The Hero and the Fat Girl (New Hampshire Bears #3)

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The Hero and the Fat Girl (New Hampshire Bears #3) Page 15

by Mary Smith

  “Do you want a different engagement ring?”

  “Why?” she asks, baffled by my question.

  “Because I just gave it to you. At the time, it was under different circumstances.” I keep my voice low from prying ears.

  “I love it. Please don’t change it.” She protectively covers her left hand.

  “Okay, we won’t change it.” I kiss her temple.

  “May I help you?” The young female sales person asks.

  Maxima explains what we need and the young woman is quick to help. I told Maxima I needed a plain gold band because of hockey, and she understands. The girl pulls out a large velvet rectangle box of gold bands.

  “I’m an eight,” Maxima says, and the girl hands her one. She tries it on. “It fits.” She beams.

  “Sir?” the girl asks. “What’s your size?”

  “Um…” Hell, I have no clue. I’ve not wore a ring in years.

  “Let’s measure your finger.” She brings out a massive key ring that has various sizes of smaller rings attached to it. She tires on several until lucky size thirteen fits. “We have it.” She pulls out a gold band from the box.

  I try it on, and it fits perfectly. “We’ll take them.”

  “Can you put them in ring boxes?” Maxima asks, handing her ring back to her. She looks at me, and I hand it over. I’m not sure why she wants them in a box.

  Maxima buys my ring, and I purchase hers. She thanks the salesgirl, and we head to the car.

  “I want to do something,” Maxima states as I turn the car on and blast the air conditioning.

  “Okay.” I turn to her.

  She opens the ring boxes and places her ring in my hand and she holds mine.

  “Okay,” she takes a deep breath. “I vow and promise to tell you all my feelings even if they embarrass me. I promise you are my best friend and the one I’ll always go to first in my life. You are my only love and lover. You made a fat girl feel beautiful and believe in heroes. I can’t promise I’ll be the easiest person to live with, but I will love you and Arabella until the end of time.” She slides the ring on my finger.

  She’s making her vows to me. Yesterday, we only said traditional ones, nothing more.

  “You don’t have to say anything back.” She’s nodding, but holding my hand tight.

  “Oh, but I am.” I kiss her ring finger above her engagement ring. “I vow and promise to protect you with every breath in my being. You are my best friend and the greatest mother to Arabella, something she’s never had. You will always be able to trust me. I’ll never hurt you, betray you, or make you do anything you don’t want to do. And I vow if I ever see your family, I’ll kill them for all the pain they caused you.” I slip the ring on her finger. “I will love you forever.”

  Our lips quickly find each other and kiss fiercely. We are now married.

  Chapter Eleven


  What the hell has happened in the last twenty-four hours of my life? I’m married. Really married and I’m ecstatic about it.

  Opening up to Remington was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I was certain he would just walk out of Caryn’s office and never speak to me again. Instead, he settled in the floor with me, holding me and telling me he loved me.

  Now, we’re married.

  Arabella had a big hand in convincing me to go through with it. I thought about it for a while after we came back from Caryn’s office, but I never thought it would happen.

  Last night, I really exposed myself in the nightie and in giving him a blow job, but when I couldn’t finish it, he didn’t criticize me; he treasured me.

  “There she is.” Remington points over to the baggage claim.

  “Remy.” A tall female waves. She’s in her army greens, her black hair high in a bun. She jumps into his arms, and he spins her around.

  “Cora, I’m so happy you’re here.” He puts her back on her feet. “I want you to meet my wife, Maxima.”

  Oh, I didn’t expect him to introduce me as his wife right away. He hasn’t even told his parents yet.

  “Wife? You did it?” Her dark brown eyes widen.

  “Yes, we did.” He beams.

  “Oh my God, I’m so happy.” She throws herself on me in a hug. “This is great.”

  I’m not sure what to do. Who would have thought she’s be this excited? I’ve never met her, and I didn’t know how she’d react to me.

  “Hi,” I greet her after she releases me.

  “Sorry, Mom told me all about you. She loves you, but I’m sure you know that already.” She turns to her brother. “Do Mom and Dad know?”

  “No, we eloped yesterday,” he tells her. “I’m going to call them today.”

  “I have a sister.” Cora hugs me again.

  “Cora, you’re smothering her.” Remington pulls her back. “Let’s go see Arabella. She’s about to burst to see you.”

  On the drive to pick up Arabella from Dacey’s, Cora tells us about how her new job at the Pentagon, which she’ll start next month. Cora is extremely smart and speaks several languages. She’ll be working in the same department their father had.

  “Aunt Cora,” Arabella yells from Dacey’s porch, before she runs toward her.

  Cora pick her up and kisses her cheeks. “How’s my beautiful niece?”

  “Happy now you’re here.” Arabella giggles.

  I walk over to Dacey and thank her for helping us out.

  “Maxima, Arabella told me you got married. Is it true?” Dacey asks.

  I hold up my left hand. “Yes, we eloped yesterday.”

  “Wow. I’m so happy for you.” She gives me a swift hug. “Do Harlow and Meadow know?”

  “Not yet, I plan on telling them today. Everything happened so fast.”

  “Well, congratulations.”

  “Your wedding is a couple months away. Are you excited?” I change the subject to her.

  Dacey shrugs. “Our parents are handling everything. I just show up and say ‘I do’.” She sounds so disappointed about the whole thing.

  “Are you in love, Dacey?” I keep my question low.

  “I promised him if he remained faithful for a year, I’d marry him.”

  That wasn’t what I asked, but I simply pat her shoulder and turn back to my family. Arabella is still holding court and has everyone’s attention.

  Remington tells everyone it’s time to go and hands Dacey some cash. She doesn’t protest it anymore. She says thank you, and puts it in her pocket.

  Cora sits in the back with Arabella, and we head to the house so Cora can unpack and rest a bit. I want to get a few things done as well.

  I can feel today is going to be a great day.

  “Go fish, Dad,” Arabella says again.

  “I feel like you girls are cheating,” Remington mumbles, drawing another card to add to his large collection.

  “We’re not,” Cora says. “You just suck at the game.”

  He mumbles some more, but we’re laughing too hard to hear him. Our fun is cut off by the doorbell ringing.

  “Who’s that?” Remington lays his cards down and heads toward the door.

  “Grandma! Grandpa!” Arabella leaps from her seat and races to her grandparents.

  “Mom. Dad.” Cora is the next to go over to them. “What are you doing here?”

  “We thought we’d spend time with our family,” Daniel explains, hugging his daughter.

  “Maxima,” Claire holds me tightly. “You’re glowing.

  “Thank you.” I blush.

  “Grandma, we got married yesterday,” Arabella blurts out.

  I glance at Remington, who is smiling.

  “What?” Claire looks between us.

  “I tried to call you earlier,” Remington begins. “But I got your voicemail. Maxima and I eloped yesterday.”

  “Thank God,” Daniel exclaims.

  “It’s about time,” Claire adds and hugs me again. “This is great news.”

  We’re all talking at the same time a
bout the details of the wedding when another ring of the doorbell comes, leaving us really confused.

  Remington opens the door to see Keaton and Kyson holding about ten boxes of pizza apiece. Behind them is…well…everyone.

  “We’re celebrating,” Keaton announces, coming through the front door.

  “Let’s head out to the deck,” Claire says and everyone files through the house toward the back. Cabel brought his kids as did Edgar and Greer. Arabella is excited, and they all race to the back yard.

  “What are we celebrating?” I ask Harlow and Meadow as we make our way to the back of the house.

  Neither of them answer me.

  “Vance is bringing all the drinks, even some for the kids,” Kyson says.

  “I brought paper plates and napkins.” Greer places a couple bags on the table. “Oh, and the chips.” Edgar brings over more bags loaded with a variety of potato chips in them.

  “We have drinks,” Vance announces, coming through with a huge cooler and Dacey behind him with a few bags of ice.

  “Okay, as much as I love having everyone over, what are we celebrating?” Remington asks same question I had.

  “You’re not a smart man, are you?” Keaton teases him.

  “What?” Remington furrow his brow.

  “We’re celebrating your marriage, dork,” Hamilton says.

  “How did you know?” I gasp.

  “Keaton heard Dacey and me talking,” Harlow speaks up.

  “Everyone, grab something to drink, and we’ll toast the new couple,” Kyson suggests.

  Alden and Vance pass out bottles and drinks; once everyone has one, Hamilton says, “Congratulations, to our newest Bears’ couple!”

  “Here. Here.” They all say in unison.

  Remington holds me close as we all drink to the two of us. Alden hands out plates and napkins as Meadow and Harlow tells us which pizza is which. I run into the house and grab a blanket for the kids to sit on. Greer, Cabel, and I all get our respective kids their food and drinks. Remington even fixes me a plate.

  We’re all chatting, talking, and laughing over each other, and it makes me smile. This time last year, I had no one in my life. I would work and go home. Period. Now, I’m married, with a stepdaughter, friends, and family.

  I never thought this would happen.

  As the sun slowly sets, Bas and Alden turn on some music. It’s not horribly loud, and the kids playing drowns out a lot of it.

  “Hey, check it out,” Keaton interrupts Meadow, Harlow, Greer, and my circle. “Hamilton is talking to Cora.”

  We all glance over, and he’s nodding, as he and Cora have what seems to be an intense conversation.

  “I swear I’ve never seen him talk to anyone of the opposite sex, unless it’s to sign an autograph or do an interview.” Keaton seems dumbfounded.

  “He’s had girlfriends.” Greer defends him. “But he keeps everything low key.”

  “Well, they must be very low.” Alden joins in. “I’ve been a Bear for a while, and I was sure he was gay.”

  “Leave the Captain alone.” Remington wraps his arms around me, but growls at Alden.

  “Mom,” I turn at Arabella’s voice. “May we watch TV?”

  “Sure.” I nod and watch all the kids run into the house.

  “She’s calling you ‘Mom’?” Meadow leans in.

  I nod, not sure what her tone means.

  “Good.” She nods. “She deserves a good role model, and you’re perfect.”

  I smiles. It’s nice to hear my friends say something so sweet. Reassurance is a good thing. Remington holds me tighter, making me feel even more loved.

  They guys begin to clean up, and Greer is talking with Claire, Cora, and Dacey when Meadow and Harlow pull me off to the side.

  “Now, be honest with us. Are you okay?” Harlow’s tone is serious.

  “I’m more than okay. I’m over the moon.” I really am and tonight has proved it.

  “Still having trouble with sex?” Meadow asks quietly.

  “I’ve tried to give him oral, but it gave me a flashback. Remington says he loves me more than blow jobs.”

  “Well, that’s something I’ve not seen on a Hallmark card,” Harlow quips.

  “He’s serious.” I try not to laugh. “He really loves me. This is real.”

  “We believe you,” Meadow chimes in. “After you told him everything— and he’s still around— that’s a real man.”

  I nod in agreement. Remington is a real man. I stare at him as he and Hamilton carry the trash out toward the garage.

  I love him.

  We walk everyone out with rounds of hugs, thank yous, and congratulations. Cora says she’ll sleep in the TV room so Daniel and Claire can have the guest room. I tuck Arabella in bed once we have all the arrangements figured out.

  Once I make it to our bedroom, I’m exhausted. “We’ve had a long, but good day.” I kick off my shoes and fall on the bed, still in my clothes.

  “Agreed.” He flops down next to me. “Hey,” he rolls over and faces me. “I have an idea.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Let’s get away this weekend.”


  “Mom and Dad are staying all weekend with Cora, which means Arabella will be fine, and we need a real honeymoon.” He winks, making me blush.

  “Don’t you want to spend time with you sister? Your parents?”

  “I want to spend time with you. Alone. I love my family, but this is really the only weekend we can get away. Soon, we’ll both be waist deep in work and this custody battle.”

  I sigh. He’s right. Our plates are going to be inundated very soon.

  “We both deserve some time alone.”

  Again, he’s right. The past couple well…hell…couple months have been a serious blur. We need time alone. Just us two.

  “Okay. As long as your parents and Cora are okay with watching Arabella.”

  He leans over and kisses me. I snuggle into him and bask in his warmth.

  “Have fun!” Arabella waves at us as we pull away.

  “Now, this morning I called and got us a room at the South Mountain Resort in Lincoln. You ever been?” Remington asks as we head out of town.

  “No, I’ve never really been past Concord,” I tell him.

  Remington takes my hand, kisses my knuckles, and continues driving. The soft talking of the sports radio fills the car.

  “What’s your favorite book?” he asks a little bit into our drive.

  “Little Women.”

  “How come?”

  “I wanted to be Jo. She was always so strong and determined. I wasn’t that way growing up.”

  “Do you have any good childhood memories?” he asks with apprehension.

  “Only when I was at the library. The librarians were always nice to me. I loved school, especially math classes. I knew college would be my ticket out of there.” I pause for a second. “What was your favorite book?” I need a subject change.

  “I’m not a big reader, but in high school, I had to pick a classic novel to do a paper on and I picked 1984. I liked it.”

  “I bet you were a popular jock.” I giggle, thinking of a young Remington.

  “So-so. I mean, I had my hockey buddies, a few girls from time-to-time, but my focus was hockey.”

  “Did you ever want to go into the military like your family?”

  He nods. “I thought hard about it and even talked it over with everyone. However, when I got my scholarship to Wisconsin, I knew right then it was the right path for me. I love my family and am proud of their service to our country, but I’m a hockey player.”

  “A very good one,” I add. “You are the top player.”

  “Last season,” he corrects me. “I’m not too sure about this year. There’s a lot of talent on our team and in the league.”

  “I have faith.” I squeeze his hand.

  He smirks.

  Our conversation moves with ease from one topic to another until we reach
our destination in Lincoln, New Hampshire.

  The resort is stunning. Since we only have a couple of bags, Remington carries everything to our room. I’m taken aback when I walk into what looks like a small apartment. The hotel room has a living room, kitchen, large balcony overlooking the pool and mountains, a massive bedroom with a large king bed, and a huge bathroom. I could swim in the tub.

  “Wow,” I gasp, checking out every inch of the place.

  “Nice huh?” Remington puts our luggage on the bed.

  “Nice doesn’t begin to cover it.” I stare out at the picturesque mountains.

  “I’m glad you like it.” He wraps his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. “What do you want to do first?”

  The question is meant to be innocent, but for some reason my sexual energy takes over, and I turn in his arms. His beautiful dark eyes drink me in and make my knees weak. I press my lips against his. A simple touch, but a sexual fire burns between my legs.

  I want him.

  It’s our honeymoon.

  I slide my hands up his hard chest and interlock them behind his head. I open my mouth, deepening our kiss. Remington moans and pulls me to the couch. He lies on his back, keeping me on top of him. He rests his hands on my ass and I straddle him.

  I rock against him, and Remington moans louder. He lightly drags his hands up my waist to cup my breast. Even through my shirt and bra, I can still feel the heat of his hand.

  “Here or bedroom?” He breaks our connection.

  “Never had sex on a couch.” I bite my lip, holding back my grin.

  “Couch it is.” He kisses me again, and together, we begin ripping clothes off each other.

  I’m still self-conscious about my body, but with Remington kissing me, touching me, he can make all the inhibitions go away.

  I slide down on his thick rod, and Remington arches up into me. The only sounds in our room are our skin slapping together and carnal moans. It continues until I yell out his name and he does mine. I collapse on top of him, trying to find air.

  “I need a shower,” I’m say when I’m able to speak. “And I just took one a few hours ago,” I joke.


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