Sex, Lies and Valentines

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Sex, Lies and Valentines Page 3

by Tawny Weber

  “Babe, to me you’ll always be the hot blonde with a body that won’t quit and lips made for men’s fantasies.”

  An angry red haze heated Danita’s glare. A nasty rejoinder was on the tip of her lips before she caught herself.

  What was wrong with her? She was a smart, savvy woman who’d built a name by using all the tools at her disposal to great, often devastating effect.

  She’d taken the detriments and scars of her childhood—the lousy upbringing, humiliating reputation and exposure to the miserable side of life—and twisted it all in her favor.

  And thanks to those tools, including the idiot-inducing reaction men had to her looks and her body, had helped solidify her case closure rate at a tidy ninety-eight percent. She was damned good.

  So why did she care what Gabriel Black thought of her? The man was a criminal, for crying out loud.

  With that in mind, instead of snapping at him again, she leaned back in her chair and offered haughty look of disdain.

  “What I want is to offer you an opportunity,” Hunter said, picking up the conversation thread Danita had almost let Black break with his mouthy remark.


  “In part, because I believe you can be helpful to a little project of mine,” Hunter told him. Then he shrugged and offered a ghost of a smile. “And in part because we have a mutual…friend, shall we say, who’d appreciate me cutting you a little slack.”

  Confusion furrowed her brow. What was going on?

  Despite their history, Hunter was her boss. And he operated his task force on a need-to-know basis. So all Danita had been given when she was briefed that afternoon was the name of their quarry and the fact that the case was titled Black Oak. A woman who believed in being prepared, she’d pulled up Gabriel Black’s file. Most of it was under a confidential lock, but she’d gotten the basics: Gabriel Black was a suspected con artist with a talent for sliding out of trouble. She’d assumed Hunter planned to use the man as a tool to bust his father.

  Her gaze bounced between the two men as she tried to get a handle on this shift. Because it wasn’t sounding at all like a trap to her. There was something else going on.

  “Here’s the deal. We have you on a minor charge. To you, it’s an inconvenience.” Hunter paused long enough for the other man to nod. Danita noticed Black didn’t look cocky anymore. His eyes were narrow with suspicion, his brow furrowed and fingers tapping an irritated rhythm on his knee. Smart man.

  “Inconveniences are a tricky thing, though,” Hunter continued. “Sometimes they are easily swept away. And sometimes they blow up into something bigger. Something more long-term. Five to seven years long.”

  The tapping stopped. Black leaned forward, both hands flat on his thighs. “You don’t have anything worth five to seven.”

  “Actually, I do. Those internet security documents you left at the hotel, along with the contract the gentleman enthusiastically signed, are easily worth at least that long.”

  “It sounds like you have enough to get my attention. But not my cooperation.” Black leaned back, both brows arched as he waited.

  “Oh, I have a little more.”

  “Do tell.”

  “Tobias, Caleb and Maya,” Hunter said, drawing out the names like a man who knew he’d just played a winning hand.

  If the stunned look on Gabriel’s face was anything to go by, those names were the jackpot. A jackpot he hadn’t expected—and didn’t want to lose.

  “You don’t have anything on them,” he said. His words were quiet. But there was a deadly fury beneath them. Danita’s breath lodged in her throat and her body tensed, as if she’d have to break up a vicious fistfight any second now.

  “I have a witness who is willing to testify about Tobias Black’s role in running illegal arms and drugs. The FBI has compiled a solid case and we’re ready to proceed without your cooperation.”

  Black’s jaw worked. The same eyes that had looked at her so tenderly earlier were furious slits. Finally he arched one brow and asked, “What’s that to do with Caleb and Maya?”

  Danita looked at Hunter, looking forward to his answer. Instead of saying anything, though, he lifted a file off his desk and handed it to the man across from him. Black held his gaze as he took it, then slowly, lowered his eyes and read.

  The man was good. Damned good. His expression didn’t change. But Danita could tell that the file was freaking him out. When he was finished, he didn’t hand it back to Hunter. Instead he flicked the edges like it was nothing, and gave her boss a bored look.

  “So you’ve found a few past indiscretions on my brother and sister. They were both minors at the time of these crimes. Do you really think you can prove their culpability after all this time? And make it matter? I don’t think so,” Gabriel dismissed.

  “No. You’re right, there probably isn’t any way to convict them for something ten years old,” Hunter mused. “But your brother is in law enforcement. A few words in the right ear, and his career can take a serious nosedive.”

  Anger flashed in Gabriel’s eyes, telling Danita that Hunter had scored a direct hit.

  “Then there’s your sister. She does have an actual crime against her.” Expressionless, Hunter handed a second file across the desk.

  Face hard, Gabriel took it. Danita could almost hear his teeth grinding together as he read the pages.

  “As you can see, we have enough to reopen the case against your sister,” Hunter pointed out quietly. “Whether we could get a conviction is debatable. But I can’t imagine she’d enjoy the trial.”

  Gabriel looked like he wanted to jump across the desk and beat the hell out of Hunter. Then, like a switch, it all shut off. The fury in his eyes, the air of frustration. Even the tension seemed to flow out of his body. He leaned back and gave Hunter a bored shrug.

  “Entrapment and blackmail,” Gabriel mused. “You have an interesting game plan here.”

  “I hear there’s a big celebration planned in Black Oak in two weeks,” was all Hunter said. But his smile was pure satisfaction. “Hadn’t you heard? Your brother is getting married. A Valentine’s wedding, as a matter of fact. A week or so of parties, rehearsals, prenuptial fun. I’ll bet your family would love for you to be there.”

  From the shocked look in Gabriel’s eyes, he hadn’t heard.

  And just where did she fit into this little game, Danita wondered. As if reading her mind, Hunter slanted her a look.

  “The two of you are going to go to Black Oak under the guise of joining your brother’s wedding celebrations,” he informed them. “Arrangements have already been made for you to take part in a criminal gathering that’s taking place there. Your special skills will appeal to the other guests. You’re there to cause discomfort, to gather information and to observe. Not to take any action. After two weeks, your job is done.”

  “I don’t need Blondie for that.”

  “She’ll be there to keep you in line, to solidify your cover and to take over after you’ve gotten her in the door.”

  “What cover, and why would I need her?” His gaze was like liquid gold as it slid over her, making Danita feel both hot and just a tiny bit worried at the same time.

  “You’ll go in as a man who plays the game,” Hunter said in a contemplative tone, like a guy weaving a bedtime story. “Your reputation is already established, your talents well-known. So basically, you’re going in as yourself. Your goal is to meet a small group of businessmen whose focus is to consolidate power. These are smart men who will quickly see why including you has the potential for multiplying that power. The intel points to an as yet unknown leader who is calling all of the shots. Rumor is that leader is Tobias Black. You know him, his style and his methods well enough to be able to recognize whether that’s true or not.”

  “Screw that,” Gabriel growled, tossing the files on the desk. “I’m not going to send up my own father. No way in hell. I’ll go to jail myself first.”

  “Then why don’t you take this as a chance to pro
ve his innocence? Before someone else sends him up.”

  Those words, and the friendly tone of advice that they’d been offered in, made Gabriel pause. He gave Hunter a searching look.

  So did Danita. She was baffled. Hunter was usually professional to the point of abruptness. But with this guy, this con artist, he was teetering right over the line into friendliness.

  “All you need to do is visit your hometown, be yourself, and listen for information. In and out, no fuss, no muss.”

  “And Blondie?”

  “The men are rumored to be bringing along lady friends for entertainment. Professionals. Danita, basically, is going in as your paid companion.”

  “My very own hooker,” Black said with a taunting smile.

  “What?” Forgetting professionalism, to hell with keeping her cool, Danita jumped to her feet. “No! Hunter this was just a fishing trip. You didn’t say anything about a long-term assignment.”

  Not that she’d have said no when he’d brought her on the case. Hunter had been her trainer. He was her boss. Her hero.

  And now her pimp?

  “This is a bad idea, Hunter. I’m not the right person for this job.” Not because she couldn’t handle it. Hell, it was right up her alley. But Gabriel Black? Him, she couldn’t handle.

  She grimaced at the realization.

  “I need someone I can trust,” Hunter said. “Someone who will use their brain and their instincts while following the rule book. You’re my best, Danita. I trust you to handle this job to my specifications.”

  She closed her eyes against that, wishing she could as easily close off the obligation. She didn’t know what Hunter was asking of her. Not completely. And she wouldn’t unless she accepted the assignment. But she did know, perfectly well, that he was running this case his way, outside the rules. And he was asking her to do the same.

  He trusted her.

  Which was something very, very few people in her life had ever done.

  “What’s the primary objective?” she asked quietly.

  “To keep Gabriel alive.”

  That made pretty boy jump. His eyes rounded and he tossed the file on the desk as he shook his head.

  “What?” he protested. “Hey now, nobody said anything about risks. I think I’ll take my chances with the solicitation entrapment, thank you.”

  Danita waited for Hunter to shut him down. But her boss only smiled.

  “Danita’s good. You’ll be safe.”

  “I realize you think you have me over a barrel here, but let’s keep it real for a second,” Black insisted. “After all, it’s apparently my life on the line. You have enough to force my hand. But if I play the game, I demand a partner who can handle the job and keep my ass safe.”

  He gave Danita a long, sexy look. The kind of look that made her breath catch in her throat, her nipples pucker and her mind see red. She hated that look. Hated even more that she was reacting to it. To him. A criminal.

  “No offense to the pretty doll here, but other than making one hell of a fake whore, I don’t see how she’d be of any help.”

  The ringing in Danita’s ears sounded like a freight train with bells. Her eyes narrowed, her fists clenched. Then she saw that hint of humor in his hypnotic gaze.

  He was enjoying this.

  The entire process. The arrest, the challenge, the idea of putting his life at risk. It was all a game to him.

  And she was playing right into his hands.

  All it took was one deep breath to clear the red haze from her eyes, gather her wits and reclaim her poise.

  After a quick glance at Hunter for permission, Danita tilted her head to one side and offered Black a chilly smile. “I’m a government agent, Mr. Black.”


  On his face was the same lack of respect Danita usually got from men. Pretty little girls were good for one thing, or for faking one thing. Even here, after four years as an FBI agent, she still saw that look daily.

  Frustration was now a bitter, biting ball of fury in her belly. But Danita didn’t let him see it. Instead she let her smile slip into condescending.

  “So, Mr. Black, not only am I perfectly capable of, how did you put it? Keeping your ass safe? But I’m also the best person for this job. Especially because of my talents as a fake whore, as you so charmingly put it.”

  Whether she wanted to keep his ass safe was another thing altogether. Danita had to give him credit. From the look on his face, Gabriel Black knew it, too. Maybe he was right to have doubts. She certainly did.

  As if sensing her doubts, Hunter handed her a third file. Gabriel frowned, obviously wanting to know what it contained just as much as she did.

  Danita flipped it open.

  Names of some of the biggest crime bosses in California. A list of the illegal activities suspected of being run from Black Oak. An outline of the extensive criminal web they’d be dealing with. There were notes, not only from Hunter, but from his father. An agent, who, even five years retired, still commanded massive respect. This was a career-making case.

  “You in?” Hunter murmured.

  She lifted her gaze to his, then shifted her eyes to Gabriel. The man was guaranteed to be a pain in her butt. But the reward if she kept him alive and broke the case?

  Incredible. A promotion, yes. But more, a bust that would guarantee her respect among her peers.

  The risk?

  She was walking into the lion’s den without backup. As Hunter’s pet project and a favor to his father, this case was off the FBI grid.

  “It’s your call,” Hunter said.

  “Hers?” Black protested. “I thought you were in charge of this little game.”

  “Not any more, Gabriel darling,” she purred, “You’re going to be taking orders from me now.”

  IT WAS A WONDER he could breathe, what with the noose looped around his throat. The closer they got to Black Oak, the tighter the ball of anger in his belly got. Gabriel clenched his fists to rein in the frustration.

  “I’m the one who knows the area,” he snapped to Danita, who was driving a sleek black Corvette like a woman used to commanding powerful beasts. “Why are you the one driving?”

  “Because it’s my car,” she said with a dismissive shrug of one shoulder. “Don’t worry. The bad guys won’t think you’re a wimp for having your girlfriend drive. All you have to do is make a show of playing with your cell phone and claim you were doing some business.”

  “This is total bullshit,” he snapped. Bullshit he’d be ignoring if it wasn’t for that damned file. Hunter had a tidy compilation of charges he was ready and willing to level against Gabriel’s father in that file. Charges that would humiliate the family, ruin his brother’s wedding and break his sister’s heart.

  “Hunter might believe you can handle this,” the blonde said. The quick glance she shot him said she believed nothing of the sort. “But to use your own charming terminology, it’s my ass on the front line here. If you can’t man up and play the game—and play to win—please, let me know now. I’d rather take a slap on the wrist and a write-up in my file than a bullet over you.”

  Gabriel rolled his eyes.

  “I seriously doubt this situation will involve bullets.” And people called him a liar? He was sure this entire thing was a big scam, blown all out of proportion to get him to go along with their little FBI game.

  He barely paid attention as she pulled off the highway and motored down a quiet, boringly peaceful road toward the Black Oak Manor. His eyes were locked on Danita, trying to read her.

  “We should be safe enough. We’re simply gathering information, not pushing any real buttons. Our sources indicate the meeting is being held here at the manor,” Danita said as she parked, then killed the engine.

  She gave him a veiled glance. “Still, be careful. Word is the stakes are high. Five key crime bosses are here, all with the goal of grabbing the reins of this little alliance. Arrangements have been made to get your name on the guest list, but you’re going
to have to convince them that you actually have something to bring to the table. Or these guys are likely to toss you out. Or worse.”

  Bored, Gabriel stared out the window at the manor. A little run-down these days, but mostly it hadn’t changed. Given that Black Oak was about two miles up the road, he’d seen the quaint Victorian plenty of times before.

  “Are you paying attention?” Danita prodded sharply.

  “Babe, the tune is getting old. Your buddy Hunter sang it earlier, now you’re humming the same refrain. Big scary criminals are taking over Black Oak. Guns and drugs and the suspicion of money laundering. They’re all gathering to hobnob and plan their futures and you’re here to crash the party.”

  “And you still think it’s an exaggeration?” she asked, turning in her seat to give him a long look out of those big eyes. Like the night before, those blue eyes were once again smudged and shadowed to make them sultry and huge. Her lips were shiny red this time. And her outfit? Gabriel had damn near swallowed his tongue when she’d let him out of his temporary holding cell that morning—as he’d taken to calling the cheap hotel room Hunter had locked him in.

  That glorious body was poured into jeans that showed every dimple, every curve. A tight red cashmere sweater molded over the breasts he’d spent a restless night fantasizing about. Toss in more big curls and a sexy pair of stiletto heels and she was the epitome of a good-time girl with a taste for the expensive.

  “Actually, I think it’s all bullshit,” he said again, trying to focus on the conversation instead of which part of her body he wanted to taste first. “But you’ve got me by the short hairs so I’ve got no choice but to play along. So let’s go in there, use my connections to get you a room so you can spy on these guys, and clear my debt.”

  “Just like that? You think you’ll just waltz in there, use that charming smile of yours to get a room and then call it done? Like this is nothing?”

  “Babe, I’m sure this is nothing. If there was an actual problem, I’d have heard. You’re claiming my father is being set up to take the fall for some attempted murder, possession of illegal weapons and dealing drugs. I’m saying he’s not.”


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