Bad Boy Love - Ben (Bad Boy Love Series Book 2)

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Bad Boy Love - Ben (Bad Boy Love Series Book 2) Page 1

by Jessica Gray

  Bad Boy Love


  Book 2

  Jessica Gray

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, and places in this book exist only within the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons or locations is purely coincidental.

  Bad Boy Love – Book 2: Ben

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright © 2016 Jessica Gray

  This book is copyrighted and protected by copyright laws.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission from the author.

  All characters, names, and places in this book exist only within the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons or locations is purely coincidental.

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  Table of Content

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Preview Bad Boy Love: Fernando

  More Books by Jessica

  Contact Jessica

  Chapter 1

  Ben Moretti scowled, as he looked at the ledgers open in front of him. I hate this shit! He should be out there in his gym “Tough as Nails”, attending to his clients instead of handling accounting.

  At the age of thirty-four, he’d worked hard to get his business up and going, and now it had reached a point where he seemed to be caught behind his desk for most of the day. He sighed. I should go out there and pump some iron.

  Instead he ran a finger down the numbers once more, looking for the missing $22.58 that was keeping the books from balancing. Finally, he found the mistake and made the necessary adjustment. He closed the books with a clap, threaded his fingers together and cracked his knuckles, as a satisfied smile spread across his face.

  He’d neglected the hands-on part of his gym for the administrative stuff, but that was about to change. He’d just scribbled Hire an accountant on a post-it and stuck it to his computer monitor, when his solitude was interrupted by a brisk knocking of knuckles on his office door.

  “Yeah?” he called out, raising a brow to Tim when the young employee cracked open the door. The kid’s eyes peered through the sliver of space between the door and the frame, the look in his eyes an indication of unpleasant news on the way.

  “Hey, Boss?” he asked softly.

  “What’s up?”

  “Um…well…there’s a lady outside asking for you.”

  “A lady?” Ben rubbed his chin.

  “Yeah, a real looker.” Tim was more street kid than young adult, but Ben had taken a chance on him when no one else would and given him this job.

  “What’s she want?” Ben asked. It was a rare occurrence for a woman to enter this man’s cave.

  Tim shook his head, “Dunno, but she asked for you by name. She don’t look like she belongs around here. Gotta be lost.”

  Ben’s curiosity was piqued and he nodded, “I’ll be right outside.” A lady and a looker? He left his office and stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed the very petite, and very gorgeous woman standing at the reception bar. His eyes travelled the length of her and his pulse suddenly ratcheted up a notch.

  She had flawless, fair skin, long, dark brown hair that fell in luxurious waves around her shoulders and framed her beautiful face. Add perfect makeup, and lips that begged to be kissed to her appearance and he felt a sizzle in his chest. An emotion he’d rather not have so he tamped it down

  Ben tore his eyes from her lips and let them wander down over her sunkissed shoulders, to her perky breasts nicely accentuated in the yellow tank dress she wore, all the way down over her slim stomach and her gorgeous, well-formed legs, and up again. He felt like he’d just sprinted a mile and needed air.

  “You wanted to see me?” he asked her, his voice bringing her eyes up to meet his own. “Miss…?”

  He sucked in a breath when her almond-shaped chocolate brown eyes met his, shocked by his visceral reaction to her. She was way out of his league.

  He didn’t get many women wandering into his gym and definitely never one that reeked of high society. This woman was a walking advertisement for wealth, privilege, and culture. And yet, when he looked into her eyes, he saw pain and fear. And not just any fear, but a deep-seated fear that was capable of paralyzing a person.

  “Are you the owner? Ben Moretti?” she asked, her voice just the tiniest bit husky and immediately drawing a reaction from his body.

  Giving her a smirk, he tipped his chin up. “That’s me. What’s a lady like you doing in a place like this?”

  “I want to sign up.”

  Ben shook his head at her. “Not here you don’t.”

  “Yes, I do.” She trapped her lower lip between her teeth and a hint of stubborn determination entered her eyes.

  An out-of-control feeling enveloped him and he didn’t like it. This wasn’t going where he wanted it, he needed to get rid of her – fast. His male clients were already starting to focus on her. A gorgeous upper-class lady like her with a bunch of twenty-something bodybuilders, perfectly at home in the rough neighborhood that surrounded the gym, would only cause trouble.

  And trouble was something he had to steer clear of. After a violent childhood and six years in prison, he knew that.

  “Nope. As you can see, this gym isn’t for the likes of you.” He held his hands out to indicate the rough crowd that currently occupied most of the free weight benches.

  She glanced around, gaining confidence and then nodded. “The place is perfect. I want you to teach me how to fight.”

  Ben raised both brows and shook his head at her. “Fight? I don’t fight. See.” He pointed to a big sign at the entrance with the house rules. Rule 1 read: No fighting.

  That rule existed for good reason. He knew firsthand how quickly things could spiral out of control and what could happen if he lost his temper and forgot to pull his punches. He’d almost killed someone years back, and it hadn’t been an accident.

  “I want you to teach me how to fight, I know you can.” Her lips trembled. Please, don’t let her cry. To most people, she probably appeared to have it all together, but underneath that façade, lurked something unknown. Something that terrified her – and him.

  “Sorry, but no,” Ben said and turned to leave.

  “You were an MMA fighter once.”

  Ben froze and stared into her eyes. She’d obviously done her research before coming her. Not many people knew about that part of his life. His life before prison.

  “Look, Miss…”


  “Yeah, okay. Irena, my career as MMA fighter ended fifteen years ago. Things have changed.” I have changed. “This isn’t the place for you. Good luck finding anoth
er gym.”

  She captured his eyes with her determined stare and lowered her voice. “This is the right place for me. You are the right teacher for me.”

  Ben could feel the tension between them rising and he once again shook his head. This petite brown haired beauty represented exactly the kind of trouble he didn’t need. And his clients didn’t either. Women couldn’t be trusted. He shook his head.

  “No, it’s not. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

  “Look, I’m prepared to sit outside your office door all day long if necessary. This is the place for me and I want you to teach me how to fight.”

  Ben gave her a look that clearly showed he thought her a madwoman and turned back toward his office. So much for pumping iron. He ignored the various stares coming from his employees and clients and shut the door.

  A few minutes later, he happened to peek out the blinds a and sure enough; she was sitting on one of the high-top chairs at the bar, a sparkling water in front of her, casually examining her nails.

  He watched her for some seconds and then turned away from the window. He sat down behind his desk and started his computer to check the membership payments. He tried his best to forget about the gorgeous slip of a woman sitting outside, but he wasn’t even remotely successful.

  Chapter 2

  Irena shifted her position on the uncomfortable chair once more and glanced at the large clock on the opposite wall. It had been an hour since Ben Moretti had retreated into his office, thinking she would give up and go away.

  But she wouldn’t. She just hoped she wouldn’t have to make good on her promise and stay the entire day. At least, while she waited, she could spend a little time daydreaming. She’d deliberately chosen Tough as Nails and its owner for her project, but despite having seen pictures of him online during her research, nothing had prepared her for the magnetism he exuded in the flesh.

  That man was so freaking hot, her core had clenched, when he’d roved her body with his steely glare. She was a beautiful woman and knew when a man was attracted to her, and the hungry stare in his eyes had given him away – even though he’d tried to hide it.

  She clenched her fists to keep her emotions at bay as she relived the long moments when his eyes had lingered on, and appreciated, her body. She could still feel the hot visual caress and every part of her body tingled as if he’d really touched her.

  Ben Moretti. Even the name sounded like pure sex. Tattooed, ruggedly handsome, and with bulging muscles to make more than her mouth water. He kept his head bald, but his jawline featured distinct stubble and her hand had itched to touch it. Sexy as hell. He was the absolute opposite of the men she usually interacted with socially.

  A sigh escaped her throat and she quickly downed her sparkling water to keep herself from overheating over her own fantasy. Ben’s shoulders and arms bulged with strength and sinew, and beneath his muscle shirt, she’d been able to discern the indentations of his six- pack. Since he’d worn exercise shorts, she’d also gotten a full glimpse of his powerful thighs.

  But what had impacted her most, were his steel blue eyes; they had pierced straight through her when he’d looked at her. She knew what he’d thought he’d seen. Spoiled little rich girl slumming it up and looking for a quick thrill. But he was wrong. So wrong!

  Dead wrong.

  She was here because she’d chosen him to help her. Others might see only the out-of-control fighter, who’d attempted to kill a man. But she’d been impressed by the way he’d changed his life around after serving the time for his crimes. If he could change, then she would, too.

  Something in his eyes had drawn her to him, even before she’d met him in person. He was the kind of guy she’d always dreamed about. A man who took what he wanted while giving a girl everything she’d never known she needed. Irena shivered as she fidgeted on the high-top chair once more.

  Get a grip! You’re not here to drool over a man, but to learn to fight.

  Irena straightened up in the chair and inwardly laughed as she imagined the looks on her society friends’ faces if they could see her now. They’d suggest she spend a few hours on a psychiatrist’s couch.

  But Irena wasn’t crazy. She’d sought out Ben and his gym “Tough as Nails” because it lay in a rather ugly downtown Los Angeles area. Her upscale politician husband would never set a foot in this part of town. Her high society friends would never drive down the street on their way to lunch at an overpriced restaurant.

  She giggled. As ridiculous as it sounded, this part of town was much safer than the posh neighborhood where she lived.

  “Having fun?” Ben’s deep, guttural voice tore her out of her thoughts.

  Irena raised her chin and allowed herself a few seconds to admire his formidable body, leaning against the door jamb, his hands tucked into the waistband of his training shorts. She wished he’d put on more clothing while he’d been inside his office… like a full-body jumpsuit.

  When his lips curved up and a knowing look entered his eyes, her heart missed a beat and it was all she could do not to throw herself into his strong arms. She forced herself to remember why she was here, inhaled deeply and then arched a brow at him.

  “Are you going to teach me?”

  The grin reached his eyes and he sauntered out of his office. Or did he prowl? His movements reminded her of a lethal animal, capable of breaking her in two, and yet, the mere thought of his arms around her caused a flood in her panties.

  He gave her body a once over, sending more shivers through her veins and then asked, “You seem in good enough shape, Miss.”

  “Irena. Please. I’m not here to build muscles or whatever the rest of your clients do. I want you to teach me how to fight. Plain and simple.”

  Ben looked around the facility and then finally back at her. “And if I say no?”

  “I’ll just keep sitting here. And tomorrow I’ll be back, and the day after that…”

  He raised a hand. “I get the picture. Tenacious, aren’t you?”

  “When I want something. And I want…no, that’s not right. I need you to teach me how to fight.”

  Fight for my very life.

  Her statement caused him to watch her again for several long moments before he appeared to make up his mind. “Fine. I’ll do it just because I like your determination, and don’t say I didn’t warn you that you don’t belong here. It’s not going to be a walk in the park.”

  A rock fell from Irena’s heart and she couldn’t stop the grin that spread over her face. “I won’t. I’ve done my research. This is where I want to be.”

  She hurried out the door, her body humming with need.


  This was perfect. Ben was perfect. Sure, she could have found a nice martial arts school, or hired a personal trainer, but she didn’t want to learn how to fight by the rules. She needed to learn the nitty-gritty tactics that would enable her to protect herself – even against someone much bigger and stronger. Ben Moretti had learned the skills to street fight the hard way and could show her the ropes.

  She’d been weak and stupid for long enough in her life, and she had the bruises and memories to prove it. It was time to take her life into her own hands.

  Chapter 3

  Ben’s eyes stayed glued on Irena’s gorgeous, swinging ass as she walked out the doors of his gym a few moments later. He’d agreed to train her to fight, which was something he already regretted. I have to get rid of her, this will only cause trouble.

  Impressed by Irena’s tenacity, he tried not to think about the look of relief that had entered her eyes as he’d capitulated. He didn’t do emotions. Ever.

  “Get it together, Ben,” he muttered as he turned to observe the guys currently working out.

  He needed something to take his mind away from the one-way track it seemed determined to follow before he found himself wallowing in memories that were best left locked away.

  When he heard the door open seconds later, he turned and watched Irena walk back toward him, ru
ining any chance he had of getting her out of his mind.

  “You forgot something?” he asked her, his voice sounding surly to his own ears.

  He watched her swallow before she spoke. “You didn’t tell me when…”

  “Tomorrow. Seven a.m.”

  Irena nodded, causing her hair to bounce around her shoulders. He clenched his fists to keep his fingers from touching one of the soft-looking strands.

  “Okay. I’ll be here. You won’t regret this,” she said with a shy smile as she turned and left for the second time.

  Yeah, I’m already regretting this.

  He stood staring after her, wishing he could turn off the emotions she stirred in his chest. Like a light bulb, just flip a switch. But emotions weren’t that easy, and for him, they could be dangerous. He’d gone to prison the last time he’d allowed his emotions to gain the upper hand.

  Memories of his sister Caroline assaulted him. After fifteen years, her betrayal still left a bitter taste in his mouth. He clenched his jaw, his need for revenge still as strong as ever. His body grew cold and filled with rage as his mind took a trip to the past. Fuck!

  He’d never again trust anyone, especially not a woman.

  Ben was still staring at the front door of the gym when his former employee and friend Fernando came in a few moments later. Fernando had been on probation for armed robbery and Ben had given him a job when nobody else would. Since then, Fernando had pulled his shit together, found himself an adorable girlfriend, a good-paying job as chief of security for a logistics company and moved into a nice neighborhood, but he still came by to train at Tough as Nails at least twice a week.

  “Tell me that fine piece of ass didn’t just walk out of this place,” Fernando said with a teasing grin. “We could use some eye candy around here.”

  Ben shook himself and nodded. “Yeah. What are you up to? How’s Gwen?”

  Fernando grinned. “Beautiful and feisty.”

  “Some guys get everything.”

  He forced back the stab of envy as he envisioned Fernando and Gwen together. She had been the impetus for Fernando getting his act together, and Ben hated to admit that his good friend had everything he wished he had. Jealousy wasn’t something he allowed himself to experience often, but to have a woman he loved by his side – one he could actually trust...


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