Ever, Dirk: The Bogarde Letters

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Ever, Dirk: The Bogarde Letters Page 68

by Unknown

  Charlie’s Angels (TV programme), 172n

  Charlton, John, 105, 500; and DB’s writing, 8, 105, 143, 191; takes holiday, 244; suggests title for DB’s book, 246n

  Chat, Le (film), 56n

  Châteauneuf de Grasse see Haut Clermont, Le

  Chatto, Beth, 443

  Chatto, Rosalind, 62

  Chatto & Windus (publishers): publish DB, 117, 133, 135–6, 139, 172, 183, 215, 231, 264; troubles at, 238n; Norah Smallwood leaves, 273

  Chatwin, Bruce, 468; Utz, 506

  Chekhov, Anton: The Cherry Orchard, 241, 504

  Chelsea: DB and Tony rent house in, 349; see also Cadogan Gardens

  Cheshire, Leonard, Baron, 415

  Chess, Mary, 206

  Chirac, Jacques, 484, 486, 488

  Chorus Line, A (film), 307, 321n

  Christie, Julie, 29, 42, 114, 127n, 181

  Christopher, Sybil (earlier Burton), 405

  Churchill, Sir Winston, 277

  Ciment, Michel: Conversations with Losey (earlier Le Livre de Losey), 290n

  Cinecittà, 38

  Cipriani, Arrigo: The Harry’s Bar Cookbook, 456 &n

  Clark, Alan: Diaries, 468 &n

  Clark, Kenneth, Baron, 265, 271

  Clarke, Gerald: Capote: A Biography, 373n; Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland, 374 &n

  Clayton, Jack, 51, 66, 108, 127

  Cleared for Take-Off (DB), 464 &n, 466, 473

  Cleopatra (film), 455

  Clift, Montgomery, 387

  Clockwork Orange, A (film), 70

  Close, Glenn, 406

  Closing Ranks (DB; novel), 274, 306, 319n, 482 &n, 489–90, 495

  Cochrane, Peter, 193

  Cogan, Alma, 406n

  Cohen, Nat, 140

  Colbert, Claudette, 43

  Coldstream, John, 442, 506; as literary editor of Daily Telegraph, 442n, 467

  Colegate, Isabel: The Shooting Party, 231

  Colette, 306, 506

  Collins, Joan, 407

  Collyer, Paddie, 310

  Columbia (film corporation), 49

  Company of Youth, 455

  Compton-Burnett, Dame Ivy, 289

  Connery, Sir Sean, 58, 113, 121, 129, 222n

  Conran, Shirley: Lace, 167

  Conti, Tom, 204

  Conversation Piece (film), 94n

  Cooper, Sir Alfred Duff, 204, 481

  Cooper, Lady Diana, 202, 416, 481; Autobiography, 204 &n

  Cooper, Gary, 172

  Coppola, Francis Ford, 194n

  Cortese, Valentina, 240, 484n

  Costner, Kevin, 473

  Cotten, Joseph, 387

  Courtenay, Sir Tom, 76 &n, 181, 241, 423

  Covington, Julie, 181

  Cowan, Theo, 295

  Coward, Sir Noël, 106, 116–17, 277, 407, 428–30, 438n, 500; The Vortex, 428; Suite in Three Keys, 429n

  Cox, Lionel, 250n

  Cox, Nerine see Selwood, Nerine Cradock, Fanny, 501

  Craig, Wendy, 41

  Crawford, Gabrielle, 496

  Creighton, Anthony, 477

  Cresson, Edith, 410n

  Croft, Peggy, 3

  Cronin, A.J.: The Citadel, 327

  Crowley, Mart, 211

  Cukor, George, 167; and film of Justine, 31, 414; DB films with, 119; in DB’s Snakes and Ladders, 172; and A Star Is Born, 322n; decline, 388

  Cuore di cane (film), 107

  Cusack, Cyril, 29n, 30, 80

  D-Day landings (1944), 3

  Daddy Nostalgie (These Foolish Things; film), 372n, 374, 376, 378n, 384–7, 390, 395, 398, 401, 408, 473, 506

  Dahl, Roald, 221, 232, 233, 237; DB plays in The Patricia Neal Story, 220, 225–7; writing, 241, 434; on gardening, 268; Danny the Champion of the World, 233 &n

  Dahl, Tessa, 227

  Daily Telegraph, The: DB reviews and writes for, 365 &n, 372 &n, 415n, 420, 425n, 430–1, 442n, 461, 462n

  Daisy (dog), 53–4, 60, 64, 71, 77, 85, 90, 145, 170; death, 185–6

  Dam Busters, The (film), 73

  Damiani, Damiano, 35, 38

  Damned, The (La caduta degli dei; Götterdaämmerung; film), 23, 31, 34, 37, 50–1

  Dance, Charles, 277n

  Danjoux, Marie and Henri, 68–9, 76, 83, 201 &n Dankworth, Sir John, 285

  Darling (film), 5, 36n, 180n, 455

  Dartmouth College, 36n

  Daubeny, Molly, Lady, 241

  Davie, Michael, 202n

  Davies, Andrew: Rose, 228n

  Davies, Pamela, 105 &n

  Davis, Bette, 6, 65–6, 68–9, 73, 77, 115–16

  Dawson, Beatrice (‘Bumble’), 31

  Day of the Locust, The (film), 110n, 113n

  Day-Lewis, Daniel, 388

  Dearden, Basil, 55n, 285, 310n, 311

  Death in Venice (film): DB plays Aschenbach in, 34–7, 45–7, 51, 68, 102, 108, 499; shooting, 37, 42; Losey and, 39; screened, 49, 59, 61, 143, 310; wins award for Visconti, 57n; Visconti justifies making, 87; shown on TV, 242

  Dee, Simon, 38

  de Havilland, Olivia, 455

  de Jongh, Nicholas, 477

  de László, Philip, 75 &n

  Delfont, Bernard, Baron, 140, 194n

  Delon, Alain, 32, 62n

  Delors, Jacques, 410n

  Demongeot, Mylène, 455

  Dench, Dame Judi, 406

  Denham, Maurice, 229

  de Niro, Robert, 475 &n

  Desert Island Discs (radio programme), 381

  Despair (film), 140, 142, 146, 152–4, 161–3, 169n, 171, 189, 195, 384, 402–4

  Devils, The (film), 61n

  Devonshire, Deborah, Duchess of, 231

  Diana, Princess of Wales (née Spencer), 233n, 473, 475

  Dietrich, Marlene, 270, 299

  Dillon, Carmen, 58

  Dirk Bogarde – By Myself (TV programme), 410 &n, 411, 430, 432

  Diversion No. 2 (revue), 160

  Doctor’s Dilemma, The (film), 80n, 454n

  Dodd, James, 326n

  Dodd, Mary (née Forwood), 326, 336, 443, 504

  Dodds, Olive, 505

  Doel, Frank, 4–5

  Doillon, Jacques, 397 &n

  Doillon, Lou, 397 &n

  Doll’s House, A (film), 83

  Donald, James, 160

  Donaldson, Frances, Lady: Edward VIII, 121

  Donaldson, Roger, 283n

  Donen, Stanley, 284

  Don’t Look Now (film), 127n

  Dosai, Istvan, 283n

  Dotrice, Roy, 146

  Douglas, Kirk, 211

  Drabble, Margaret, 77

  Drummer’s Yard, near Beaconsfield, 9

  Ducreux, Louis, 374n

  Dullea, Keir, 83n

  du Maurier, Daphne (Lady Browning), 128, 159

  Dunn, Nell: Steaming, 307

  Dunnock, Mildred, 227

  Durrell, Gerald, 73

  Durrell, Lawrence, 213, 414; Justine, 221

  Dylan, Bob, 111

  Eastwood, Clint, 35n

  Eco, Umberto, 306

  Economist, The (journal), 484–5

  Ekberg, Anita, 168

  Elizabeth II, Queen, 345, 479

  Elizabeth the Queen Mother, 343, 345–6, 431

  Elliott, Denholm, 204n, 229

  Ellis, Vivian, 394

  Esther Waters (film), 3

  Etranger, l’ (Lo straniero; film), 40 &n

  European Pianist of the Year see National Power World Piano Competition

  Evans, Dame Edith, 36, 227

  Evans, Maurice, 94

  Evening News, 203

  Everett, Rupert, 282n

  Fabrizi, Aldo, 387

  Falk, Rossella, 33

  Falkender, Marcia, Baroness, 116n

  Fargue, Annie, 500

  Farrow, Mia, 29, 30n, 127n

  Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 146, 161; directs Despair, 140–1, 145–6, 148, 152–3, 158, 195, 384; pessimism, 147–9; relations with DB, 153, 158; reputation and expertise, 159, 163, 195–6; DB describes to Wallace S. Watson, 402�
�5; death, 404

  Fawcett-Majors, Farrah, 172

  Fearon, George, 406

  Feibleman, Peter: Lilly: Reminiscences of Lillian Hellman, 373n

  Fellini, Federico, 46, 80, 163

  Fellini’s Roma (film), 80

  Fellowes, Julian, 349

  Fells, Dorothy, 3

  Fermor, Sir Patrick Leigh: DB plays in Ill Met By Moonlight, 329–30; DB visits in hospital in London, 449; The Violins of Saint-Jacques, 329 &n Ferréol, Andréa, 140, 147, 152–4, 158, 161, 169, 402–4

  Ferrer, José, 41, 48

  Feuillère, Edwige, 240, 306, 484

  Field, Shirley Anne: A Time for Love, 431n

  Fielding, Daphne, 445, 449, 452; visits DB, 111, 113, 116; believes passage in A Particular Friendship libellous, 376n; birthday lunch, 471; on reading, 478

  Fighting Cock, The (army newspaper), 3

  Figures in a Landscape (film), 41 &n, 49

  Finch, Peter, 60n, 455

  Finney, Albert, 74n, 283, 399, 477

  Firth, Colin, 282n Fixer, The (film), 27n, 52n, 53, 92, 129, 252n

  Fonda, Henry, 81

  Fonda, Jane, 83n

  Fontanne, Lynn, 167–8

  Foot, Michael, 236

  For the Time Being: Collected Journalism (DB), 400n, 496 &n

  Forbes, Bryan, 186; and The Madwoman of Chaillot, 32 &n; Familiar Strangers, 186n

  Foreman, Carl, 80

  Forsyth, Bruce, 180

  Forwood, Anthony (Ernest Lytton Langton Forwood): keeps diary, 1; relations with DB, 3, 71, 325–6, 339, 389; resides on Continent, 4, 23; in Labaro (Italy) with DB, 28; motor cars and driving, 33, 42, 48, 59, 316n, 324; in Venice with DB, 42; moves to Le Haut Clermont with DB, 45; cyst, 52; and DB’s refusing film parts, 59, 84; domestic and gardening activities, 69, 71, 92, 131, 142, 214, 265, 268; accompanies DB from Dover, 103; friendship with Brock Van den Bogaerde, 114; onJack Jones, 118; drawing, 124; in Paris with DB, 127, 271; aunt visits in France, 134–5; in Berlin with DB, 158; abscess on tooth, 178; compiles index for DB’s Snakes and Ladders, 178; and death of Daisy (dog), 186; flu, 198; writing, 198, 307; reads Waugh diaries, 202; arthritic foot, 212; helps bury Labo (dog), 220; in thunderstorm, 235; Parkinson’s disease, 242–3, 249n, 252, 303, 317, 337–8, 357; witnesses snake attack on toad, 247; cancer, 257 &n, 259n, 316, 338–9, 350, 352, 356–7, 459; convalesces, 259, 503; and DB’s award at Cannes Film Festival, 260; sadness at leaving Clermont, 264; watches Jewel in the Crown, 277; noseblowing, 288; approves of DB’s article on father, 292; entertains in France, 298; ageing and deterioration, 303–4, 314, 316–17; misses DB’s honorary doctorate at St Andrews, 306, 314; onDB’s drawing, 321; photograph of DB used as book cover, 321, 336; and Attenboroughs, 322; reads typsecript of DB’s Backcloth, 324; prostate operation and convalescence, 325–8, 330; and prospective return to England, 328; and filming of May We Borrow Your Husband?, 338; leaves Clermont, 353; death, 358–60, 362, 370–1, 381, 409, 505; letter writing, 368; at Sybil Burton’s farewell party, 406n; in DB’s A Short Walk from Harrods, 443–5, 452, 459–60; and DB’s literary qualities, 503

  Forwood, Gareth, 31, 60, 82 &n, 106n, 160

  Forwood, Leslie Langton, 52

  Forwood, Thomas, 106n, 398, 419 & n, 448

  Forwood, Véronique, 106n

  Fosse, Bob, 211

  Four Weddings and a Funeral (film), 464, 475

  Fowles, John, 503

  Fox, Angela, 38, 376; Slightly Foxed, 324 &n; Completely Foxed, 376 &n

  Fox, Edward, 278, 476, 492n

  Fox, James, 42, 48n, 278n, 364; Comeback, 278n

  Fox, Robert, 419, 424, 466, 476–7, 492

  Fox, Robin, 34, 38, 42

  Foyles luncheons, 220, 277–8

  France: political situation, 173, 237, 253, 259; DB’s devotion to, 309, 410, 437, 486, 490, 505; see also Haut Clermont, Le; Paris

  Frankel, Cyril, 104n

  Frankenheimer, John, 27n, 52, 59, 83, 131

  Frankham, David, 222, 372, 461, 472, 474, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507; correspondence with DB, 5

  Frankovich, Mike, 49

  Fraser, Lady Antonia, 305, 436

  Frears, Stephen, 338n

  French, Michael, 397

  Freud, Lucian, 232

  Friedkin, William, 38n

  Fry, Christopher, 369n

  Gabin, Jean, 56

  Gainsbourg, Charlotte, 397n

  Gainsbourg, Serge, 397n, 399

  Galileo (film and play), 29 &n, 109, 110n

  Galsworthy, John: The Forsyte Saga, 379, 409; A Summer Story, 364n

  Gandhi (film), 195, 197, 258, 259n

  Garbo, Greta, 108, 270

  Gardner, Ava, 104n, 107–8, 379, 387

  Garland, Judy, 72 &n, 172, 178, 232, 322n, 373, 430

  Garland, Patrick, 83n, 376n

  Garnett, David: Lady into Fox, 80

  Garrick Club, 464n

  Gassman, Vittorio, 258

  Gaulle, Charles de, 484, 491

  Gavin, Brigadier-General James, 129n

  Geeves, Val, 3

  ‘Genius in Love with Vulgarity, A’ (DB; newspaper article), 461 &n

  Gentle Occupation, A (DB; novel): title, 191, 195; writing, 193, 195, 199, 501; publication and reception, 196, 199, 209–10; launch and promotion, 203n, 206–7, 220n; corrections and editing, 209; foreign translations, 225

  Gerzina, Gretchen: Carrington, 373 &n

  Gibson, Mel, 406

  Gide, André: The Immoralist, 98

  Gielgud, Sir John, 120, 122, 125, 130, 151, 170, 172–3, 215, 370, 429, 435n; An Actor and His Time, 501; Stage Directions, 64n

  Gilbert, Bee (Bridget), 52, 58, 63, 69, 83, 90, 129, 252, 256, 367; correspondence with DB, 5; and Ian Holm, 5, 84, 131, 230 &n

  Girardot, Annie, 100

  Giraudoux, Jean: The Madwoman of Chaillot, 32n

  Gladstone, David and April, 323 &n

  Gladwyn, Cynthia, Lady, 481 &n

  Glasgow: DB’s childhood in, 439–41

  Glyndebourne Festival Opera, 472 &n

  Go-Between, The (film), 29, 42, 46n, 56n, 57–8

  Godwin-Austen, Robert, 204n, 205–6

  Goetz, William and Edith, 95 &n

  Gogh, Vincent van, 112

  Goldman, William, 129

  Goldwyn, Samuel, 373

  Goodings, (Margaret) Elizabeth Marie (née Van den Bogaerde; DB’s sister; ‘Lu’; ‘Lulu’), 122, 125, 137, 303, 316, 318, 499; letters from DB, 2; stays at Clermont, 122–5, 130, 145, 188, 191–3; DB gives Postillion to, 136–9; and mother’s death and funeral, 208; and DB’s article on father for Times bicentennial, 289; and husband’s cancer, 316–18; burgled, 327; visits Somme battlefield with DB, 335; husband’s death, 360 &n, 505; and DB’s knighthood and investiture, 433, 436, 506; reads DB’s Short Walk from Harrods, 443–5; visits DB in Chelsea, 450

  Goodings, George (Elizabeth’s husband), 122, 130, 145, 193, 316n, 318, 320, 505; death, 360n

  Goodings, Judy (née Roberts; Mark’s wife), 359

  Goodings, Mark, 359; injured in fight, 82; and hair, 126;in DB’s autobiography, 319

  Goodings, Sarah, 319

  Gordon, Carol, 497

  Gordon, Dorothy Webster (‘Mrs X’), 23; correspondence and relations with DG, 4–5, 8, 64, 82, 99, 176, 254–5, 290, 361, 368–9, 373, 497; DB never meets, 73, 77; death, 99, 487, 499; South African correspondent enquires about, 265; in An Orderly Man, 345 &n

  Gordon, Ruth, 429n

  Gotlieb, Howard, 404

  Grace, Princess of Monaco, 240

  Grade, Lew, Baron, 194

  Grand, Elaine, 217n

  Granger, Stewart, 376, 458

  Grant, Cary, 172

  Grant, Hugh, 464

  Grasse see Haut Clermont, Le, 127

  Great Gatsby, The (film), 127n Great Meadow (DB): Jeremy Hutchinson and, 154n; writing, 221 &n, 431n, 437; DB submits to Kavanagh, 434; DB reads on BBC radio, 447, 450; success, 455

  Greaves, Flt Lt Christopher, 466 &n

  Greene, Graham, 198 &n, 199;
Dr Fischer of Geneva, 204n, 209 &n; May We Borrow Your Husband?, 316n, 322, 325, 330n, 331, 337, 418

  Grenfell, Joyce: Darling Ma: Letters to Her Mother, 1932–1944, 363 &n

  Gribble, Bernard, 224

  Griem, Helmut, 34, 75

  Griese, Irma, 78

  Gronowicz, Antoni: Garbo: Her Story, 390

  Guard, Dominic (‘Leo’), 48n, 58

  Guardian Travel Supplement, 194

  Guildford: Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, 369 &n

  Guinness, Sir Alec, 161, 172, 204

  Guinness, Matthew, 161

  Guinness, Merula, Lady, 161

  Hackett, General Sir John: I Was a Stranger, 164

  Hackett, Pat: The Andy Warhol Diaries, 374

  Hackman, Gene, 121, 129

  Haggard, Piers, 364n

  Haig, David, 401n

  Haining, Peter: The Legend of Greta Garbo, 390 &n

  ‘Half-life in World’s End, A’ (DB; newspaper article), 363 &n

  Hall, Sir Peter, 184, 189, 277–8, 477

  Hall, Willis, 9, 335n, 463

  Hamer, Robert, 388 &n

  Hamlet (Zeffirelli film), 406n

  Hammond, Diana, 298n

  Handl, Irene: The Sioux, 424 &n

  Handsley, Mark, 450 &n

  Hanff, Helene: 84 Charing Cross Road, 4–5

  Harbottle, Laurence, 344; onDB’s extreme

  Bromley fan, 216n

  Harris, John: Covenant with Death, 335n

  Harris, Julie, 396

  Harris, Rosemary, 429n

  Harrison, Cathryn, 401n

  Harrison, John and Rebecca, 497

  Harrison, Noel, 406n

  Harrison, Sir Rex, 83, 115, 157, 376, 465–6

  Hartley, L.P.: The Go-Between, 29, 42

  Harty, Russell, 104n, 105, 118, 136, 138, 269, 337, 415, 433

  Harvey, Anthony, 36, 220n, 221, 224, 232

  Harwood, Ronald: The Dresser, 241n

  Hatchards (bookshop), Piccadilly, 390

  Haut Clermont, Le, Châteauneuf de Grasse: DB purchases, 34–5, 37; life at, 45–7, 49, 60, 63, 68, 71, 83, 88, 91–2, 102–3, 106, 168–9, 304–5; visitors, 46, 63, 92, 134–5, 147–8, 190–2, 209–11, 238; refurnishing, 200; affected by earthquake, 216; DB puts on market, 264, 337; DB sells and leaves, 341–3, 353, 412; de Pauws occupy and alter, 371–2, 413, 480

  Healey, Denis, Baron, 135, 136

  Hearst, William Randolph, 27

  Heat and Dust (film), 258

  Heilpern, John, 387

  Heinemann Educational Books, 64

  Hellman, Lillian, 372

  Hemingway, Ernest, 173

  Hepburn, Audrey, 448

  Hepburn, Katharine, 416

  Heysel stadium, Brussels, 434

  Higgins, John, 237

  Hillsborough football ground disaster, 427

  Hinxman, Margaret: The Films of Dirk Bogarde (with Susan d’Arcy), 6; interviews DB, 38, 39n, 52n


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