Priest: True Love

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Priest: True Love Page 6

by Pamela White

He reached over and embraced me. Despite my doubts, I hugged him tightly. Joey continued holding on to me as I slid onto my side. I closed my eyes feeling him nestling smugly against me. His skin felt smooth and warm. I gently stroked his hair and considered this was alright_ for a teenage boy to fall asleep with me. After I’d stroked his hair, he reached up and began rubbing my abdomen. We continued reaching out and stroking each other, until we crashed out asleep, during the night.

  As the following days and months passed on, I believed there had been nothing wrong or unusual with our sleeping together. The next few camp out trips were very similar. I had gotten used to Joey coming into my tent, and falling asleep next to me. While laying together, we began having long discussions about his studies, girls, and soccer. At times we even horse played in the bed together. I’d tickle him and he’d respond by bobbing up and down on me. These occurrences had become a regular habit on the campout trips for the following two years.

  It wasn’t until one of the boys revealed to Joey’s parents about how he preferred to sleep with me on the camping trips instead of with them, that I began to be faced with problems. Joey’s mother and father began raising questions to the Bishop, about the camp out trips.

  Later, even though I was assured by the Bishop that Joey’s parents agreed that it had all been innocent, I was still transferred to another ministry duty, to insure against a possible scandal leaking out to the media about the camp out trips.

  I knew my cheeks must be flaming as I remembered my troubles in Arkansas.“You know, you’re right. I don’t think I’ve been this upset since I left Bryan,” I said.

  “You never mentioned what problem happened to you there. And I did not ask you questions about it. I figured if you wanted to talk about it, you would do so. But now, I’m concerned my brother because whatever the problem is that you’re having, it has you very worried. Would you like to discuss the problem with me? You know, we could have confession if you’d like,” he offered.

  I grimaced. How could I explain to anyone that I’d had sexual intercourse with a woman- and that I had enormously it. I felt that I was a traitor to not only myself, but worst, to God. It was just not right and I knew it. “Thanks, but I’m really not up to discussing it right now. Besides that, it is almost time for me to get ready for church mass.”

  He nodded, reached over and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Surely brother, it’s not all that bad is it? Maybe you’re just being too hard on yourself-you know?”

  “Well, to be honest, I will admit that sometimes I feel that there are always problems surfacing up in my life,” I said.

  “What do you mean there are always problems coming up in your life? Problems come up in everyone’s life. No one is exempt, not even those of us who are called to be a Priest.”

  “Yes, I know. But I had a religious upbringing. I was taught to make sure to think right, do right, live right, and seek to please God. You know, my parents were missionaries. And I chose to become a priest out of that upbringing. And then, it seems that problems have come out against that vow much more than I could ever have anticipated. And it seems that as time has passed by, I have encountered more problems, more troubles! Not fewer ones. I try to help people to find God. But what good am I when I’m having problems too, so many problems that I can hardly deal with them myself. Problems that seem to spring up out of nowhere! I’ve had so many complications in my life. I just can’t help but wondering what it is that God really wants me to do.”

  “Look, being a priest is not easy for anyone. It takes a certain kind of person and a huge God to get us through this kind of a calling my brother. Whatever it is that you’re worried about, just remember: God is able. The Priesthood is in your corner and things will get better,” he said, patting my leg.

  I leaned my elbow on the armrest of the loveseat and rested my head upon my hand. I wished that I’d been given a clear solution or some sign from God, of what I was supposed to do about my continued longing for Kelly.

  “I guess I’ll be getting ready to go,” he said, standing up.

  “Yes, we both have church mass to give today,” I said.

  We went to the door. Turning around Father Jerry said, “Just remember. There’s nothing too hard for God.” I nodded and we embraced. As he patted my back I felt more relaxed. More relaxed in fact than I had felt in some time.

  “I’ll see you later,” he said.

  “Okay brother.” I let Father Jerry out the door, turned around and inhaled deeply. I felt a sense of relief as I went into my bedroom to get dressed for church mass.


  The present

  I was kneeling at the podium in my office at the chapel praying when I heard a rapping sound at the door. I took a few more seconds finishing the prayer before I got off of my knees and responded.

  “Come in,’ I said.

  Kelly sauntered in and gently closed the door behind herself. She stood in front of the desk and said, “Father Daniel, I’m here to help you with your Cossack.”

  “Alright,” I answered. I had expected her to be in to help with my Cossack as she usually did on Sunday morning before church mass. I stood up and came around the desk as she went near the entrance, reached into the opened closet and got the cloth hanging on the hanger. She returned with the robe and held it up as I pushed my arms through the sleeves.

  Our eyes momentarily met before I dropped my arms. I noted her dark long hair, tall slender body and full pink lips. I smelled her soft, clean irish soap scent. I remembered the first time we’d had sex, several days ago. The smell of her vagina came back taunting my mind. Rosemary and salt. The feelings evoked were more overwhelming than I could rationally deal with. I wrung my gaze away.

  I’d continued to experience inner turmoil over the past few days, ever since we’d had a sexual encounter in the chapel library office. And the sexual longings I had for her, had not ceased even though I hadn’t hardly spoken to her since. I heard the choir’s voices now coming from the sanctuary. I waited. Kelly moved closer and steadfastly began pinning the robe’s hooks. I felt her lightly pressing against my lower abdomen with her fingers. My dick became hard and my knees began to shake. Somewhere between the hooks I felt her fingers and hands lightly smoothing down the robe. I felt a growing desire to experience more of her touch.

  “Father, are you alright?”

  The desires I had for her were much worse than I could have imagined.

  I turned and gazed downwards to see her bending forward and the aching in my body igniting with fire. I placed my fingers on her smooth hair and pulled her upwards.

  Kelly looked at me in surprise and moved closer. I hoisted her up harder against me, ran my fingers through her hair and followed the curvature of her backside with my hands roving up and down her buttocks. I soon found myself immersing into the feelings I’d been trying to fight, all week long.

  This time I knew what I needed to do, to appease my erection. My free hand swept under her dress and began seeking out her vagina. She groaned and began to buckle her hips back and forth. After several minutes of feeling inside her folds she moved back and swiftly unpinned the hooks.

  With the coming off of the Cossack, she quickly unbuckled the fly of my pants and my dick stood up, naked and hard, in the air. It pointed directly at her vagina.

  Kelly took the throbbing penis in the palms of her hands and frisked it swiftly from below— from below, up to the head. She knew what I needed. I closed my eyes and pretended all was normal, though everything was anything but normal going on, inside the chapel office. She got down on her knees and began sucking and licking my hard dick with her mouth and tongue.

  The pleasure sweeping over me was ever so excruciating. I looked down to see her doing it. I felt caught between humiliation and extreme pleasure in viewing my huge naked dick being titillated with her lips.

  I inhaled deeply. After a few moments of extreme excitement, Kelly stood up and our eyes met. I picked up on the sounds of the choir st
ill singing, coming from the sanctuary. I considered that I should remove myself from the situation going on with Kelly, get on my robe and hook it up myself but instead, a much stronger force pushed me to seek to get closer with her.

  She held me tightly. We unraveled. Taking the lead, Kelly went down to the floor and I followed with my heavy dick standing in front of me. I heard the singing choir and fell inside of Kelly’s legs with a hardened, pulsating prick. I closed my eyes and pressed it deeply into her wetness. I felt overcome with sensations of pleasure in feeling the soft folds of her pussy pushing back at me. We fell into a rhythm of our own as our bodies having met, began to respond from the tensions building up and moving between us.

  After the meeting of our bodies had reached a feverish pitch, I heaved hard and fast as I felt a high rush and spring coming from me, as I plunged deeply within her. Kelly followed me with her own climaxes in response.

  I relaxed against her and inhaled deeply. I felt dazed and greatly satiated at the same time.

  After I’d caught my breath, we moved apart, stood up and began getting ready to enter the sanctuary. This time the Cossack went on and got pinned all the way. Kelly came towards me and embraced me. This time I hugged her back. Unlike the first time we’d made love, I knew that this was not going to be the last time that Kelly and I would have sexual intercourse. After she returned to the sanctuary, I went to the window and gazed outside. As I looked out, I saw the sun rise up out of the clouds and shining brightly. Spring was on the way. I considered the sudden bright sunshine out of the partially cloudy sky to be a sign that everything was going to be okay.


  Mary Jane

  I turned and ran across the living room toward her. Her eyes were excited, and she held out her hands with one of her fists clutched, as she walked towards me. “Mary Jane, give it to me.” I said.

  “No Mummie!”

  “Mary Jane” I said again, touching the closed fist. When she let go I caught the plastic bottle of mustard before it had fallen onto the carpet.

  Mom and dad were both at work while I stayed in the house taking care of my two year old toddler, Mary Jane. Today seemed to be like any other day as far as I knew of.

  I had given Mary Jane her lunch of corn dogs and green beans and she’d grabbed and held onto the jar of mustard, wanting to play with it afterwards.

  “Come on Mary Jane, it’s nap time,” I said, taking her little hand. We went into the bedroom where I picked her up and put her down in the bed. Mary Jane had a crib next to my bed in my bedroom, but I had inadvertently spoiled her, trying to keep her from crying at nighttime by allowing her to sleep with me. The good news was, she had grown out of waking up at night at two month of age. The bad news, was she had a habit of sleeping in the bed with me. It was a habit that I hadn’t been able to break, now that she was used to sleeping with me.

  I sat down in the bed next to her and rubbed her soft hair. As was my usual response to that, I began to get sleepy. I had on my exercise pants and T-shirt still, but felt comfortable enough to lay down to a nap, next to Mary Jane.

  As she began to fall asleep I gazed at my baby adoringly, beholding the long, thick dark eyelashes she had like her father’s and fair complexion that was just like mine.

  After a few minutes my eyes flew open. I’d heard a sound coming from the living room area. I glanced down at Mary Jane. She had opened up her eyes.

  Ding dong.

  Now I knew that it was the doorbell. I slowly got up and began walking to the bedroom door, wondering who could be at the front door, at this hour of the day.

  “Mummee!” Mary Jane called.

  “Go back to sleep,” I said. She ignored me, rolled over and began following me to the front door.

  I looked out of the window and my eyes widened in disbelief. I swung the door opened. Standing there in casual blue jeans and a long sleeved forest green shirt was Father Daniel.

  “Father Daniel?” I said, almost disbelieving my eyes.

  Mary Jane ran to me and coddled my left leg. “Who is it Mummee?”

  “It’s just Daniel now,” he said. He stared at me then down at Mary Jane. “Is this the baby?”

  I nodded, speechless.

  “Who is it Mummee?”

  Daniel reached down and gently ran his hand over Mary Jane’s hair. He looked back at me and said, “I just got in from Boston. I’ve come a long way Kelly. I came here for you and my daughter. Can we talk?”

  I looked at his eyes and nodded.“C’mon in,” I said.

  We went into the living room and sat down. Mary Jane crawled onto the sofa and sat down next to me.

  Daniel and I spent the next two hours talking about our current situations and hopes for the future. When the rideshare driver had shown up, I walked Daniel to the door. We embraced and kissed. I closed the door; tip toed to the sofa and sat down smiling. I felt happier than I had ever felt in my life. Mary Jane stayed close behind me, got up on my lap, closed her eyes and began to fall asleep. I thought about everything Daniel had revealed—He was going to be in Houston for the week and had a room at the Extended Stay, for the trip. Daniel had explained that he wanted me and Mary Jane to move with him to Boston, Massachusetts. He told me he hoped we could get married sometime in the near future. I stared straight ahead still thinking about it all—He had a job working as a theology professor, and was currently living in an apartment. He wanted to eventually purchase a house. But first, he said, he hoped we would come to an agreement about having a future together. I breathed in deeply. I was overwhelmed with happiness.


  Pamela White is from San Antonio, Texas. She says that her writing career actually began when she was only 5 years of age. At that time, she often made up bedtime stories for her siblings. Her favorite pastimes are walking in the park and keeping abreast of current news. She is currently working on another romance book titled, Good Girl: True Love. This new title is to be released before the end of ‘2017.




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