Sweet Baklava

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Sweet Baklava Page 10

by Debby Mayne

  It was Paula's turn to laugh. "I'm happy to have her. She's an excellent salesperson."

  "But a lousy baker. They had to dump everything she touched before she left, which was why Mama was so frantic."

  "I'm just pulling into my driveway now, so give me a few minutes to change clothes and freshen up."

  "Fifteen minutes enough?"

  Paula swallowed hard. "Sure, that's fine."

  Nick arrived ten minutes later.

  "You're early," she said as she opened the door.

  "But you're ready." He walked in. "I knew you wouldn't take long."

  "I'm not doing a very good job of being the mysterious woman, am I?" She smiled and let out a nervous giggle.

  "Oh, you're plenty mysterious. I always have to guess what's on your mind."

  If he only knew. "So let's go."

  He drove south on Alternate U. S. 19. As they left Palm Harbor and wound their way through the streets of Dunedin, Paula noticed Nick looking around like he'd never seen the place before.

  "I forget how beautiful it is here." He pointed toward the St. Joseph's Sound past the stop sign near Bon Appetit.

  "Remember when we went to your cousin Olivia's wedding reception there?"

  He laughed. "How can I forget? It felt like we were walking through heaven."

  "It was rather ethereal to have all white decorations and being suspended over the water with a three-way view of St. Joseph's Sound." Paula closed her eyes at the memory of her first kiss with Nick when they thought no one was looking.

  They rode the rest of the way to Clearwater Beach in silence. After negotiating the roundabout, Nick found a parking spot not far from the beach.

  "I feel like a teenager again," he said as he took Paula's hand. "Remember when we used to come here as kids?"

  Oh yeah, she remembered. In fact, she and Drew had a date to walk on this same beach, but the memories of Nick were so intense she wound up with a headache and asked to go home early.

  They took off their sandals and carried them as they strolled up the beach, dodging Frisbees and Nerf footballs. Nick tugged her over toward a volleyball game, and they stood to watch until finally he turned her to face him.

  "The sun is about to set."

  She smiled. Without another word, they turned to face the water and walked toward it, hand-in-hand. As the sun melted into the Gulf of Mexico, Paula felt that familiar twinge she always got when she and Nick watched the sunset together. It was like God had put on a show especially for them.

  After the sun dipped beneath the water's edge, Nick let go of Paula's hand, inhaled deeply, and lifted his arms over his head. When they came down, one hand found its way to Paula's shoulder. Just like old times.

  "Hungry?" he asked as he leaned over and dropped a kiss on top of her head.

  "Sort of."

  "Crabby Bill's or Frenchy's?"

  "Crabby Bill's."

  He grinned and tweaked her nose. "That's what I thought you'd say. Let's go."

  Paula loved the rustic little restaurant where the service was good and the food delicious.

  "So how does everything look?"

  He turned and gazed into her eyes. "It's almost like time stood still. The strangest thing is I feel like this is where I belong."

  "I'm sure your family would agree."

  "I know." He reached over and fidgeted with the salt and pepper shakers before shoving them to the side and folding his hands. "But that doesn't take away from the fact that I love what I do now."

  "That's important."

  "I just might come back for good."

  "Are you seriously thinking about it?"

  He glanced down at the table then raised his gaze to hers as he nodded. "Yes. But I'll need to find some way to earn a living."

  "You won't have to look far," she reminded him, her heart hammering at the thought of him coming home for good. "Your family owns a good portion of Dodecanese Boulevard."

  "That's just it. You know I don't want to be a sponger or a baker."

  She cleared her throat. "You could always sell or make soap and candles."

  Nick tilted his head forward, looked at her from beneath his eyebrows, and grinned. "Don't tempt me."

  "There's a poster about the Clearwater Jazz Festival," she said, pointing to the window. "They're still having it at Coachman Park."

  "Wanna go?"

  Paula stared at the poster for a few seconds then turned back to Nick. "Why are you doing this?"

  His forehead crinkled as he frowned. "What do you mean?"

  "It's like you want me to do all this stuff with you, and you're talking about living here again, but then you're leaving because you have to report back to work, and if the past is any indication, I won't hear from you again until you take another vacation."

  He nodded then looked down at his hands before looking back into her eyes. "It's not fair to you, is it?"

  "I didn't say that. I can handle myself. I just don't understand what you're doing or where you think this whole thing is going."

  Nick opened his mouth, but his voice stuck in his throat. How could he explain the turmoil he felt? Sticking around Tarpon Springs would make his family happy, and he'd love being with Paula, but one thing still bugged him. Would Paula feel obligated to go along with him simply because he'd made the career sacrifice? Some questions couldn't be answered in a simple conversation.

  "I don't know." He couldn't get more honest than that.

  She gave him one of her studious looks—like when she knew he was up to something and she wouldn't let him get away with trying to cover it. Yes, he was up to something, but he had no idea what to do about it.

  "What are you thinking?" he asked.

  "I'm thinking you're trying to play some kind of game, which isn't necessarily bad. I'd just like to know the rules so I don't lose miserably."

  The one thing he loved most about Paula was her direct approach. But this time she was mistaken.

  "No, I'm not playing a game, Paula." He wasn't sure if this was the time to tell her, or if he'd run her off. But he decided to go for it. "I'd like to see how things are between us now because I miss you like crazy, and I've been thinking about a more . . . permanent situation between us."

  He heard her sudden intake of air. She put both hands in her lap and looked down at them for what seemed like eternity. When she looked back up at him, he saw the anguish in her eyes.

  "Nick, I'm here to stay. You know about my past and how unstable everything was for me. I've never pretended to be anything I'm not."

  "I know."

  "And you know how Mom always threatened to move me."

  "But she didn't," he reminded her.

  "True, but that threat was always there. I need to know where I'm going to be. You, on the other hand, need some time away."

  "Maybe that's changed." He cleared his throat. "Maybe I've changed."

  She shook her head. "I don't think so."

  He still couldn't read her well enough to make a decision. "It's hard to figure everything out, isn't it? Who knows where we'll wind up? I mean, besides God."

  Silence fell between them until she reached across the table for his hand. "I guess in a way we all know where we're ultimately going to be, right?"

  He nodded. "Yes, but I understand how you feel. It's interesting how I have the opposite problem from you—I crave adventure and the unknown. I get excited when I think about where my next assignment might be."

  "I understand," she said. "You want what you've never had."

  "Both of us do," he reminded her.

  "Looks like we've found a way to get what we want, though, right?" She still clung to his hand as she gave him one of those crooked smiles he remembered being her reaction to irony.

  "All except one thing." He turned her hand over and traced the back of her ring finger. "Do you think . . . I mean, if I didn't have to go back to the base . . . well, um . . ."

  "What's going on, Nick? Why can't you just say what's on
your mind?"

  He interlocked their fingers and looked directly in her eyes. "Can you ever see us being together forever?"

  Her gasp tugged at him, but she'd asked for it. "Isn't that a moot point?"

  "No, Paula, it's not. I'm not saying you have to commit right this minute, but if everything fell into place, am I the man you'd want to spend the rest of your life with?"

  His heart hammered as her eyelids fluttered. When she looked up and nodded, he felt like jumping right out of his skin.

  "Yes, Nick, as difficult as this is to say, knowing you're heading back to your base soon, you are the only man I've ever even considered being with for the rest of my life."

  Nick's mind raced with possibilities. "That's what I needed to know." He grinned at her and winked.

  She continued smiling at him, but neither of them said a word. The waitress arrived a few minutes later with their food.

  "That looks good," he said, pointing to her fish fillets.

  "Want some?" Her voice was a little scratchy as she stabbed a piece and held it over his plate.

  "Only if you'll take some of my shrimp."


  In some ways nothing had changed, but everything was completely upside down now. Nick didn't want to ruin the magic of the earlier moment, so he didn't bring it up again. After they ate, they went straight to Nick's uncle's car. "I know you have a long day tomorrow, so I'll take you home. Alexa told me you've been pulling in some huge orders."

  "I never expected what's happening."

  "What did you expect?" He started the car and turned toward Palm Harbor.

  "I dunno. I guess I saw myself selling soaps and candles to tourists and maybe some locals."

  "That would be a hard way to make a living."

  "I know that now. In fact, if some of these wholesale orders hadn't happened, I'd probably be looking for a job by now."

  "God is amazing, isn't He?"

  Paula nodded. "He sure is. After my first wholesale order, I thought it might be a fluke. Then I got a call from someone else who asked if I could send a catalog." She laughed. "You should have seen what Steph and I came up with."

  "Steph helped you?" He lifted one eyebrow.

  "Yes. If she hadn't, I have no idea what I would have done. That girl has a great eye for graphics. I can describe my candles and soaps all day long, but she knows how to make it look good on the page."

  "That's an inherited talent," Nick said. "Her mother is the one who drew the menu for Apollo's. She saw Aunt Phoebe struggling with it, and Aunt Ophelia offered a hand."

  "You have the best family, Nick. That's another blessing from God. He brought Steph and me together."

  Nick wanted to remind her that He'd brought the two of them together as well, but after what she'd already said, it might sound like he was pressuring her, so he didn't.

  "Have you ever thought about doing wholesale only?"

  "No," she said as she slowly shook her head. "I don't ever want to lose touch with the retail customers. I love having people come in to let me know what they're looking for. I've learned that if one person likes something, there are probably hundreds—maybe even thousands—of others who would like the same thing."

  "You're a good businesswoman, Paula." He stopped at a light and turned to face her. "I'm proud of you."

  Her face turned a flaming shade of red. "Thanks, Nick. I'm proud of you too."

  The second he stopped the car in her driveway, she opened the passenger door and stuck one leg out. "I can find my way to the door by myself."

  "I know you can, but you didn't even give me a chance to act like a gentleman."

  "You don't have to prove anything to me, Nick."

  "I know. So what time will you be home tomorrow?"

  "Why?" She stood by the door, leaning over so she could see him.

  "The mall, remember?"

  "Yeah, I remember. I was just testing you to see if you did."

  He laughed. "Right. What time?"

  "All depends on Alexa. Do you think she'll be free to work tomorrow?"

  He pulled out his cell phone. "Give me about three seconds and I'll find out."

  Paula sat back down in the car while he called his cousin. Alexa answered right away.

  "Of course I'll work for her."

  "Your mama doesn't mind if you leave her for a little while?"

  She laughed. "She'll be glad to get rid of me. I'm driving her nuts."

  Nick winked at Paula and nodded. "Good. Plan to close the shop."

  "You and your woman got something planned?"

  The expression on Paula's face let him know she'd heard. "Yes, Paula is going to the mall with me to help me pick out some stuff."

  "Good, cuz when it comes to stuff, your taste is in your mouth."

  Nick laughed. "Thanks, Alexa. Remind me to do you a favor sometime."

  "You're welcome."

  He clicked his phone off and stuck it back in his pocket. "She'll be there as long as you need her."

  "Yes, I heard." She stood back up and waved then closed the car door.

  Nick watched as she walked up the front porch and went inside. Once he'd turned the corner, he pulled his phone back out and punched in the number of his buddy back at the base.

  "Hey, Nick. What's up?"

  "Would you mind checking something for me?"

  "Sure. Just a second." Brock covered the mouthpiece and mumbled something Nick couldn't hear. "Okay, so what do you need, buddy?"

  "Can you find out the details on getting into base housing?"

  "Why? Are you getting married or something?"

  "You gonna interrogate me?"

  Brock howled. "Is it that girl you used to talk about all the time?"

  "Never mind. I should have known better than to ask you."

  "Hey, man, don't be so touchy. I'll find out. What all do you want to know?"

  They discussed what Nick was asking. After Nick got off the phone, he worked on a plan. There was no doubt in his mind that he and Paula were meant to be together, but now he had to find a way to persuade her. If it took leaving the Air Force before he was ready, so be it. However, with her wholesale business doing so well, she could work it from anywhere.

  Now all he had to do was convince her of that.


  So how was your date last night?" Alexa asked when Paula walked into the shop.

  "Good. What are you doing here so early?"

  "I wanted to make up for bugging out on you yesterday." Alexa held up a slip of paper. "Good thing I got here early because you got another big wholesale order."

  "I never intended to go into the wholesale business, but now that's what's paying the bills." Paula glanced at the order and lifted her eyebrows. "Are you sure you got the numbers right?" After all, being a night person and getting up this early . . .

  Alexa bobbed her head. "Positive. I asked the guy to repeat the numbers, just to make sure."

  Paula crunched the numbers in the computer and looked back at Alexa. This order would pick up where the last one left off and leave her in the black for the next six months.

  "God is amazing. He's watching us."

  "Then let's give Him a good show. I have something you might be interested in." Alexa pulled a small vial from behind the counter and shoved it toward Paula. "Smell this."

  Paula stepped toward her, leaned over, and sniffed. "Yum. What is that?"

  "It's the special almond extract that Mama gets from Greece. I thought maybe you'd want to consider using it in one of your candles."

  Alexa's thoughtfulness touched Paula. "I just might do that."

  "You can name it Alexa's Almond Cookies." She replaced the vial. "I'm not saying you have to. It's just a thought."

  Paula smiled. "And a wonderful thought at that. Do you think your mother would mind giving me the name of the source?"

  "If you use my name, I'm pretty sure she will."

  "I don't want to do anything to upset her," Paula said.

nbsp; "I'll ask. But in the meantime, I need to get this back to the bakery. She doesn't know I took it."

  "Why don't you do that now before we get busy?"

  Alexa pulled the vial back out and scurried to the door. "Be right back."

  By the time Alexa returned, Paula had taken another wholesale order over the phone. She needed to train more people to make candles and soaps or she'd have to put some skids on the orders.

  "Alexa, do you know anyone interested in producing some product for us? It needs to be someone with a kitchen big enough to handle a lot of candle and soap molds."

  Alexa thought for a moment and nodded. "Some people at the Senior Center were looking for ways to make money, according to my mother's brother, who does some of their maintenance. I can ask them."

  "Great idea. They have a big kitchen there too, don't they?"

  "Yeah, for all those dinners they have."

  "The only thing is I have to know they'd be committed to meeting deadlines."

  "I don't think that'll be a problem, but I can ask."

  The rest of the day was busy for Paula. Between an increased number of walk-in customers and charting out an action plan to fill all the wholesale orders, she lost track of time. When she glanced up at the clock, she blinked.

  "It's closing time already."

  "Oh, that's something else I wanted to talk to you about. I think you close your shop too early," Alexa said.

  "You do, do you?" Paula planted her fist on her hip and looked at Alexa. "When do you think is a good closing time?"

  "An hour later would be good."

  "Do I hear any volunteers to work that extra hour?"

  Alexa's lips twitched into a closed-mouth smile as she raised her hand. "That would be me."

  "So are you proposing working here on a regular basis now?"

  "If that's okay with you. I talked to Mama about it last night after she got home from the hospital, and she thought it was an excellent idea."

  "Good. You're hired as a permanent employee. You can work afternoons until closing."

  "Perfect. I never did like the early morning hours at the bakery, but that's when we did most of the baking."

  "Since I'm a morning person, this will be perfect."

  "What time do you want me here tomorrow?" Alexa asked as they prepared to leave for the day.


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