The Praetorian

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The Praetorian Page 15

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  I head directly to the kitchen, where three cooks are busy chopping and mixing what I assume will be our dinner.

  “Water?” I ask.

  An older woman motions me to the fridge. I take a bottle of water and chug it, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. They stare at me for a moment and then go back to work.

  “Um, excuse me, can anyone tell me where I might be able to wash my pants? I need them clean for tonight.”

  They glance back and forth at each other and no one speaks. Do they not speak English? What the hell.

  The elderly woman wipes her hands on a towel and gestures for me to follow her. She takes me down the hall past the bathroom I’d used this morning and into a large laundry room.

  “You’ll have to stay here until they’re done and move fast. No one is supposed to be back here,” she says in a nervous whisper. I nod. “Do you know how to use the washer?” she asks. “I need to get back to the kitchen.

  “I’ve got it. Thank you so much.”

  As soon as she leaves, I slip off my shoes. Under my left big toe, a large blister is forming. I unbutton my slacks. Before I slide them off, I decide I’d better check the room first.

  Glancing left and right, I don’t see anything that resembles a camera and I know no one comes down this far. I open cabinets until I find detergent. Baby soap? Why in the hell is there baby soap here? I grab the Tide next to it and poor a small amount into the washer. Assuming I’m safe, I pull my pants down my legs and toss them in the washer, opting for the quick cycle.

  I make myself comfortable, sitting cross-legged on the cool floor.

  This house and everything in it is an enigma. Everywhere I turn is another secret. If it’s a puzzle, you can be damn sure I’m going to find every piece.

  “Where did you go?” Tori asks when I return to my room, limping and shoeless. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

  “What’s up?” I ask, avoiding the question.

  “Come with me.”

  I drop my shoes on the floor. She leads me down the hall and into Kari’s room. Naya and Logan are sitting on the bed.

  “Found her,” Tori announces.

  “Are you in this alliance or not?” Naya asks, crossing her arms.

  All eyes turn to me. I want to say no, but I nod, curious to hear what she has to say. Is there any way she can be a bigger bitch?

  “Cedric and Bobby will support me for obvious reasons. Now that you’re here, I’ll have six out of ten. Crusher needs to work on crushing his gut, ’cause he ain’t crushing this game.” She laughs and so do Kari and Logan. Tori and I make eye contact and she smiles apologetically.

  “I need to jump in the shower. I’ll see you all at dinner,” I say, waving as I head to the door.

  I hear her huff.

  “Do you have something you want to say to me?” I ask her.

  “Oh, so now you have a voice, mouse? The rest of us have been talking and we don’t think you belong in an alliance with us. You don’t fit. See, we’re a tough group and you’re too timid for us. If you don’t watch your attitude, we’re going to kick you to the curb.”

  I start to laugh. Loudly. A full-on belly laugh. She’s fucking hysterical.

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  “Yep. Yes, I am. You’re a piece of work.”

  “Like art,” Tori interjects and places a hand on Naya’s arm to appease her.

  “Art, but only if it’s ridiculous and makes you laugh because it’s a paint-by-number that thinks it’s a Rembrandt.”

  “You little bitch. Who the fuck do you think you are?” Naya fumes.

  “I think I’m a fucking human being. You walk around like we’re lucky to be in your presence. Maybe if you treated people with a little respect and had an ounce of tact, you wouldn’t be at the bottom of the game, fighting for votes.”

  “No one’s fighting for votes. I’ve got all I need without you. You’re out of the group. Now get your pathetic mousy ass out of my room.”

  “I will take great pleasure when your ass gets kicked out tonight. I’d say it was nice knowing you, but that would be a lie.”

  “Fuck you, cunt. You’d better watch your back.”

  I wave my hand in the air as I leave. I hate people like Naya. She’s a bully and I don’t do bullies. I don’t need an alliance. From here on out, I vote what I feel, and I do what I want. No regrets, including kissing hot-ass men. I wonder where Raul went.

  I wanted her to win, but damn, she was so worried about Raul, she stopped focusing on me. I demand to be number one with my guards, but also in general.

  Bobby and I met for dinner. I like him. He makes me laugh and I need more laughter in my life.

  I’m about to head down for the results when Dawson stops me. “I need to know if this is okay with you before I say anything to the staff.”

  He hands me the iPad and closes my office door behind him. Curious, I press the play button and watch one of my cooks leads Reed out of the kitchen and down the hall to the laundry room. What the hell? Sitting on the edge of my desk, I watch her say something to Reed and point to the washer, then leave. What in the hell is Reed doing there? She fumbles with something in front of her. Her back is to the camera. I wish we had audio in there. I need to fix that. I never expected anyone to venture into that area of the house.

  She stops whatever she’s doing and turns, looking around the room. She’s wondering if there’s a camera. I smirk. “Oh yes there is, babe, but it’s hidden in the picture on the wall. You keep looking.”

  She opens cabinets. What is she looking for? I shake my head. She’s too damn curious for her own good. She holds up a bottle of Dreft soap and my stomach tightens. She stares at it and then puts it down. Dammit. She shouldn’t be there.

  I’m about to yell for Dawson, when she starts the washing machine. She glances left and right again and then… I start to cough on my own spit as she slowly drops her pants to the floor. She’s wearing a pink lace thong and my dick twitches. I pause the video as she bends over to remove her slacks from her feet.

  Tripping over myself as I attempt to walk to my desk, I almost fall into it. I refuse to take my eyes off her ass. She has that little space between her thighs. Her legs are toned, and her calves make me want to run my tongue up and down them.

  I feel myself hardening as I push play once again. She walks over to the machine and tosses her pants inside. Then she sits on the floor. In her underwear. On my floor. Holy hell. This video makes the money I spent on cameras worth every cent.

  She looks at one foot a few times. I wonder if it hurts from running. Then she lies down and places her hands behind her head.

  I can see half of her toned abs as she crosses her feet at the ankles. Dawson knocks on the door. “Can I come in?”


  I’m still staring at her long legs when he asks, “So is that a problem I should address?”

  “Not a problem. I’ll handle it.”

  Glancing up for a second, I almost think I see him smile before he closes the door once more. But Dawson never smiles, so I know it’s my imagination. My imagination…

  I picture myself walking into the laundry room and finding her half-naked on my floor. Feigning surprise, I’d remove my shirt and place it behind her head so she had a soft place to rest. I’d skim my fingers along the line of her legs as I bent down and kissed her lips. My fantasy comes to a screeching halt when she rotates and turns on her side facing the camera.

  I stop breathing and pause the video once more to search for what I need. I can’t turn the paper fast enough and my hand goes to work like it’s being controlled by an unknown force. I sketch the beautiful curve of her hips, the soft line of the lace panties she’s wearing, and I study her. As I draw her, she becomes permanently etched in my mind as one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I could write a song about her and the way I feel right now.

  I’ve just crossed a line I can’t uncross and to be honest, it feels r

  “I screwed up, but it won’t happen again.” Matt stands in front of the group, making his final plea before the vote. “If you’ll consider giving me another chance, I’ll prove why I belong.”

  “Thank you, Matt,” Bryce says. “Naya, do you have anything you’d like to say?”

  “You’re damn right I do.”

  She’s a train wreck. I’m disappointed in her. She showed so much potential at first, but she blew the challenge. She must not know how to talk to people, because every piece of information she got was superficial and her questions for me were more about stroking her ego than learning. I watch the contestant’s reactions as she speaks. Some of them are great at keeping a straight face. Tori is smiling at her. Reed is glaring. Cedric’s arms are crossed, and he seems angry, but I think that’s how he always looks. Logan’s hat is pulled low and I can’t see his eyes. I need to tell Esto no more hats.

  “There’s a reason he’s here. Look at him, then look at me. I don’t belong at the bottom. I’m Army, and I don’t quit. I won’t quit. So bounce the bouncer. Would you rather have a girl that can handle a gun protecting you, or a guy that can handle a cheeseburger?”

  “Thank you, Naya,” Bryce says. He looks uncomfortable. I don’t blame him.

  “We’re going to start the voting at the end with Logan and continue on through Cedric. “You’ll each have a chance to vote on who you’d like to stay and who you’d like to send home. No one will hear your answers but Roman, John Paul, our producer, and the viewers at home. Feel free to say what’s on your mind. Once Logan returns to his seat, the next person may go.” He motions Logan toward the doors.

  Logan stands and leaves.

  “And cut. Now keep in mind, we’re always filming, so whatever happens can still be used. Watch for your turn,” Esto says over the loudspeaker.

  I glance at Bryce and he signals me to take off. Raul is saying something to Reed and I don’t like how she’s smiling at him. Raul needs to back the fuck off. Is he here for a job or to get laid?

  Yawning, I push open the door to my dressing room, and Clark is sitting at the desk. I sigh.

  He hears me and stands. “Roman, about earlier… I owe you an apology.”

  “Let’s forget it. I’m not mad anymore, and I don’t want to make more out of it. Just know I’m taking this seriously.”

  He nods and pats me on the back as he exits. Hmph. That went well. Two seconds later, Esto and JP come in and we watch the diary feed. I’m ready to send someone packing.

  I was brutally honest in the diary room. I think Naya has a chip on her shoulder. Matt may have messed up, but at least he admits it. On the force, I’d rather trust someone who means well than have to worry about someone who’d use you as a shield to get to the top. I’d take Matt over Naya any day.

  When I return to my seat, I notice a folded piece of paper under my water bottle. I’m about to reach for it when Raul leans over. “After this is over, want to go to the pool for a late-night swim?”

  Even though I was flirting with him a few minutes ago, his question makes me cringe. While I was in the diary room, something shifted in me. Maybe it was talking about being a cop. I really love my job. It made me remember why I’m here.

  I didn’t come to flirt or make friends. I want to win money. I have bills to pay. Today has been a roller coaster of events and emotions. It almost made me forget who I am. I’m a fighter and a professional, although I haven’t acted like one. I need to get back on track, starting right now.

  “Thanks, but I’m beat. I could use a good night’s rest. Who knows what tomorrow’s going to be like?”

  “Yeah, true. This was a long day.”

  He’s disappointed. I need to be careful around him. I don’t mean to send mixed signals to anyone.

  As soon as he turns away, I reach for the piece of paper. Just as I’m about to unfold it, Cedric returns from the diary room. I push it down into my lap.

  “Go ahead and read it. I’m not looking,” he says, shielding his face with a hand. It makes me smile.

  “Is it from you?” I ask.

  “That? Nope. I don’t put things in writing unless I have to. And why on God’s green earth wouldn’t I turn to talk to you if I had something to say?”

  “Good point,” I say, unfolding the note.

  We were friends first and that counts for everything. I have your back as long as you have mine.

  Blinking, I read it again. I place it back under my water bottle nonchalantly and tighten my ponytail. One person is looking at me. Tori winks as Bryce begins to speak.

  “Okay, we’re about to start. Please quiet down. I know it’s been a long day. I promise they won’t all be like this. First challenge day, all the kinks show up.”

  A voice chimes over the speaker, “Roman, we’re ready for you.”

  He hands off a bottle of water to someone and a girl powders his nose. I snort lightly, willing to bet a million dollars he hates every second of it. His expression gives away his emotions every time. He’s not good at hiding how he feels. I could teach him a thing or two.

  He sits on the throne and yawns. We make eye contact and I yawn back. He mimes slicing his wrists and then his head drops to the side, like he’s dead. I chuckle too loudly, and he smiles. I try to cover it with a cough.

  Roman turns to Bryce and all sign of humor is gone. Maybe he’s better than I thought.

  The makeup girl that was working on Roman, as well as one from earlier, show up to make sure we’re not shiny. I get Roman’s girl.

  “Hi, I’m Jen. Mind if I check for glare?”

  “Not at all.”

  A few minutes later, after we’ve all been checked, Bryce holds his finger to his ear like he’s listening to something. He straightens his tie and turns to the camera.

  “Okay, people. We’re set.” Esto counts down to three.

  Wow, even the producer must be tired. He didn’t even bother counting to two.

  “Before the break, the contestants went to the diary room to vote. We have the results. Matt and Naya, would you come to center stage and face Roman?”

  The TV monitors pop on in the four corners, I assume so we can see their faces as they face Roman. Naya grins.

  I wonder what Tori’s note meant. I glance over to her and she’s smiling. She knows something.

  “Naya and Matt, it seems your fellow players have a lot of feelings about you. One of you made a definite impression. Our producer told me he’s never seen a less divided group. That must mean there are strong bonds among you.”

  Naya smugly glances over her shoulder. Damn it. I don’t want Matt to go home. Come on, Roman. Get it over with.

  “And the results…” The lights dim, and two shields appear on the ground with Matt and Naya’s names on them. “Please step on your shield.”

  Roman stands. “The vote was nine to one. I think we can guess you are the only one who voted for yourself. That speaks to your character more than anything I could ever say. The person who is leaving us is… Naya Moore. You’ve been caught off guard. Your gig is up. Looks like you’ll be buying a ticket to my next show. See ya.” Roman makes a double finger motion to the door.

  I can’t help the sick smile on my face. Matt gasps in relief and Naya flips her hair as she says, “You’re all a bunch of fools. Jealous much?” I assume she’s talking to the whole room. Apparently no one likes her.

  Bryce places his hand on her back. “Naya, on behalf of all of us here at The Praetorian, I’d like to say we’re sorry to see you go. Please follow the guard at the end of the hall. He’ll help you collect your things and a car will take you to the airport.”

  Naya stomps off without another word.

  Bryce turns to the camera. “We’re one step closer to a winner. Who will have what it takes to become Roman’s protector? Join us next week for a fast-paced challenge. You won’t want to miss a moment on the show where security takes on a whole new meaning. We’ll see you next time on The Praetorian.”
  “And cut!”

  Esto comes out from behind the curtain. “Great job today, folks. We’re going to ask you to sit tight for a few minutes, until Naya has cleared the building. Then you’re free for the rest of the night. Remember, you’re always being filmed so keep up appearances. Breakfast will start at 9:00 a.m. and filming around eleven. Get some rest. You’re going to want to be comfortable tomorrow but dress for the weather. We’ll be outside a good portion of the day.”

  He holds his hand to his ear and lifts a finger. Do they wear earpieces all the time?

  After a few minutes, Esto announces, “Naya is gone. You’re free to go. Have a wonderful evening!”

  I glance at my watch. It’s only 8:35, but it feels like midnight. I’m tired. I hope this means I’ll fall asleep quickly. I’m ready for this day to be over.

  Lifting my arms above my head to stretch, I watch Roman in deep conversation with Jean Paul, Esto, and someone I think is his agent. He removes his earpiece and follows them backstage.

  “Hey. Did you like my note?” Tori asks as she takes Raul’s empty seat.

  “I did. What happened? No one voted for her?” “I didn’t like how she talked to you, so I convinced the others to vote her off. I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be.”

  “Thanks, but you didn’t have to do that. I could have handled her.”

  “For sure,” she says, placing a hand on my shoulder. Is she trying to appease me? “A bunch of us are going to the pool for a swim. Want to join us?”

  “Nah, you go ahead. I’m beat.”

  “Really?” she says sarcastically. “Don’t you think you should spend some time getting to know the others? I mean, Logan and Kari said they think you think you’re better than them. They said you haven’t even tried to talk to them at all.”

  “They said that?” I ask, concerned. I haven’t spoken to them, she’s right. But is that the vibe I give?

  Tori nods. “I’m going to mingle and see what I can learn. I hope you change your mind.”


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