Serenity Valley

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by Rocky Bills

  “You are too kind, my husband,” Bella said. “I thought that a toast would be in order, so I took liberties.” We all took a glass, and the four of us stood in a loose circle. Lady Bella made the toast. “To young Master Gamel and the Sirates bloodline.”

  We all stood a moment longer, not understanding how the lady would know such things when she hadn't been present for the discussion. Lord Goodwin just looked around, shrugged his shoulders, and raised his glass. We all soon joined him.

  “Well, there is only one thing left to do today; place wager on the colt's color.”

  Something else new, I thought. When did this tradition start?

  “Marshal Sayer and I often bet on the color of foals once they lose their feathers, Gamel,” Lord Goodwin said. “What say you, my lady?”

  “I believe the colt will be gray,” Bella said. “I will have to agree with my wife and say gray. You, Sayer? What is your guess?”

  “I also believe gray will have the final say.”

  Lady Bella looked at me for a moment, then asked, “Young Master of Horse, what will it be? The wager is two gold coin per person.”

  “I am terribly sorry, my lady, but I haven’t the six gold to cover the bet, but if I did, I would have to respectfully disagree and proclaim Demon to be an inky blue-black colt.”

  Bella proclaimed, “Good, then it is a bet. Two gold coin to each of us if the Demon colt is gray.”

  “But, my lady, I have no coin to cover such a wager!”

  “Oh, but I believe you do, young master. Do not attempt to withdraw a fair wager once placed!”

  “But, my lady, please, I’m not trying to deceive you. I have nothing if but a few silver in my quarters.”

  Lady Bella trained her piercing eyes on me once more this evening, which sent a shiver down my spine.“I tell you this so that you should remember it well. Sometimes you will find what you need at a critical moment. Do not question why or how. Check your pockets, young master.”

  I knew it was useless, but if the lady would be appeased to leave me be, I would comply. I checked the left pocket of my leather breaches and pulled out a hoof pick. I reached into my right pocket, which should have been empty, and withdrew six shiny gold coins. “But how? When? These are not mine. I don’t know how they got into my pocket!”

  “Remember what I told you, young master; the bet is covered!”

  I looked around the room and found the lord and Sayer just as confused as I was. “I’m sorry, but I could never. The money is not mine!” I protested.

  “Young master, do you wish to change your original choice? Do you doubt yourself?” Bella asked.

  “No, my lady, the colt will be black.”

  “Good then, the bet is covered.”

  I started to speak again, but Lady Bella raised a hand to stop me. The lady was so beautiful, but I also sensed peril and did not wish to press my luck any further. I held my tongue.

  After excusing myself, I headed straight back to the stables. The sun was setting behind the western mountain ranges. The sky was painted with purple, crimson, pink, yellow, and orange. It was truly beautiful! Walking down the middle aisle of the stable, I could make out Fulk pounding nails into boards on Demon’s stall. It was getting dark, and the oil lamps had already been lit throughout the barn. I could make out shards of broken boards scattered on the floor. “What’s going on, Fulk? What happened here?”

  “He woke up is what happened! Guess I wasn’t fast enough with his milk, and he proceeded to dismantle his stall.” I had to laugh, even though property destruction was always a serious matter. I could hear Demon snoring in his stall, probably bloated on milk and exhausted from his pillage.

  Just when I started to think of my stomach, Basilea shuttled up to the stall with both arms full. She peeked over the stall door. “Is he all right? Every time I come here he is sleeping, or should I say snoring.”

  “Oh, not to worry, my fair princess,” I said. “He is fine and relaxing after a day of plunder and ruin.”

  “And you, sir, how are you this evening?” I just looked at her and smiled. She looked back at me and smiled while tilting her head slightly, as if to say, ‘what is going on?'

  As animals would make a proper nest when staying in the same place for any amount of time, Fulk and I found a small work table and set it up against the front of Demon’s stall. In short order, we had three empty casks set on each open side of the table. Basilea spread a linen, plates, and mugs. The food was liberated from the basket, the mugs filled with tea, and the banquet was ready. While the three of us ate, I told them of my meeting at the main house. Fulk seemed agreed that the colt’s name should be Demon. When I told them of my upgraded status to Master of Horse, both of them gasped. Before they could regain their composure, I told of my commitment to Demon for the next couple years and had both of my dinnermates staring at me with open mouths. I looked at Fulk. “Oh, not to worry! I have an assistant to help me. I won’t have to suffer alone. By the way, Fulk, you are promoted to Assistant to Master of Horse.”

  Fulk choked, and food sprayed from his mouth in all directions. Basilea started laughing, but Fulk continued to choke. Without interrupting my feast, I handed him some tea to clear his throat. Basilea stopped eating and just sat there smiling, waiting for Fulk to say something. When Fulk composed himself, he asked, “Just what exactly are the duties of Assistant to Master of Horse?”

  I continued to chew on my very tasty beef rib and winked at Basilea. “Oh, that’s easy. You’re my dirge.” Fulk just sat there in shock, as if he couldn’t believe what he had heard. Basilea put her hand over her mouth to stay quiet. She was turning a rather bright shade of red. “I recommended you for the position and told the good lord and marshal that you would be both honored and pleased to accept these new duties, and that there was no one else I would rather have working side by side with me for the next however many years. I hope I didn’t speak out of turn?”

  I continued to feast and drink while Basilea and Fulk fought to compose themselves. Fulk was finally able to talk. “Well, I guess there is no turning back now?”

  “No, oh no, Fulk, no turning back, just forward to the promise of a bright future!” Our meal continued, with both Basilea and Fulk firing questions at me as fast as I could answer. Questions ranging from Hades’s temperament, to the sought-after ambling gait, to how Demon’s temperament would likely develop. I answered their questions as best I could, trying to stick to factual information without adding opinion. With questions that I had no answer for, I would simply say, “I don’t have any idea,” or “Your guess is as good as mine.” Basilea found these answers amusing, and Fulk found them distressing.

  The meal ended, and my dinnermates excused themselves and left for their respective destinations. I grabbed a bedroll from the storage locker and made a bed in Demon’s stall, as far from him as possible. Within moments of turning on my side, I could feel hot breath and sniffing on my neck and ear. Without looking, I reached up with my hand and softly rubbed Demon’s nose. I was promptly rewarded by him taking my hand in his lips and covering it with a thick coat of slime. He then collapsed on the ground next to me and started snoring loudly. I closed my eyes and slipped into a much-needed sleep. One hour later, Demon was standing over me, lipping my shoulder, demanding to be fed again.

  Chapter 3

  I love my home known as De Ferrier Hold. The name originated from the ancient relatives of my lord, Lord Goodwin De Ferrier. Actually the original family name was De Farrier, but in a feeble attempt to disguise humble origins, an ancestor changed it to De Ferrier. In old days as well as present time, a person’s name often came from their occupation. The lord was a descendant of ancient farriers. In ancient times, farrier meant a person whose occupation involved all aspects of horse management, not just someone who cared for horses’ feet. In old days, a farrier would possibly be a breeder, trader, and trainer of horses. The lord title was bestowed upon one of Lord Goodwin’s ancient relatives by the king, along wi
th a land grant for faithful service and sworn allegiance. Serenity Valley was the land grant for De Ferrier Hold. It was said to originally be a ten thousand-acre parcel, but through the years, it had grown to over seventy thousand acres of lush bottomland and forest. Acquisitions were made by purchase, trade, and a number of grants by kings of different eras. It is said that one twenty thousand-acre parcel was granted by a king in exchange for three years of the hold’s charger production. With Lord Goodwin’s recent expansion, the valley extends to the west as far as the Enola Mountains. The southern border runs along the Sedgwick River. The Verines River forms the eastern border, where it meets the Sedgwick and runs northwest until it originates from the Enola Mountain range. The natural boundaries form a large pie shape, with the Sedgwick River along its southern border the shortest side of the piece. Over half of the valley contains forests, but fertile, rich bottomlands are scattered throughout with ample streams, lakes, creeks, and brooks. Heavy timber areas are towards the northern end, where the lord operates a logging operation, using the rivers for transporting the logs to various destinations. Some areas are inhabited by tenant farmers and ranchers. The mild climate allows for prosperous farming and ranching, but the choice area is the central portion of the parcel where De Ferrier Hold is located.

  The hold’s main centerpiece is the great house, originally built in ancient times, but added onto and improved by the following generations. The main house is constructed of heavy stone removed from the fields and pastureland. Lord Goodwin owns a quarry at the base of the Enola Mountains, and all roofing is of slate rock. No wood or thatched roofs are allowed at the hold, stables, or outbuildings. The main house has a small stable attached to it for personal and visitor use, but the main stable is apart from the house and used for breeding, birthing, and early foal turnout for the charger horse line. The main stable has over two hundred stalls of various size and purpose. Another smaller stable, around one hundred stalls, is used to produce a lighter, multipurpose horse line of rounceys. Rounceys are light, swift horses for riding and often used as light armor battle horses. Other stables are used for the various work beasts in residence. Almost completely self-sufficient, the hold has its own crop fields, cattle herds, and a number of trade crafts on-site. A small army of managers are charged with the everyday operations and monitoring of tenants. Eventually, everything ends up on the master accountant’s desk, where ledgers and records are maintained and monitored. Problems do arise, but are usually resolved in short order by the competent staff, who were born on the property, groomed and educated to step into their parent’s position. When the time comes, the professional managers’ various children take over without interruption. The same is true in other areas of operations, ranging from goat herding to kitchen staff. It is believed that some people have been born, lived their lives, and died without ever leaving De Ferrier Hold lands. I feel Serenity Valley to be a fitting name, as one could truly find serenity in this place, and Lord Goodwin truly cares for his people.

  I have great respect for Lord Goodwin. He is not without fault. After all, my lord is a horse trader, and the association between greed and good business deals is balanced on a fine blade. Although a trained battle horse fetches seven hundred to eight hundred times what a normal riding horse would fetch, the price seems to vary based on how badly a customer wants it and how much he has in his money pouch. I know for fact that one nobleman purchased several chargers and needed to sign a loan note for travel expenses to get home. That was bad enough, but my lord charged interest on the note. I couldn’t help but feel bad for the poor man, even though he returned the next year for additional horses. My lord’s most valued virtue is that he cares for his people and will help a servant the same as he would lend aid to an important tenant. The only thing he loves more than his people is his cherished Lady Bella.

  It is said that my lord met the exotic Lady Bella on a trip to the extreme south of the continent. Her father, the King of Ackmer, had sent her by way of sea to a southern port to receive and pay for the prize chargers the king wished to use in his breeding program. It was love at first sight for the two of them, and Lord Goodwin sailed home with Lady Bella to ask for her hand. Lady Bella had been schooled in the common language and served as interrupter, which is good or Lord Goodwin may not have survived the introduction. The king refused the request for marriage. The day Lord Goodwin was scheduled to leave, he returned the king’s money paid for the horses and told him that the horses were a gift of friendship. He would return every year until his death to visit the king and Lady Bella in hopes that the king would someday change his mind. This surprised the king, as well as Lady Bella, who collapsed in front of her father in tears. The king reversed his decision, and a wedding was quickly planned now that the king was assured Goodwin wanted to marry his daughter for love alone.

  The king didn’t care about the money; he spent more than the cost of the horses on the wedding feast. It seems when a royal wedding takes place in Ackmer, the entire nation is invited. Extravagant wedding gifts were given, which amounted to a rather large fortune. When it came time to leave, Lady Bella and the lord selected only one chest, filled with gold bullion. They asked the king's permission to leave the rest in his safekeeping, for if they should ever need it. Two years after the marriage, Lady Bella returned home for a visit, and rumors say that she had the fortune moved to a coastal sea port and deposited with the Knights of the Templar. It is not known how much was deposited, but it has been there for some twelve years drawing interest, which the Templar deposits into her accounts. Lady Bella continues to return home every two years to visit her family and check on her investments. In all appearances, the lady is an educated and gracious wife of a nobleman, but I know there is something odd, dangerous, and secretive about her.

  The day after Demon was born, the lady came to view him as promised, a day I cannot forget.

  As I was leaving Demon’s stall, I turned after latching the door and was shocked half to death to find Lady Bella standing not two feet in front of me. I could not mistake the lady’s fine purple cloak and white dress as she seemed to float in front of me. Her jet black hair strayed in the light breeze, and there was no missing her bright amber eyes—piercing eyes.

  “Ah, young Master Rogue, how are you this morning?”

  “I am well, my lady, and may I say it is an honor to have your fine beauty within our humble stables this morning.”

  The lady started giggling. “You flatter me always, Gamel. Is the colt here?”

  “Yes, my lady, he is.” In order to see who I was talking to, Demon stuck his head over the stall and took a good look at Lady Bella.

  “He is very large, Gamel; two days old, and his head towers over me.”

  “Yes, my lady, I fear he may grow to 19 hands or better.”

  “Oh my, you will need a ladder to mount him.”

  “I haven’t worked out that problem yet, my lady.”

  “Consider training him to kneel down in front, Gamel. All of my father’s personal horses kneel for mounting. If you start his training early, it will be much easier. It can be accomplished by training a touch spot or by voice command. When you get ready to start the training, let me know, and I will help you.”

  “Thank you, my lady, I will. I had no idea you were so knowledgeable about horses.”

  “We are known as people of the horse. I have been around horses since early childhood days.” She paused a moment before she continued. “Gamel, may we sit for a bit? I would like to talk to you.”

  “Yes, my lady, certainly. Where would you like to go?”

  “Right here would be fine for now.” To my surprise, Lady Bella promptly sat down on one of the casks at the makeshift table.

  “Are you sure this will be okay, my lady?”

  “Seems very comfortable to me.”

  A bit hesitant, I sat down on the cask opposite her. Demon was very interested in our activities and moved as close as he could, stretching his neck over the stall door.

  “It seems that your charge wants to be part of our conversation,” she said, her tone amused. “He has just filled his gut and should be asleep in a few minutes, my lady.”

  She chuckled quietly. “You have a special gift with the animals. In my country, you would be called Animal Seer. It is someone who can connect with the emotions of animals. Tell me, Gamel, what is your impression of me? Not as Lady of the Hold, but personally? Please, be honest.”

  “Good lady, it is not my place to judge you.”

  “Ah, but it is your place if I request it, is this not true? I require you to answer honestly.”

  I felt my days in beautiful Serenity Valley were about to be shortened greatly. I said, “As you wish, my lady. Although I find you most beautiful, virtuous, and endearing, there is something about you that I cannot place, something not quite right, that makes me wary and cautious.”

  “You mean like my scary eyes, or appearing out of nowhere, knowing things before they happen, or making things suddenly appear?”

  “Ahhh, yes, my lady, those type of things.”


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