Dance Until the World Ends

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Dance Until the World Ends Page 12

by Davina Lee

  —Addendum to The Book of the Origin by High Priestess Arabel (Bella) Aurelius Nobilis

  * * * *

  In the beginning of Queen Lina’s rule there were lean times that seemed like they might never end. Mentors found what they could for the children in their care, and Arabel taught the skills of indoor gardening to anyone who would listen, but still bellies rumbled. And as the damp lower levels were slowly being converted to hydroponic oases of green, Lina formed a merchant fleet, employing members of the colony’s security forces and any cloud worthy skimmers that could be found. Lessons were given by members of the older generation who had knowledge of sailing, and soon trade routes were established, bringing lychee and other foodstuffs from the nearby Island of the Drones in exchange for baskets, ships and sailing lessons.

  One of the first to sail from the Island of the Drones to Lina’s island was I. And never far from I’s side was Yasmin, the young medicine woman, and now the chief shaman of I’s colony. While I was passing the knowledge of planting and caring for lychee trees to the younger generation, Yasmin was busy instructing mentors, and anyone else who would listen, in the making of liniments and tinctures for a number of common ailments.

  The Great Tree of Lina’s colony, that had once lived locked away behind palace walls, now stood devoid of life in an open field. Ironically, it was the same rebel bombing that cleared away the walls of its cage that had also disturbed its already fragile root system to the point where the Tree finally gave up on life. But even in death, the Great Tree bestowed its charity upon the people.

  The gift of fallen leaves had been gathered up under Arabel’s direction and mulched to fertilize the new gardens being built. The gifts of branches were largely used to build long-distance cloud skimmers, to expand trade routes to An Ming’s colony in the East. But a few of the Tree’s branches, those not wide enough for skimmers, had been set aside to be hollowed and carved into musical instruments for festive gatherings.

  These instruments were being arrayed on a newly constructed stage that was built just for the occasion. Those in the colony who had set aside time to practice with the pipes and the drums began to assemble. As the sun began to sink toward the horizon, the first, low droning note was struck, calling people to the unique performance space—a space that had been born of the violence of a rebel bombing that reduced much of the palace wall to rubble.

  The palace grounds were now open on three sides and the palace itself appeared to be more of a cliff dwelling, with three levels of apartments occupying the side that remained. In the center near the top is where Lina and Arabel lived together. Arabel’s original apartment had long since been converted to a garden classroom for the teaching of all things that are green and growing. And Arabel herself had been known to tend to the plants there with the children when she’ was not busy with visiting dignitaries.

  Today, though, Arabel was putting on a long, white robe, the same one she had received as a gift from An Ming. Lina was doing the same. For the most recent visitor to the colony, An Ming, Queen of the East, had arrived just this morning with her royal barge overflowing with gifts.

  “They’re starting the music,” Lina said, and kissed Arabel on the side of her neck, just below her scent gland. “You look nice.”

  “Thanks.” Arabel scented just a bit of love into the air.

  “Shall we?” Lina stuck out her elbow.

  “Let’s” Arabel smiled.

  As they exited to the balcony, Lina spied An Ming who was just leaving her guest apartment next door. She was dressed similarly to Lina and Arabel in her robe of white, though also wearing what could easily be her own weight in gold jewelry. She bowed to Lina and Arabel, making a clattering jingle sound. Lina and Arabel bowed in return.

  “Enough formality,” Arabel said. “It’s a party.”

  “Coronation,” An Ming interjected. “Then a party.”

  “Of course, Your Majesty.” Arabel smirked as An Ming winked.

  The three joined hands, with Arabel in the middle. I and Yasmin exited their guest apartment and followed along until they all stood on the stage just forward of the musicians. The entire island was assembled on the lawn.

  “Greetings,” said An Ming, “I am An Ming, Queen of the East. In the absence of your own queen, I have been asked by Priestess Arabel, or Bella as she is known to me, to officiate in today’s formal passing of the crown.”

  There was a brief rustling, and then hush settled over the audience. A few scents of familial love floated on the air.

  “I present to you, Lina,” An Ming said. “She has drunk the royal wine, made the transformation, and communed with the Great Tree.

  “Look around you and you can see what kind of ruler she will be.” An Ming spread her arms wide. “In just a short time under Lina’s guidance, the people here have not only pulled back from the brink of collapse, but have learned to thrive.”

  Nods from all around, and a few scents of familial love and reverence.

  “If there is anyone here who believes Lina should not be crowned as queen, I bid you speak now or forever hold your silence.” An Ming surveyed the hushed crowd. All eyes were on Lina.

  “Very well,” said An Ming. “Priestess Arabel, the crown please.” Beside Arabel, a child dressed in white from head to toe, held out a pillow with a golden crown resting on top. Arabel picked it up, held it skyward for a moment for all to see, and then passed it to An Ming.

  “I hereby pass the burden of leadership to Queen Lina, Wise Queen of the West. Long may she reign.” An Ming placed the crown on Lina’s head and kissed her on the cheek. “You’ll be great,” she whispered while the crowd cheered.

  “Thank you,” Lina said to An Ming, and then louder, to the crowd, “Thank you all, and welcome to my home. To your home. The old walls of the palace will not be rebuilt, but will be left standing in ruins as a reminder to me, and to all queens after me, that it is her duty to serve the people and not the other way around.” Lina spread her arms wide. “All are welcome here.”

  A cheer went up from the audience.

  Arabel turned to address the crowd. “Before we celebrate, we have one more piece of business to take care of, and that is to plant a new Great Tree to watch over our colony. An Ming was gracious enough to provide a sapling of hers, and we also have one that the children have been tending to as part of their gardening class.”

  Lina noticed that Arabel conveniently left out the part about where the second tree came from and how she used to prune the flowers from it before raves.

  “I suggest that the two saplings be planted together, side by side, and trained so that their trunks may intertwine, each lending strength to the other, just as we must do for each other, in this, our colony, and for the colonies of our neighbors. What say you to this?”

  Another cheer went up, and the crowd parted to let Arabel come forward with the sapling from An Ming. As the shovel bit into the ground at the planting site, and a small vanguard of children approached carrying the second sapling, Lina caught the first whiff of charcoal smoke as the open-top grills were fired. A long, low droning note followed, joined by drumming and several more harmonizing pipes. And though it was a smaller band of musicians than had performed at An Ming’s island, they played with just as much enthusiasm, and very quickly the whole colony was moving to the music.

  It was too early in the growing season for wine making, but there were other adult activities planned, and the children were soon being ushered off by their mentors, bellies full of delicious grilled fruits and vegetables, and dirt under their fingernails from tamping the soil of the newly planted Trees. Once the children were safely tucked in bed, the dancers took the stage, dressed in nothing more than intricate designs of bio-luminescent ink, and the party began in earnest.

  Lina was the first to shed her robe. Arabel was next, which caused a stir from the crowd as the full extent of the golden tattoos covering every bit of her back was revealed. And then An Ming sloughed off her robe and jew
elry. The three had already begun moving to the music as they stepped into the crush of the crowd. All around them, the others had shed their clothing.

  Arabel proved almost as much as a novelty as Lina and the visiting queen from the East. People would find their way over to stare in awe of the artwork and scripture that decorated Arabel’s skin. This extra attention moved Arabel greatly, and Lina watched her excitedly rubbing against several bodies throughout the evening.

  Many of the colony were too shy to approach An Ming directly, but did manage to find the courage to dance with Lina from time to time. This resulted in a rotating pattern of An Ming together with Lina and Arabel, and then An Ming with Lina and a newcomer as Arabel was being fawned over. And at times, Lina and An Ming found themselves together.

  During one of those times, An Ming had positioned herself behind Lina, to wrap her arms around Lina’s waist as they swayed to the music. Lina encouraged An Ming to let her hands explore as Lina ground her backside against An Ming’s hips. Arabel, who was busy dancing with I and the medicine woman Yasmin, winked and licked her lips, before scenting love their direction.

  Lina arched her back and let her head come to rest on An Ming’s shoulder.

  “At times, I wish you had stayed,” An Ming said, while tracing out the border of Lina’s scent gland with her loosely parted lips. “But, I know it is selfish of me to think that way. Perhaps, with Bella’s permission, we might share a night together, so that I can leave here with the memory of what could have been.”

  Lina moaned as the warm breath carrying An Ming’s words danced over her scent gland. “Perhaps, if you ask politely,” Lina said, as she rubbed her back up against An Ming. “But I am sure that Arabel would want to be there as well.”

  “I don’t believe I have ever mated with a priestess before. What is it like?” An Ming had move her hands to Lina’s breasts and was gently circling her nipples with a forefinger as she asked.

  Lina shuddered. “I’m not one to kiss and tell. Ask her, and find out.”

  “I think I shall.” An Ming took a long, slow lick up the side of Lina’s neck, dangerously close to Lina’s scent gland. She seemed amused at Lina’s shuddering and involuntary release of mating pheromones. An Ming pinched Lina’s nipples quickly before making her way into the crowd.

  Lina couldn’t hear the conversation over the music, but she did witness Arabel nodding profusely and grinning like a fool. Arabel kissed both I and Yasmin on the cheeks, took An Ming by the hand, and came bounding over to where Lina was standing.

  Lina couldn’t help but smile.

  * * * *

  Lina’s was a simple home, dug into the face of a cliff, one room consisting of a single, low table for taking meals in private, or tea as it was this evening. Arabel had made the tea, and Lina suspected that a petal or two of tree flower may have found its way in alongside the tea leaves. She was certainly feeling a bit lightheaded as the evening wore on. Or perhaps it was from kneeling here at the table, in the company of two very unique and beautiful women, with not a strip of clothing between them.

  In the other corner of Lina’s home was a large, soft mattress on a simple, low pallet-style bed made from branches shed by the Great Tree, a cherished gift from the crafts-workers of the colony. The mattress had already been put to the test several times by Lina and Arabel and found worthy.

  The only light was a soft orange glow from a single bio-globe, and a slice of moonlight shining through the large double doors leading to the balcony.

  Arabel offered more tea to An Ming who, seated beside her, politely shook her head before touching her hand to the back of Arabel’s neck. Arabel leaned forward and met An Ming’s lips with her own.

  “Bella,” said An Ming.

  Arabel then offered more tea to Lina, who similarly waved her off before leaning over the low table to accept a kiss.

  “Baby,” said Lina.

  Arabel deposited the teapot in the center of the table, and as one, the three women stood up. No more words were exchanged. Lina dipped her head to Arabel and engaged in a long, lingering kiss. She then turned her attention to An Ming with equal passion. Each woman’s mouth had felt like velvet, and tasted better than royal wine. Lina was sure now that there was some tree flower among the tea leaves.

  Arabel was using her diminutive size to her advantage as she buried her face in An Ming’s chest, suckling first her and then Lina, all while lifting her hands to the backs of their heads. Arabel encouraged them to continue exploring each other’s mouths, as she spent her time moving from one woman to the other, teasing, licking, seemingly never letting her tongue lose contact with bare skin. Lina’s nipples ached from the attention.

  Lina wrapped one arm around Arabel’s waist and her other around An Ming. Occasionally she would dip her head to accept a kiss from Arabel, or to taste An Ming’s skin for herself. The result was a warm feeling coursing through her, along with a wet and slippery mouth. Lina’s sex began to pulse.

  As if on cue, Lina felt Arabel’s palm pressed up against her swollen folds. Judging from An Ming’s increasingly vigorous kisses, Lina assumed she was being treated to the same. Lina dipped her knees and thrust her hips forward to silently ask Arabel for more. She thought she heard a light giggle as she felt Arabel’s finger teasing her open. An Ming pulled back from Lina’s mouth for a moment to let out a long, shuddering sigh.

  Lina felt a finger being pressed up inside her. It was gentle, but insistent, and soon buried deep in Lina’s sex. When An Ming grasped at Lina’s waist as she slipped a little lower, Lina knew exactly where the finger of Arabel’s other hand was. Lina smiled as Arabel skillfully sought out her favorite spot. She particularly enjoyed the feeling of An Ming’s near constant quivering as she was blessed with similar attention from Arabel.

  “Oh-hh-hh,” muttered An Ming as her thighs shook and she released a cloud of mating pheromone. An Ming began to slump, and without words, the three of them crossed the short distance to the simple bed. Arabel lent An Ming an arm as she laid back into the soft mattress, and as she did, An Ming kept hold and invited Arabel to straddle her mouth. “Bella,” she whispered, before setting her tongue on an exploration of Arabel’s folds.

  Lina felt a twinge from down below as she watched this taking place before her eyes. She settled herself onto the bed, straddling An Ming’s thigh and holding her other leg high in the air. The cloud of pheromones in the tiny room was thick, as Lina began scooting closer and closer to An Ming’s bucking hips. She shuddered as they connected. Lina looked into Arabel’s eyes—eyes that were nearly rolled back into her skull, and reached her hand behind Arabel’s neck. The inside of her forearm unintentionally brushed Arabel’s scent gland, and Lina hear a whimper as Arabel shuddered.

  Looking down, Lina could see An Ming’s face, sticky with Arabel’s moisture, her tongue dancing over Arabel’s glistening folds. Lina shuddered. Her sex was pressed up against An Ming’s, and An Ming was not in a gentle mood. She had her hands on Lina’s hips and was pulling fiercely, forcing them together. The friction was maddening. Lina pulled Arabel’s head closer, and buried her tongue in Arabel’s mouth. It was an exquisite battle of friction from above and below, that combined with the tree flower Lina was certain was part of the tea, caused Lina to shiver and scent almost constantly.

  Seemingly satisfied now that Lina was keeping up her end of the bargain, An Ming moved her hands onto Arabel’s hips, pressing her harder against her mouth. It was a move that said, ‘don’t worry, you won’t break me,’ and Arabel soon took full advantage. Arabel’s body was flushed and quivering, her hips bucking in an odd rhythm. She began to wail, scenting mating pheromone enough that Lina almost choked.

  This drove Lina harder, picking up the pace of her rubbing against An Ming, not caring about anything but mating her as hard as she could. Arabel was the first to go over, crying out with short, sharp shrieks as she bathed An Ming in an explosion of moisture. An Ming moaned and bucked, clawing at Arabel’s hips.

sp; That, together with the sight of Arabel’s sticky juices flowing over An Ming’s chin, caused Lina to shudder and then go rigid for a moment. This happened at almost the exact same moment that An Ming cried out, in a scream of ecstasy, muffled by the fact that she directed it right into Arabel’s sex. Arabel shuddered again, and all three concluded their climax together.

  The women collapsed into an exhausted heap of heaving bodies, arms and legs still intertwined. Nothing was said for a long while until Arabel piped up. “Promise me you’ll find a reason to come and visit,” Arabel said, grinning. “Inter-colony diplomacy or something like that.”

  “I’m sure I can find a reason.” An Ming offered a sticky kiss to both Lina and Arabel, before getting up to wash her face.

  “I love you, baby,” Lina said.

  “And I love you, My Queen,” Arabel replied.


  With several successful harvest seasons behind them, Lina and Arabel found themselves once again seated together in formal business with An Ming. This time it was as visiting dignitaries, as Arabel was invited to officiate the marriage of I and Yasmin on the Island of the Drones.

  As the ceremony was concluded, and the first note of the pipes sounded, a small knot of bright-eyed children came running over asking to see the artwork adorning the priestess’s back that they had heard so much about. Arabel shed her robe and lay prone on the soft grass while they gather around. Lina pointed to the image of the Great Tree covering the small of Arabel’s back, and starting in Mother Africa, began to weave the story of their people.

  Afterword: The World of Lina and Arabel

  Congratulations! You made it to the conclusion of the story. That, or you’re peeking ahead to see how it ends. For shame! Either way, you’re invested enough in the story to see how it turns out. And maybe, just maybe, you’re curious to learn more about Lina and Arabel’s world—the islands, the cloud skimmers, the scenting…the abyss—where did it all come from?


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