The Battle of Borodino: Napoleon Against Kutuzov

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The Battle of Borodino: Napoleon Against Kutuzov Page 41

by Alexander Mikaberidze

  193. Bagration’s Orders to the 2nd Western Army, 4 September 1812, in Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya, 70–72.

  194. For detailed discussion see B. Kolyubakin, Borodinskoye srazheniye i podgotovka polya srazhenya v inzhenernom itnoshenii, Moscow, 1999.

  195. ‘Rasskaz o Borodinskom srazhenii otdelennogo Unter-Ofitsera Tikhonova,’ in Chtenia imperatorskogo obschestva istorii drevnostei, 1 (1872), 119–20.

  196. Liprandi (1867), 18–21.

  197. Bogdanov, 338.

  198. Bogdanovich, II, 171.

  199. Yermolov’s Order to the 1st Western Army; Bagration’s Order to the 2nd Western Army, 6 September 1812, in Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya, 84, 91–92.

  200. Disposition of the 1st and 2nd Armies, 5 September 1812, in Borodino: dokumentalnaya khronika, 93.

  201. Yermolov’s Order to the 1st Western Army, 6 September 1812, in Borodino: dokumentalnaya khronika, 108.

  202. Sukhanin, 281.

  203. Skobelev, 188; Radozhitsky, 140; Dushkevich, 114.

  204. Mayevsky, 370; Ivchenko, 35.

  205. Radozhitsky, 142; Muravyev, 375.

  206. Vionnet de Maringoné, 12–13.

  207. Glinka, Pisma russkogo oftsera.

  208. Mitarevsky, 51–56.

  209. Wider Napoleon! Ein deutsches Reiterleben, 1806–1815. Herausgegeben von Friedrich M. Kircheisen, (Stuttgart, 1911), II, 132.

  210. Glinka, Ocherki Borodinskogo srazheniya.

  211. Bogdanovich, II, 199.

  212. Mitarevsky, 55–56.

  213. Ségur (1958): 62–63; Rapp, 200–202; Fain, II, 18–19.

  214. Seruzier, 198.

  215. Correspondance de Napoleon 1er, XXIV, 207.

  216. Guillemard, 139; Chambray, 298; Laugier, 80; Fezensac, 31.

  217. Bogdanov, 338.

  218. Bogdanovich, II, 177.

  219. Rodozhnitsky, 386; Duffy, 95; I.S. Tikhonov, ‘Ob ustanovlenii neizvestnogo avtora vospominanii ‘Istoricheskie svedenia o Borodinskom srazhenii,’’ in Otechestvennaia voina 1812 goda. Rossia i Evropa, (Borodino, 1992), 16–20.

  220. Barclay de Tolly to Kutuzov, 26 September 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, op. 16, l. 8. Kutuzov’s report also noted that the French made first attacks around 4:00 A.M. Kutuzov to Alexander, [n.d.] RGVIA, f. VUA, op. 16, d. 3561. l.52b. For a French printed version see, Description de la Bataille de Borodino livrée les 24 et 26 aout 1812, (St Petersburg, 1839), RGVIA, f. VUA, op. 16. d. 3562. Kutuzov to Alexander, 8 September 1812, in Borodino: dokumentalnaya khronika, 165.

  221. Bistrom to Lavrov, 12 September 1812, N. 656, in Istoriya leib-gvardii Yegerskogo polka za sto let, (St Petersburg, 1896), 47.

  222. Oitsialnye izvestia iz armii ot 27 Avgusta in Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya, 112.

  223. Eugène to Berthier, 10 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 293.

  224. Windmann, 106–107.

  225. Eugène to Berthier, 10 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 293.

  226. Bistrom to Lavrov, 12 September 1812, N. 656, in Istoriya leib-gvardii Yegerskogo polka, 47.

  227. Löwenstern, 12(1900): 573.

  228. Grabbe, 406.

  229. Bistrom to Lavrov, 12 September 1812, N. 656, in Istoriya leib-gvardii Yegerskogo polka, 47.

  230. Durnovo, 107.

  231. Bistrom to Lavrov, 12 September 1812, N. 656, in Istoriya leib-gvardii Yegerskogo polka, 47. According to N. Muravyev, a Russian guard Jäger brought one of the French captives, holding his sword in hand. The French officer told Kutuzov that the Jäger did not mistreat him and Kutuzov rewarded him with the medal of the Military Order, also known as the soldiers’ St George order.

  232. Bistrom to Lavrov, 12 September 1812, N. 656, in Istoriya leib-gvardii Yegerskogo polka, 47; Shepotiev, Pamyatka gvardeiskogo ekipazha (St Petersburg, 1910), 18.

  233. Liprandi, 28–29.

  234. Durnovo, 107.

  235. Bistrom to Lavrov, 12 September 1812, N. 656, in Istoriya leib-gvardii Yegerskogo polka, 48.

  236. Lowernstern, 574.

  237. Eugène to Berthier, 10 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 293.

  238. Petrov, 182.

  239. Grabbe, 75.

  240. Grabbe 75; Divov, 1336.

  241. Merlin to Yermolov, 22 September 1812, No. 618, General Staff Archive, XVIII, 50–51.

  242. Spisok generalitetu, shtab-i ober-ofitseram, osobenno otlichivshimsia v dele 26-go chisla avgusta pri selenii Borodine, koim isprashivaetsia voznagrazhdenie, 26 September 1812, in Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya, 277–280.

  243. Adam, 189.

  244. Saint-Hilaire, II, 20; Eugène, Correspondance, VIII, 5. The unit had listed 66 officers and 1,904 men in late AuguSt Hourtoulle, 88.

  245. Eugène to Berthier, 10 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 294. Also see Laugier, 56; Labaume, 128; Adam, 189.

  246. Skobelev, 217.

  247. Petrov, 182–183; Karpenko, 340.

  248. Bistrom to Lavrov, 12 September 1812, N. 656, in Istoriya leib-gvardii Yegerskogo polka, 48.

  249. List of Officers Receiving Awards for Borodino, in Istoriya leib-gvardii Yegerskogo polka, annex II, 49–50.

  250. Bogdanovich, II, 168.

  251. Ney to Berthier, 9 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 292.

  252. Murat to Berthier, 9 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 290.

  253. Ségur, I, 390.

  254. Dumonceau, II, 135–136.

  255. Ternaux-Compans, 184–185, 346, 357–359; Dutheillet de Lamothe, 42; Thiry, 137, Girod de l’Ain, 79; Teste, 667; ‘Journal de la division Friant’ in Chuquet, 50; Pelet, 72, 100–101; Friant, 233.

  256. Shakhovsky to Konovnitsyn, 19 September 1812, in Borodino: dokumentalnaya khronika, 187–188.

  257. Ternaux-Compans, 184–187; Teste, 669; Pelet, 74.

  258. Löwenstern to Kutuzov, [n.d, October 1812], in Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya , 184.

  259. Rapport sur les différentes affaires ou le 57e regiment s’est trouvé pendant la campagne de 1812; 111e regiment d’infanterie de ligne: rapport sur la journée du 7 septembre 1812, Ternaux-Compans, 346, 359. Teste, 669.

  260. Muravyev, 377; ‘Capitulation of Paris in 1814: Razskaz M.F. Orlova,’ Russkaya starina, 20 (1877): 647; Tarle, 192; Davidov, 527

  261. Dutheillet de Lamoth, 42–43.

  262. Rapport sur les différentes affaires ou le 57e regiment s’est trouvé pendant la campagne de 1812; Rapport du 61e de la bataille du 7 septembre 1812, 111e regiment d’infanterie de ligne: rapport sur la journée du 7 septembre 1812, in Ternaux-Compans, 346, 357, 359.

  263. Ternaux-Compans, 148; Girod de l’Ain, 81; Dessaix et Folliet, 248–249.

  264. According to Fain, Dupelain, commander of the 1st Brigade of the 5th Division, initially took over the division command. However, Compans’ letter reveals that he was also wounded during the battle of Shevardino on the 5th. Fain, II, 25; Ternaux-Compans, 186.

  265. Ternaux-Compans, 186; Teste, 670; Dutheillet de Lamothe, 44.

  266. Vorontsov, 342; Neverovsky to Kutuzov, 24 September 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, op. 16, d. 3561, l. 45–45b.

  267. Blocqueville, 168-170; Gourgaud, 218; Vigier, 96.

  268. Murat to Berthier, 9 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 290.

  269. Le Roy, 157.

  270. Ney to Berthier, 9 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 292; Ségur (1958): 66; Bertin, 70; Davout, II, 97; Joly, 87–88; Thiers, VIII, 137; Vigier, 96–98; Lejeune, II, 175–79; Rossetti, 117; Buturlin, I, 334–35;Chambray, 304–305; Sainte-Hillaire, II, 16–17.

  271. Ségur (1958): 66. Also see Davout, II, 97; Vigier, 96–98; Lejeune, II, 180–81; Rossetti, 117; Castellance, 149; Ternaux-Compans, 186; Fain, 25; Pelet, 74.

  272. Rayevsky, 380; Buturlin, I, 267; Sievers to Kutuzov, 8 October 1812, No. 278, RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, l. 23.

  273. Mayevsky, 371.

  274. Vistitsky, 187.

  275. Bennigsen, 139 (19
09): 497

  276. Lavrov to Dokhturov, 15 September 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, ll.30–31.

  277. Lavrov to Dokhturov, 15 September 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, ll.30–31.

  278. Kutuzov to Lavrov, 13 September 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, l. 34.

  279. Ivchenko, 47.

  280. Ney to Berthier, 9 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 292.

  281. Bogdanovich, II, 183.

  282. Ney to Berthier, 9 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 292.

  283. Durova, 143.

  284. Dessaix, 251; Girod de l’Ain, 83; Vossen, 470–471.

  285. Bagration to Alexander, 8 September 1812, No. 488, Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya, 100.

  286. Vorontsov, 342.

  287. Neverovsky, 379; Neverovsky to Kutuzov, 24 September 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, op. 16, d. 3561, l. 45–45b.

  288. Andreyev, 10 (1879): 191–93

  289. Vorontsov, 343.

  290. Sievers to Kutuzov, 8 October 1812, No. 278, RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, l. 23–23b

  291. Sievers to Kutuzov, 8 October 1812, No. 278, RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, ll.23–23b

  292. Bogdanovich, II, 184.

  293. Guyardet’s Rapport de la bataille du 7 septembre 1812, in Ternaux-Compans, 357–358.

  294. Girod de l’Ain, 84; Dessaix, 252–254

  295. Rapport sur les différentes affaires ou le 57e regiment s’est trouvé pendant la campagne de 1812, in Ternaux-Compans, 346–347.

  296. Pieces officielles et bulletins de la Grand Armee, Anne 1812, (Extrait du Journal official), 325–327.

  297. Suckow, 183–184.

  298. Murat to Berthier, 9 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 290.

  299. Feodor Glinka, Pisma Russkogo oftsera, (Moscow, 1985), 88.

  300. Murat to Berthier, 9 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 290.

  301. Holzhausen, 88, 90–91; Suckow, 184–185; Burkersroda, 10; Maceroni, 483–84; Rossetti, 119–20; Lucas–Dubreton, 193–94; Zhilin, 155; Troitsky, 149; Popov (1994): 43–44.

  302. Holzhausen, 91.

  303. Aleksey Vasiliev, ‘O vremeni padenia Bagrationovskikh fleshei,’ Rodina, 6/7 (1992): 62–67.

  304. Ofitsialnye izvestia iz armii ot 27 avgusta, RGVIA, f. VUA, d.3652, l. 48; Opisaniye srazheniya pri sele Borodine, in Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya, 323–324.

  305. Glinka, The Battle of Borodino, II, 13–17.

  306. ‘Rasskaz o Borodinskom srazhenii otdelnnogo Unter–Ofitsera Tikhonova,’ in Chtenia imperatorskogo obschestva istorii drevnostei, 1 (1872), 119–20.

  307. Ségur (1958): 68.

  308. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, II, 241.

  309. Butenev, 41. Bagration was lightly wounded several times in 1799 and 1807.

  310. Quotes from Tarle, 193.

  311. Muravyev (1986), 111; Glinka, Battle of Borodino, 17–20; Löwernstein, 260; Norov, 196.

  312. Konovnitsyn to Kutuzov, 1 October 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, ll. 27–29b.

  313. Sherbinin, 20.

  314. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, II, 241.

  315. Suckow, 183; Holzhausen, 89; Planat de la Fay, 83.

  316. Rayevsky, 381.

  317. Rayevsky, 380; Paskevich, 102–103.

  318. Rayevsky, 380–381.

  319. Rayevsky to Dokhturov, 23 September 1812, No. 280, General Staff Archives, XVIII, 59.

  320. Zemtsov, 113; Larionov, 124–125.

  321. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky (1839), II, 242–243.

  322. Creitz, 359.

  323. Larionov, 126.

  324. Bogdanovich, II, 195.

  325. Tarle (1992), 140; Troitsky, 168; Larionov, 125.

  326. Paskevich, 102.

  327. Mayevsky, 371.

  328. Some authors refer to the 2nd Baden Infantry Regiment participating in the attack but it does seem to be true since the Badenese regiment was assigned to the Imperial Guard that day. Bogdanovich, II, 195; Nafziger, 238; Gerua, 49.

  329. Chambray, 68; Vaudoncourt, 183; François, 791.

  330. Mitarevsky, 62.

  331. Some authors claim that Rayevsky’s decision to sent back caissons with ammunition deprived his guns of sufficient ammunition and allowed the French to seize the redoubt. However, memoirs of participants indicate that the Russian guns maintained ire until the very last moment.

  332. Rayevsky, 381. Also see Rayevsky to Dokhturov, 23 September 1812, No. 280, General Staff Archives, XVIII, 59–60.

  333. Popov (1997): 20; Thiry, 147; Larrey, 45; Chuquet, 369.

  334. Bulletins, 132.

  335. Divov, 1337–1338; Rossii dvinulis siny, 406–407; Davydov (1962): 528–529.

  336. Barclay de Tolly, Izobrazhenie voyennykh deistvii 1-oi armii v 1812 g,, RGVIA, f. VUA, op. 16, d. 3571, ll. 23–23b.

  337. Paskevich, 103; Description de la Bataille de Borodino livrée les 24 et 25 aout 1812, RGVIA, fond VUA, delo 3562, l. 28–29; Kutuzov to Alexander, [n.d.] RGVIA, fond VUA, delo 3561, l.55–56; Barclay de Tolly to Kutuzov, 8 October 1812, RGVIA, fond VUA, delo 3561, 10–10b.

  338. Pierre Bertrand, Historique abrégé; du 30e Régiment d’infanterie, (Paris, 1887), 58–59; Nikitin, 144; Wolzogen, 141; Eugène, Correspondance, VIII, 6.

  339. Rayevsky to Dokhturov, 23 September 1812, No. 280, General Staff Archives, XVIII, 59–60.

  340. Yermolov (2005), 161.

  341. Yermolov to Barclay de Tolly, 2 October 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, ll. 49–50; Barclay de Tolly to Kutuzov, 8 October 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, ll. 8-13.

  342. Creitz, 359.

  343. Eugène to Berthier, 10 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 294.

  344. Paskevich, 103.

  345. Baggovut to Barclay de Tolly, [n.d.] September 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, op. 16, d. 3561, ll. 42b–43.

  346. Bogdanovich, II, 201.

  347. Helldorf’s account in Duffy, 110.

  348. Bogdanovich, II, 202.

  349. Nafziger, 240; Duffy, 110; Bleibtreu, 250–251, 256; Ditfurth, 94–95; Kukiel (1919), 60

  350. Murat to Berthier, 9 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 290.

  351. Spisok nizhnim chinam razznikh artilleriiskikh brigad … in Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya, 298–299

  352. Rayevsky to Dokhturov, 23 September 1812, No. 280 in Mikhailovsky–Danilevsky, II, 244.

  353. Kutuzov’s Order to the Army, 9 September 1812, No.11. RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3524, l. 8; Kutuzov to Alexander [n.d. September 1812], RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, l.56. Meshetich and Radozhitsky claim the soldier ‘dragged’ the French general to Kutuzov and was also awarded the St George cross but they might be confusing him with another Jäger who, according to Muravyev, captured a staff officer at the village of Borodino and brought him to Kutuzov. Meshetich, 48; Radozhitsky, I, 144–145; Muravyev, Russkii arkhiv (1885): 255.

  354. Radozhitsky, I, 144–145.

  355. Clausewitz, 159.

  356. For details on Bonammy’s captivity see Leysser’s letters in Meerheim, 297. Yermolov later sent Bonammy to his family estate in Orel and asked his father to take particular care of him.

  357. Bogdanovich, II, 199–200; Nikitin, 149; Yermolov (2005), 161; Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, Imperator Aleksandr I i ego spodvizhniki, vol I (no pagination); Meshetich, 48.

  358. Divov, 1337–1338.

  359. Durnovo, 90–91.

  360. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, Imperator Aleksandr I i ego spodvizhniki, vol. I (no pagination).

  361. Ratch, G, ‘Publichniye lektsii, chitanniye gospodam ofitseram gvardeiskoi artillerii,’ in Artilleriiskii zhurnal, 11(1861): 843.

  362. Winzegorode to Alexander, 25 September 1812, Otechestvennaya voina v pismakh sovremennikov (St Petersburg, 1882), 136–137.

  363. Golitsyn, 343.

  364. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, II, 245–246.

  365. Bolgovsky, 340.

  366. Bogdanovich, II, 199

  367. A. Larionov, ‘Ispolzovaniye artillerii v Borodinskom srazhenii,’ in 1812 god: sbornik statei (Moscow, 196
2), 130–131.

  368. Barclay de Tolly, Izobrazhenie, RGVIA, f. VUA, op. 16, d. 3571, ll. 23b–24.

  369. Chlapowski, 119.

  370. Stroganov to Konovnitsyn, 18 September 1812, in Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya, 151.

  371. Poniatowski to Berthier, 7 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 288.

  372. Description de la Bataille de Borodino, RGVIA, f. 846, op. 16, d.3562, l. 21; Kukiel (1929), 79; Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky (1839), 239.

  373. Konovnitsyn to Kutuzov, 1 October 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 3561, ll. 27b; Stroganov to Konovnitsyn, 18 September 1812, in Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya, 151.

  374. Poniatowski to Berthier, 7 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 288.

  375. Smith incorrectly refers to ‘Prince Shakhovsk’s 4th Jäger Regiment,’ probably wrong translation of Bogdanovich’s line ‘Prince Shakhovsky’s four Jäger regiments.’ Smith, 107; Bogdanovich, II, 193.

  376. Poniatowski to Berthier, 7 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 288.

  377. Soltyk, 228, Gourgaud, 238; Fain, II, 29.

  378. Stroganov to Konovnitsyn, 18 September 1812, in Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya, 152; Spisok ob otlichivshikhsia v srazhenii 26 augusta 1-i grenaderskoi divizii generalitet, shtab i ober-ofitserakh, [n.d.] September 1812, in Borodino: dokumentalnaya khronika, 186-187.

  379. Baggovut to Barclay de Tolly, [n.d.] September 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, op. 16, d. 3561, 1. 43; Bogdanovich, 202. D. Smith cited abridged version of Baggovut’s report but translation contains several errors, including misnaming the 39th Company as 33rd, Borodino, 104.

  380. Paskevich, 103.

  381. Kukiel (1929): 34; Jomini, IV, 127.

  382. Baggovut to Barclay de Tolly, [n.d.] September 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, op. 16, d. 3561, l.43–43b.

  383. Kolaczkowski, I, 120.

  384. Baggovut to Barclay de Tolly, [n.d.] September 1812, RGVIA, f. VUA, op. 16, d. 3561, l.43–43b; Stroganov to Konovnitsyn, 18 September 1812, in Borodino: dokumenty, pisma, vospominaniya, 152; Bogdanovich, 203; Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky (1839):239–240; Soltyk, 232–233.

  385. Dembinski’s Mémoires, in Kukiel (1929): 85.

  386. Poniatowski to Berthier, 7 September 1812, in Markham, Imperial Glory, 288.


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