Winner Takes All

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Winner Takes All Page 14

by Winner Takes All (lit)l

  No shoes adorned her feet, a common practice to discourage runaways, and her beautiful face softly bemoaned her supposed drugged pleasure.

  Are you alright? he asked for the third time. He had insisted they remain open to one another, and despite her worries about his background, she agreed. At least she trusted him that much, he thought sourly, deliberately shielding his discouragement. He was upset, but he didn't want to distract her from their main purpose.

  He looked behind him and felt his blood heat. He'd never seen her more beautiful, and it bothered the hell out of him everyone else was getting the same eyeful.

  The violet and silver of her clothing made her eyes appear to glow, in spite of the dull flatness she tried to project. Her curves spilled over her clothing, a delectable offering that no man would be able to resist.

  He knocked another man out of the way as he walked down the traditional "welcome line." This one refused to take the hint so Gren was forced to take action.

  Giving his anger an outlet, he grabbed the scum reaching for Temis and broke the man's wrist with a casual snap. The man's screams drew everyone's attention, and Gren dropped him without so much as a backwards glance.

  One of Rorn's peacemakers approached to survey the commotion, relaxing into a smile when he noted Gren with Temis behind him. He nodded to several other guards responding to the noise and they dispersed quickly.

  "Lead Rorn has been expecting you," the man said, staring boldly over Gren's shoulder. "What beauty you bring to our home." He licked his lips and Gren noted the man's obvious arousal through his skintight leggings.

  Disgusted and wishing he could simply skewer the bastard with his sword, Gren nevertheless nodded dismissively and continued into the main tent.

  Once past the reviewing line, he noted several naked women bound in a nearby cage. None of them appeared coherent, to their benefit, and he confirmed their drugged state with a subtle probe.

  That's ten, he said to Temis. Keep an eye out for the other five. But remember, if we don't see all of them here, they'll most likely be at the private affair after.

  He felt her agreement.

  Gren? I'm just worried if we don't move fast enough, the women sold here will be gone before the private auction ends.

  No. He forestalled her worry. Purchases and transfers may be made, but no one may leave until the auction head gives leave to do so. Typically that occurs only after he or she has bid in private.

  Good, I think.

  Her thoughts held a hint of humor, and he sent her an encouraging chuckle. Though clothed, he knew how hard it was for her to appear thus. And when Rorn's man, Nero, a peacemaker Temis knew, had seen her in such dress, she'd wanted to sink through the ground.

  At least there's heat, he reminded to take her mind from Nero.

  Yeah, it could be worse. He felt her subtly glance at the women in the cage. At least I'm dressed.

  They continued inside the tent, noting the number of spectators present. At least four dozen men and a few female flesh peddlers mingled, sipping fine Jaron wine. Then Gren spotted Fenhal.

  Speaking of worse, Temis murmured as she too saw Rorn. She drew closer to Gren, petting his arm with a docility hiding the tension within.

  "Gren, how nice to see you," Rorn said with a wide smile, his attention clearly on Temis. "And how wonderful to see you too, Temis."

  "I was pleasantly surprised when I received your invitation," Gren said, gauging the other man's reactions. "I was under the impression you and that bastard Sernal were good friends."

  "By Flor's feet, no," Rorn protested. "I was merely playing a role. Sorry my men got a little rough back on Lady Justice. They were overeager to appear authentic."

  "No worries." He spoke without concern even though he wanted to break Rorn's neck, but Temis' firm grip on his arm held him steady.

  Rorn noted her hold and gave Gren a quizzical look.

  "We've had some fun together." Gren cupped her breast, his attention focused on Rorn's accelerated breathing. "She's the best I've ever had."

  Rorn licked his lips, his eyes glued to her nipples. "I can imagine."

  I bet you can, you bastard, Temis seethed while smiling vapidly, her loving gaze on Gren. And would you mind not touching me there? I'm getting hot and bothered in front of Rorn Fenhal!

  Gren leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. I'm sorry, but it's aggravating the hell out of Fenhal to have me touching you. Look at him.

  Temis blinked up into Rorn's sneer and smiled.

  "I'm doing things a bit differently this time," Rorn said, making an effort toward pleasantness as he tore his gaze from Temis. He nodded at several guests passing by and watched Gren carefully.


  "I've decided to hold the private sale while the general sale progresses. None of my more important clients have issue with that since the ripest picks will be in private anyway."

  Gren nodded, pleased with the outcome. The sooner he could rescue the abducted women and remove Temis from the tents, the better. "That sounds fine. Let me grab a glass of wine and we'll join you shortly. I take it the roped partition is where the private sale will be held?"

  "Yes." Rorn looked back down at Temis, as if unable to help himself. "You're about to become a very rich man today, Gren."

  "That's why I'm here." He couldn't help the evil grin curling his lips, feeling the lure of violence urging him to take Rorn's last breath at the earliest possibility.

  "Of course." Rorn nodded pleasantly but gave him a wide berth as he left.

  Nicely done, Temis mentally applauded.

  I'm going to seriously hurt him before this is over. Just the way Fenhal had been eyeing Temis demanded he break several of the man's limbs.

  He felt her sigh.

  Now sura, I need you to be quiet so I can concentrate, he explained. She muttered something he couldn't understand, then quieted as he sought out the caged women.

  It took valuable energy to clear their minds and plant firm instructions not to rebel. After a few tense moments they settled into a forced calm, ready to act on his or Temis' notice.

  Wow. Temis' voice held a wealth of respect. This might not be as hard as I thought.

  Don't prejudge the mission too soon. He moved with her to the private area adjoined to the main tent. There he removed her sheer silver shift from her shoulders, exposing more of her. Showtime, he said, and pulled open the roped curtain.

  What she saw made her freeze in her tracks. He gently pushed her inside and wrapped a large hand around her waist, holding her against his side.

  Remember, you belong to me and no other, he growled the warning through her mind. And I always protect what's mine.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rorn stared through narrowed eyes as she entered the smaller tent, unable to resist peacemaker Temis Freya clad in nearly nothing. He had wanted her from the first moment he'd seen her, but nothing could have prepared him for this.

  Ignoring the hulking barbarian at her side, he stared in awe and lust at her perfect form. She had full breasts, pert and begging to be bitten. Her stomach was tight, unmarred and snow white. And her legs ... so muscular yet so lean. He could clearly imagine them wrapped around his body while he fucked her.

  "You want me to put them in your room?" Nero murmured.

  "Do it."

  Nero strode to the pair and escorted them toward Rorn's private "room," partitioned from the private auction by four walls of Mornian steel, allowing entrance through a doorway made of rich, blue velvet curtain.

  Rorn watched as Gren nodded to Nero before disappearing with Temis beyond the velvet curtains. Rorn's exclusive viewing area, the room held mountains of pillows and soft fresha furs, ideal for creating sexual friction. An assortment of erotic toys and lotions sat in a corner on a small table, and Rorn had an uncomfortable walk to the room, his cock as stiff as a rock as he imagined plying Temis with his favorite toy, a rough, studded, leather whip.

  He'd deliberately changed the format
of this particular auction because of her. Normally he'd have watched his slaves selling on the block during the general selection, then proceeded unhurried to the private stock, where the most desirable slaves would be sold.

  But he couldn't wait. Not today. He wanted to watch Temis being fucked by the monstrous mercenary at her side. He wanted to see her dominated and brutally enslaved. And he wanted her fully aware of everything, so that she would know he watched her, would know how helpless she was to stop the mercenary's cock pummeling her in every way imaginable.

  Stopping for a moment, he took a breath, calming his raging erection. If he weren't careful he'd burst just thinking about it. And he wanted Temis' submission to be lengthy, a feast for the senses to be remembered for years to come.

  Only after he'd watched her denigrated before him and caught it on vidstream would he take her from Gren. The merc's purpose finished, he could then be killed.

  His breathing fairly even, Rorn deliberately slowed his stride and entered the blue room with a smile. He ran his hands through his thick hair, pleased at its shine in the mirrored wall he faced.

  Gren stood with Temis and stared around him. Temis, he noted, stood obediently by his side, the collar around her neck stimulating in the extreme.

  "I saw several beauties out there," Gren interrupted his thoughts. "Am I to miss their sale as well as that of the general trade?"

  "No, no," Rorn hastened to assure him, not liking the man's look. The hard sheen in Gren's eyes made Rorn distinctly uncomfortable, especially since he'd left his guards outside the small room. He mentally shook off his discomfort. Not even a mercenary with Gren's reputation would think to attack a man as powerful as Rorn Fenhal, and if he did, the phaser tucked in Rorn's back would end that.

  Glancing around at his own opulence, awash in the grandeur of his reputation, Rorn recalled the many slaves he'd pleasured in here and knew Temis would be the one he'd never forget. He stared at her, his mouth curiously wet, and licked his lips.

  "Well, Fenhal? Let's get to it. How do you want to proceed?"

  Apparently Gren was familiar with the auction, for he waited on Rorn--the auction master, to begin the trade.

  "First you'll show me what I'm getting." Rorn waited for Temis to disrobe. His cock was impossibly sensitive, and he wanted to feel Temis' mouth on him as she cried for mercy.

  Gren eyed him dispassionately and rubbed his scarred hand along her abdomen. Temis moaned and closed her eyes, swaying seductively against the larger man. Yet Gren appeared completely unmoved. Was the man made of stone?

  "After that, what then?" Gren asked in a flat tone of voice.

  Rorn was beginning to grow irritated. He wanted to see passion, rage, the unnatural fierceness for which the mercenary was famous. And he wanted it turned on Temis. "I want you to fuck her," Rorn ordered in precise words. His eyes narrowed at Gren's surprise. "Hard. Take her violently. Be as rough as you like, but don't leave any lasting scars."

  He turned to the vidscreen but Gren stopped him.

  "I'll do it, but not for an electronic audience." His voice was firm. "A recording of such an event would be disastrous in the wrong hands. Besides, if I'm reading you correctly, you plan on keeping Temis for yourself. Once I'm through with her, you'll have her for as long as you want her. That's got to be worth more than vidscreen memories." Gren paused, his eyes narrowed with displeasure.

  Finally, a small sign of emotion. But the man's next words made Rorn long for a sharp blade with which to remove Gren's tongue.

  "Or is it me you wished to remember without my clothes?"

  Rorn glared but wisely remained silent. Nothing would mar this day. He would skewer Gren, after witnessing his ultimate fantasy. "Of course not. It's the woman I lust for." You imbecile. "I'll disconnect the vidscreen. Now stop talking and start fucking. And like I said, take her hard. Make her fight you."

  * * * *

  Are you ready for this? Gren asked, toying with the back of Temis' top. He could feel her disgust for Rorn, knew how much she loathed letting the man see her like this. It'll just be for a minute before I end his miserable life.

  No. You can't, she answered quickly. Sernal wants him alive.

  "I'm getting tired of waiting." Rorn stared suspiciously at them, and Gren knew he needed to act. Fine. He'd let Rorn have a taste of his fantasy, just enough to let down his guard.

  Already the peacemaker looked on edge, his face flushed and his breath coming in pants. Gren could see Rorn inching his hand toward his cock, as if waiting for just the right moment to touch himself.

  "Perhaps you would rather be the one to rape her?" Gren offered. He felt Temis' incredulity but ignored her.

  "I said I wanted to watch. I'll get to her soon enough. Why, Gren?" Rorn asked softly, the cold businessman back in charge. "What's really the problem here?"

  Rorn looked behind him at the curtained entrance, as if gauging how fast reinforcements might arrive.

  Cursing silently, Gren forced a smirk. "My mistake. If you want me to fuck her again, it's really no problem. Though I can't promise rape. She's hot under that icy exterior, and she likes it big." He gave Rorn's crotch a dubious look, pleased when the man's eyes blazed. Satisfied for the moment, he turned to Temis. "Temis, disrobe, slowly."

  He studied Rorn watching Temis, knowing the moment she discarded her top because Rorn's mouth gaped and his eyes widened. Gren glanced at Temis and strove to remain distanced from the situation. Her breasts were full and pert, and it was all he could do not to bend down and suckle the ripe fruits until she came.

  She flushed, caught in the mental fantasy he sent her, and Rorn began breathing even heavier, his hand now tight over his groin. At Gren's mental urging, Temis ran her hands over her breasts and belly, then toyed with her bottoms, allowing small glimpses of her blonde curls to peek through her garment before sliding it down her long legs.

  Rorn stared unblinkingly at Temis, almost where Gren wanted him.

  Dance around him, tease him. Keep distracting the hell out of him so I can break his neck, he growled.

  No! She gyrated, making him want to love her regardless of Rorn's filthy presence. Don't worry, Gren, he'll pay for his crimes. Now watch and learn, she mocked, getting into the spirit of her role.

  Like an exotic pleasurer, she danced around Rorn, swaying toward him, then backing away when he would have reached for her. On and on she moved, giving Gren the time and room to maneuver around the bastard.

  He watched Fenhal reach into his trousers and begin to stroke himself. Hell, Gren could feel his own arousal growing as Temis teased and wriggled around him. A man would have to be a eunuch not to respond.

  "I want you to fuck her," Rorn said on a strangled breath. "Do it now. Make her scream for mercy," he panted, his hand quickening inside his trousers.

  "Scream for mercy, I like that," Gren said in a low voice. He lashed out with his boot, making contact with the center of Rorn's neck.

  Rorn collapsed without a word, hitting the ground with a soft thump, cushioned by the many pillows surrounding them.

  Now start moaning, Gren told her as he tied and gagged the crumpled peacemaker, burying him under several furs.

  "Moaning?" Temis frowned and hugged her chest. "I'm supposed to be getting raped, not to mention I'm freezing."

  He sighed and narrowed his gaze, directing a burst of energy to her core.

  She cried out and sagged to the ground, on her knees and arching back, her breasts thrust into the air while he mentally stimulated her.

  Had they the time and the right location, he wouldn't have hesitated to join her. But right now he needed to reach out to the others.

  He continued her pleasure, adding a few grunts of his own should Rorn's guards be listening. And while he continued the farce of lovemaking, he mentally connected with the women caged in the large tent.

  Except for some heavy fondling and probing, humiliating but not physically harmful, the women had yet to be sold. He ignored their distress, a diffi
cult but not impossible job, and decided to make a full circle around the private auction. Nero had guided them into the blue room before he'd had a chance to survey the area.

  Temis, listen to me. He paused her bliss to inject the order. I have to make sure the others are here. Keep up the pretense until I return. Use Rorn's phaser if you need protection.

  Breathing heavily, she glared at him from under a wealth of golden hair, looking incredibly sensual. I told you I can defend myself. And when this is over, we're going to have a long talk about taking advantage…. She stopped arguing at the next burst of pleasure spiraling through her.

  He left her with a quick kiss, absorbing a large amount of sexual energy from her satisfied body. Stay safe, sura. I need to focus on the others now. But call if you need me.

  He hated having to leave her, but he needed to secure the others before their back-up arrived. Using the energy he'd gained from Temis, he contacted Lurin, grateful the Thesha had thought to position his ship near Jaron, making communication easier.

  Sounding relieved to hear from him, Lurin immediately answered. Catam says Sernal has landed, and is within sight of Rorn's estate. How many enemy are there?

  At least fifty slavers, and another half that in security. How long until Sernal's here, exactly?

  Lurin paused. Twenty minutes, give or take.

  Tell them to make it sooner while I distract the guards.

  No, Gren. Sernal specifically told us to make sure you waited for his signal.

  Thanks, Lurin. Gren cut the communications. He'd be damned if he'd allow any more contact between the helpless women and the slavers. Despite that none had yet been harmed, he could feel their unease, their degradation pulsing like a disease. And every breath he took under these hated tents made him want to choke. The negative energy generated under these tents over the years lingered, making him almost sick.

  Taking a deep breath, he pushed aside the curtains and surprised the two guards waiting outside.


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