Rescued By The Alien Warrior: A Sci Fi Alien Romance

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Rescued By The Alien Warrior: A Sci Fi Alien Romance Page 14

by Leia Gray

  “As you wish, my princess.” We sprawl into the fluffy field of clover. With the gentle breeze and the singing blossoms around us, we join not only our bodies, but our souls.


  Liana - Two days later

  It’s only been a couple days, but I think I’m starting to get used to things. And today’s the big day. The mating ceremony. Sure, we’d mated that night in the hideout, but this was a formal affair, to seal the bond between us in the ceremonial ritual of his people.

  I’ve been fussed over all day by stylists. They had a dress procured especially for the occasion. It really does feel like being a princess, and I’m still a little awestruck by it all. Darvok says I’ll get used to it in time. I hope he’s right.

  Right now, I’m standing in the changing room stall, looking at myself in the mirror and trying to take a few deep breaths. This is basically their form of marriage. This is the only wedding day I’d ever have. I want everything to go right.

  “Come on out,” a voice calls from beyond the door. It’s Beryl, the clan girl helping with my outfit. “I’m sure you look fine.”

  Here goes nothing, I tell myself, then push the door open.

  I step out into the room in a resplendent ceremonial gown. It’s a warm ivory color and spills downward in graceful waves, just like in my dream. It feels like it was made just for me—maybe it was. Sparkling jewels line the hem and match the ones pinned up in my hair. I look…dare I say it…beautiful.

  “You look stunning, my lady,” Beryl says, admiring the long train of the dress. “Darvok won’t know what hit him.”

  I grin at the thought of that. I like the idea of breaking him down, of bringing the rough and tough warrior to his knees. “I hope you’re right.”

  Church bells echo through the corridor and Beryl points to the exit. “Come along. The bells are starting!”

  I follow her to the sacred hall, a huge vaulted space in the Ivory Spire. I’ve only seen bits and pieces of this storied palace, but it never fails to leave my breathless. This time is no exception. Candles glow along the path in a bouquet of illumination. They remind me of fireflies, and the flickery haze feels almost dreamlike.

  But this is no dream.

  Flowers matching every color of the rainbow line the carpeted path up to the raised platform, turning their petals toward as we walk.

  I raise my eyes to the platform, and there he is.

  Darvok is dressed in his most formal wear, his purple skin glowing in the warm light. When I see him, all else fades away. I’m actually doing this. I’m actually getting married…to an alien!

  Each step I take forward is a step toward my future. Toward a new life. I want to remember every moment of it.

  If only my parents could see me now. I look to the ceiling, where small skylights let in the last waning rays of sunlight and stars begin to shine.

  Darvok wears the ore around his neck, along with a black tuxedo. It would be almost comical, seeing his muscles bulge through the suit, but I can’t stop staring. He’s beautiful. He’s powerful. He’s mine. His face softens and his mouth opens in a silent ‘o’ as I step toward him.

  Good, I’m not the only one staring.

  All around us are younger clan girls, tossing petals in my wake and watching me with awe and joy. I haven’t gotten to know all of them yet, but they’ve been so wonderful, just in the few days I’ve been around. I set a goal for myself to learn all of their names personally.

  A musician by the side of the platform plays soft music on an instrument I’ve never seen before. It’s almost like a harp, but much taller and rounder. The melody is hauntingly beautiful, seeming to seep into my bones. Into my soul, even.

  Given what I’ve learned about Rathia, that might not be too far from the truth.

  As I take the last few steps to the platform, each step of my journey flashes before me. Not so long ago, I was a small scared girl trying to run from disaster. I fell headfirst into one mishap after another, and yet… it brought me here. To him. To my destiny.

  And I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

  I step up to the platform next to Darvok and the officiator comes forth, a tall woman in long, priestly robes. She wears a medallion with concentric circles around her neck, like priests on my world would wear a cross.

  “We are gathered here today to witness the joining of two hearts into one. Two spirits from opposite ends of the galaxy have found one another at last. The Tia has plans for us all, even if we cannot see them. And today the Tia has blessed this couple. Bless them with strength. Bless them with health. Bless them with happiness.”

  The crowd repeats each blessing, but I barely hear it. I’m too lost in my beloved’s eyes.

  “Join hands,” she says, and I take the large purple hands in mine.

  Darvok recites the words, his voice wavering with emotion. He never takes his eyes off of me the entire time, though, and I can feel his sincerity all the way through my bones.

  “When I left this world,” he started, “I was a hurt, broken man. I ran for so long, trying to escape my problems. Trying to escape myself. I shut it all away, and in doing so, I lost my true path.

  “But the moment I laid eyes on you in that shuttle, it was like some long slumbering part of me had awoken at last. I saw how foolish I’d been. I saw how my quest for vengeance had consumed my mind and spirit.

  “And then I saw you again, right at the time I least expected. It’s like the Tia meant for us to meet that day. Perhaps my drive for revenge was really driving me toward you all along. But in the moments since I met you, I’ve learned. I’ve grown. I’ve changed. You give me hope. You give me light. You make me a better man, and I can’t wait to give you the world. Not as an owner or a master, but as a partner. Will you take me to be yours, Liana?”

  My heart swells with such love and gratitude I think it might burst. I choke through the tears and find my voice again to say those two critical words. “I will,” I say, eyes glistening with tears.

  Now it was my turn.

  “My journey started out not unlike yours, if you’d believe it. I had lost everything. I ran. I tried to make a name for myself. It didn’t work. When I was kidnapped by Krevith, I thought that was the end. I thought all I’d have to look forward to in the future was hopefully having a kind master. But you changed all that, Darvok. You showed me hope, you saved me from my attackers, and you gave me the strength to believe in myself. Because of you, I can be the woman I want to be, not as a possession, but as a friend, by your side always. Will you take me as your mate, for now and always?”

  “I swear it,” he mutters.

  The priest opens a dark wood case, pulling out a strand of glowing pink ore on a long silver cord. Darvok told me the Imala binding was the last step in the formal mating ceremony—it wrapped the couple’s hands together, so that they could share in the Tia’s holy light as one.

  “By the powers vested in me by the Ancestral Tia above, I bind these two in life, love, and happiness. From this day, until their last days, they shall be mates of the heart. Bless this couple, and bless their union.” The ore glows brighter around our wrists, filling the room and covering us in warm, rosy light.

  “I now pronounce you mated, as Liana Hathaway and Darvok Kar’thallan. You may now kiss your mate.”

  Don’t have to tell me twice. I lean in and take his lips, relishing the sweetest, most passionate kiss I’ve ever had. In that moment, there’s the time slowing again. But this time, I don’t mind.

  More kisses for me.

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