind of have, if you think about it.”

  “You, too, then.” Sadie felt bad about that but was so glad to have her best friend with her. She truly was the only family she had. Having a mom sure would have come in handy right about now. Dasha’s hugs and support were fine, but Sadie envisioned that a mother’s embrace would be a little different somehow.

  “It’s okay. Whatever’s going on, they’ll get it taken care of, and we’ll go back to life as usual.” Her voice cracked.

  Dasha didn’t believe that any more than Sadie did.

  Heat steamed through her cheeks again. It’d been doing that since she’d woken up. She cupped her face, and it felt warm. She’d even taken a cooler than normal shower, too.

  “You okay, girl?”

  “Not sure. Feel funny.” She rubbed her abdomen and shifted in her seat as a simmering flutter bloomed in her tummy.

  She’d kissed enough guys to know what this was.


  She fanned herself. “Hey, Dash, have you ever had sex?”

  “Close. But not quite. Why?”

  Sadie looked around, even though she knew they were alone. “I don’t know. I feel, well, like I want to have sex with Theo, but I don’t even know him. Hell, we haven’t even kissed.”

  “Almost did, right?” She captured Sadie’s gaze in the mirror, the comb paused halfway down her long hair. “On the bike?”

  Sadie nodded. And that was hawt, too.

  But, she’d just woken up from…well, she wasn’t sure. While she was sleeping, the dreams and images of things she couldn’t possibly know about flashed before her on fast-forward. Theo was in most of them. Strength oozed off him. Confidence. Power. But mostly dedication and devotion.

  To her. And to The Great One.

  Dasha resumed combing. “Your hair seems longer than before.”

  Sadie dipped her head. She’d noticed that as well. It hung over her breasts and nearly touched her belly button now. It hadn’t the day before.

  She went to comb her fingers through the locks that had fallen forward when she stopped. Her nails, normally chewed down to little nubs, were long and shiny, as if she’d had them professionally done.

  “Oh my gosh,” she whispered. Confusion mixed with a heap of fear sent her fingers shaking. “Look.” She held up her hand.

  The combing stopped again. “Son of a freaking monkey.” Dasha grabbed Sadie’s hand and leaned toward it. “These are beautiful. What. The. Hell.”

  The door to the bedroom swung open, and Theo stood in the bathroom doorway. “What is it?”

  Sadie jumped out of the chair and Dasha squealed.

  “Dang it, Theo.” Dasha slammed the comb onto the vanity and pushed the chair to the side to stand next to Sadie. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  Justin chuckled from behind Theo.

  “I told you thirty minutes. I meant it.” Theo edged into the bathroom toward Sadie. “I felt you wake up. Are you okay?”

  She nodded and inched back, holding her arms close to her chest. She was worried her heart might crack through and land on the floor. Theo stood before her like a Greek god with his broad shoulders, chiseled chin, and straight nose. His hazel eyes swept a lazy look over her body, and a tidal wave of warmth flooded her.

  She had to gasp to get in some air.

  All that was missing was crackling electricity. The pull was undeniable.

  “You look nice,” he whispered closing the distance between them by another foot.

  “Why is it you have clothing here her size, anyway?” Dasha stepped around Sadie, but Justin moved in from the doorway and snatched her hand.

  “When he found Sadie the other day, he had clothes purchased and made ready for when she came here.” Justin tugged her toward the bedroom. “Come on, let’s go eat.”

  “You bought these for me?” Sadie asked Theo as she smoothed her hand down the front of her T-shirt.

  He nodded. “For when you came to me.”

  Her back stiffened.

  Dasha turned and asked Sadie, “You okay?”

  She nodded. Dasha was so protective, caring. Such a great friend. The same vibes rolled off Theo, as well. He hadn’t moved. Hadn’t shifted his gaze, either. That should have scared her a little bit, but it only fanned the fire roaring within her.

  A fire that was making it difficult to concentrate, and she had some questions that needed answers.

  The bedroom door clicked shut, and she swung her attention to the giant before her. Black pupils ate up his irises. His chest heaved as if he had just been running.

  Pretty much what hers was doing.

  “What’s happening?” she asked. “I feel funny. Like I’m drugged or something.”

  “You’re not drugged.” His voice was deeper. Intense. Yet still comforting. “Just changing.”

  They were alone now. No one trying to kill them. No blood and missing limbs. Just him. Just her. And be damned if she didn’t want to toss him on the bed.

  She cleared her throat and stepped around Theo and out of the bathroom. “Nice bedroom here. Do I get a tour of the house?”

  He straightened. “You want…a tour?”

  She combed the damp hair down the front of her as she nodded. She didn’t really want one, but she needed to get out of this bedroom. His presence was overbearing. Dominating. She could hardly breathe.

  He slowly turned and took a step, looked back at her, then to the door. He audibly gulped and shoved his hand into his front pocket. “A tour it is.”

  She let out a breath.

  He opened the door and ushered her to him. As she passed, he rested his hand on her lower back. That alone skipped her heart rate into a zone-five anaerobic state.

  Paintings and pictures lined the taupe hallway walls. Some were drawings of people, pictures of sunsets. Soft, plush carpet muted their footfalls, punctuating the silence.

  Several doors later, he guided her to the right. A stairwell?

  She cleared her throat. “How long have you lived here?”

  “Off and on for about six centuries.”

  Okay, that sounded weird. He pushed open the door and a winding oak staircase came into view. She glanced over her shoulder.

  “Leads to the roof.”

  She edged forward. “Six centuries?”

  “It’s been a home base for Gatekeepers since before the US was populated. It’s been renovated several times, of course, but we keep the original architecture as much as possible.”

  “You have one of these in every place there’s a gate?”

  “No. Gates can change. I’ve moved around a lot, but many have been in this area so I can stay here.”

  “So, Arizona is a magnet for evil?”

  “Not necessarily. I can travel pretty quickly when I sense the demons breaching Hades.”

  She grabbed the railing and stopped. Only a few inches separated his front from her back. Heat rippled from him. Peace. “You’ve always been in charge of this area?”

  He hummed his affirmation, and she started up the first step. “There are a few Gatekeepers in charge of the European countries. But I’m charged with the United States.”

  “Justin mentioned that. So, it’s just you handling the States?”

  “I’m most qualified.”

  “What do you mean?” She inched upward toward another door. Though it was small. How would he fit?

  “I am the eldest of the Gatekeepers; therefore, the strongest. Even unmated.”

  A shiver
rattled down her spine. Unmated. Mate. Damn, that word came up a lot. She wanted to hate it. Wanted to because it had stolen her power of choice.

  Yet she couldn’t.

  “But I have to travel when I feel the call of evil entering earth whether through a gate or splice.”

  “How? I mean, do you have a plane tucked in this mansion somewhere?”

  “Not here at the mansion.” He laughed. “I can breach time.” He reached around her and cranked the door handle. His bulging biceps brushed her shoulder as he worked to get the door open. “It sticks sometimes. Sorry.”

  Mint-scented breath brushed over her, sending strands of hair against her cheek. She inhaled deeply, absorbing his essence into her lungs. Damn, he smelled yummy.

  The door creaked open, and a blanket of star-speckled blackness greeted her. She froze in the doorway, watching.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Theo nudged her lower back, and she moved forward.

  Beautiful wasn’t word enough to describe the sky. Utter darkness, broken only by sparkling, glittering stars. Billions of them. Like a light show for her eyes only.

  She worked her way to the edge of the roof and peered over the knee-high wall encompassing the space. “It’s like I could reach out and touch a star.”

  “It’s one of The Great One’s masterpieces. I come up here a lot.” His arm grazed her shoulder. “You like the outdoors? Looking at the stars?”

  “Yeah. Sunrises are my favorite, though.”

  “Signals a new day. A fresh start,” Theo said.

  Gentle fingers dusted along her forearm, leaving a subtle trail of tingling electricity. They traced the bulging vein on the back of her hand to her palm, pausing ever so slightly, then continued until his fingers twined with hers.

  His eyes were closed, and his face tilted skyward. She dropped her attention to where he clung to her hand. Slowly, she clasped her fingers tight, sealing the connection.

  He let out a breath. A breeze rustled through the distant trees, sending a scent of pine and woodsy bark through the air. Goose bumps puckered her skin, yet she wasn’t cold. The warm, May air was perfect, even though it was nearing late evening.

  “So, what’s our next move?” she whispered, breaking the silence.


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