The Paradoxical Nature of Knowledge

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The Paradoxical Nature of Knowledge Page 11

by Ashley Douglass

across a large crater. A shallow rut cut across the red soil becoming a small valley ringed with jagged hills, formed by a glancing blow of a meteorite long ago. Within the valley, by the crater’s tail, was a road and a small dome made of a sturdy clear material that encased a large white pavilion connected to a greenhouse. It must have been one of the first attempts to colonize Mars but it not the first because she knew for a fact that that the first was formed into a museum. This must have been the result of the second or the third voyage.

  She sat on the ground with Snickers on her lap as she looked out over the rocky reddish landscape. The sun sat on its ruby bed as the sky glowed with the sun’s last rays. A huge moon rose slowly filling the sky, reflecting all of the sun’s light back onto the outpost. Its battered surface seemed like it was going to scrap across the top of the bio dome, putting everyone endanger of solar radiation. It cast its light down, erasing any need for lampposts or any other sources of artificial illumination. Its dim glow was comforting for it swept away the shadows she readily associated with the night.

  She yawned widely as she turned back to the houses behind her. It was getting late and she should find somewhere to sleep from the night. She began to get up but she stopped when she realized that all the houses were most likely filled. There must be a high demand for scientists and she was sure many scientists on earth were probably ecstatic about the chance of working there. Vacancies must be extremely fleeting for with their research expanding clever scientists were always in high demand. She also could not stay in the labs because she would be spotted within a matter of days and some of the experiments they were conducting could be dangerous, possibly involving high levels of radiation or toxic chemicals.

  She sat back down as tears gushed from her eyes. This place felt like home but it could never be her home. She has been looking for a new home ever since her father died but now she was sure she did not belong anywhere.

  She pressed Snickers against her face when a scientist walked over to her. Her long lab coat fluttered behind her as she stooped down, resting her hand on Maria’s back. Maria looked up at her. Her brown hair was contained within a neat bun and her eyes seemed kind. She helped Maria to her feet as Maria stared at her still unsure whether she was to be trusted.

  “Where are your parents?” she asked as Maria backed away.

  “I don’t have parents.” Maria whined wiping her eyes with her balled fists.

  “So you an orphan, how sad but where do you belong? Are you from Meteor Lake?” she said patting Maria lightly on the back.

  “I don’t belong anywhere.” Maria wept.

  “You don’t know anyone for me to call? You don’t know where you live?” Lora asked as Maria nodded sadly.

  “Can you at least tell me your name?” she asked as Maria looked at her. There was a genuine honest quality about her expression.

  “Um Maria,” Maria answered as she smiled.

  “Well Maria you can stay with me tonight but tomorrow I need to help you search for your guardians in Meteor Lake.” She offered as Maria nodded.

  “Um yeah, ok,” Maria muttered as she smiled weakly for she was becoming tired.

  “Then follow me, you can stay at my house for tonight.” she said as Maria nodded then followed her back pass the labs.

  “Um my name is Lora by the way,” she said as Maria nodded meekly.

  They stopped in front of a cozy house with a cute welcome mat and a wind chime. Lora touched the chime with her fingertips before she opened the door, after typing in her personal code. Maria hurried inside looking around at the small room.

  “I just love the sound of that chime even though there is no wind within the bio dome.” she explained as Maria sat down, setting Snickers down on the tabletop.

  “Oh what a lovely toy you have there. It must be very loyal for I doubt it would ever run away.” Lora told her after spying Snickers on the table.

  “Yeah it’s always there for me. My mother gave it to me before she died.” Maria explained as Lora reach out to pat it lovingly on the head.

  “What is it name?” she asked as Maria smiled for Lora sort of reminded her on her mother.

  “Its name is Snickers.” she answered as Lora nodded getting up.

  “That is a fitting name.” Lora agreed as she walked into a small kitchen.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked as Maria nodded eagerly.

  “Yeah but where is your android?” Maria asked looking around.

  “The generator can only provide enough energy for the machines in the lab and the planters. Androids would require too much power and I don’t mind cooking.” Lora answered as Maria nodded, for she remembered that her mother use to like to cook because she thought it was a lost art form, which is why they did own their first android until after she died.

  “Um, do you want to help?” Lora asked as Maria nodded standing beside her. She handed Maria a cob of corn to shuck as she cut some fresh green beans. She scooped them all in a pot of boiling water then seasoned it well, covering it with a lid.

  “Well you are probably hungry it is a special occasion for me to have guest so I will cook some steak alongside it. Meat is hard to come by since Meteor Lake has an extremely limited supply.” Lora explained.

  “Um, do you need help with that?” she asked as Maria nodded. She took the corn from her them began peeling the husk away, picking off white spidery vines.

  “Um thanks,” Maria said as she boiled the corn as well then turned back to the steak. She rubbed herbs into the steak then grilled it on a small indoor grill. A vent sucked up the smoke, purifying the air. The meat acquired dark markings where it made direct contact with the heated mesh as a flame rose searing the marbled flesh.

  After a few minutes Lora served Maria a large steaming plate of vegetables then cut an age appropriate sized piece of steak then placed it beside the steaming cob on corn.

  “Well enjoy.” she said as Maria picked up the piece of steak, tearing at it with her teeth.

  “Oh I guess I should have cut that first.” she said as Maria lowered the steak as Lora cut it into smaller pieces.

  “Um thanks” Maria whispered as she ate a bite sized piece chewing it slowly.

  “You are welcomed.” she said as she picked up the cob of corn then nibbled around its hard core.

  “Oh eat your green beans they are good for you.” Lora continued after Maria reach for another piece of steak. Maria nodded then picked up her fork stabbing the green beans before stuffing them in her mouth. She chewed uncertain but it was well seasoned. It was not bad.

  “You know I never had a daughter before. I never really settled down because I am always working but I wouldn’t mind having a child.” Lora said as Maria looked up at her. She did seem like she would be a bad mother.

  “I just want to find a place where I belong.” Maria confessed before picking up the corn, eating it messily, coating her face in butter.

  “Don’t worry I will help you find a new home. I promise.” Lora swore as Maria smiled using her sleeve to wipe her greasy face.

  “Are you done?” Lora asked as Maria nodded as her eyes drooped and she rested her hand on her belly.

  “Yeah,” she agreed as she yawned.

  “You seem tired. I will make you a bed on the couch.” Lora said picking up her plate, setting it on the counter before getting some covers from the closet. Maria got up then walked over to the couch, laying her head on the armrest.

  “Oh you almost forget your little friend,” Lora said handing her Snickers, as she took the toy. “And here is a blanket,” she continued tucking her in as Maria’s eyes slowly closed as she held Snickers tight with the last traces of a smile lingering on her face.

  “Get some sleep, Hon,” Lore whispered as she turned away, heading off to bed.

  “Good night Mom,” Maria whispered in response as she rubbed her face against Snickers soft fur.

  The Battle at Crater Canyon

  Maria stirred when she heard someone knocking on the
door. She sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes when Lora appeared from her room. She answered the door as Maria got up stretching her arms before picking up Snickers to see who it was standing in the doorway.

  It was a tall man dressed in a very official looking suit. His wavy hair was neatly combed and his eyes were set ablaze with a piercing intelligence.

  “Lora I spoke with our superiors stationed on earth to tell them of our progress. I told them my idea to use satellites to form a large shield around the planet to protect it from solar radiation.” a man explained.

  “Really and what did they say?” Lora asked excitedly.

  “That they will try it as soon as we either raise the oxygen levels or you perfect your bioengineered lungs.” he stated as she nodded pleaded.

  “That is wonderful.” she agreed when he noticed Maria standing a few feet behind her.

  “Who is that?” he asked suspiciously as Lora stepped aside, exposing her.

  “Um, she is an orphan. Her name is Maria,” Lora introduced her as the man looked her over

  “Rivera,” the man finished, barely over a whisper as Maria froze.

  “You know her?” Lora asked excitedly as he leaned closer.

  “The police are looking for her.” he explained as Maria watched him carefully.

  “Well I guess she must have wandered off for her to end up here.” Lora agreed but the man shook his head.

  “She is an extremely dangerous fugitive.” he continued as Lora turned back to her shock.

  “What but she is just a little girl,” Lora said

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