God’s Secret Agents: Queen Elizabeth's Forbidden Priests & the Hatching of the Gunpowder Plot

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God’s Secret Agents: Queen Elizabeth's Forbidden Priests & the Hatching of the Gunpowder Plot Page 50

by Hogge, Alice

  sister’s funeral 30

  Southwell’s detention 180-182

  Spanish conflict see Spanish Armada

  State religion 9, 32-34, 195-196, 204

  succession issue 260-268, 287-293, 296

  suitors 42

  and Topcliffe 123-126, 135, 172, 272

  Elizabeth, Princess 344

  Elizabethan Religious Settlement

  Act of Supremacy 32

  Act of Uniformity 32, 34-35

  Bible 45

  broad church 195-197

  forced loans 109

  legal basis of 90, 251

  Prayer Book 34-35, 45, 197

  rites and sacraments 196-198

  State religion 9-10, 15, 21, 32-36, 87, 199, 228

  succession question 267

  theological fudge 195-197

  Ely, Dr Humphrey 70, 278, 283

  Emerson, Ralph 70-72, 74, 77-78, 88, 92, 146, 172n


  bad harvests 269n

  Bloody Question 232-237

  Civil War 385

  inevitable war with Catholic Europe 78-79

  invasion threats 157-159, 164, 174, 207, 316-319, 320, 324-325, 329-330

  Irish invasion 70, 73, 81

  Italianate Englishman 279

  religious spectrum of 32-39

  religious tolerance 174

  Spanish-backed invasion see Spanish Armada

  torture 247-248

  Tudor 24

  Englefield, Sir Francis 281

  English College see Douai, Reims, Rome, Valladolid

  Erasmus 43n

  Essex (county) 213-215, 217, 339

  Essex, Earl of 241n, 265, 291n, 329, 331

  Exeter College, Oxford 13

  Explanatio see Gregory XIII

  Faunt, Nicholas 351

  Fawkes, Guy 317-318, 325, 331-333, 337, 341, 345-349, 352, 359-360, 370n, 376

  Feria, Count de 30, 32

  Ferrers, Henry 151

  Fettiplace, Mr 89

  Filby, William 89, 90, 91n, 92, 235-236

  Fisher, John, Cardinal 26n

  Fitzherbert, Thomas 270-271

  Fitzjames, James 364

  Fitzmaurice, James 70, 73, 81

  Flagellants 57-58

  Flanders 44, 239

  Fleet Counter (prison) 28, 223n, 274

  Fleming, Sir Thomas 244, 368

  Ford, Thomas 89, 90, 91n, 92, 235-236

  Fortescue, Grace, Lady 205-206

  Fortescue, Sir Francis 205

  Fortescue, Sir John 205

  France 30-31, 39, 72, 157, 287

  Franciscan Order 24

  Franco-Spanish ‘Enterprises’ 11

  François I, King of France 31, 38, 161n

  Frank, John 217, 218, 220, 226-227

  Frank, Mr 219

  Frankfurt 30

  Fulwood, Richard 216, 226, 253-256, 274n

  Garnet, Henry

  aliases 353, 368-369

  and anti-Jesuit criticism 281-283

  and Appellants 284, 325

  Baddesley Clinton raid 150-155

  Bloody Question 236, 362

  capture/detention/trial/execution 359-363, 366, 367-372, 373-375, 377

  clandestine activity of 145, 148

  Elizabeth’s health 295

  English College, Rome 277

  English mission 98, 102, 111, 118, 121, 127n, 130, 139-141, 170, 176, 213, 231, 283, 394

  entry routes to England 147-149

  equivocation 88, 184, 186, 362-363, 369-370, 372, 374

  Gerard’s capture 224, 227, 229-230, 242, 245, 246n, 249, 252-253, 255-257, 268

  Gunpowder plot 326-327, 333-334, 336, 338-345, 352, 355-358, 366-367

  ill-health 294, 333, 342, 361, 363

  and increased penalties against Catholics 215

  and James I 300-303, 311, 313-314, 323, 325-326, 333-335, 338-339, 356

  Jesuit press 164

  Jesuit Superior 95-98, 114, 139, 149, 150n, 152, 155, 193, 216, 252, 278, 281-282, 366, 383

  laissez passers 329-330, 339

  letters to Aquaviva 97n, 98n, 139, 144, 147, 148n, 155, 175, 179, 184, 186, 195, 198, 24, 230, 246n, 252n, 281, 293, 294, 326-327, 342, 356

  London raid 216-217

  and Macbeth 388

  and martyrdom 387-388

  and papal breves 293, 333-334

  pilgrimage to Wales 342-344, 369

  and Pope Clement’s ruling 293-294

  recusants 108

  religious rites 198-200

  shipwrecked goods 148n

  Southwell’s capture/detention/execution 179, 181, 189

  and Southwell’s Supplication 176, 289

  Topcliffe 123-124, 270

  Treason legislation 114

  underground network 148-150, 163, 231-232

  A Treatise against Lying and Fraudulent Dissimulation 362

  Gatehouse prison 178, 180-183, 216, 223n, 284, 307, 361-362

  Gayhurst (house) 343-344

  Gayton, Edmund 224

  Geneva 30, 32, 334

  Gerard, John

  aliases 226, 353, 355

  as Robert Thompson 102

  Baddesley Clinton 150-156, 191-192, 216

  Bloody Question 232, 237

  Broadoaks raid/capture 217-221

  card-playing 192, 205

  Catholic network 118-119, 121, 221, 332

  and conscience 52, 65

  converts 111-112, 128, 205, 212

  descriptions of 275-276

  detention/torture/escape 221, 222-230, 232, 237-239, 241-244, 245-248, 249-251, 252-257, 268, 270n

  English mission 12n, 17-22, 48, 93-94, 96-99, 101-104, 126, 127n, 171, 191-193, 213-215, 230-231, 249-250, 269, 273-274, 376

  equivocation 250-251, 355

  exile of 375-376

  and Ferdinando, Lord Strange 263, 264n

  Gunpowder Plot 332, 348-352, 354-356, 359-360, 364, 376

  and Hampton Court Conference on Conformity 321

  in Europe 13-16, 114

  invisible ink, use of 249n, 251, 253, 377

  and James I 303, 305-307

  joins Jesuits 14, 15

  London raid 216-217

  Long John of the Little Beard 118, 216

  Marshalsea prison 15, 19, 83

  on martyrdom 225

  Owen’s death 364-365

  pilgrimage to Wales 343

  and plot against James 311-313, 332

  and role of women 205

  secret press 274

  supposed activities of 275

  unauthorized activities of 97, 140

  Autobiography 376

  Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot 376

  see also Scupoli, Lorenzo

  Gerard, John (botanist) 376n

  Gerard, Martha 302

  Gerard, Mary 302

  Gerard, Sir Gilbert 14, 222n, 265n

  Gerard, Sir Thomas 13, 16n, 52, 109, 263, 264n

  Gerard, Thomas 263, 264n, 265, 302

  Gifford, Gilbert 16, 97

  Gilbert, George 77-78, 81-82, 92, 103, 115, 118, 162, 170

  Glastonbury Abbey 2

  Gloucester College, Oxford 26

  Godwin, Dr 41

  Goldsmith, Oliver

  The Good-Natured Man 389

  Goldwell, Thomas, 71-2

  Good-Natured Man, The see Goldsmith, Oliver

  Goodman, Christopher 28

  Gowrie, Earl of 308n

  Grant, John 343, 359-360

  Greenefeld, Master 27

  Greenway, Anthony 353

  Greenway, see Tesimond, Oswald

  Gregory, Arthur 377-378

  Gregory VII, Pope

  Dictatus Papae 233

  Gregory XIII, Pope 61, 70-71, 73, 81, 89n

  Explanatio 73

  Grenville, Richard 61

  Grey, Lady Jane 100

  Grey of Enville, Henry, Lord 215

  Grey of Wilton, Lord 27-28

  Grimston (house) 20, 101, 105, 112, 193

  Grocers’ Company 6

  Guise, Duc de 158

  Guise family 38, 55

  Gunpowder plot 317-318, 325, 327-329, 331-333, 339-340, 341-344, 345-349, 350-360, 361-366, 367-373, 380, 386-388, 394

  Gutenberg, Johannes 160

  Habington, Edward 77

  Habington, Thomas 355-358, 361, 387

  Hall, George 206

  Hampton Court Conference on Conformity 320-321, 331

  Hanse, William 194, 213

  Harrington, Edward 214

  Harrison, W. 114

  Harrowden Hall 273-274, 342, 349, 354, 386

  Hart, Nicholas 329

  Hartley, William 84, 85n, 163

  Harvey, Dr John 3n

  Harvington Hall 399-400

  Hastings, Francis 265

  Hastings, George 15

  Hastings, Henry 276

  Hawkins, John 4, 6

  Henri de Navarre see Henri IV

  Henri II, King of France 31, 38

  Henri III, King of France 158

  Henri IV, King of France 159, 298-299, 304

  Henry I, King of England 29

  Henry II, King of England 233n

  Henry IV Part I 57

  Henry VII, King of England 266

  Henry VIII, King of England 9, 25-26, 31, 202, 233, 261-262, 266, 381n, 384

  Henry, Prince 344n, 385

  Heresy 11-12, 69, 143, 213, 233, 239

  Hertford, Earl of 262

  Hesketh, Richard 264

  Hill (priest) 306

  Hilton, Thomas 100

  Hindlip Hall 140-141, 150, 354, 355-358, 361, 363, 387

  Hodgkins (pursuivant) 155

  Holt, William 239, 241

  Holtby, Richard 127n, 147, 150, 252, 383

  Hoskins, Anthony 206

  Howard of Effingham, Admiral Lord 6, 102

  Howard, Anne see Arundel, Countess of

  Howard, Henry see Surrey, Earl of

  Howard, Lord Thomas 302-303

  Howard, Philip see Arundel, Earl of

  Howard, Thomas see Norfolk, Duke of

  Howlet, Anne 206

  Hubert, Henry 147-148

  Huddington Court 329, 352

  Huddlestone, Henry 214

  Huguenots 10, 158

  Huntingdon, Earl of 15

  Hurleyford 116-118, 215n

  Infidels 11n

  Ireland 70-71, 233n, 239-240, 384

  Isabel, Infanta of Spain 266-267, 290, 294

  Isle of Dogs, The 271

  Jackson, Robert 214, 215

  James, Thomas 78

  James II, King of England 386, 390

  James VI, King of Scotland 8, 10n, 79, 261, 267, 291, 293-297

  as James I, King of England 134, 300-303, 308-309

  and Catholic situation 303-308, 310, 314-316, 319-322, 332-333, 335-336, 339, 343n, 345, 347

  death of 385

  foreign policy 307, 309, 318, 321-322, 331, 335, 350, 356

  Gunpowder Plot 346, 350, 352-354, 359-360

  peace plan 298-299, 304

  plots against 309-314, 327, 328-335, 338-339

  Proclamation against Catholic priests 321-323, 331

  summer progress 341-342

  see also Gunpowder Plot

  Jenkins, David 88-89

  Jenks, Rowland 161-162

  Jennison, Mrs 221n, 302

  Jesuits 83, 93

  annual meetings of 150-151

  anti-Jesuit factions 145, 187, 276-282, 284-290, 306

  and Appellants 284-290, 325

  assassination plot implicating 239-241

  Campion Hall 390

  Cleremont college 98

  and the Clink prison 230-231

  critics of 388-389

  English College, Rome 277-279

  English mission 67-69, 78, 81-83, 86, 93, 94-96, 116-117, 121, 194-195, 222, 230-231, 287, 329, 343, 365, 389

  and the gentry 111-112

  Gunpowder Plot 348, 350-353, 356, 359-360, 366, 367-368

  and James I 301-302, 311-314, 316, 325

  obedience to the pope 73, 356

  printing press 163-164, 166, 176

  recusancy fines 108

  Seminary Priests, Recusants, etc, Act for the due execution of the Statutes against 321-323

  Society of Jesus 11-12, 14-15, 67-68, 135n, 145, 149, 213

  spiritual exercises of 212, 230, 276-277

  and the succession question 268, 287

  treason legislation 114-115

  see also Gunpowder Plot

  Jewel, John, 28, 32, 38

  Johnson, Robert 82, 90, 92, 143, 235

  Jones, John 271

  Jones, Nicholas 177, 178, 182-183

  Jonson, Ben see Isle of Dogs, The

  Kennedy, John F. 389, 392n

  Kent, Earl of 207

  Keyes, Robert 359-360

  Kinchingman, Christopher 206

  King Lear 337

  King’s Bench (prison) 223n

  Kinloss, Baron 335

  Kirkby, Luke 91, 92

  Knollys, Sir Francis 207, 269

  Latimer, Hugh, 29

  Lawrence, Giles 41

  Lawshall Manor 193-194, 212

  Layton, Dr Richard 26-27

  Le Horse Fayre 352

  Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of 40, 41-42, 57n, 66, 79, 124, 132, 165, 260, 269

  Leicester’s Commonwealth 172

  Lennox, Duke of 354

  Leo X, Pope 233

  Lewis, David 389

  Ligny, Charles de 336

  Lillie, John 253-256

  Limburger, Captain Hans 5

  Lincoln, Bishop of 25

  Line, Anne 231, 232n, 256

  Lingen, Edward 129-130

  Lisbon, fortune teller 2

  Lister, Thomas 140-141, 150, 275, 284

  Little Germany 100

  Lollardy 160n

  Lomax, James 228n


  earthquake 78

  Golden Lane raid 216-217, 231

  Great Fire 384

  plague 129

  relative safety of 149

  Topcliffe’s raid 216, 231

  vandalism 32-33

  London, Bishop of 15, 107

  Long John of the Little Beard see Gerard, John

  Lopez plot 241n

  Lorraine, Duke of 322

  Louvain 28, 44, 49-50

  Lovel (Jesuit) 14

  Lovell, Lady Jane 382-383

  Low Countries 3, 44, 49, 73, 108, 128, 173, 183, 316, 331, 366, 376, 383

  Loyola, Ignatius 14, 67-68, 73, 212, 389

  Spiritual Exercises 212, 276

  Ludgate prison 223n

  Lumner, Jane 101, 104

  Luther, Martin 185, 193

  Lutheranism 16, 52, 100

  Lyford Grange 87-89, 91, 163

  Macbeth 388

  Machyn (diarist) 30

  Magdalen College, Oxford 23, 28, 38

  Manningham, John 296, 297, 300

  Mar, Earl of 366

  Markham, Lady 275

  Markham, Sir Griffin 275, 310-314

  Marshall, John 50

  Marshall, Thomas 135n

  Marshalsea prison 15, 19, 28, 75-76, 82, 92, 136n, 170, 221, 223n, 230n, 271

  Martin, Gregory 177

  Martyr, Peter 27

  Marwood, Sir Roger 62

  Mary I, Queen of England 28-31, 100, 172, 202, 213, 234, 261

  Mary II, Queen of England 386 see also

  William III and Mary Mary of Guise 11n

  Mary, Queen of Scotland 31, 46, 58, 99n, 126, 163, 165n, 166, 202, 261, 302-303

  Matilda, Queen of England 29

  Matthew, Tobie 43, 259

  Maurice, William 142

  Maximilian, Holy Roman Emperor 46

  Maye, Henry 210

  Mayne, Cuthbert 48-49, 52, 60-63, 70, 89n, 93, 102, 117, 387

  Medina Sidonia, Duke of 7, 10n

  Mendoza, Don Bernadino 8

  Mercurian, Everard, Jesuit General 68-69, 74, 85, 97, 111n

  Merlin 2
/>   Metham, Thomas 49

  Micea, Marco Antonio 8

  Middleton, Anthony 127

  Middleton, Thomas 210

  Middleton, Thomas (playwright) A Game at Chess 389

  Mildmay, Sir Walter 1, 80, 86

  Molin, Nicolo 304

  Montague, Anthony, Lord 202-203, 355

  Montague, Magdalen, Lady 203

  Montague, Sir Henry 373

  More, Henry 139n

  More, Sir George 380

  More, Sir Thomas 26, 28, 382

  Morton, Earl of 79

  Morton, William 336

  Mounteagle, Lord 330, 338-339, 345-347, 369, 370n

  Mountjoy, Lord 190, 214, 290

  Muller, Johan see Regiomontanus

  Munday, Anthony 56-59, 91, 126, 220n

  Mundesley 13

  Mush, John 285-287

  Mynshall, Geffray 222

  Nantes, Edict of 174n

  Nashe, Thomas see Isle of Dogs, The

  National Anthem 380n

  Nelson, John 150n

  Nelson, Martin 49

  Netherlands 4, 28, 55, 72, 98, 239, 316

  Neville, Charles, Earl of Westmoreland 45-46, 240n

  Neville, Sir Anthony 123

  New College, Oxford 26, 38

  Newell (pursuivant) 219n, 221n, 242n

  Newgate prison 184, 188, 223n, 229n

  Newman, John Henry 391

  News from Spain and Holland 243n

  Nicholls (magistrate) 214

  Norfolk (county) 12, 17, 20, 87, 99-101, 104-106, 110, 118, 128, 129, 213

  Norfolk, Thomas Howard, Duke of 46, 100, 165, 337n

  Norris, Henry, Lord 81, 81n

  Norris (pursuivant) 103

  Northampton, Earl of 335, 367, 370

  Northamptonshire (county) 269, 325

  Northern Rebellion 45-46, 123-124, 165n, 196, 239

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, 9th Earl of 303, 304-305

  Northumberland, John Dudley, Duke of 100

  Northumberland, Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of 45-46

  Norton, Richard 123

  Norwich 19-20, 106

  Norwich, Bishop of 104

  Nottingham, Countess of 295

  Nottingham, Earl of 367

  Nowell, Thomas 56

  Numerology 1

  Oates, Titus 384

  O’Connell, Daniel 384

  Oglethorpe, Dr Owen 28, 30

  Old Sarum 122

  Oldcastle, Sir John 57n

  Oldcorne, Edward 13, 15, 96-98, 126, 127n, 140, 150, 154n, 268, 329, 343, 354-355, 357-359, 363, 366, 369, 387

  Olivares, Count de 3

  Opus Dei 392

  Oriel College, Oxford 44, 391

  Orléans, Duc d’ 31

  Orton, Henry 82, 90-92

  Oseney Abbey 24

  Owen, Agnes 200

  Owen, Dorothy 200

  Owen, Henry 274-275, 290n

  Owen, Hugh 239, 265, 350

  Owen, John 133, 144, 199, 200n, 204, 287

  Owen, Katherine 200

  Owen, Nicholas 48, 65, 112, 113, 114, 117-119, 256, 329, 344, 386

  apprenticeship 114

  arrest of 220-221, 222

  and Baddesley Clinton 154

  and Broadoaks Manor 215, 217, 227

  called Little John 243

  canonization of 387


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