Microsoft Word - Betrayal-Ashlynn_Monroe.doc

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by Dawn

  Bettia grabbed her arm, shaking Dyanna from the


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  intense connection long enough to spur her to action.

  Vampires were easily distracted, but when they focused, it was almost like a trance. Dyanna grabbed her friend's shoulders and picked her up, speeding to the back of the club by the ladies' room in just a moment.

  Bettia looked dazed. "This is getting dangerous.

  You should leave; I'll take care of Darius myself. Give me the vial," Dyanna demanded.

  "No way in hell am I leaving. He took Miguel from me, and I'm not going to run away. I know the spell forward and backward, and I'm going to say it. It's too complicated, even for your supernatural brain. I'm going to do this, Dy."

  "There's a back door around the corner. It'll trigger the fire alarm. You go through it and get away from here as fast as you can. I'll use the distraction to my advantage."

  When they'd talked about the plan, she hadn't realized how afraid she'd be of losing her only friend. Now she just wanted to know Bettia would be there for her when it was over.

  Without warning her body slammed up against the wall, cracking the plaster as something large and heavy made violent contact. She moaned, in pain. Vampires could hurt, it just took a heck of a lot more trauma to make it happen. When she blinked up, Anthony was holding her


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  into the wall. A snarl of rage came from low in his throat.

  "What are you doing here, Dyanna? Why have you come back?" Did she detect a hint of sorrow under all that bitterness?

  "Put me down." She spoke calmly, even if the monster inside of her wanted to snarl right back at him.

  "No. Tell me why you're here."

  "Can't a wife just miss her hubby?" Her sarcastic teasing seemed to break through his ferocity, and he released her. She slid down the wall and rubbed her shoulder when she was standing on her legs again. "Geez, have you been working out?"

  "Stop trying to be cute. Tell me why you're here, and why you've brought a mortal. Your human isn't compelled."

  "I know she's not, because I don't do that shit. I'm not a monster, even if you wanted me to be one. I didn't want any of this. I wish you'd just left me alone to think you'd left me because you didn't love me anymore. I would've moved on and gotten on with my life—

  eventually." She lied, she'd have been devastated, but she'd have preferred feeling like hell to undead.

  "I know." A depth of apology resonated in his words greater than anything she'd expected from him. How could she reply?


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  Anthony sighed. "I still love you, Dy. Why did you leave me?"

  "Darius is evil. I couldn't stay here. I don't want to be a killer. You aren't evil, Anthony. Why do you stay?"

  "I stay because I don't have a choice. With what we are now, how can I leave? I don't want to go out every night and hunt strangers. Here, there are blood slaves. I don't have to kill. How have you been living, Dyanna?"

  "No, you answer my question." She paused to take in the surprise on his face. "Why did you let that woman bite you last year?"

  "I have to go. Darius is expecting me to do something for him, something terrible."

  "I saw you on stage earlier. I heard you with him.

  You tell me why I've been living in hell. I deserve to know."

  "We don't have time for this." Bettia hissed, interrupting.

  "Yes, we do." Dyanna's mind was set; she wanted to know.

  "I didn't plan for this, love. I went out with the guys, and we were walking past. The bouncer called to us across the street, offering to let us in. We were curious and went.

  Both Cale and Wil were compelled, drank from, and told to leave, but not me. I watched in horror, fought my captors,


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  and then the worst began. She was so captivating. I went with her even after what I'd seen them do to my friends.

  She compelled me; Darius lied to you. The woman looked like a goddess, but I couldn't understand why. I knew I had to be with her. The mind control blinded me to everything, even you. I'm not as strong as you are and couldn't fight the power as you tried to. I let her kill me while I fucked her. I came as I died, and I knew she was killing me. I'm going to go now. I'm sorry, sweetheart."

  "Wait." Dyanna grabbed his arm. "You don't need a blood slave; we can drink bagged blood, and Darius lied about having to drink from live donors. I'm killing him tonight."

  Bettia interrupted. "We're killing him."

  Dyanna continued, corrected. "We're killing him.

  I'll never forgive you, but I still want you to get away from here."

  "Don't do this! I don't want to lose you again. Even if you don't want me, I'll know you're alive. Just go, before it's too late."

  "No, it ends now. Oh, and you lost me the night you killed me."

  "I'll buy you some time. I'll give the bastard a show he'll never forget, but Dy, please reconsider doing this."

  "I can't. Goodbye, Anthony, promise me you'll get


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  out of here and find another way to exist."

  He just looked at her with intensity and regret. He kissed her forehead tenderly then gazed at her with an unreadable expression before turning away and hurrying off without looking back. Dyanna glanced at her friend.

  "Let's go."

  They moved toward the room where Darius waited.

  He'd be watching for proof of Anthony's allegiance. She hoped her husband still felt loyalty to her. If he gave them away it was over; they'd die. She was already dead, but Bettia had years of life ahead. She didn't mind if tonight her unnatural life ceased, but she'd do all she could to ensure that wasn't the case for her mortal companion. They'd rehashed the plan so many times it seemed impossible to fail, but already the scheme was off kilter. She hadn't planned to spill what they were about to do to her husband.

  He was a wild card now, and she wasn't happy about it. A lot can change in twelve months.

  "You know what to do. After you say the words, I want you to run. Don't look back. I'll stay to make sure it's finished, but you have to go. I can't worry about both of us." Dyanna watched Bettia nod in response. "One more thing," Dy's friend paused and looked up at her. "Thanks for being there for me, and putting up with my growing pains. Being a vampire sucks, but you're the only thing


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  that's made it suck less." Bettia gave her a small sad smile.

  "No goodbyes. We'll be talking about tonight for a long time, and I don't want you to get all defeatists on me now." As confident as her friend sounded, the tone had to be all an act, but she was grateful nonetheless. She'd needed the pep talk.

  They went back out, and no one paid them any attention. Dyanna glanced at the stage and gasped. A sweet, angelic looking human stood on the stage naked, her arms suspended above her head. She gazed out with a blank expression. Anthony suddenly stood before the woman. A leather-clad male vamp rushed up to the stage and knelt before Anthony, offering a sharp, curved dagger. He took the weapon from the other man and immediately began intricately cutting her body. Each brutal, graceful move left more red trails over her flesh. Each cut seemed to make her expression more euphoric. The woman moaned. His face was emotionless as he used the dagger to cut the petite blonde's pale skin, licking at the wounds he inflicted. The woman appeared to be experiencing sensual pleasure, but Dy could see she was under compulsion.

  Anthony hadn't been cruel as a human, but seeing his methodic actions now she wondered if he'd had a dark side she'd never seen before. He pulled the woman's head back, yanking her long locks of hair to pull her head to the


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  side and sank his fangs into her neck. She moaned, and her eyes opened. Dyanna gasped softly as the woman looked right at her, for a moment she saw pain in the blue eyes staring helplessly from the stage. Then the expression returned to pleasure and her eyes closed, freeing Dy from the power of her pitiful gaze. When he'd finished, he released her carelessly, and she hung limply from her restraints. Dy turned away, feeling bile rise in her throat.

  Darius sat watching, transfixed by the horror he relished.

  Now was a perfect time to act. Her husband was either buying them time, or he was saving his own ass. It didn't matter; she'd never get the awful sight out of her head.

  "Ready?" She whispered firmly.

  Bettia looked at her watch. "Ready. It's a minute to midnight." Bettia replied confidently.

  She turned the knob. The door to Darius's lair remained locked, keeping them from their goal. Cursing softly under her breath she twisted the knob hard, breaking the lock and praying Darius wouldn't be paying attention.

  Bettia held the vial, her own potion. They'd been unable truly to test it. The small amount they'd applied to Dyanna's thigh had left permanent damage, so the whole vial, combined with the spell to end his unnatural life, should be enough. The spell could backfire and kill her too. It was a chance she was willing to take. The wording was just right.


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  She'd never taken a life, and even if he was evil, she regretted what had to be done. Dy wanted to survive but was willing to have her unnatural life end. If Darius's mind worked like other vampires and was focused on Anthony, they'd have a chance. Breaking focus for a vampire was a challenge, and the moments it would take him could be their salvation.

  "Now." Dyanna opened the door, and Bettia rushed in and threw the vial at Darius. Anthony had given them the advantage. The moment it took Darius to pull away from the video monitor gave Bettia the chance to perform her spell. When the vial hit his face it imploded, melting his pale skin until it was a mass of blisters; even some bone showed through.

  "Vilis daemonium, interfectorem innocentiae, adolebit in inferno scelerum. Vocare elementa ad finem te.

  Eicio fecisti mala et mater omnium reddere stateram magna. Natura, exaudi vocationem et videre fiat.

  Benedictus." Bettia carefully called out her spell in Latin.

  Then for good measure, she threw out her arms, crying the words in English.

  "Vile demon, killer of innocence, burn in hell for your crimes. I call the elements to end you. I cast out all the evil you've done to restore a balance to the great mother of us all. Nature, hear my call and see it done. Blessed be."


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  Dyanna caught her friend as she fell back, overcome from expelling so much energy on a single spell.

  Darius stepped forward. He hadn't fallen down dead as they'd assumed he would. Bettia rested helplessly in Dy's arms. They hadn't expected that either. Dyanna's knife stayed sheathed. She had a choice—take the vamp out or hold onto Bettia. She couldn't let her friend just fall. She had to bleed the evil vampire; it was the backup plan. She felt caught in a comedy of errors, only this wasn't very funny. He stalked toward her. She tried to get her knife while holding Bettia. Darius flicked his wrist and her knife sailed away out of reach. She'd die now, a year too late.

  "Wake up, please, B, wake up so you can get out of here." She shook the drained witch, praying God would hear one last plea from her unholy self. "Please God, save my friend."

  Guards, angry vampires, burst through the door. She dragged Bettia to the corner using her supernatural speed and took a stand. The burst of exertion hadn't been good.

  She was fighting much older vampires who were considerably stronger—she knew she would be an easy kill.

  She'd take out as many as she could before they got to her fallen companion. Darius tried to talk, but his face was so damaged his angry words came out unintelligible. He pointed and shouted. She snarled at her attackers,


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  unleashing her inner monster on them. Slashing out, she caught the first one's chest, ripping the leather vest right down to his cold skin and leaving it in bloody ribbons of carnage. The others growled and she hissed at them. Darius was still trying to order her killed. One lashed out. His blow struck her hard, and she flew across the room. A moment later she was back in place, protecting the unconscious mortal again.

  A commotion toward the back distracted her just a moment. Her mind wouldn't focus as it had as a human, and the distraction cost her. Pain radiated through her midsection as one of the powerful men clawed her, opening her stomach. Dyanna cried out. Vampires bleed like they have anemia; it was the surest way to kill them. Holy water, crosses, garlic, all myths, but bleeding, that was truth. The wound was fatal; she knew it. Stumbling, she fell down next to her friend, and she used her body to shield the unaware human. It was the last thing she could do for her friend, so she did it. Before her eyes fluttered closed, she looked up to see what had distracted here. Anthony and about a dozen other vampires fought the guards. I guess there's trouble in paradise, Darius. Your family doesn't love you anymore. A small bitter smile touched her lips before she gave in and let herself finally die.


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  * * * *

  Darius's Private Party Room

  Some in the clan didn't relish regular demands for brutality. Now that Anthony realized they could drink bagged blood and didn't need the leader's talent at controlling the slaves, they could be free. Once he'd whispered the truth to those he knew would prefer freedom, word had traveled quickly among the clan. He waited until he saw the women go into Darius's private room. A year ago, he'd killed his wife out of fear at the bastard's command. He hoped Dyanna and her friend would repay the favor to the bastard. Jumping down from the stage, he wiped his bloody hands on his pants. He gathered a few of the other dissidents, and when they learned a witch had a plan to kill their deranged sire, they joined him in the attack. He led the dozen or so vampires into the room. Clan members kept joining them and he felt something he hadn't experienced in a long time—hope. More vampires than he'd suspected hated their cruel sire. Darius stood gasping and choking on his own flesh, clearly the women had made an impact. Good.

  He didn't see Dyanna. They fought, slashing the other vampires until only two of Darius's supporters still


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  stood. The rebellious clan members were winning. One of his comrades grabbed a knife that lay on the floor, slashing Darius's damage throat. Dark blood began to bubble from the wound. His body spontaneously burst into flames, and in moments, the whole room burned. Anthony's eyes ached as he looked around the room. In the dark corner, he saw them through the smoke. Dyanna. He stumbled over the bodies of fallen vampires. Picking up his wife, he looked down at her friend. Dammit. He couldn't just leave the mortal; Dy had enough reasons to hate him. He struggled to pick up the other woman. His strength was gone.

  Something inside of him was changing; pain gripped him, and he gagged. He could feel blood trickling down his chin and he spit out a mouthful. What was happening?

  Someone had pulled the fire alarm, and swarms of humans fled the club. The control over the blood slaves died with their masters, and they stumbled around in the darkness screaming and confused. Double Dammit. He couldn't just leave them there to die. Anthony coughed as the thick smoke rolled around him. That's when he realized he was breathing.

  "Follow me, I know the way out." He shouted, but the roar of the flames and the hysterical screams drown out his words. He had to get his wife out, so he ran to the exit.

  His speed was gone too. He couldn't see in the darkness,


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  but after a year of spending
every night in the club, he knew the way without sight. When he stepped out into the darkness, Anthony took a deep breath of fresh air, the first free breath he'd taken in over a year. He carried the women across the street and deposited them safely away from danger. The mortal stirred. She gasped when she saw him.

  "Take care of her." Bettia looked down at Dyanna and quickly got to her knees. She took off her sweatshirt and pressed it to the wounds on Dy's stomach.

  "Don't let her die." Anthony growled the words before turning to sprint back into the burning club. Sirens blared in the distance.

  He made his way through the club, getting the panicked people to take hands as he went. The human chain followed him helplessly. He noticed the worst of the vampires lying dead, but smoke wouldn't have killed them, and they weren't drained. He tucked his confusion away for later and made his way across to the stage where the woman he'd savaged lay bleeding. He noticed someone had already helped the woman from the other stage down.

  Picking up the bleeding woman, he felt that the leader of the human chain still had hold of his shirt. The building seemed to breathe as the heat of the fire destroyed the evil place. Chunks of burning ceiling fell in, and the screams and jerks of the humans trying to avoid being burned


  Betrayal Ashlynn


  spurred him on. He lost his way, feeling confused as the oxygen deprivation began to affect him. Drawing on the need for absolution, he managed to find the back exit, leading the confused people out into the fresh air. He fell to his knees gasping just outside of the door as the roof collapsed.

  "Thank you, thank you." He heard the words as the people he'd saved helped him to his feet and away from the danger. The rabble of voices penetrated his blurry mind slowly.

  "Why don't I remember anything?"


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