The Other Side of the Poet
Gilberto Santos
Translated by J. Félix H. F.
“The Other Side of the Poet”
Written By Gilberto Santos
Copyright © 2017 Gilberto Santos
All rights reserved
Distributed by Babelcube, Inc.
Translated by J. Félix H. F.
Cover Design © 2017 Gilberto Santos
“Babelcube Books” and “Babelcube” are trademarks of Babelcube Inc.
Poetry as is saw me enter asked: Did you come here to exploit me?
Yes, we need to desecrate the words and you are part of my plan.
If you promise me I will use you and you will fall in love, and you will never leave me again, it consented, and so the poetry transcended in me.
Gilberto Santos
Happy to be able in 3 years to issue the first anthology of the best of the 6 books that I have issued, everything really seems to make sense even though at the beginning it did not seem to me to make any sense at all.
Gilberto Santos
The best of 6
Letter to heartlessness
True Love
Brief Moment
People of little faith
Beyond the step
Grand future
Love message
Death allowed
The suicidal of the soul
Life closed
Twin friend
Love of all
Sometimes almost always
Future of the world
The worst punishment
Other half
Plan A
Secret and sacred
So many things so many
Truths of every day
Black veil
The existence of all
Love otherworld
Loving being
Blue all over you
Valentine’s day
I didn’t see Dali from here
The chaos that condemns me
The gods
Forever separated
Little piece of ground
False clues
Begginning, middle, or end
Survivors of the mind
Gloomy, gloomy love
Lives lived
The fun in life
The women of my life
True fable
Thousand ideas man
Never go out of fashion
The sin of the flesh
Naked being
15 minutes
Our own land
Here there might be poetry
Passionate kisses
Discovery of love
Extreme opposite
Currently famous
Happy incredulous
Striped suit mannequin
Modern world
The mage and the king
Time doesn’t lose pace
To the world that I want to come down to
Poem of two
If you look at me
To be happy
Life of artist
My absolute truth
Not always comes with ice
Or mixed, it can be dry
And well dosed,
Or even pure and distilled.
Some people who drank this truth, went away sad from the drunkenness that was not there.
The absolute truth may attract, but it can hurt the most unsuspecting and nocturnal of creatures, seeking only a passing and absolute illusion.
What beauty is this that causes astonishment and strangeness?
Wouldn’t the beautiful be the most fascinating and concrete of lovers?
Beauty that confuses, beauty that is unworthy, how many wished for half of its attention amid the crowd.
Traits that enchant, mermaid that echoes from the sea the most beautiful of songs seducing and killing millions.
Beauty can be eternal or not, it depends on the question, the only one that does not forgive, fearful medusa, in your eyes I die and eternalize my beauty of stone and dust.
Dust to which I will one day return.
A personality not only makes a person, Several times I had to lie to be several to actually be one.
But the world does not accept the truth of one, two, three or infinite selves.
Many masks were used but I lost the mold, I do not know who I am, I only know that I exist inside of me, I am so hidden that I lost the key.
One day someone finds me in this prison, I don’t want to be found ahead of time, I know that time is wise, forward and backward, I will have my day of release and my writ of emancipation, this slave will smile again, even to show that this incarceration was good in the life that was dubious.
Letter to heartlessness
My crazy obsession it starts to sharpen me when I see you, crazy is my desire, I have strong guesses that you don’t exist or maybe can’t accept that life will separate us, I think I lose my limits because without you I am nothing, I got stuck in the act when I tasted your love so scarce.
If you do not love me it's okay, I can wait a lifetime, beat you tired.
You love me or I stop following your footsteps, all love is suspended, when love is worth it, we do not die in the eave nor we die in fact.
O heaven that protects us, why won’t you come down and join your people so noble and in sufferering?
What blasphemy is this earthly people?
We celestial beings cannot live in sin much less accept such incumbency.
Only you learned to dominate hunger, envy, the war between men, pain, vengeance, the rejection between parent and child, we would be killed in the world of the living, lackluster celestials, abominable creatures in an arid land without love.
Let us be celestial, please, and do what we can and are worth, our peace is justified where there is hope and freshness and not in the earth without mercy and pain.
This flower I bring you is a flower of peace.
Peace between men and universes, peace between beings.
The flower I bring is white, but it could be red or blue, sweet or salty, it is actually without texture or smell, it longs to be of peace, it has no thorns, it does not cause pain, it is only flower.
I have faith that it will be in my favor, it will give the support that I deposit so much in it as a flower.
Have only joy in receiving it because it already loves you since the day it died from being a garden and becoming only flower, with all my love.
Crazy in life is to be right, To think and do what the world wants.
What I want is to be the goody-goody and be able to come and go in my fantasy of good guy.
Kill my desires and don’t get caught in the act, admire the beautiful.
And be sure to never get
caught in my unbailable crime.
My madness is normal, They are the crazy,
I am just a great shameless guy.
I look for the intensity of living.
The moment passes without we even noticing it,
But lets itself be registered among facts and fotos.
I love it when I don’t belong in this life anymore,
Full of ephemeral moments, because if I was or will be one more I don’t want to be there when I pass, just to take a photo for my good keeping, and remember that the moment existed and nothing was inverted or invented, I simply passed by your side...
Quiet, quiet, no I’m not.
I lie to you every time I caress you.
When I steal a kiss, inside me there is a bomb, the most sensitive device, about to explode, every time I lie of being happy.
When we both know that there are no quiet happiness and peace agreements.
This inner war consumes me and this battle I’ve already lost.
I'm afraid to let you go without at least it is my pleasure.
But I do not have much time, can you come back other times or will this be a doctor's visit?
Will I get sick of my legs?
Will the heart beat weaker, a slight sigh and goodbye?
You never came again.
I miss what we have never been to each other, you wanted me and I let you go, will I be the eternal guilty or we will share the actual sentence?
When I pretend to sleep I know you can come back, if you don’t I won’t search for you, time does not stop and passes.
And this life just drags...
True Love
Will I one day know the real love, the one that when it comes it calms the soul, gives us real pleasure and wins any battle?
If one day I will have true love, I will finally experience concrete happiness, the one that can only be seen in plays and paintings, philosophy and in the movies that entice.
I am sure that this love is for me as it is for you, because it is our duty to believe that we can make this love count, which can be divided and not subtracted, from those who believe and persist in love that will not only come to those who dream as to those who are present and burningly love.
Some people go mad when this love does not come on time, but not everything can be done at loose, we need time to understand that love makes itself perfect and sometimes it does take time, but some come in its time.
When I am old by your side I will die happy that this love was not by chance, I did everything to have it near and years we spent together to make the future perfect, so I may one day be by your side, close my eyes and think that when to the angels it arrives, please true love come back to me here in heaven and together we will live forever, this new age of true love.
Why does life drive away the people we love the most and makes us live with the ones we almost hate?
This exchange that seems unfair has a reason to be, how to learn the lesson of life in unconditional love and not in the suspicion of mortal hatred?
It is not easy I tell you to live with criticism and displeasure and no love in the end.
But the hard lesson each day will make up for a day, or not.
Fears and desires will have their final judgment, as will life in general.
So I ask my life for wisdom so that all this learning does not make me a troll but someone who always loves, and never stop being a loyal person.
I have feelings like everyone in the world, good or bad, people can be fatal and of evil nature.
But I know that I will overcome everything I live and will not disappoint friends and family.
I won’t be an unlikely animal but a rational being.
Brief Moment
In which moment I sit and see all I did like a movie in Paris?
In which moment I sit and see that nothing was a bluff and that I loved you and always wanted you?
In which moment I sit and see everything as a mirror that shows truths of time, my face, my movements.
Now I know that this brief moment is near, like leaving, the goodbye I get afraid and I sit.
So as not to fall against the wind.
The moment passes like a movie, a time that will not come back for a second judgement.
I'm guilty of not trying to be happy, when your love never wanted me, did not use me, did not kill me.
How sad this end of mine.
This church that I here visit holds a secret, in truth it is not only a common church but a temple, where we seek to come every time we feel a tightness in the chest, when the heart is not happy.
To partake with God in his house makes us feel his presence.
He visibly is not there, but he is omnipresent, is everywhere, he is here tonight for sure when life does not seem so easy.
I need to feel that my faith is unshaken, inside his house he invites me happily, because he knows of the secrets that torment us.
So this father who guides us has this power to give us strength through his word, his belief.
My life without him would not have the intensity that makes us move, and feel that we are at the right time in our lives.
God's moment is sacred and moves us a lot, there is not greater peace than this one in his house.
I feel that here the problems pass, everything here is sacred, this state of consecration has its value in the heart.
The many that I have been in this life do not define me here nor now, maybe one day I will be who I was one day or won’t be nobody who understands themselves, or here live in the certainty of death.
I have changed many times without knowing or perceiving it, perhaps it has changed on purpose to confuse the next.
I like to experience intense lives and complex lives, but I don’t want to experience something that does not precede the future of someone without certainty.
Something tells me that I will die like this, an eternal apprentice, while I gain more time here in the life that still makes itself present.
My journey is long and places and people are constant in this story, of which I cannot see the end, only the beginning that once enchanted the story.
Humans are really like that, change hair color, get fat and lose weight as to not get used to the mirror, which reflects the same every day, but inside how much difference we do not see.
I am happy and complete, now in my 80 years I want to be like a young apprentice.
Who expects from life the same thing it could give us, that is, to the school of life I hope to return.
Even though I am old, I do not believe that time passes by chance, and truths of the world are only printed in newspapers and magazines.
In the soul everything will be printed too, take care of this greatest asset of yours, which will go with you to eternity.
I wake up at 9 and the first thing I do is check my news on facebook, run my eyes through and look for some actual news, everyone posts joy or pictures that do not show reality, should it be called facedream?
Everything is very fast, I take my shower, my coffee, and I run as if saving the world in 5 minutes, will I marry?
In Germany the cold increases every year, but here in Rio de Janeiro things are boiling before January.
The traffic does not help much and for those who don’t have a direction everything is lost in the heat of emotions.
People rush by, it's Christmas and shopping takes us to the stores, we look like bees on a beehive day, and let there be honey for all this crowd.
On the bus with no air conditioning, I realize that everyone is already perked up, we hear the news and politics continues to leave everyone insecure, I don’t think even a woman who took time to marry could want to be in our place.
Maybe if traffic helps?
Today I realize that life is rushed like that, that without my fac
edream I could not dream, nor even long to meet my friends, because only it can give me this daily contact in the life of being.
Thank you Mr. Zuckerberg, without your help we would have less time to live: emotions, friendships and loves, that fatally great outcomes would be revealed at the end of each post.
Meanwhile I'm still in this traffic shrunken on the bus, because the ticket went down but the population didn’t, hail, hail, Brazil!
My gasped breathing is the harbinger that this had to happen, this escape this fear you.
I'm fleeing and running to never come back, if I will have the strength I do not know, you did not ask me to stay.
Our story was beautiful, had joys, had disappointments, life of two so absent almost never present, that today I cannot find in time of indignation who were to blame.
Wrong lives, stolen feelings, all guilty.
I ask for strength as I leave the house to carry my bag, my hands are weak, don’t even mention my legs.
My heart is in my mouth, I think I have a fever, I'm mad, I do this to save the world out there, they demand happiness from us.
I do not falter the road is long, I think I left a letter on the table, but I'm not sure.
The window open and many disappointments in the heart, our crazy life had no explanation, but great stories cannot be explained, because life gets complicated every time we ask for forgiveness.
Now it's late, I’ve cried everything and a little more.
You will suffer I'm sure, but dinner I left at the table so there is no starvation, you will see that I still love you, there will be disappointments.
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