Another Chance

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Another Chance Page 18

by Janet Cooper

  She considered snapping back at him, telling him she did not need his approval, but she stared into his warm, black eyes. Silently but intensely his desire flared. A war raged within her between her temper and her longing. Although not a total apology, he had taken a giant step. Was it enough?

  He drew her closer, until his chest touched her breasts.

  Before she could speak, his mouth captured hers. As his kiss deepened, she could only respond. His tongue eased into her mouth and surrounded hers, nay invaded her soul; nothing mattered except being a part of him. Now, she pursued him, placing her arms around his head and drawing him closer. Their tongues joined and intertwined.

  While she engaged his mouth, he raked her upper body across his hard, firm chest. His round, stone-like paps raked against her swollen nipples. Her breath shortened as the fire grew. She edged her hands down his neck and across his shoulders. Dizzy with desire and passion, she put her feet down. "Auk!" She jerked up her legs.

  Wolf released her and crumpled over. "E-e."

  Disregarding the yuck oozing between her toes, she grabbed his arms. "I'm sorry," she grimaced.

  He straightened slowly, keeping his distance. Pain etched his face. "You kneed me!"

  "I didn't mean to. " She tried to pull him closer, but he stayed an arm's length away.

  "Why?" His breath came in short pants.

  "I hate mud."

  "You what?"

  "Ever since I was a child and the boy next door dunked me in the river and wouldn't let me up, I've loathed muddy bottoms. Crayfish, snapping turtle, all kinds of creatures exist down there."

  "Boy next door? You have no near neighbors. Haven't you always lived at the inn?"

  She sensed her face reddening. "No, I haven't." Sarah hoped her words were true for Benjamin as well as for herself. Unable to stand the slime encompassing her toes, she began treading water.

  "What are you doing now?" Wolf asked as the water rippled around them.

  "Keeping my feet off the bottom, but aiming my legs away from thee."

  His face lightened, and he laughed. "I am going to put my arms around you. You put your legs around my waist, so stop kicking."

  Paddling with only her arms, she allowed him to move closer. When his chest touched her breasts, she smiled and encircled him.

  "Hold on." A tender expression covered his face. "I like what your body does to mine."

  Just below her buttocks, his hard, firm shaft nudged her. She shivered, but not completely from the cool temperature of the air.

  He crouched until the surface of the pond covered their shoulders. "Better?"

  Keeping her legs tightly around him, she nuzzled his neck with her nose. "A little."

  He began walking and each step teased her nether lips. Suddenly, the cold spray from the waterfall bounced off her shoulders, while warm water surrounded the rest of her body.


  "Yes." She snuggled lower so that only her head stayed above the water. "Why is it so warm here?"

  "A hot spring feeds this portion of our pond." He grinned mischievously. "Although with you wrapped around me, I need no outside warmth to raise my temperature." He kissed her mouth then trailed his tongue along her chin down to her neck. His lips sucked on her tender skin.

  She gasped for breath, her hands scarcely able to hold on. He lowered her and her gate of passion opened to receive him. His manhood slipped inside the doorway, then hesitated--his eyes heavy with wanting. The look fanned her desire. She locked her hands on his shoulders and eased herself down. His arms grabbed her waist as if to prevent her from reaching her goal. She pushed against his shoulders, and he slipped deep inside.

  "E-e!" Passion flashed in his eyes.

  She moved. He joined her, increasing the pace. As he stirred deeper within her, she kissed his eyes, the tip of his nose, his cheeks, his chin and finally his mouth. While she touched her lips to every feature of his face, he massaged her back and caressed her bottom. Her yearning built. She arched her back and moaned as the heavens exploded.

  He jerked again echoing her cry. Like a thousand shooting stars, they burned brightly, before collapsing into each other arms.

  Sarah clutched his head to her breasts while Wolf licked the moisture from her shoulder blade. "That was wonderful."

  "For me, too." But you are not a virgin, Silver Wolf thought. How is that possible for a maid who observes the Quaker traditions?

  "You are cold," he said, noticing her shiver. He rubbed her arms, but the goose bumps remained. "You must dress."

  She nodded as her teeth chattered.

  He lifted her and carried her out of the water. "Nu Hum," he called.

  Instantly, the old woman appeared carrying a bearskin in her arms that she threw on the ground. Sarah's feet touched the soft fur instead of the hard cold ground. Nu Hum began drying her off. "Go," she said, gesturing with her head for Wolf to leave.

  "I will dress and return for you," Wolf told Sarah.

  As he walked the short distance to his clothes, he thought about his discovery. How could a properly raised, unmarried Quaker woman not be a virgin? If she were Lenape, the situation would be normal, but for a gently raised religious white? Never. Suddenly, another reason struck him. Has she been married? He had never asked, but that was possible.

  As Nu Hum rubbed Sarah with a deerskin cloth, desire rose within Wolf. He wanted to be the one to stroke the soft fur over Sarah's luscious flesh. Although too far away to see all the details of her body, he imagined her nipples hardening as he caressed her breasts with the skin. He would caress her belly with the silky cloth while his mouth covered her apex of curls with kisses.

  Wolf watched as her shift dropped over her ripe, desirable body. Reluctantly, he donned his loin cloth. Yet, when he tied the raw hide strings of his leggings, he remembered Sarah's smooth, velvet inner thigh. Fighting his craving, he drew his shirt over his head and tried to chase the image of her from his mind.

  He cared more than he should. Even after his lovemaking he wanted her more than he had any woman. His wife's image flowed through his mind. Love and desire had very little to do with that marriage.

  Wolf focused on Sarah. Must he continually remind himself that any relationship between them would cause her harm? Her people and her religion would ostracize her. She knew this. Why had she consummated their love making? Why had he allowed her to? The answers to both questions were easy. They wanted each other. Unfortunately, this path led to destruction.

  She looked over and smiled at him. He sought to avoid her eyes for he was unsure of how to respond, but she stared at him, forcing him to nod.

  "Sit. Nu Hum comb hair," he heard the old grandmother say.

  When Sarah perched on a tree stump, her attention stayed centered on Wolf. How could he escape when he wished to succumb?

  The aroma of peaches drifted toward him, as Nu Hum applied a jelly-like substance to Sarah's long, chestnut locks.

  "What is that?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder to look at the old grandmother.

  "Ground roots of peaches and oil," Wolf replied, walking closer.

  Her whole face lit up, as he drew near. Her look filled him with mixed pleasure, but for the moment, he pushed his negative thought aside.

  "I like the smell," she said.

  "Thank you, grandmother," Wolf said. "I will finish this job." He began massaging the cream into Sarah's hair.

  "Is she really thy grandmother?"

  "No. Nu Hum or grandmother is an honorary title we give to our elders, just as the village girls you saw earlier called White Owl, grandfather."

  "Oh." Sarah sighed. "What wonderful hands thee has."

  She twisted her head slightly, exposing bare skin just below her ear. He fought his desire to brush his lips across her neck and chin. Instead, Wolf picked up the tortoise shell comb Nu Hum had laid near the tree stump and eased the fine teeth through Sarah's thick, rich hair. "Are you warm now?"

  "Yes. Nu Hum rubbed me down with a
soft fur."

  "I should have taken her place," he said softly.

  Looking back over her shoulder, Sarah said, "If thee did, neither of us would now be dressed." The desire shone in her eyes.

  He could not resist asking, "Would that have been so bad?"

  "We might have shocked Nu Hum."

  "She has seen much in her many years, but she tells no tales." He brushed the side of Sarah's forehead with his fingertip. Sarah shivered under his touch, and her reaction stirred his loins.

  "Did she watch us?" Sarah asked in an embarrassed tone.

  "No. Our people do not spy on others."

  "She might have glanced out …"

  "The white cloud partially covers her eyes, limiting her vision."

  "Oh, she has cataracts. I didn't notice."

  He pulled the comb through the thick strand of hair before stopping. "Cataracts? What do cataracts have to do with Nu Hum's eyes?"

  Her cheeks reddened. "That's the medical term used for her condition."

  "Cataracts?" He thought about the word. "Strange. The only cataracts I know are obstructions in the river."

  "I guess that's where they get the name, since both cause problems." She laughed, hoping he heard the gaiety in her tone, but not the nervousness. "Shall we start back?" she asked.

  "If you wish. "

  "Where are my dirty clothes?" Sarah looked around the area.

  "Nu Hum will wash them and return them to the house."

  "I would have done that."

  "Yes, but cleaning them is part of her responsibility," Wolf said.

  "She is too old to work so hard."

  "Having a reason for living is important to my people. If she requires assistance to complete her task, she will ask."

  "Oh. I understand. Her job gives a reason for her existence. Everyone needs to feel and be needed," she added in a strange tone.

  Was she speaking of herself? Although her face revealed nothing, Wolf sensed her statement and tone covered much. "I am glad you approve. Are you ready?"

  She glanced around before saying, "Yes."

  As they strolled toward the house, side by side, close but not touching, Long Knife met them.

  "I must speak to you, Silver Wolf," the young brave said, after acknowledging Sarah.

  "If thee will excuse me, I will go on ahead." She nodded her goodbyes.

  Her leaving left Wolf with an emptiness he could not explain.

  "I have made an important decision," Long Knife said.

  His young brave's words broke into Wolf's concentration.

  "About what?"


  Wolf concentrated on the lad. "And …"

  Long Knife's glance shifted from spot to spot, but never centered on Wolf. "My mother is not better. Her spirit floats apart from her body."

  Wolf waited then realized the boy expected a response. "I agree with your words. None of the wise women nor the shaman has any suggestions, accept to give Quick Rabbit time. Most recover."

  "If she doesn’t?"

  The question made Wolf uncomfortable. "Perhaps she needs more time."

  "Sarah Stone told me she had called and will visit my mother again."

  So, she had decided, before I had withdrawn my objection. Wolf could not determine if the news annoyed him because Sarah had ignored his command, or pleased him because she dared and cared enough to challenge his authority. "Do you believe Sarah can help when our people have not?" Wolf needed the answer for himself as well.

  The brave shrugged. "At least she offers. More, I cannot say." The lad's words mirrored Wolf's. "Since I can do nothing here for my mother, I must find those that destroyed her." The tall, thin young man twisted his hands, contradicting the mature image he was trying to create.

  "I search for the same men as you," Wolf said, unsure of what Long Knife expected him to say or do.

  "Yes, but we find old trails, or tracks destroyed by untrained soldiers and accomplish nothing!" Frustration crisscrossed his face.

  His statement hurt, yet Wolf acknowledged the truth.

  "I must be the first to discover the marks they leave." Long Knife pointed to himself. "Then I can track the men and kill them."

  Wolf started to speak, but the lad rushed on.

  "I must join the army and become a scout."

  "What?" All other thoughts fled Wolf's mind.

  "Sarah Stone mentioned that Daniel has joined Washington's men. The colonials made him a scout. He does not have my skill. They will make me a scout also. I will find the patrol! My mother will have her revenge.

  "Sarah told you about Daniel?"

  "Yes. She said with my ability, I should be a scout also."

  "Kwe!" Wolf brushed his fingers through his short, scalp lock. "Long Knife, stay with me. Together we will find the men."

  The brave shook his head. "We tried and failed. Soon those responsible might leave the area. They must not escape punishment."

  Hearing the determination and realizing his words not affected the young man's decision, Wolf reluctantly asked, "When will you leave?"

  "Before night falls."

  Seeing he had lost the battle, Wolf said, "Gishelamu-kaong will guide your path until you return." He grasped the lad's arms. Long Knife returned the pressure before whirling on his heel and running off.

  "Damn her!" Wolf exploded. She interfered with Quick Rabbit, and now she meddles with my men. Why does she constantly intrude in our affairs? Anger flashed from every part of Wolf as he headed toward the house and another confrontation with Sarah.


  "Wonderful smells," Sarah said as she entered the kitchen.

  Bowl Woman chuckled with delight. "I fix you plate."

  Not seeing any place settings on the table, Sarah asked, "Have White Owl and Little Turtle eaten?"

  The cook nodded.

  "Then, I'll wait for Wolf." She walked over to the hearth, lifted the lid from the kettle and took a deep breath. Her stomach growled in anticipation.

  The older woman laughed. "That not necessary. Lenape eat when hungry. You one of us. You do same."

  These final sentences filled Sarah with pleasure. She hoped others felt as Bowl Woman did. Until she had heard the words, she had not realized how much she wanted to belong, to be a part of these people. The idea startled her. She wondered when she had accepted her present life and stopped thinking of her time here as temporary.

  Even as these thoughts rushed through her mind, she could not totally reject the idea of being caught in a rift-in-time. Her own century existed. She had been a part of that period. Logically, she must return. Yet, Bowl Woman's statement deepened Sarah's connection with the 1700's and gave her new existence credence. The concept did not displease her, that, too, surprised Sarah.

  Bowl Woman carried a steaming bowl to the table then cut two wedges of cornbread and rested them against the plate. "Eat."

  Not wanting to appear rude, Sarah compromised by sitting and nibbling on the bread. The wonderful aroma and the rich looking juice continued to tempt her, and she dipped her cornbread into the gravy. "This is good." Her taste buds tingle as she savored the delightful stew.

  The cook smiled. "When finish, have more."

  Sarah soaked the last piece of bread until she could scarcely carry the piece to her mouth without it breaking. Unwilling to lose a morsel, she placed her other hand underneath to catch any drips. As she popped the piece in her mouth, she heard the kitchen door open. She glanced up, trying to swallow and smile simultaneously.

  Fury radiated from Wolf's face. Seeing his scalp lock and the harsh lines that etched his face, she understood how whites could fear the Lenape. The sight caused the bread to stick in her throat like a lump of peanut butter.

  "Bowl Woman, e kaliu," Wolf said, abruptly.

  Nodding her head and without glancing at anyone, Bowl Woman shuffled out the door.

  Sarah managed to force down the lump. "What is the matter with thee?" she demanded.

"Why did you tell Long Knife to become a scout for the Continental Army?" Wolf's black eyes flashed with an intensity even the dim light could not conceal.

  "I didn't."

  "He told me you said he should be a scout." Harsh lines etched his face, and two deep ridges scared his forehead.

  Having him loom over her did not improve her confidence. She rose to her feet, determined to meet him as an equal. As she pushed back her chair, she struggled to recall exactly what she had said to the lad.

  "Long Knife and I discussed the trail that thou and he had followed. When he mentioned the soldiers had obliterated the track, I may have suggested that with his talents he should become a scout or something like that. I didn't expect him to join the army!"

  Arrows sent, from his pitch-black eyes, pierced her. "He informed me he intends to join Daniel's group," Wolf retaliated. "Who told him about that company?" The wrath and accusation in his voice and face continued unabated.

  "From thy expression, thou obviously knows I mentioned it. Why shouldn't I? The boys know one another. When Long Knife asked, I answered. I added how worried I was about Daniel. Doeth thou suppose I would wish for Long Knife or any lad to enlist in the army? Why would I encourage a boy, just barely becoming a man to leave his home and enter the military?"

  "You should have thought of that before you painted the picture for Long Knife. He believes only he can find those responsible for his mother's rape."

  Wolf's face remained hard, yet his fists relaxed. Sarah hoped the slight body language change showed a dampening of his temper. Needing to build on this foundation, she took a step toward him. He moved an equal distance away. "This isn't just about Long Knife, is it? Each time I become involved with thee or any of thy people, thou questions my actions. I had hoped the intimacy we shared would have shown my desire to be with thee."

  Wolf raised his hand as if to stop her from speaking, but she ignored him. "When Long Knife brought thee news of the British, thou asked him to speak English. Thou stated thy trust in me. Yet, when I reached out to Quick Rabbit, spoke to Long Knife just now, or tried to learn Lenape from Bowl Woman, thou berated me."


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