Sinful Deception (Covert Affairs Book 3)

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Sinful Deception (Covert Affairs Book 3) Page 9

by Jordan,Skye

  “Wallet.” He started to reach back, but she got it first. Tugged out a condom and ripped it open. “Honey, let me—”

  Too late. Her hands were on him again, rolling down his length, and fuuuuuuck, he couldn’t wait. He moved his hands to her hips and found them bare. Pushed her feet apart with his, slid one hand between her legs—God, she was warm, soft…and wet. His gut clenched at the feel of her silky sex beneath his fingers.

  “Marcus,” she breathed, her hips moving against his hand. “Inside me.”

  He was already headed that direction, hiking her a little higher, her thighs a little wider around his hips, and guided his cock to her wetness. With a push of his hips, Marcus was sinking, sinking, sinking into per-fec-tion.

  She whimpered, the sound extreme pleasure, need, and desire all wrapped into one.

  “Fuck…” He gripped her hips and pulled her closer, as slowly as he could. She was so tight. Burning hot. Heaven.

  He had no thoughts outside Tova’s body squeezing him, Tova’s hands clenched in his hair. Tova’s mouth on his skin, on his lips. He was swamped with pleasure so rich it took his breath.

  “Oh God…” Her moan rolled out of her throat with luscious abandon, and her head fell back against the wall. “Fuck that’s so good.”

  With the wall holding her up, Marcus ran his hands down the backs of her thighs and over her ass. He gripped her cheeks and spread her, giving him room to move deeper. But he didn’t thrust. Not yet. Once he started, he wouldn’t be able to stop, and he wanted this feeling to last forever.

  “Marcus…” Her fingers dug into his shoulders, and she lifted her hips to push him even deeper. “I’m… God…”

  Damn, he knew that pitch. He gave up his pipe dream and thrust home. She cried out, her hips bucked, and her body gripped his length like a fist, then pumped. With her back arching against the wall, her lips parted, face washed with ecstasy, Marcus’s own control slipped a little more. Then a series of shivers rocked Tova, clenching her pussy around him, and he was gone, thrusting once, twice, three times. The pleasure burst at the base of his spine, shooting fire through his hips, his chest, his limbs…until even his hair tingled with it.

  He couldn’t hold back the sounds that rolled from him, deep, throaty, intense sounds of pleasure. And the electricity continued to hum through his veins for long moments afterward while they slumped together, nothing keeping them up but his body weight crushing her to the wall.

  * * * * *

  “Holy… Mother…” Tova panted, trying to blink the spots out of her vision. But they just continued to float there, the same way euphoria floated through her veins. Every few seconds, a delicious little shiver snaked through her. She was limp with satisfaction, luxuriating in the heavy feel of Marcus’s body pressing against hers.

  “God,” she said, her cheek resting against Marcus’s shoulder, “that was…perfect.” There was no other word to describe the white-hot pleasure he’d just delivered. “I’ll never be…quite the same.”

  He huffed a laugh, turned his head languidly, and kissed her neck. Then her jaw. Then her cheek. Making a slow smile lift her mouth and her heart glow. He lifted his head and smiled. “And we still have all night.”

  She returned the smile, stroking a hand down his cheek. “Do you turn into a pumpkin at any point I should know about?”

  His handsome face crunched into a confused frown. “Huh?”

  “You’re…a little too good to be true at the moment.”

  “Oh.” He laughed his understanding, the sound laced with cynicism. “I’m sure I’ll turn way too soon. So let’s just keep this roll going as long as we can.”

  He lifted her, and the feel of him still half-hard sliding out made her moan. Then he settled her back at his hips, she wrapped her legs around him again, and he carried her through the living room and into the bedroom.

  “Hey, wait,” she said, glancing over his shoulder into the darkness, “I didn’t even get to see your house—”

  He leaned over the bed and laid her down, then braced his hands on either side of her shoulders and smiled, his face hovering just above hers, a mysterious watercolor of shadows. “Not now,” he said, his gaze so hungry, so sexy, it kindled the simmering fire between her legs. “I gotta have that again. Slower. Longer.” He kissed her. “Deeper.”

  She was so ready, and opened to stroke his tongue with hers.

  But he pushed up on his hands. “I think you promised me a shower.”

  “I think I did.”

  She lifted her hands to the buttons of his uniform shirt and found they were disguising snaps. She popped the first, the second, then discovered a tan tee beneath.

  “Layers,” she complained. “Way too many layers.” And she yanked the rest of the snaps open, making Marcus laugh. God that was an amazing sound. One that sizzled through her blood and made her head light. She pushed the shirt off his shoulders.

  “I can’t wait to get ahold of this body.”

  “I can’t wait for you to get ahold of it either.” He pushed to his knees and took hold of her wrists gently. “Just hold tight.”

  He stood and disappeared through another door. “Light,” he said, and before she understood what he meant, a light flipped on in the bathroom, blinding her.

  Squinting, she groaned. “Oh, crap…I didn’t know you meant light.”

  She rolled to her side, covering her eyes with her arm and relaxing into the bed. In the bathroom, the water ran in the sink. Her body felt uncoiled and loose…and achy. The meds the paramedic had given her were working, but not well enough to mask the dull throb in her hip where she’d hit the pavement or her face where she swore the guy’s knuckles had imprinted on her cheekbone.

  The water in the shower turned on, distracting her from the discomfort and the clump of his boots hitting the floor made her smile. Then he returned, neatly tucked back into his uniform pants, though he hadn’t zipped up. He held his hand out to her with a soft, lopsided, slightly uneasy tilt of his mouth, and her heart tightened.

  I’m one of those awkward guys in the getting-to-know-you stages.

  And they weren’t exactly taking the normal route through those stages either. She wasn’t sure if that made it easier or harder for him, but either way, she found his nerves a charming, even intriguing, contrast to his obvious confidence in other areas of his life.

  She took his hand and let him ease her forward, but pulled from his grasp when she was sitting, her thighs open around his. She slid her hands beneath the edge of his tee, pushing it up to bare the ridges of his bronzed abs. The band of his underwear rode down an inch, and beneath that line, his skin was a few shades paler, which shot a surprising burn of lust through her core.

  He took hold of the sweatshirt at one wrist and tugged, then the other, and whipped it off over her head, tossing it aside. When his gaze slid over the teddy beneath, his breath caught. “That should be fucking illegal.”

  She grinned with her palms stroking his warm flesh and shoved his tee higher, then pressed her face to his belly. Marcus flinched. He caressed her face, drawing her hair back and pulling it into a tail with one hand. “Tova…”

  She read a world of subtext into the tone of desire surrounding her name. Want, need, confusion, abandon, wonder, query… He was as startled by the strength and veracity of the lust between them as she was.

  She opened her mouth against his skin and kissed him, drawing a deep breath of his musky scent, stroking her tongue across the ridge of his abs, enjoying his salty flavor. Slowly, she pushed to her feet while also shoving his shirt toward his shoulders and drawing her tongue toward his throat.

  A wanton growl rolled out of him, immediately followed by a shiver. His free hand grasped the uninjured side of her jaw, then his mouth was over hers, sucking at her lips, stroking her tongue, kissing her like he was drowning and she was his air.

  Tova’s mind emptied of everything but him. She wrapped her arms around him, curved her body into his, and opened her mouth.
Let him take. And take. And take. Reveled in being so completely wanted. So thoroughly devoured. No one had ever kissed her like this. No one had ever wanted her so completely, so deeply. The why of it—lust, escape, thrill, fear, desperation, need—didn’t matter. The reality of the moment still touched her soul in a new, profound, beautiful way she would always remember.

  He broke away suddenly, almost violently, as if he had to force himself. “Fuck…” he rasped, breathless, “you make me insane.”

  She held on to him with one hand, her head dizzy from the kiss, and dragged his tee off with the other. “I love your insanity. I want more. I want it all.”

  He cupped her face and dragged it up to fuse their mouths again. His lips were soft and full, fierce and sensual as he walked backward into the bathroom. Her tongue glided against his, slick and warm, as she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of his pants and underwear and pushed them down his hips. He released her face to help, sliding them down his thighs and kicking them off to the side with his boots and socks. Tova took one glance down his body and knew she’d never get enough. She’d known he was fit, but seeing all that in the raw, naked flesh blanketed her with heat.

  “Holy Mother of…” she started, trailing off when there were no adequate words to convey her surprised delight.

  His torso tapered to a narrow waist. His belly was flat and ribbed with muscle. His thighs and calves thick. And she’d always thought the look of the male sex organ had been God’s joke on men, but…Marcus’s cock was pretty damned attractive at the moment. Amazing what the haze of sexual need could do.

  “I’d really like to stare all night,” he said, drawing her gaze up to where she hadn’t even realized he’d been staring at her while she’d been staring at him. “You look…amazing. But…” His hands flexed and clenched, flexed and clenched. “I’ve just really gotta get you naked, baby.”

  He stepped in and slid his hands over the fabric of the bodice, the skirt, then her bare thighs, and back up her body beneath the fabric, all without ever touching one bruise or scrape. Heat burned a path in the wake of his touch. They both groaned at the feel of skin on skin, and all her aches and pains faded into the background again. Marcus gripped her waist, hauling her body against his, covering her mouth, licking between her lips. He bent his knees, and both hands slid over her ass. They were warm and strong, squeezing gently as he pressed the hard rod of his cock to her belly.

  He pulled out of the kiss. “How…”—his hands skimmed up her back, fingers searching—“do I get this off?”

  “Clasp,” she said, trying to catch her breath, “like a bra.”

  Before she even got the words out, it was open, and Marcus was sliding the straps from her shoulders, dropping the teddy down her body to pool at her feet.

  She pressed a hand against the wall to steady herself and glanced around. The room was large, the counters dark granite, the floor big earth-colored tiles, double vanity, large tub separate from the shower. Her head went light and she let her eyes close. She couldn’t tell if she was exhausted or sexually crazed. Or both.

  “Tova…” The concern in his voice pulled at her hazed brain, and she realized he wasn’t touching her anymore. She focused on his face and saw he wasn’t smiling anymore either, his expression now a mix of fury, anguish, and heat. He reached toward her, and she looked down as he ran his fingers along the bruise on her hip , tilting his head to get a better look. “Baby, we really need to get you looked at by a doctor.”

  He started to turn, his gaze on the bundle of clothes at their feet, but she grabbed his arm and tugged him back. “I’m fine. These are nothing. I’ve gotten worse injuries in dance drills. Worse scraps working the fields with my parents.” Besides, she wasn’t ready to face all the damage. Or her futile fears over the night’s events and her brother. “I’ll clean them out in the shower. If they’re worse in the morning, I’ll go in, okay?”

  He reluctantly turned back toward her, his gaze hungrily skimming the rest of her body, the muscles in his jaw jumping. “Christ, I just want to lick every inch of you.”

  She grinned, even though his raw masculinity filled her with a nervous thrill. “That’s more like it.”


  Part of Marcus wanted to spend the night pampering her back to health, but she’d rejected his every attempt, which suited the other part of Marcus perfectly. The part that wanted to spend the night fucking her into oblivion.

  Tova leaned down to move the teddy out of the way, but winced and paused. Marcus gently eased her up. “I’ve got it, baby.”

  A mix of irritation and embarrassment flashed over her face before she pressed her lips together and glanced away.

  He grinned and hooked the teddy with his foot, flinging it atop his uniform. He was feeling little pangs of nerves at the strangest times. Almost like mini anxiety attacks in those instants when he realized how little they knew about each other, and trying to keep them under control. “You’re stubborn, aren’t you?”

  When she glanced back at him, her lips were pursed in a silly little smirk, and she shot him a half-teasing, petulant “No.”

  He laughed long and deep, releasing more tension. “God, you’re adorable.”

  She stepped into the shower and held her hand out to him. “I hope you don’t want me to play adorable,” she said, her voice husky and pointed, “because I’m not in an adorable mood.”

  The combination of what she said, the way she said it, and that sensual, smoky voice lit him up. “I bet you rake in the bucks with phone sex.”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t get around to trying it.” She dipped her chin, her lids grew heavy, and her voice lowered just a touch. “I was having too much fun with the pole.”

  Fiery heat swam through his veins, and liquid heat erupted in his groin. He offered an appreciative laugh and shook his head as he took her hand. But he paused before following her in—just to look. She was so small, just about five foot two. And she was one fucking sweet little package, all lush curves and tight muscle. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  Her grin was hot as she tugged harder on his arm. He stepped into the shower and drew the door closed, and she draped her arms around his neck and leaned into him. Her lips slid across his, lazy, sultry, and soft. Her bare breasts pillowed against his chest, and he let his hands follow the curve of her torso, her hips, her ass. And sighed with the beauty of it. Of her. Of them. Together.

  He turned for the liquid soap, then remembered the toiletries she’d tossed in her bag. “Damn. I should have brought in your bag. All I have is this all-in-one guys’ stuff. Want me to—?”

  “You’re not getting out of this shower,” she said, her hands sliding over his ass and pulling their hips together. “And if I had a problem with sandalwood instead of camellia, I wouldn’t be rubbing all over you.”

  “I do love the way you rub on me.”

  She held on to his arms and leaned back, dipping her head beneath the spray. Marcus watched the rivulets slide down her chest, over her breasts, and drip off her tightened nipples. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized it had been a long damn time since he’d showered with a woman. He also knew that there was something special about Tova. About the way he felt so connected to her, so comfortable with her, so fast.

  And he knew he wanted to hold on to her for more than tonight.

  When she straightened out of the spray, her hair was pulled off her face, her skin was flushed, making the red marks and bruising fade, and her long dark lashes clumped together. And when she licked the water off her lips, a dimple appeared near the left side of her mouth. His heart did something squirrelly, and he knew—he definitely wanted to explore whatever this was between them.

  He poured soap into his hands and smoothed it over her body, avoiding her injuries and taking great pleasure in feeling every inch of her, cupping and massaging her breasts, stroking her belly.

  Lowering into a crouch, he slid both hands over one smooth thigh. She flinched and giggled. “Ma

  He pulled his attention from the thin strip of dark curls hiding what he wanted most and grinned up at her. “Ticklish?”

  “Don’t even,” she said, her grin pulling out her dimple again.

  With his gaze on hers, he slid one sudsy hand between her legs and stroked her sex. Her eyes went wide, and her smile fell into a little “O” before the pleasure drifted into her expression, softening all her beautiful features. Her gaze grew heavy, and she bit her lip. She held Marcus’s gaze, but a sliver of insecurity hinted.

  He rinsed his hands in the water streaming off her body, stroked her clean, then lowered his gaze to her pussy. Sweet and tight. Rosy and swollen. His mouth watered in anticipation. His lids lowered as he leaned in.

  Tova stopped him with a hand on his head. “Marcus?”

  Lips parted, the secret treat inches away, he lifted his gaze. Her expression had gone nervous, her shoulders tight. “I…don’t really like that…” she said with a faltering smile. “I…just…I don’t know…” She shook her head slightly as if trying to find a way to describe what she wanted to say. “It’s never…done much for me…”

  He stroked his hand down the back of her thigh and lifted her leg, then leaned his shoulder beneath and put all the heat burning his body into his grin. “Then I don’t think anyone was doing it right.” She did that lip-biting thing again. He purposely lowered his gaze to her perfect pussy, now a little more accessible, and admired. “Can I just taste you? Then if you don’t like it, I’ll stop?”

  He darted a glanced at her just as her tongue licked at a droplet streaming down her cheek and into her mouth. The sight, with her pussy just inches from his mouth, shot a spear of lust through his belly and straight to his balls. She didn’t exactly answer, but gave an almost imperceptible one-shouldered shrug.

  He lowered to one knee for stability and took it slow. Kissed her first, felt her tremble. Then kissed her again with a soft sweep of tongue, heard her intake of breath. Then slid his hands up her thighs, let his fingers stroke her, drawing her folds open, and covered her with his open mouth, suckling and stroking her with his tongue. Slowly. Decadently. Persistently.


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