The Way Home (Lights of Peril)

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The Way Home (Lights of Peril) Page 22

by Unknown

  Today, Hem and I spent the day shopping with the boys. Mace asked Hem, no, she told Hem that she owed Shame for his heroics the day of the Ty drama. She requested that Hem and I take the boys for a few days so she and Shame could relax together, no distractions. Right, relax my ass. Shame does not relax, ever, when Mace is within grabbing distance.

  Two young boys at one time have proven to be the most effective form of birth control known to a woman. I don’t want to think about how hard twins would be. With the constant feeding, changing, entertaining, and every other whim that needs taken care of with these two, I’ve lost my will to have sex for the time being.

  As Hem and I pull up to Mace’s I hear Hem sigh in relief. Since tonight we are going to Peril for the weekly party and my parents are taking both Ryder and Patrick, he is excited to have me to himself again, even though it’s only been a few days. That idea warms my heart, not to mention other parts of my anatomy.

  Shame’s truck and Mace’s car are in the driveway. Just a few more steps and we are child free. Hem opens the door with Patrick’s car seat and I follow him in with Ryder’s. As Hem enters the house in front of me, I hear an instant blood curdling scream coming from Mace and with the events that have taken place in the last month, I’m nervous to see what’s inside. I push Hem forward so I can see what’s happening, but he’s pushing me back and he’s speechless.

  Before I can register what’s in front of us, which is a very hot, clearly aroused, smiling, naked Shame, Hem has pulled my back to his front and he’s covering my eyes with his hand, cussing out loud like a damn sailor.

  Hem is livid. “Jesus Christ! Are you two kidding me?” Mace is screeching for a blanket and Shame is laughing. “C’mon man. Cover your ass up for all that is decent. Tell me we have not watched your spoiled ass child the last three days and three very long nights so you could have at my sister over the damn kitchen table the whole entire fuckin’ time.”

  Shame laughs. Although I can’t see him through Hem’s hands over my eyes, I know he’s not moved from his seriously hot, naked and aroused state as he stands in front of Mace, covering her from Hem’s view.

  The right thing to do would be to leave, turn around, and walk out the door, but I don’t want to suggest that because this is the most fun I’ve had with my friends in months. I’m loving that it’s at the expense of both my overbearing and moody husband and his brat of a sister, but also my best friend, Mace.

  “Shame, cover your shit. Gimme a fuckin’ break here, man.” Hem is pleading with him to avoid me seeing a show that I would pay good money to see.

  Shame is still laughing as I hear him moving and can assume he’s throwing Mace a blanket from the chair. Then he starts pulling on his jeans. I can safely assume this as I hear a zipper and Shame’s voice modulate with his movements. “Why you so worked up, man? You’ve seen all my shit before. We used to fuck girls together. I have no indignity in what I got.”

  Hearing that, Mace and I both, at the same time screech in harmony, “What?”

  Hem loosens his hold on my face, telling me Shame’s ass is finally covered. “Thanks a lot, you fucker. Not so sure they knew about us and our partaking in sexual experiences together.”

  Mace is sitting at the kitchen table, the same one she was just bent over, with a blanket draped around her. She’s pissed about the threesome comment. She’s well aware of Shame’s past and how he used sex as a coping mechanism, but now, throwing her brother into the fact, has pissed her off. “Sadey, dammit, I knew we should have taken that jock, oh what was his name, Trevor, up on his offer to fuck him toge…”

  She can’t finish her sentence because, at the exact same time, both Hem and Shame bellow out their own duet, “Shut up, Mace.” She smiles wide at me and I return it. Gotcha bitches, take that.

  Shame is hurt by her attempts to get him rattled. “Would think my future wife would already know how I used to be, but it wouldn’t be a matter because I’m all hers now. Fuck, I was hers during those sexual experiences, but she just didn’t know it yet.”

  I look to Hem and he to me. Did he just refer to her as ‘future wife?’

  “What did you just call me?” Mace caught it too. Interesting.

  Shame looks at her like she’s lost a nut. “What the fuck you asking me, woman? Future wife, yeah, what of it?”

  “Shame, you’ve never proposed.” She’s acting as if he wouldn’t remember asking.

  He rolls his eyes in response and answers, “It’s implied.”

  Oh shit. No, Shame. Retract! Retract that statement.

  “Implied? Your marriage proposal to me is ‘Implied?’ That’s how you’re asking me to marry you?”

  Hem laughs behind me. I’m trying to control my own, but damn, this is tough. It’s also A-W-E-S-O-M-E. Mace has herself all worked up. Even though she and Shame aren’t the lovey and romantic types, the love they have for each other matches what Hem and I have, bit for bit.

  “Woman, do you need me to spell this shit out to you?”

  “I don’t know, Shame, do I? ’cause I thought that asking someone to marry you should be more than just an implication, you asshole.”

  Shame is annoyed at her inability to understand his meaning. He loves her and just assumed they would live forever, together, happily ever after. He stalks toward her, grabbing her face, not caring the least if Hem and I are witness to any of this.

  “Woman, you have my bed. You have my child. You’re going to have the rest of my children sooner than later. You sure as fuck think you can lead me around by my cock, when you’re not suckin’ on it or ridin’ it. So yeah, it is implied that one day you’re going to be my wife. You sure as shit won’t be anyone else’s for as long as I fuckin’ live on this earth. So yes, recognize it for what it is, damn it. Implied.”

  She’s only looking at Shame. He’s only looking at her. The world has fallen away from them both and this moment is something to mentally note for each of them.

  “I don’t know what do to with this, Shame.” She looks away from him to her feet.

  “Say yes. That’s what you can do with it.” The air has left the room, the anticipation smothering us. This is his proposal. He’s doing it right now, so that it’s no longer implied.

  God, I love my friends.

  “You don’t even have a ring, Shame. You can’t be serious.”

  Her voice is quiet and I know my best friend. I can hear a lace of disappointment in her reception to his so called proposal. She wanted more. She wanted the flowers and chocolate.

  This is Shame, though. He’s one of the most beautiful people I know in the world. He loves her fiercely, and he wouldn’t let her down if there were anyway at all to avoid it. I know this moment. I had this moment and my eyes are filling with tears of happiness for her.

  “Babe, you kidding me with this?” He walks past her as he mutters quiet curses under his breath, to the closet off the kitchen as Hem and I stand literally frozen to our spots.

  Shame is wearing nothing more than a pair of jeans that remain unbuttoned. She’s in a long blanket that’s still draped around her. All eyes in the room follow Shame as he rounds the table back from the closet, stands in front of her to catch hold of her eyes with his, and gets on one knee and grabs her left hand in his right.

  “You make things a fuck of a lot harder than they need to be, sweetheart. You make me fuckin’ crazier than even I’ve thought possible. Saying that, you’re still mine. Now, woman, I’m going to ask you to marry me, you’re going to say yes, you’re going to give me two more boys, and we are going to live happy and free, for-fucking-ever.”

  She’s staring at him in complete shock. He bought a ring, he’s asking her to marry him, and he’s just described what his happily-ever-after looks like with her in it. She has yet to answer him, though.

  “Shame, if I don’t say ‘yes’ to this, what will you do?” Her mind is working a plan. She knows where she’s leading him. She’s done it all her life, the little manipulator, I thi
nk as I smile to myself.

  Shame looks up at her in concern and stops in motion of slipping the ring around her finger. “What the fuck are you saying now? This really wasn’t a debate, was it?”

  “I mean, if I don’t give you the answer how you want it, what happens? Will you tell me what my answer is going to be?” She uses her right hand to move his hair that has fallen to his forehead. She’s using it as a distraction so she doesn’t laugh.

  “Fuckin’ Mace Cash, Jesus-God-All Mighty, I wasn’t kiddin’ when I said you make shit harder than what it should be. I sure as fuck wasn’t kiddin’ when I said you won’t be marrying anyone else. So you want a husband and family, sweetheart? I am your only option. I don’t need you to answer, it’s happening. It’s fucking forgone.”

  “Honey, you misunderstand.”

  Now he finally gets it, slow learner that he apparently is. “Mace, I swear to Christ I will beat your ass and I don’t mind others watchin’.”

  “I love you, Shame. You’re a good man for me, still a good man, despite being so much older. All that said, it doesn’t mean I don’t need some persuading.”

  He’s on her. Shoving the ring on her finger, grabbing her face, sucking at her lips veraciously, as she lets out a small giggle once he releases her. “Yes, baby. I’ve always been yours, so marrying you isn’t something I hadn’t seen coming.”

  “Fuck, I love you.”

  I turn my body into Hem for no other reason than to hold him closely. He’s giving her the flowers and chocolate, his way.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  “Maybe ... you'll fall in love with me all over again."

  "Hell," I said, "I love you enough now. What do you want to do? Ruin me?"

  "Yes. I want to ruin you."

  "Good," I said. "That's what I want too.”

  -Ernest Hemingway

  “Hem, don’t stop. I’m close.”

  My legs are spread for him and he’s devouring me as though he’s starved for weeks. His tongue dips inside me, then moves up to circle my clit, then back down into me again, rewind-repeat-rewind-repeat as I become unwound. “Fuck me, oh my God, do not stop.”

  Suddenly, I know I’ve gone too far. He lifts his head and looks at me, those dark brown eyes are simmering and I see my arousal glazing over his face.

  “Sadey girl, I think I got this and could go without the commentary and sass.”

  Yeah, I went too far.

  “Sorry, sorry, sorry. Continue.” I push play, but abruptly hit pause. I just want some assurance. “Just don’t stop.”

  He gets annoyed with my verbal instruction, but at times it helps me get him riled up the way I like, and it appears it’s worked again.

  “Turn over, give me your ass. All fours, baby.”


  “Wider, Sadey.”

  Fuck, yes.

  He’s behind me watching, but hasn’t touched me yet. He loves to make me wait him out, until I can’t wait him out any more, so I start to touch myself for some self-satisfaction.

  I move my hand off the bed and go to find my clit, but before I do, he’s behind me, ready to strike. I let him believe he’s in charge, but I know I’m doing what I need to do for him to drop his control. Once my hand makes my way to my center, he’s inside, giving me what I was waiting for.

  “Fuck me, Sadey, you’re mine. Say it for me, sugar.”

  I’m so high right now with my impending release I would tell him the sky was made of grape jelly if he wanted me to. Hardly fair to him, but whatever keeps him going.

  “Yours baby, I love you.”

  He gives me a swift smack on my ass which sends me into euphoria. He feels me squeeze him and then I get completely finished. His pace picks up faster and harder on cue and he delivers as I murmur quietly, “Fuck me, Hem. Give it all to me.” He lets out a ragged moan and stills within me, emptying all of himself with the final thrust.

  We don’t use protection. We haven’t since he got back. Hell, we never even used it before, so now I’ve got another secret. I’m telling him tonight that we’re going to have another child. I’ve just found out this past week that I’m four weeks along. Mace doesn’t even know yet. She may be pissed I’m not telling her first, but this is his to own first.

  I’m not afraid of losing him this time. We’re solid again after everything we’ve been through since his return. We’ve gone through our fair share of shit and this time he’s not leaving me to carry and deliver this child without him. He’s mine again. I’m so thankful to have him with me, for good.

  Walking into the Club tonight feels different. I feel free. I spot Cherry sitting at the bar with Ace. She’s laughing at him and he’s scowling at her. Maybe I’ve over thought how she feels about him. Looking at the two of them now, it appears they are more like brother and sister than what I had originally hoped for them.

  “Bug, what are you doing here alone?” Smart ass.

  “I’m not alone, Ace.” He’s not going to ruin my mood with his usual antics.

  Cherry looks at me and smiles, trying to ease the growing tension between us.

  “My bad. Figured since his paws weren’t on you for every moment that classified you as being here alone.” Yep, smart ass.

  I let out a big smile because I see Hem rounding up behind him and before Ace catches the intent of my smile, Hem has already smacked him in the back of the head. “Aren’t you leaving town yet, man? Thought you were headed back to Cali?”

  “I’m going, old man. Chill your weary bones already. Came to say goodbye is all. I’m going back tonight.”

  “Fuckin’ hell, thanks for that.” Hem comes to me and pulls me into him. Ace lets a small smile play on his lips as he looks at us.

  Cherry stands abruptly, coming to me, more like coming at me. “Hem, I’m taking your woman for a bit. Girl time. Is that alright?”

  Hem reluctantly lets go of me and growls at her, “No, it’s not alright, damn it. Why the hell you guys need so much fuckin’ girl time for?”

  “I need to talk to her about my period, child birth, the latest Bette Midler movie, and how to achieve a vaginal orgasm without the help of a man.” She’s so straight faced I’m thinking she really wants to talk about this shit, now?

  “Take her, she’s yours. Twenty minutes, Cherry.” If she had thrown in personal hygiene products specifically, she’d a got another 10 minutes. Hem doesn’t like to talk about any of those said topics. He avoids them even with me, at all cost. Especially how to obtain a vaginal orgasm without him. Those are off limits…unless he’s present to watch or enjoy.

  Cherry turns to me, grins, and pulls me away from the boys.

  Once we hit the kitchen, she pulls me into a strong held hug. “What’s this for?” I say into her shoulder, trying to catch my breath.

  She pushes me away from her small body, but keeps my arms held in her hands, squeezing them tightly as if I might float away. “I want to tell you goodbye, without everyone around. I already told Mace and April. Now, I want to tell you.”

  “Honey, what are you talking about?” Before I finish my question it dawns on me. She’s really smiling. “Wait. You’re going with Ace, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah. He said I could and he would help me get clean, for good, and get Decklan back. He told me he needs a wench to do his laundry, cleaning, and make him meals. I don’t have the heart to tell him until we get there that I have no idea how to do any of that.” She blushes because we know she and April have zero domestic skills or abilities, even if their hearts alone can take care of any man they choose.

  I hug her tight to me again in a warm embrace. My nose is stinging, threatening tears for several reasons. I’m glad she’s leaving the bad memories here. They don’t belong with her. She’s going to have help finding sobriety and may get her son back. I’m also happy Ace won’t be alone. Although he and I now have a mutual understanding; I know he still loves me and the thought of him going back to California alone with a broken heart, without with me
, was weighing heavily on my mind.

  “His little sister is there. She’s thirteen and he said she wants him home. His grandmother is getting older and needs more help with Sarah than she used to. Apparently, I remind him of her and he says she and I will get along ‘splendidly.’ Unsure where or why Ace learned that word, but he’s confident it will work out, so I am too.”

  I move her dark hair from her face, putting it behind her ear. She’s smiling at me in relief of my approval. No matter how she and Ace love each other, their bond has always been there and it is something to share together, not across the miles of states between here and Cali.

  “I’m happy for you Cherry, so happy.”

  “Thank you, I am too. Thank you for everything. I mean that. You didn’t ever have to be my friend. What I came from, you know, you over looked and didn’t judge me once. I’m going to miss you, Sadey. I’m sorry for saying what I said to you about Hem that morning. I was not myself and I was pissed at you only because I was jealous of everything you had with Hem.”

  Her eyes are rimmed with the beginning of tears and I don’t want tonight ruined, even with happy tears, so I scrunch my face and yank on her hair to get her to stop being emotional and we laugh. “C’mon, get me back to my man and please feel free to taunt him with cramp talk and childbirth horror, okay? I wouldn’t push it with Bette Midler, though.”

  We walk back to the guys and finally I spot Mace. When I left her this afternoon in Shame’s arms, in nothing more than that damn blanket, she was not put together. She was emotional and worn out from his proposal, and I’m sure the long three days of sex didn’t help her tired state of being.

  We left the kids with them and had intended on going to buy them an engagement present, however Hem drove us right back to our house, where he took me again and again until his point was made that going forward we will no longer be taking Ryder for any longer than an afternoon. I enjoyed all of this lesson. His teaching it to me was important to him, but, aside from playing well with others, I’m a star pupil and I believe I earned my ‘A.’


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