The Dutiful Witch (The Ward Witches)

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The Dutiful Witch (The Ward Witches) Page 12

by Lauren McMinn

  “Sure. Oh god, I have to call Leo! He'll be so happy!”

  “I'll give you your privacy. You can use the office. Justin has a presentation on Coven Protection for me and Seb that he's going to do in about thirty minutes. I'll go check in with Seb until then.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Seb apparently had heard the noise they were making and came in through the adjoining door before Fiona had gotten to it. “I heard excitement from over here, and I have a feeling it's not about Justin's presentation.”

  Skylar laughed. “No. I'm pregnant!”

  “Congratulations. You'll make a great mom.”


  “I was going to let her use the office to call Leo. Let's go in your office, shall we?”


  After they closed the door, they could hear Skylar's excitement on the phone to Leo through the door.

  “You did a good thing for her.”

  “Yes, I did. It made me think about children for us too.”

  Fiona tried to read his expression, but couldn't figure it out. His aura was mixed too, which didn't help her any.

  “You know I want children. But I still think we should wait a while longer. We've got plenty of time to build a family. Though I will say that I'm anxious to see what our children would look like,” he said, trailing a finger down her cheek. “I'd hope they're as beautiful as their mother.” He kissed her slowly.

  “Thanks. And you're right, we have plenty of time.”

  “Man, Leo's going to be over the moon. He's been wanting this just as bad as Skylar has.”

  “Then that's great for both of them. But speaking of your brothers, should we talk about Coven Protection before we go in to see Justin?”

  “Oh, likely. Did the information I sent over make sense to you?”

  “I think I have a pretty good grasp of the basics of what they do. Then I visited the ops room and talked with Tim and Casey about it, and that helped me understand too.”

  “Good. Casey may seem young, but she's an expert on computer security. Since she came on board, we haven't had any crucial problems with our network or computers. Tim's more of an all-rounder, and he's dangerous with his fire magic. He was Skylar's tutor when she first came here too.”

  “That's good to know. So do you have any idea what Justin wanted to talk about in specific?”

  “No. He's being pretty tight-lipped about it. But I have a feeling it's something big.”

  “Brother's intuition?”

  “Something like that. I've been working on using my magic more, like you suggested. I've been able to feel him in his office, working hard on something. It seems to be tied up in protecting Rose and Jasmine as well, so it's a serious topic for him. Coven Protection has always been important to him, but especially since Melanie's abduction and the twins' birth, it's been more crucial in his mind. I like that they're keeping him sharp and looking for the next way to improve safety here.

  “I know he's worried about the Dark Order, but I've also seen signs that he's worried about protestors. We've had some, off and on based on what's been in the news. We've been lucky to not have too many for too long, but the more our actions come to light in the news, the more likely we'll see people outside the Coven House. I hope he's got something to talk about on both of those fronts.”

  “I guess we'll have to wait and see.”

  “It's actually about time we head over there, so we won't have to wait for long.”

  When they got to the ops room, Justin had cleared the digital whiteboard and was standing in front of it with his marker. “Hello.”

  “Are we late?” Fiona asked, confused.

  “With Justin, you're always late,” Seb said, pulling out a chair for her. Fiona found that extremely gallant.

  “So far, we've been working with common technology to protect ourselves. We have cameras and computers. What we need is to think with spells. Tim and Christine came up with an idea for a spell that we can use to protect the premises from blood magic. Christine, why don't you tell them about it?”

  “I was looking at some of the work Fiona did with sigils on the internet. I think that we can put those sigils in bricks, place them around the Coven House, and prevent any blood witches from coming in. This one,” she held out an image, “Was what I wanted to use, if Fiona thinks it will work. We had trouble before when Kelsey, who we all thought was one of us, had really switched sides. This sigil brick should make it painful for a blood witch to pass the barrier.”

  Fiona took the drawing and examined it carefully. “This is good. Do you have experience with these?”

  “Some. My grandmother was an earth witch like me and taught me most of what I know about my own earth powers. This sigil is a mix between a traditional protection one she used and some of the ones against blood witches that you had.”

  “I like it. It's creative.”

  “I wanted to get your ideas on where to place them once they're made.” Christine said, taking back the drawing.

  “And I wanted to see if you think it would work,” Justin added.

  “Oh I think it would work. It probably wouldn't stop them from breaching the perimeter, but if they do, they'll be in pain. Hopefully it will be enough pain that we'll be able to notice the problem.”

  “My biggest worry is that there's another sleeper already here,” Seb said, sobering the attitude of the room. “If Kelsey was pretending to be one of us, I don't honestly know what's preventing another person from doing the same.”

  “This should drive them to our notice at least,” Justin commented, touching his brother's arm. “We'll deal with it from there.” He paused. “I also wanted to get funding for more cameras. While we were watching the protestors not long ago, we noticed that they could slip into areas we didn't have camera coverage. We've then assessed the coverage and made plans for where we would need additional cameras to cover the problem areas. I also wanted to highlight a few more areas in the yard between the perimeter wall and the house. Hopefully those are some we'll never need, but the situation with Kelsey getting past the perimeter wall on a regular basis makes me want to be safe rather than sorry.”

  “How many cameras are you talking about?” Seb asked.

  “Ten cameras and the same number of monitors for the ops room.”

  “Is there anything else you wanted while we're here?”

  “I want another agent. So I'd need space in the budget for salary and potential accommodations.”

  “I know we've got the room to house another person here in the Coven House if they want it. Done, on both. I know you wouldn't ask unless you'd made sure it was necessary.”

  “I've got all my papers done too if you want to look over the exact plans.”

  “I do. Submit the expense reports to Fiona, and she can take care of it.”

  “Sounds good,” Justin nodded.

  “How is the investigation going?” Fiona asked.

  “It's moving. We've checked out a lot of activity around here. Unfortunately, we're moving into a problem where our leads take us out of our territory. The North East Coven is still so tied to us that they're very cooperative in helping us. But when we ask the other Covens for help, we get mixed results. Right now the South East Coven in particular is blocking our progress. We don't have the staff to dispatch people to every location that could be Dark Order, so we've been asking the other Covens and sects to take a quick look around for anything suspicious. The South East in particular has denied all of our requests, saying we don't have proof enough to even be suspicious. It seems more like that they don't want to use their resources to help us.”

  “If you'll forward all the communication to me, I'll try to see what I can do,” Fiona offered.

  “I will, and I'd appreciate it.”

  “Then I'll do it this afternoon.”

  They shook hands all around, and Seb and Fiona left. Skylar was still over the moon when Fiona returned.

  “I haven't been abl
e to concentrate enough to get any work done,” she confessed, but her smile said that she wasn't at all sorry about it.

  “I don't blame you. Why don't we go down to the cafeteria and see what Mona has cooked up for lunch today?”

  “That sounds like a plan.”

  Today's lunch was turkey sandwiches with broccoli cheese soup. They grabbed their portions and sat down. Casey and Christine asked if they could sit there too, and Fiona was more than happy to take the opportunity to talk to more people in the Coven.

  “Luckily I'm off monitor duty for now,” Casey said with a shudder.

  Christine smiled. “You complain harder than anyone about monitor duty. I can't see how looking at progress bars is any more exciting.”

  “Hey now, progress bars are soothing!”

  Everyone laughed at the indignation in Casey's voice. They all took an extra long lunch break, but they were all feeling more productive when they returned to work.

  Skylar took back up her emails, and Fiona read through the correspondence that Justin had forwarded over. When she finished up, she composed well-worded emails to the leaders of the Coven. Her hope was that her position or the repetitive emails might shake something loose that Justin hadn't managed to get. She put in a line at the end to say that she'd be in Washington soon, and that if they needed some help to get the exploratory work done, she'd be more than willing to help. Maybe that would light a fire under them as well.

  By mutual consent, Seb and Fiona only left the room that evening to pick up dinner from the cafeteria and return back. Fiona knew they were putting too much importance on a few days away, but it felt like it was a bigger deal than it probably was. She packed her bags and left them in the second bedroom for the morning.



  All too soon, Fiona was headed on her trip to Washington in Tim's car. She had barely even gotten out of the Coven House before she was missing Seb. Tim gave her a knowing look. Even though he hadn't found his bond-mate yet, he had heard enough about them that he understood some of what she was going through.

  It was a long drive, and they took turns behind the wheel. Luckily, Tim had thought to get an audiobook or two to listen to so they weren't bored on the trip. He picked a book on the history of Rome, which while it wasn't something Fiona would have normally chosen, actually turned out to be pretty engaging. Not that there was much else to do really.

  But with all of their moving about with her parents, she was used to long road trips. Tim wasn't, and he had to take a number of rest stops to stretch his legs and shake out the jitters from sitting in one position for hours on end. But they still made pretty good time and had a chance to get some fast food for dinner and set up in their hotel room. They agreed to meet up the next morning, and they called it a day.



  When Fiona had her clothes hung up in the closet, she called Seb before she took her shower.

  “Hey Fiona, it's good to hear from you. Did you make it to the hotel alright?”

  “Everything went according to plan. I've always been amazed how tired you can get just sitting in a car, but I'm pretty beat. How did your day go?”

  “It was awfully long, honestly. I don't know how much work I got done while my mind was off wandering on you. I've got to say that that is an unusual occurrence for me. I've got to get my head in gear, and the bond really messes with things.”

  Fiona was silent. Did he mean that he didn't like the bond? Sure he said he loved her, but it was possible to love her and not appreciate the bond.

  As her pause lengthened, Seb must have realized she was upset. “Oh wow, that came out wrong. I love you, Fiona, and I didn't mean to even slightly imply otherwise. I'm glad for the bond, it just takes getting used to. Justin and Leo had a hard time adapting in the early days when they met their wives. I'm completely confident that we'll figure it out; I'm just getting growing pains.”

  She sighed in relief. “I'd rather be there too, but it's just a few days.”

  “You're right, it is just a few days. It's just that my apartment and my bed seem lonelier than they ever have before.”

  Fiona laughed. “Don't let your staff know how easily you've been swayed by a tiny little thing like me.”

  “That would be a bad idea indeed,” he said, joining in the laughter. “Alright, take care of yourself. I'll be watching the show tomorrow morning, and I'm sure you'll do great.”

  “Thanks. We're headed for the magazine immediately after the show, so I'll have to wait to call you until after the magazine interview.”

  “I look forward to hearing from you then.”

  “Good night Seb.”

  “Good night sweetheart.”

  She slept better than she would have expected given the stress of what would happen early the next morning.

  Seb woke up extra early the next morning. He took his shower and got ready before sitting down on the couch to watch his wife. He knew that everyone would be gathered in the common room, but he wanted to watch her alone. Impatient with the opening portions of the show, he straightened the living room even when it didn't really need the help.

  Finally he heard Fiona's introduction, and he sat back down. Rapt, his eyes stayed on the television for the full twenty minutes she was on the show. He saw her every day, but she seemed even more beautiful on the screen. He was proud of her as he watched her looking confident and composed through the whole thing. She told a few jokes even, which was a long shot from how crowd-shy she was when she first met him.

  Fiona was an amazing woman, and he would be an idiot to ever forget that.

  When it was over, he couldn't be happier. He couldn't have a better wife, and she'd be home soon so he could tell her so. Seb could barely wait to get her on the phone after the magazine interview to congratulate her, but he wasn't going to interrupt her while she was busy. Besides, he had work of his own to take care of, and he couldn't spend all day mooning over his television.

  Hours later, Seb leaned back in his chair, stretching out his back. It was only one, but he was getting the signs of eye strain. After all, he had been reading financial statements for the past three hours. He had the Coven's financial papers to look at, and he was seriously considering finding another accountant. This one wrote reports with too much excess language and explanations. Seb knew more about what had gone on than the accountant thought he did based on how in detail he tried to explain things. Seb was working on translating the essay-like report into a spreadsheet, and it wasn't going as easily as he planned.

  Suddenly, he felt a piercing sensation in his head. Seb nearly fell right out of his chair. Then he heard a voice in his head. “It's nice to meet you, Eusebius.”

  “Who are you?” He asked, though he really already knew. The knowledge was like a cold fist around his stomach. Was Fiona in trouble?

  “I'm Redman. I'm your worst nightmare. Well, besides the fact that your wife will betray you.”

  “She won't.” Seb countered. “Fiona is a strong and capable woman. You have nothing to offer her that would turn her to your side.”

  “There you're wrong though. I have Allegra's parents, and they're excited to see their daughter again.” Redman's voice was silky, and it made Seb's skin crawl. “She grew up without them, poor girl. And it's only natural that she'd want to see them again, to make things right. She'll think it wasn't quite as bad as all that. Or she'll think she can bring them back to the light. No matter how it goes through her mind, the result is the same. She'll reach out to them.”

  “And if she doesn't? If she is loyal to me and the Coven instead of your perverted form of magic?”

  “Then we'll have to convince her another way, won't we? I messed up with her aunt and uncle. I tried to get them to tell us where she was. I should have contacted her and told her how to get them back. But they're dead now, and of no further use to me. So I needed a new plan. But you see, now you and the rest of your meddlesome family is in Bost
on, and Fiona is here in D.C. With me.” Seb's blood ran cold. “Sweet little Melanie didn't guard her mind nearly as well as an air witch should have. It was absurdly easy to make her think it was her idea to send Fiona to D.C. with little protection.”

  “What do you want, Redman?” Seb asked, trying to sound confident rather than sick to his stomach.

  “I want Allegra. She is meant to be my queen as we stomp the pure magic out of this continent. It would be best for you if you relinquish your claim on her. I want you to tell her that the two of you are over, and I want you to sever that bond you made to her. I'll even give you detailed instructions on how to do such a thing. In her grief over your failed relationship, she'll turn to me, and she will take her rightful place as my queen.”

  “Why do you think I would do that? I love her, and I won't desert her when she needs me!”

  “Yes, you will. If you give her to me, I'll leave your family alone. If you don't, I'm going to start... obtaining people. Your people to be exact. I'd tell you who, but that would ruin the fun. Remember, I got inside Melanie's head easily and just did a little subtle convincing. I can make them do what I want them to do, and then I'll not only have Allegra, who doesn't belong to you anyway, but others. You have twenty four hours to think about what I've said. I'll be perfectly able to contact one of you in that time despite those amulets. I'll be in touch with instructions on how to sever your little bond. And until then, my lovely future wife will get to experience all of the amenities of our home, including the loving parents she thought she had lost. She'll be better off without you, Eusebius. Remember that.”

  Redman abruptly broke the connection between them, and Seb immediately fell right out of his chair. Unfortunately, the chair fell right on top of him, and he grunted.

  Seb wasn't used to not being in charge, and the fact that a madman high on blood magic was holding his wife prisoner terrified him. He wouldn't sever their bond though. He loved her, and she loved him. Considering the emotional response to the bond when it was going well, he didn't want to contemplate what an abrupt end to it could mean for either one of them. With her already in a compromising situation, he didn't want to hurt her any more than she already had been.


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