Gladiator Wolf (Gladiators Book 1)

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Gladiator Wolf (Gladiators Book 1) Page 10

by Marteeka Karland

  The transport moved away from the primitive platform to the outer section of the caves. Once safely clear of the overhanging rock, they began a steady upward climb. Miranda had instructed her driver not to go straight back to her rooms, but to take a winding route.

  “We’ll drive around a half hour to forty-five minutes before we reach my rooms. By then, there will still be nearly two hours of daylight left,” she said as she settled into the seat across from Brandwulfr. He still looked like he was on edge, but had calmed visibly.

  His gaze continually moved around, taking in their surroundings, taking note of their direction, constantly looking back at the entrance to the catacombs. “No one seems to be following,” he commented. After one more look around then from every window, Brandwulfr sat back, scrubbing his hands over his face before resting his arms on those long, muscular thighs. It was then Miranda realized just how thin that stupid wrap he’d been given was. The thing might have covered him, but it revealed more than it concealed. As she looked at him now, she realized his skin seemed darker than before, as if those brief moments in the sun had soaked into his very pores. The dark hair dusted liberally over his body accented the effect...especially between his legs. As she watched, the thin material tented with his growing erection.

  “Well. Thirty minutes to kill.” He raised an eyebrow, one side of his mouth lifting in a sexy smirk. “What shall we do?”

  Chapter Seven

  When he’d first seen Miranda in the arena with Rudolph, he remembered thinking if she was in any way related to that scumbag, she would have to die. Over the past few days, he’d changed his mind. There was much more to little Miranda than met the eye. There was a kind of juvenile innocence about her he couldn’t overlook. She had no idea how the world really was, despite being smack in the middle of one of the biggest slave rings in all of Sky City. In her heart, she knew it was wrong; she’d even tried to remedy the situation the only way she knew how. But her father wasn’t ready to give up his enterprise and likely never would be, and Miranda had no real way to convince him he was wrong. Besides that, Brandwulfr recognized the seeds of fear when he saw it. These people were afraid of his kind, what they could do when not collared like dogs. They had reason to fear. Once he got this collar off his neck, Brandwulfr would unleash hell like nothing that had ever been seen in this place. And he’d take little Miranda with him.

  “So, what’s the plan?” The feeling of urgency he’d had back in the catacombs was lessening, though there was still a lingering unease tickling his mind. Soon. The storm, whatever it was, would be here soon.

  “I... Well…” She cleared her throat. “We wait until nightfall, then make our way back to the arena and the temple ruins. The portal is there. It has to be.”

  “And if it’s not?”

  She sighed. “Then you’re on your own. You may not find the portal to your world, but you’ll be free to search on your own.”

  How wrong she was. Miranda was coming with him whether she wanted to or not. He had this burning desire to have her, he absolutely could not quench. Under normal circumstances, his kind never questioned these senses when they presented themselves. Now, he had no other alternative. There was no way his people would accept her into their world, and he didn’t blame them. She represented everything they were fighting to overcome. Not only was she Rudolph’s daughter, but she lived in the very city that was built on the blood of his people. Thrived in it. No. He couldn’t have her as anything other than a prisoner in his home. She’d be little more than a servant until they made peace with her world, but she’d be much better treated than his people had been.

  The craft lurched as the driver decelerated only to speed up again, throwing Miranda into Brandwulfr. “What the fuck!” Brandwulfr snagged Miranda, pulling her closer, holding her to him in an instinctive reflex to protect her. Outside, the sky lit up with a bombardment of lightning followed by an aurora in greens dancing across the sky. Every instinct he had was screaming for him to take cover, to protect his woman and get the hell out of the open.

  “Have your driver get us to cover,” he urged at her ear. She trembled against him, clutching his shoulders while peeking out from his arms.

  “What’s happening?” She sounded more frightened than she ever had in the catacombs.

  “I’m not sure,” he said. “Just have him get us out of the open. Somewhere there is a bit of cover until whatever this is settles down.”

  “Are you sure it’s going to settle? I mean, what about ‘the storm’ and all? Maybe this is it.”

  He held her still for several moments, scenting the air, letting his senses speak to him as much as he could in the confines of the vehicle. “No. Not yet. Soon, though. Whatever it is will manifest within the week. Sooner maybe.”

  “How can you know that?”

  He looked at her then. Her eyes were trusting, her face so heartbreakingly beautiful. “I just know. I feel it in my very being. When I’m able to transform into my wolf, those senses flow through me unimpeded. I could probably tell you what was happening as long as it was something in nature.” He tugged at his collar. “But this thing prevents it. It doesn’t come off and if I shift, my neck is much bigger than it is now. I’d strangle myself with the turning.”

  “My father said he’s seen one of your kind as its animal self. He said it was the most frightening thing he’d ever witnessed.”

  “The beast isn’t something any of us take lightly. My kind only shift when their lives, or the lives of their family are threatened. Putting us in the arena made those instincts scream, but it was either resist those urges or die.” He gave her a wry grin. “The very thing meant to save us will kill us as long as we wear these collars. Now, have your driver get us to shelter.”

  She activated the intercom once again, giving her instructions. When she would have returned to her seat across from him, Brandwulfr kept hold of her wrist, pulling her back to him. He urged her to straddle his hips, wondering how far he could push her. The drive to claim her was riding him hard, despite the fact that she was human. His wolf self had seized on her, needing to keep her close and to tie her to him.

  “What are you—”

  “Shhh,” he said, settling her over him. The deep crimson gown she wore only whetted his appetite for her. Creamy thighs peeked through slits up either side of her skirts. He ran his palms up smooth, silky skin, raking his nails back down. When chill bumps rose over her thighs and her breath hitched, satisfaction rose within him at her reaction. “So sensitive,” he murmured.

  The transport pulled into a garage. Brandwulfr took a quick look out the window, sniffing the air. The sudden apprehension he felt was gone as quickly as it had appeared. It was disturbing, but he’d always trusted his instincts. Like knowing he would take Miranda tonight. More than once.

  “Have the driver wait here for ten minutes. If nothing else happens, continue on.”

  “I have to get up,” she breathed. In answer he pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her as he shifted to the other side of the compartment. She relayed her instructions to the driver, then rested her hands on his shoulders. When she met his gaze, there was an excited hesitancy there. She definitely wanted this but wasn’t certain she could handle it.

  “Now,” he said, his voice thickening with lust. He was definitely going to enjoy this. “I want you to kiss me. Not because I made you. But because you want to.”

  She gasped, looking appropriately shocked. Too bad her lips curled slightly, betraying her excitement and pleasure. “You’re taking a lot for granted.”

  “Am I? Then why are you trembling?” Brandwulfr couldn’t help his grin as he reached up to caress her face. Miranda was possibly the most intriguing creature he’d ever met, yet was the one he couldn’t have. Couldn’t keep. Didn’t mean they couldn’t enjoy themselves until things...changed.

  “Kiss me, love,” he rasped. “Kiss. Me.”

  “Oh, God,” she whispered before she framed his face with her smal
l hands and brought her lips to his.

  Brandwulfr wanted nothing more than to simply close his eyes and enjoy the moment, but he needed to keep his wits about him. Though he sensed it was safe—for the moment—he still didn’t trust the foreign surroundings. Miranda’s lips slid over his like silk, tasting like honeyed wine. He’d thought she was sweet before, but this, Miranda willingly kissing him of her own accord, was spellbinding. Her little tongue made a tentative lap at his bottom lip, and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head. Still he fought for complete control, wanting to let her explore his body as he’d done to hers before.

  His hands slid up her thighs to her slender waist. The gown she wore was layered silk and filmy gauze that snagged on his roughened hands, which served as an erotic reminder of the differences between them. He was all hard edges and deadly intent; she was soft curves with an innocent, gentle nature. Every male instinct within him demanded he protect her. Not because she meant anything to him, but because she so obviously needed it.

  With a harsh sigh, he slid his hands through the slits in her skirt to cup her soft buttocks, kneading the flesh there. Miranda squealed, a delicate whimper into his mouth as she kissed him. He urged her closer, thrusting his hips up to meet her. Though separated by her skirts and his wrap, Brandwulfr couldn’t help the growl of satisfaction knowing she was his for the taking. He would have her this very evening. Nothing could stop him.

  Needing more, he took control from her, lifting Miranda to lay her on the seat so he stretched over her, bracing his weight on his arms. With one hand, Brandwulfr urged her leg around his hip. She wrapped her other leg around him without further encouragement. Never breaking their kiss, he settled over her, rocking his hips back and forth to settle in the cradle of her thighs, his rock-hard shaft pulsing between them.

  Miranda’s head spun with a myriad of sensations she had no hope of understanding. She was letting this magnificent male have his way with her, even though she knew she had no hope of ever being with him. Something like despair welled up inside her, yet an unearthly determination rose alongside it for her to prove herself worthy of such a man. She knew she was every bit as good as Brandwulfr, but she also knew he probably didn’t view her as such. To him, she was still the enemy. He expected her to help him escape because of all the wrongs her father had done to him and his people. What he would probably never truly understand was that she’d do it gladly because it was the right thing to do. Right now, the things he made her feel only confused her even as they excited her beyond imagining.

  When he cupped her breast through the silk of her top, any thought other than the exquisite pleasure he created with such effortless ease fled. His big, rough palm squeezed her tender flesh with almost painful force before he released his grip to pull the material over her breast to find the ripe nipple with his thumb and finger. With expert pressure, he rolled the peak, plucking and flicking the sensitive skin until she cried out with helpless pleasure.

  Not sure what she’d been expecting, Miranda gave a sharp cry when Brandwulfr lifted her breast to meet his greedy mouth, her hands flying to his head. Maybe she’d intended to push him away, but she found her fingers threading through his hair, holding him close as she arched her back to his kiss.

  “Ah, yes,” he groaned, voice gone husky, his breath caressing her as much as his mouth had. “Talk to me, little human. Tell me what you need.”

  Miranda thrashed her head, needing to rub her whole body against his to attract him, needing...more. “Brand,” she whimpered, her hands sliding down his shoulders to grip his arms. “Hold me to you.” Her breathy whisper surprised her. She’d never enjoyed sex like this. Never craved it so intensely it bordered on madness. In this moment, she found getting him inside her was the most crucial thing in the world, yet she knew she couldn’t do this in the transport vehicle. Hell, it was a horrible idea to begin with, but she had to have him!

  “I like it when you call me that.” His growl sent shivers through her. “Say it again.”

  With a sigh, she did as he commanded. Just as he took her nipple in his mouth and pulled hard. “Brand! Ah, God! Yes!”

  His wrapped his arms around her tightly, crushing her smaller body to him as he suckled. When he left her breast, he rubbed his face over her chest, scratching her skin erotically with his stubbled jaw. In contrast, his lips were velvety soft as he kissed his way back to her mouth. Once again, he kissed her deeply, sweeping his tongue inside her mouth to find hers, coaxing her to meet his fevered lust with her own. Miranda found herself carried away in the sensual web he wove as the kiss went on and on.

  Finally, she was jolted back to reality when the transport stopped, her driver knocking politely on the door, not bothering to open it. Thank God! Had he done so, he’d certainly have gotten an eyeful.

  With reluctant slowness, Brandwulfr finally ended the kiss, feathering kisses along her jaw. “Take me to your bed, little human,” he rumbled at her ear. “I have a need to sample this lush little body of yours.” He helped her to sit, straightening her clothing even as he smirked at her.

  “What?” she asked in confusion, knowing something satisfied him intensely.

  “You look like a woman drugged on her own lusts. I wonder if everyone we meet along the way to your bed will notice? I wonder if they’ll know it was I who put that look there?”

  “Bastard.” Her voice was little more than a mutter.

  “Call me that after you’ve screamed my name for all to hear.” Why did he have to sound so smug?

  Instantly, her face flamed. He was probably right. With crisp movements, Miranda tugged her hood over her head, hoping to hide any marks he’d left on her delicate skin. Glancing down at him, she noticed his cock tenting the thin material of the wrap he’d been given. “I’m not the only one with lust issues.” She pointedly looked at his lap. “Good luck hiding that.”

  “Why would I want to?” He laughed. “Let them see and be envious. Because it’s I who will sate your lusts tonight. Not anyone we meet on the way.”

  She had to get a grip on herself, on the situation. They’d wait in her rooms until sunset, then she’d help him get to the old temple. After that, she’d be rid of him.

  And damn if her heart didn’t give a little squeeze at the thought of it.

  * * *

  It was funny that Brandwulfr found himself proud of the erection he sported. He met the gazes of men—likely guards—on the way to Miranda’s suite of rooms and smirked openly. More than one of them gave him that wry look men gave one another when knowing one was getting something the other wanted and couldn’t begrudge the other his prize. Which surprised Brandwulfr. He expected nothing but disdain from the humans in this house, but received none. They hadn’t even questioned that Miranda had freed him of his chains. Odd.

  Once in her suite, she locked the door. Before she could turn around, he snagged the key and tossed it to a nearby table before whirling her around, shoving her against the door, and finding her mouth with his. He wanted—needed—to process all he’d observed, but the need to take this woman was so overpowering, he couldn’t think straight. She was everything he didn’t need in a mate or a lover. There were so many complications, so many reasons why he should take the help she offered and be done with her, but he just couldn’t. Never had a woman affected him this way. As he kissed her, touched her creamy, silky smooth skin, he knew he’d never give her up. If that meant he had to keep her against her will, had to make her a prisoner to have her, he would do it. Miranda was his.

  With a sharp jerk, he pulled the material of her dress down to expose those exquisite breasts. If Miranda objected to the rough treatment, she said nothing. She did, however, cling to him, threading her fingers through his hair as she cried out, urging him to her exposed breasts.

  “That’s it, little human,” he growled against her skin. “I like it when you tell me what you want.”

  “Brand,” she gasped. “That feels so good!”

  Urging her legs around
his waist, Brand pressed her tightly between his body and the door, positioning her so his cock pressed against her sex with every thrust of his hips. The only thing between them was the bottom half of her gown and whatever she wore beneath it. He’d shed his sorry excuse for a cover as soon as he’d been able. Lot of good it had done anyway.

  As he wrapped his arms around her, he took her weight, carrying her to the big bed in the next room. He found her lips again just as he laid her on it, covering her body with his own. When she framed his face in her tiny hands, he snagged her wrists and held them over her head, pinning her hands to the bed in one of his. The excitement he saw in her eyes at his blatant show of strength made his cock throb in anticipation. It seemed his little human had a wild streak she needed to explore. Well, he was more than capable of helping her out there.

  Her rooms were open, airy. The floor-to-ceiling windows let in the sunlight he craved so much. The bed he was about to take her on seemed to be positioned to catch as much sun as possible. Brandwulfr knew the sun, knew how it moved even in this realm where he’d been denied it so very long. No matter what time of day, her bed would be the center of those healing rays, almost as if she’d been waiting for him to be here with her. From the moment he’d stepped out of the transport into the light, he’d been soaking up the power the sun afforded him. Now, with his body primed with lust and the woman of his choosing in his arms, the effect was near euphoric. No doubt, this would be the best sex of his life. The funny thing was, he was determined to make it just as life changing for her.

  Sitting up on his knees, Brandwulfr slid her dress down her hips, scraping over Miranda’s hips and thighs with his fingernails as he went. She arched to his touch, offering her hips even after he’d tossed the silk aside. The enticing roll she did made him want to simply fall on her, take her fast and hard, but he needed more. He needed her to cleave to him, to want to be with him even after this evening was over. The wolf inside him he hadn’t been able to fully let loose in five years demanded he please the woman he’d chosen as mate.


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