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Ricardo Page 20

by Marita A. Hansen

  “She’s in the lounge, barely breathing.”

  “You get Piero to the bomb shelter, I’ll get his mother.” He took off.

  Bianca entered the studio, following the sound of voices. She cut across a small lounge and into a room filled with music equipment. A hatch was open in the floor. Bianca yelled out for help. Anna appeared through the hatch. Bianca handed over the small boy, then climbed down after them. Frightened people filled the bomb shelter, children amongst them. She scanned the faces, searching for Ricardo.

  When she couldn’t find him, she went to Anna. “Has Ricardo returned from the hospital?”

  “No, thank Dio,” Anna replied, rocking Rosa’s crying child.

  Bianca breathed out, relieved that her thoughts were confirmed. She continued to look around the room, trying to assess if anyone else was missing. “Where’s Alessandro?” she asked.

  “He disappeared a few hours before Brando shot himself. I think he went looking for women, because he never answers his phone when he goes on the hunt. That sex-crazed idiot only thinks with is his dick. If we survive this, I’m going to ring his damn neck.” Anna stopped talking, her expression growing concerned. “You’re bleeding,” she said, brushing Bianca’s hair back.

  Bianca touched her forehead, surprised to find blood on her fingertips. “It doesn’t hurt,” she said, not having realized she’d been injured.

  Anna pointed to a tall metal cabinet in the corner of the room. “There’s a first aid kit in there. Get someone to clean and bandage the wound.”

  Bianca headed for it, freezing as another explosion boomed. One more sounded immediately after it, the second explosion rocking the bomb shelter. People scrambled for cover, several piling under a table.

  Anna started screaming, “Where’s Sergio?!”

  Before Bianca could blink, Ricardo’s sister ran for the ladder, stopping halfway up it as distant gunfire started. Vinnie appeared above her, yelling for help. He dangled his twin’s feet through the hatch. More ran for Dominic, pulling his unconscious form into the bomb shelter. Vinnie climbed partway down, then held his arms up as more feet appeared. With the help of a servant, he pulled down a skeletal old man... Bianca’s eyes widened, realizing it was Ricardo Senior, the old Don almost unrecognizable.

  Sergio climbed down the ladder next, his gaze sweeping the room. “Where’s Rosa?” he asked, appearing surprised.

  “What do you mean?” Bianca answered. “You were getting her.”

  He shook his head. “I remembered Papà was left behind, so I told the maid to get Rosa out.”

  “What maid?” Bianca asked, hoping it wasn’t the one she hated.

  “The one with the black eyes.”


  Ivy’s hand hovered over Rosa’s face, not sure if she could go through with her plan. She’d thought it would be easy to smother the woman. She’d killed countless people, women amongst them, but seeing Rosa lying on the floor, helpless, the woman having risked her life for her son... Ivy grunted, knowing she couldn’t go through with it.

  She pushed to her feet and grabbed Rosa’s arms, dragging her past the stove. She’d taken Salvatore’s wife into the kitchen, needing a private place to kill her, but she guessed her sister would just have to choose another man.

  She pulled Rosa through the exit, glancing behind her at Sergio’s voice. He appeared in front of her, looking angry. “Where did you go with her?” he snapped, dropping to his knees.

  Ivy let go of Rosa so he could pick up the woman. “She started coughing so I dragged her into the kitchen,” she lied. “I gave her a drink, but she passed out again.”

  Sergio pushed to his feet with Rosa in his arms. Gunfire came from the front yard. Ivy barked at him to get to the bomb shelter, then took off, needing to get to a vantage point. She reentered the main house and headed up the staircase, avoiding the debris.

  She ran down the passage, noticing Ricardo’s door lying on the floor, the wood still smoldering. Pissed off that the servant had targeted Ricardo, she entered Bianca’s room, finding bits of porcelain littering the dark carpet. She glanced at the bathroom as she passed it. There was a gaping hole in the wall, the bomb from Ricardo’s room having shattered the washbasin.

  She stopped at the window and peered through the curtains, assessing the situation below. A battle was raging in the front yard, the Santini soldiers looking outnumbered. Some of them were retreating, while others were taking cover behind their cars, firing back at the Landi. Even worse, more Landi vehicles were heading up the driveway, all of them armored, the odds growing slimmer by the second.

  Ivy’s gaze shot to her right as someone in the house fired a rocket-propelled grenade. The Landi soldiers flung themselves away from one of the vehicles. The RPG hit it square on, ripping out a door, which flew into a man. Billowing white smoke engulfed the vehicle, then flames took hold, turning the smoke black.

  The vehicles further back came to a halt. Soldiers emerged from them, fanning out in all directions. One of them dropped to the ground, firing his own RPG at the Santini house. It hit the east wing, sending glass and plaster spraying out onto the concrete below.

  Ivy sat down on the floor and pulled off her backpack, quickly removing the parts to her rifle. She assembled and loaded it, then got to her feet, pointing the barrel out of the window. She downed a few soldiers approaching her side of the house, then quickly dropped to the floor as their comrades began firing at her. Taking her gun and backpack with her, she scrambled out of the room, aware that they could fire an RPG at her. As predicted, a boom came from the other side of the wall.

  She pulled out her phone, needing more information from D. The woman answered, not giving her time to talk, “All Vipers heading your way in less than ten minutes.”

  “That’s too long,” Ivy said. “I need you now.”

  “Hold tight,” D hung up.

  Swearing, Ivy pushed to her feet. A second later, her phone rang. She clicked it on.

  Pedro’s voice came over the line. “Where are you?!”

  “About to kill all of your men.” She hung up and headed into the next room, hoping the Santini appreciated what she was doing, because if they didn’t give her what she wanted—she would kill them too.


  Ricardo answered his phone, the soldier’s words sending fear through him. He listened without interrupting until the man had finished talking, then rattled off instructions.

  “No famiglia member or servant is to leave the bomb shelter. Guard it with your life. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” He hung up and rang through to Salvatore, praying his brother hadn’t driven into the battle.

  Salvatore’s phone clicked on a few seconds later. Yelling came over the line, sounding like a full-blown argument.

  “I’m going in,” Salvatore snapped.

  “No!” their mother yelled back. “Wait until Ricardo comes.”

  “Salvatore!” Ricardo hollered over the line. “Listen to her.”

  The argument stopped a second later, Salvatore finally answering Ricardo. “The compound is under attack. I’m going in.”

  “Just wait for me. I’m almost there.”

  “No! I got a call. Rosa’s been hurt. I’ll send the car with Mamma and Valentino away, then I’ll go in on foot.”

  “Not without backup.”

  “I don’t need it.”

  “I said wait! That’s an order!”

  “My wife needs me!”

  “You can’t help her if you get yourself killed. I have soldiers and weapons with me. We’ll have a better chance going in together.”

  “Then fucking get here!”

  “Almost there, just stay put.” Ricardo hung up, yelling at the driver to go faster, worried that his brother would go in regardless.

  His phone went off again. He clicked it on, Anna’s sobs coming over the line, “Rosa’s stopped breathing, they’re trying to revive her.”

  Ricardo’s thoughts went to Salvatore. “Don’t let them give up, I’
m on my way. I’ll bring Lisa’s father.”

  “Others are hurt too,” she said, the sound of gunfire accompanying her words. It didn’t sound close to her, but it would be soon if he didn’t get there quick.

  Anna continued, “Both Dominic and Papà are unconscious.” A wailing started up behind her, coming from another woman. “No, don’t stop!” Anna screamed at someone.

  “Anna!” Ricardo yelled through the line. “You need to keep everyone quiet. If the Landi find you, they’ll slaughter every man, woman, and child.”

  Anna passed on what he’d said, sounding as though she was talking to Bella.

  “I’m almost home,” he said. “Whatever you do, do not leave that shelter.”

  “Just be careful, Ricardo,” she sobbed. “Ti voglio bene.”

  “I love you too.”

  Anna yelled out, telling Vinnie to give the phone back. Vinnie snapped at her to be quiet, then started talking to Ricardo. “The maid with the black eyes is a Black Viper.”

  “What?” Ricardo said, stunned.

  “She’s on our side, she warned everyone to get out. If it wasn’t for her there would be numerous deaths. Her sisterhood is also on their way to help.”

  “Grazie a Dio, and whatever you do, don’t let anyone leave the shelter, that includes you too. Your job is to protect the women and children. I’ll see you soon.” He hung up as his car neared the destroyed gate, his driver breaking all speed limits.

  Salvatore ran towards Ricardo’s car as the driver skidded to a halt. Ricardo jumped out, telling Salvatore to get in the back. He then sprinted to the four-wheel drive behind them, which held Brando and the others. He yanked open the back door, his eyes going to Cesare. “I need you. The house is under attack. Three are injured, one of them critical.” His eyes moved to Lisa. “Tell the driver to take you to the safe house. My madre’s car will follow.”

  Cesare jumped out of the vehicle, not even hesitating. Ricardo closed the door behind him and ran for his car, getting into the front passenger seat as Cesare got into the back, the man just as much mafia as he was. One of the soldiers passed a gun to Ricardo. He took it, shouting, “Let’s kill us some fucking Landi!”


  Sergio removed his T-shirt and handed it to Bianca. She pulled it over her head, slipping her arms through the holes. Once she was covered, she moved her towel down; using some clips Anna had given her to secure it more. Coughing made her look up. The little boy she’d carried to the shelter was clutching onto his teddy bear, looking like he was having trouble breathing.

  Anna went to him. “Are you alright, Piero?”

  “Ma...” He started coughing again.

  Anna knelt down in front of him, placing her hands on his arms. “Where’s your inhaler, bambino?”

  “Ma-Mamma ha-has it.”

  Anna turned to Vinnie. “Check Rosa’s pockets, she normally carries an inhaler.”

  Vinnie searched Rosa’s dress. “She has nothing. It might’ve fallen out in the explosion.”

  The boy started coughing again, wheezing accompanying it. Anna pushed up and ran over to the metal cabinet, quickly searching through the first aid kit. “There are no inhalers.” She turned to Vinnie. “You have to go to his room. He has some in the top drawer on the left side.”

  “I’ll get it,” Bianca said, climbing up the ladder. She’d seen the boy run into the room directly above the staircase.

  “No, Bianca,” Anna said. “Let Vinnie go.”

  “He’s hurt and I’m fast,” she said, unlocking the trapdoor. Noise came from outside, gunshots making her freeze. Everyone went quiet in the room, except for Piero, who continued to struggle for breath.

  Knowing she didn’t have much time, she pushed open the hatch before anyone could stop her. She climbed out and ran to the front door, peering around the corner to make sure she had a clear path. Noise came from behind her, making her glance over her shoulder. Vinnie emerged from the other room, the pain on his face strong. She waved at him to go back, then dashed across the courtyard and into the main house. She weaved around the broken furniture, being careful not to step on any glass or sharp objects.

  More gunfire started up, sounding like it was coming from the east side of the property. She raced up the staircase, rushing through the door the boy had entered earlier. She went to the first cabinet, hoping it was the one Anna had mentioned. She opened the top left drawer, relieved to see the inhalers. Grabbing two, she headed for the door, checking it was safe to leave first. She spotted the black-eyed maid further down the passage, loading a gun. Not wanting to be near her, Bianca shot down the staircase, praying there were no enemies below. Gunfire continued outside, a boom accompanying it.

  She went for the back door, skidding to a halt as yelling came from the courtyard. She poked her head outside, spotting Vinnie fighting a soldier dressed in fatigues. He punched the soldier in the face, then moved behind him, wrapping an arm around the man’s neck. Bianca heard the crack, shocked she’d just witnessed Vinnie kill someone before her eyes. He dropped the man, then gestured for her to run, his other hand instantly going to his ribs.

  Bianca sprinted across the courtyard and into the studio. A gunshot made her turn. Vinnie stopped behind her, his face shocked. Then he fell forward, the blood coming from his back making her scream. Her eyes moved to the doorway as a large man in fatigues ran for it. She jumped over Vinnie and slammed the door shut, locking it. She jumped over Vinnie again, and raced into the equipment room, dropping to her knees in front of the trapdoor. She poked her head through it. “Be quiet, they’re here,” she said, dropping the inhalers down to Sergio, who was at the bottom of the ladder. She shut the door and dragged the carpet across it, knowing it was too late for her.


  Ricardo’s car pulled through the twisted front gate, most of it blown off its hinges. Two of his guards were lying dead on the ground, making him want to slaughter every last Landi. Those two men had been with his famiglia for ten years. He punched a number into his phone, willing himself to save his anger for the battle ahead, because even his anger had a time and place.

  The soldier he was phoning answered instantly, the sound of rapid gunfire coming over the line. “The house is overrun!” the man yelled. “Front, back, sides, the Landi are everywhere.”

  “Then concentrate on the courtyard. Whatever you do, make sure that no one goes into the studio.” Ricardo hung up, instructing the driver to go faster. His head whipped around as motorbikes shot past his car, two leather-clad women riding each one.

  One of them slowed down beside his window. “Hope your Santini women are hot!” the blonde at the back yelled. The driver laughed, then rammed the throttle, sending exhaust smoke billowing in their wake.

  “Black Vipers,” Salvatore said, his voice filled with awe.

  More Vipers zipped past, only some of the women wearing helmets. As the motorbikes neared a convoy of vehicles, the Vipers at the back started shooting around their driver, taking out Landi soldiers. The other soldiers retreated behind their vehicles and returned fire. One of the motorbike’s tires blew out. The blonde and her driver leapt off it, rolling into the fall. They jumped to their feet and ran for an overturned vehicle, the blonde already pulling her gun out.

  “Stop sideways,” Ricardo ordered.

  The driver did as instructed.

  “Out on my side!” Ricardo yelled.

  They all piled out, getting behind the vehicle as bullets came their way. A grenade went off about twenty meters in front of them. Ricardo looked around the trunk, seeing the blonde woman throwing another grenade over a vehicle. The Landi went running, the boom coming a second later.

  She sat back down and removed gun parts from her bag, assembling them as her partner covered her. A Landi soldier rounded a car on their left, attempting to sneak up on the Vipers. Ricardo shot him in the forehead before the man could raise his gun. The blonde didn’t blink, just continued assembling her gun. Once it was ready, she positioned the barr
el through a broken car window and started picking off men who made the mistake of poking their heads around corners.

  A second Landi soldier appeared around the same car. The man lowered himself to the ground and raised his gun. The women didn’t pay him attention, the angle appearing to be a blind spot. Ricardo shot him too. The blonde glanced to her left, then over her shoulder. With a shit-eating grin, she saluted Ricardo, then resumed firing at the Landi.

  Another motorbike shot past, a woman with a blue Mohawk driving it. The redhead riding bitch, threw a grenade behind an armored vehicle, the explosion propelling a man through the air, the cries of others suggesting she’d hit a few of them.

  “Now!” Ricardo yelled.

  He rounded the car and sprinted towards the house, his men following. They fanned out in different directions, making it harder to get picked off. Ricardo willed himself not to look for Salvatore. His brother had the same training as him; he could look after himself.

  He opened fire on some Landi soldiers, who were running for the house, cutting them down. Shots rang out behind him. Ricardo looked to his right, seeing an enemy fighter fall, knowing one of his soldiers had saved his life. Salvatore sprinted past him, making him realize his brother had done it.

  Salvatore cut to the right, while Ricardo went for the left of the house, weaving to make it harder for Landi snipers. But it looked like the only sniper was on his side, because the Landi were being cut down left, right, and center, the blonde woman creating a safe passage for him.

  Gunfire came from the second story of the house. He glanced up, spotting a Viper standing at a window. She was wearing binoculars around her neck and a determined expression on her face. A split second later, he recognized his maid, the woman also covering him.

  He sprinted around the side of the house, firing at the Landi soldiers up ahead. Others turned back, too many for him to take out. He threw himself through the servants’ entry as a bevy of gunfire opened up on him. Knowing he had several men on his tail, he scrambled to his feet and raced down the passage. Bullets ricocheted off the walls, one of them hitting his back. It hurt like fuck, but the bulletproof jacket stopped it from being deadly. Instead of cutting him down, it propelled him forward faster, pushing him down the next passage.


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