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I Take This Woman

Page 18

by Chamein Canton

  “Oh,” she moaned softly.

  He continued kissing her neck. “Where’s the bedroom?” He whispered.

  “Down the hall,” she answered softly.

  He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Gently, Sam laid her on the bed. Abby’s body quivered when Sam took his sweater off and she saw his well-defined chest and washboard abs. He lowered himself on top of her.

  As their passion rose, Abby let her hands explore Sam’s chiseled body. He was hard in all the right places. His grip was firm yet gentle. Sam was everything she’d ever wanted in a man. When his hands dropped to her zipper, Abby’s body tensed up.

  “What’s wrong? Am I going to fast?”

  “No. It’s just that, she stammered slightly. “I haven’t been with anyone in this way in a while now. I know it’s silly but I’m nervous.”

  “That’s not silly at all.” He caressed her face.

  “That’s not all. I have a stomach, and it’s more than a little pooch.”


  “I’ve seen Maria and she’s flat as a washboard. Between the pooch and the map of the Appalachians my stretch marks have formed over the years, it’s not a pretty sight.”

  “Why? You did have a baby.”

  “It’s nearly been sixteen years since I had a baby. What’s my excuse now?”

  “You know one of the things that attracted me to you was your confidence. When you walked into your office that morning you looked so sexy in that dress. It just hugged you in all the right ways. Then when you ate a muffin at our breakfast without breaking out a carbohydrate calculator and you didn’t obsess over the calories, I thought to myself, this is my kind of woman. She’s unafraid to be who she is.”

  “You got all of that from a few meetings?”

  “Yes. So to hear you talk about how imperfect you think your body is really puzzles me.”

  “It is a little crazy to be overcome by neuroticism at this moment.”

  “I tell you what. We’ll go as slowly as you need to.” He kissed her neck. “You’re beautiful.” He kissed her neck again. “You’re very sexy.” He planted another kiss just above her cleavage. “And though I want you badly, I can wait.”

  With that reassurance, Abby looked into his eyes and slowly unzipped her pants. At the moment she was about to pull them down, Sam stopped her and took them the rest of the way down. His eyes turned to saucers when he saw the rest of her hourglass shape covered by a sexy black lace thong. He kneeled down and pulled them off slowly before he tossed them on the floor. He stopped to behold the body before him but only for a moment. He couldn’t contain his excitement and took his pants and boxer briefs off in one fell swoop.

  Abby’s body shook as she felt Sam’s skin next to hers. In mere moments she didn’t know where he ended and she began as their bodies intertwined and rocked together in sweet ecstasy.

  Chapter 18

  When Abby opened her eyes, Sam smiled at her.

  “I guess it wasn’t a dream.”

  “Oh, it was the best kind of dream. The kind that really happened.” He grinned.

  Abby chuckled. “How long did I doze off for?”

  “I don’t know. It could have been a minute or an hour. I loved watching you sleep so much I lost track of time. I couldn’t help it. You looked so beautiful.”

  “You already got me in bed. You don’t have to overdo it.”

  “Who says I’m overdoing it?”

  “Okay.” She said a little embarrassed. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He leaned over and kissed her.

  “When I think about it, you never did answer my question from earlier.”

  “I was a little preoccupied.”

  “Uh, huh,” she continued. “How did you know where to find me?”

  “A little bee told me.”

  “Remind me to get fly paper.”

  “Don’t be hard on Shana. It’s almost Valentine’s Day and she took pity on a love-struck boy.”

  “Love-struck?” she echoed.

  “Yes. I told you that I couldn’t get you out of my head before and when we kissed in the cab, I knew I had to be with you.”

  “But Sam.”

  He put his finger up to her lips. “No more talking.” He leaned in and fervently kissed her.

  In a flash they explored each other’s bodies once more. The heat between them burned hotter by the moment. Abby rolled on top of Sam. Her long hair covered his face as she kissed him and worked her way from his neck down to his stomach. Abby loved the way his body tightened with excitement as she softly blew on his skin and peppered every inch with long light kisses.

  Unable to contain himself, Sam turned the tables back on Abby. With one smooth stroke, she felt his passion throughout her body. She grabbed the covers as they rocked back and forth, her body pulsating so hard, she dug her nails into the comforter to steady herself. His eyes locked with hers as they reached the moment of sweet, satisfying release.

  “Oh, my God,” Abby said as she collapsed, breathless.

  “That was incredible. You’re incredible.” He kissed her.

  “You’re something else, too.” She wiped her brow. “How do you top that?”

  “Easy,” Sam said.

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes. We just have to do it again,” he said as he pulled her to him again.


  It was late afternoon by the time Sam grabbed a shower while Abby made a couple of sandwiches.

  I feel like he can eat both of these by himself. Abby thought as she looked at the plate. I should make another one for me.

  Her phone rang. She wiped her hands and checked the caller ID. It was J.J. “Hello, J.J.” She picked up.

  “Hi, Abby. I called your office and they told me that you’d already left for Choate.”

  “Yes. I decided I’d come up early and get a little rest before all the activities.” When she looked up, she could see Sam shower through the partially opened bathroom door. Mmm, all the delicious activities, she thought.

  “So there’s nothing wrong with Justin?”

  “No. He’s fine. But I’m meeting with the headmaster tomorrow to get a full report.”

  “If the boy says he’s fine then he’s fine.”

  “That’s the difference between us. You’re willing to accept something at face value. I want to look deeper and get an objective view.” She paused. “Wait a second. Why did you call me at the office? What’s going on?”

  She could hear J.J. hesitate.

  “Spit it out, J.J.”

  “You might hear reports that I’m engaged.”

  “I might hear a report?”

  “No. You will hear one or a dozen reports.”

  Abby rolled her eyes. “You’re engaged?”

  “What if I am?”

  “Well for one thing, you’re not divorced yet.” She slapped her head. “What am I talking about? We hadn’t even signed our divorce papers when Beebe got her ring.”

  “Are you going to bring that up again?”

  “What do you mean bring it up again? I think this might be the third time I’ve mentioned it in ten years.”

  “I’m sorry. I stand corrected.”

  “Damn straight you do. Does Beebe know? Oh, God, J.J. She’s already on the ‘he did me wrong’ tour and now you’re going to throw gasoline on her fire.” She shook her head. “Did you call Justin?”

  “No. I was hoping that you would talk to him.”

  “It’s late. I won’t be able to get into the school.” She looked at the clock. “Why didn’t you call me earlier?”

  “I did call you. Didn’t you check your phone? I left you three voicemails.”

  She looked at her phone and saw the missed calls. I must have been out of range. You know how it is when you’re in the country.”

  “That’s one good shower.” Sam smiled as he walked out of the bathroom.

  Abby quickly motioned for him to be quiet.

was that? Do you have company?”

  “No. I unmuted the television by mistake.”

  “Sorry.” He mouthed and then pointed to the sandwiches. Abby gave him the thumbs up and he dug in.

  “Are you going to call him?”

  “Fine I’ll see if I can get in to see him this evening.”

  “Thanks, Abby. You’re the best.”

  “I’m not doing this for you. I don’t want him to hear about this accidentally.”


  “I’ll talk to you later.” She hung up.

  “Sorry about before, but that shower felt great. I wish you could have joined me.”

  “Maybe next time.” She smiled.

  “Thanks for the sandwiches.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I take it that was your ex on the phone. Is everything all right?”

  “He called to tell me that he’s engaged.”

  “I didn’t know he was divorced.”

  “He isn’t divorced yet. Apparently the story is set to break tomorrow, and I’ve got to tell Justin before that happens.”

  “Why didn’t he tell him? He is his father.”

  “I know, but J.J. hasn’t been able to talk to Justin like a father since he was about five or six years old.” She sighed. “I can’t blame J.J. entirely though, he and his father have the same kind of non- relationship.”

  “That must be tough for Justin.”

  “I know it is though he will never tell me.” She looked at the clock. “I’d better shower and then I’ll call the school to get Justin out for dinner.”

  “I would come with you for support, but…” he began.

  “I have enough explaining to do.”

  Sam eyed Abby’s sandwich.

  She looked down. “Go ahead and eat it.”

  “Thanks.” He said hungrily.

  Just as Abby walked by, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. “Make sure you fuel up. I think I have a fourth quarter in me.”

  They kissed.

  “I suggest you make some calls beforehand. In case you haven’t seen the latest from Toni Redstone, it looks like she wants to file a breach of contract case against you on Maria’s behalf.”

  “What breach of contract?”

  “She’s essentially arguing that your proposal amounted to a binding contract.”

  “This is crazy.”

  “I know. You’d better call Reggie and find out what’s going on. I’m sure he’s called the National Guard by now.”

  “I will, but first I’m going to finish this sandwich.”

  “Okay. She gave him another quick peck before she headed to the bathroom.

  “Breach of contract,” he muttered aloud. “The whole thing is a circus.” He took a bite of his sandwich and wiped his mouth. I don’t know why I didn’t realize the circus theme would continue. The wedding was going to be a circus, so now the break up is one, too.


  Over an hour later, Abby was seated across from Justin at Archie Moore’s Bar & Restaurant on North Main Street. Opened in 1898 by Archibald Moore it became a popular eatery in town, known for its hot and spicy chicken wings. However Justin indulged in a double order of Archie’s bar burgers topped with grilled onions, crisp bacon, barbecue sauce and melted cheddar cheese. Abby settled for a grilled turkey burger topped with Swiss cheese and a side of French fries.

  Awed, she watched Justin polish off both burgers in record time. “I don’t know where you put it.”

  “It burns off quickly.” He shrugged.

  “You’re a teenage boy. When food goes in, your metabolism acts like the Earth’s atmosphere. It causes it to disintegrate so it’s a pebble before it hits the surface.”

  “So you’re saying I’m eating pebbles?”

  “Essentially.” She laughed.

  He laughed. “I’m glad you came up early, Mom.”

  “Me, too.”

  “You should come by lacrosse practice tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Are you sure you want me to come?”


  “Then I’ll be there.”

  “Great.” Justin sipped his chocolate shake. “Okay, Mom. I know you didn’t come all the way up here early so we could talk about lacrosse and my metabolism. What’s going on?”

  Abby put her burger down. “I suppose I’m pretty transparent, huh?”


  “The best way to say it is to come out and get it over with.” She took a deep breath. “Your father’s engaged, and it’s probably going to be common knowledge by tomorrow.”

  “Wow, that was fast. He’s only been dating Lindy for five months that we know of.”

  “Yeah. You know your father. When it comes to this kind of stuff he moves fast, quick and in a hurry. How do you feel about that?”

  “It’s not really a question of how I feel. It’s his life and he can do what he wants.”

  “Yes he can do what he wants. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect you. Please tell me how you really feel. You can trust me.”

  “I know, Mom. Still what is there to say? It’s not like I haven’t been through this before.”

  “It’s one thing to be five years old when it happens. It’s another to be nearly sixteen.”

  “You have to stop worrying, Mom. I’m fine. I’m not going to jump off a bridge. If dad wants to get married again more power to him,” he paused. “How do you feel about it?”

  “I’m not the issue here. Your father and I are divorced. I only care how his actions affect you.”

  “I love you for that, Mom but you’re not going to get a Dr. Phil moment out of me. I’ve got a tough hide.”

  “That’s what worries me. I think it’s a little too tough for someone your age.”

  “What do I have to do to convince you that I’m okay?”

  “Why don’t you scream? Or curse him out? Do something.”

  “You never did anything like that, and I am my mother’s son.”

  “Checkmate, son. Nicely played,” Abby sensed that she wasn’t going to make any headway. “I don’t suppose I can interest you in the chocolate mousse cake?”

  He waved the waitress over. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”


  Sam stared out of the window into the darkness. It’s so peaceful. He sighed. Despite the idyllic scenery, Sam knew he should bite the bullet and call Reggie. He picked his phone up and saw that his voicemail was full and he had seventy text messages from Reggie. Duty called, but…

  He closed his eyes and speed-dialed.


  “Hello, Momma. I’m sure you know what’s going on. I’m just calling you to see if you’ve had any trouble with the press down there.”

  “No. Reporters and the paparazzi know better than to come down here. This is gun country. I cannot believe the nerve of those Carrangelos trying to sue you over breach of contract. Don’t the courts have enough real cases to deal with? Now they want to add scorned lovers to the docket? This stuff might fly on Judge Judy, but it burns my biscuits.”

  “It singes my biscuits, too.” Sam was tickled by his mother’s indignation.

  “Hold on a second, honey. Your dad wants to speak with you.”

  “Okay, Momma. Love you.”

  “I love you, too, honey.”

  “Hey, Sam,” his father said jovially.

  “Hi, Dad.”

  “You don’t sound any the worse for wear.”

  “In spite of everything, I feel pretty good.”

  “I guess you took my advice.”

  “Yes. I did. I know it happened fast, but I’m crazy about her, Dad. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before.”

  “It sounds like you’ve been hit by the thunderbolt.”

  “I suppose I have. I know the real world is waiting for me back home, but I really don’t want to deal with it. Reggie has sent me a truckload of text messages and voicemails.”

  “He called here, too.”r />
  “What did you tell him?”

  “I told him that you probably went fishing and that you’d be in touch when you were on dry land. Have you rowed to shore yet, son?”


  “Then Reggie can wait a little longer.”

  Sam laughed. “Please wish Momma a happy Valentine’s Day for me. She should get some flowers from me tomorrow morning.”

  “I’m sure she’ll love that. Good night, son.”

  “Good night.” Sam hung up and went back to the window. He decided things were already a mess, so he’d wait one more day to call Reggie. Besides, he had Valentine’s evening activities to set up, and he was anxious to get to it.


  It was after eleven when Abby came back to the cottage kitchen with groceries from Stop and Shop.

  “Let me take those.” Sam said as he took the bags from Abby’s hands.

  “Thanks. I thought I would stop in the store and pick up a few things. Nanette and Brad stocked the fridge for me but there’s only enough for one person.”

  “That was sweet of you. Thanks.” Sam started putting the groceries away while Abby took her coat off. “How was dinner with Justin?”

  “It was good. I took him to Archie Moore’s in town.” She reached into her bag and took a container out. “I brought a slice of the chocolate mousse cake back for you. It’s pretty good.” She put it on the table.

  “Thanks.” He looked at it. “It looks good too.” He paused. “So how did Justin take the news?”

  “He was fine. He didn’t even flinch.”

  “And that’s not good?”

  “On the surface it’s a great reaction, but I just don’t buy it.”

  “Maybe you’re just making more of it than you have to.”

  “You might be right.” She sat down at the kitchen table. “I could be worrying for nothing.”

  “Exactly,” he said as he put the last container away. “I’m all done here.”


  “Now,” he put his hand out. “I have something for you in the bedroom.”

  “You do? Are you sure you that something isn’t out here already?”

  “Of course it’s out here.” He winked. “However I have something else waiting for you in the bedroom.”

  “Hmm, you’ve piqued my interest.”

  “That was the point.” He held out his hand.


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