Another Last Chance

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Another Last Chance Page 19

by Tristan Walker

  “This is what everything is about.” He handed it to Steve, and Steve quickly examined it and passed it to Sean. “That is what they after,” Kevin said and started explaining everything that happen. When he was finished they both seemed surprised by what he’d been through. They took a few more minutes to absorb everything that was said.

  “So,” Steve said while holding the memory card. “We have to try and get this to the news reporter woman before the police get it?”

  “Yeah, but not try. She have to get it.”

  “Yeah, well. That is what I mean,” Steve said without taking his eyes off the memory card. He was anxious to view the contents, but accepted the fact that there wasn’t anything to play it on.

  Steve stood up and Kevin took the memory card and pushed it back into his pocket. “Okay, time to figure out how we going to do this,” Steve said, and they began brainstorming and voicing their suggestions.

  They managed to go at it for a little over an hour and it was Sean’s idea that sounded most workable.

  His cousin Keisha had done a few courses in cosmetology before becoming a nurse. Sean would contact her tomorrow morning and bring her to the hideout in order for Kevin to get a Rastafarian disguise which should help them evade the police. If that didn’t work, Steve would be following in another car and he’d cause a distraction which would take the officers off route and away from the news station, giving Sean and Kevin enough time to get there and give the memory card to the reporter. It was the perfect plan and they all agreed on it.

  The next thing was to decide who would be carrying a firearm, and as much as Kevin didn’t want to, it had come down to Steve and himself, since Sean continuously refused.

  They were satisfied with their accomplishments, and it was already after midnight and they needed their rest. Steve and Sean shared the bed and Kevin remained on the couch.

  There was a lot on his mind and it took him a while of twisting and turning and being distracted by the noisy insects before he’d managed to put his mind at ease.

  He woke up to a woman’s voice and as he sat up his neck and shoulders ached. He noticed Steve, Sean and Keisha standing close to the door with a laptop resting on the counter in front of them. Sean noticed him before anyone else, then Steve and Keisha looked on.

  “Aye, look who finally wake up.” Sean said in a teasing manner. Keisha raised her hand and acknowledged him.

  Kevin got up and walked over to them while using his hands to message his shoulders. The pain didn't ease.

  “What going on Keish?” he said when he had gotten close enough and greeted her with a hug. He felt somewhat embarrassed by everything she might’ve heard about him. She was dressed in blue jeans and a white blouse, and her expensive perfume lingered in the air.

  “What? No work today?”

  “Yeah, I have to be there for four. It nice to actually see you again with all these rumours going around.”

  “Hmm, I could imagine.” He looked at the laptop and saw officers with guns on two of the twelve blocks of cameras. He tried to observe their faces, but her laptop screen wasn’t big enough.

  “This is some real corruptive shit you have here,” Steve said, and his words brought everyone’s eyes back to the screen. Kevin noticed the date being, 16.05.2012 and the time was 9:18 p.m. Kevin realized that, that was two days before he had gotten there.

  “What happen so far?” Kevin asked. Everyone looked at him in a curious way.

  “Wait? What happen? You eh watch it yet?” Sean said, and everyone was anxious for the answer.

  “No. I just watch ah small piece and when I see two people get shoot I take it. I eh get chance to watch it out yet.”

  “Oh, okay,” Sean said, and their eyes went to the screen again. Keisha pressed a button and it started to fast-forward.

  “Well,” Steve started explaining. “So far the video start off on the thirteenth. That was a Sunday. Nothing didn’t happen until Tuesday. That was when the soldiers bring in the drugs. The workers come in Wednesday morning and in less than half-an-hour they went upstairs and start stripping and then come back downstairs to start cutting and packing the drugs.”

  Kevin would momentarily glimpse at the screen to see if anything was taking place while it was moving fast, but there wasn’t anyone but officers on the screen.

  “On Wednesday and Thursday they had them working some long hours without any break. They start to work around eight, and finish around eight, nine. Three people dead within them two days.”

  “What?” Kevin was shocked. He wrapped his hands behind his head and asked why.

  “One person try to get high when he thought nobody was looking, and the other person try to make a run for the door,” Keisha answered without looking away from the screen.

  Kevin glimpsed at the screen and notice that all the workers were upstairs getting naked and they were then led downstairs by three armed officers. There were more officers waiting downstairs. The video was still moving fast.

  “And why they killed the third person?” Kevin asked. Sean and Steve looked at Keisha with sad faces, waiting for her to answer. She gave him a silent stare.

  “I would show you just now. I wouldn’t be able to explain that one.”

  Kevin became concerned upon hearing her answer.

  “I don’t think they from Trinidad though.” Steve interrupted.

  “Why?” Kevin asked.

  “I not really sure. I just saying,” Steve continued. “I watching the complexion and their appearance. I feel is some kind of Spanish link they have.”

  “Hmm,” Kevin observed a few of the workers and realized what Steve was saying could be true.

  On the screen he saw one of the workers being pulled away from the metal table and that was when Keisha pressed play and they all quietly observed what was about to take place.

  Kevin noticed three of the officer surrounded the male worker and they all started kicking and stomping him as he pleaded for mercy. After almost three minutes of beating one of the officers handed his firearm to another officer and took out what looked like a combat knife. He kneeled next to the worker and stuck the knife into the man’s throat and they all watch as his life leaves his body.

  Kevin turned away, disgusted by the way they had treated another human being. Keisha started fast-forwarding it again and Kevin walked over to the couch. At that point the remainder of the video wasn’t important to him. All he could think about was getting it to the reporter, so all the officers involved would be dealt with accordingly.

  The three of them stood there for a little more than twenty minutes and when the video was finished Sean confirmed that there had been another death, bringing the total to five.

  “And what happen to all the other workers?” Kevin asked from where he was sitting on the coach.

  “Well,” Steve started saying. “We just see them put on their clothes and leave in one of the army trucks. I not sure what happen after that.”

  Kevin was a bit shaken up by what he saw and heard.

  “You still want to know what happen to that third person?” Keisha took his attention. As much as Kevin knew it might be as gruesome as what they did to the man with the combat knife, he got up and walked across to the laptop.

  Keisha pressed play and walked over to the couch where Sean was now sitting.

  Kevin noticed the date was 16.05.2012, and the time was 1:24 a.m. As he looked on, he could see several officers in the main room upstairs. Some of them were standing and some were sitting, but they were all wearing nothing more than their underpants. Two of the officers went to the door of the room that Kevin had slept in and knocked on the door. When the door was opened, both officers made their way into the room and came out with one of the female workers. They then closed the door behind.

  The woman was screaming and kicking as they threw her on the couch and two other officers joined in and they’d all started ripping off her clothing.

  Kevin turned his head and told Steve to
take it to the end. Steve fast-forwarded it and then called out to Kevin. Kevin saw an officer getting off the woman’s lifeless body and started putting his pants back on while the other officers watched.

  Kevin could feel the rage building inside him as if he was about to explode. His hands made a fist and he shouted out and punched the nearest wall. His hand bounced off and he could see blood on his knuckles. He leaned against the wall and allowed his body to slide to the floor. He buried his face in his hands and started crying. He couldn’t stop thinking about the mess he’d gotten himself into, and after seeing those video footages he realized now more than ever how lucky he was to be alive.

  He heard footsteps approaching and noticed Keisha’s feet next to him. She then kneeled beside him and placed her hand on his arm.

  “Listen, I know yuh upset, and I know it don’t have nothing I could say right now to change that. But, just know I come here because I believe you didn’t do none of them things they talking about, and I glad I get a chance to see for myself. The same way the whole country would see when you carry it to the news station.”

  She gently massaged his arm and then lifted his chin. His eyes were blood-red, and his face was wet with tears. She stretched out her hand and Steve handed her a handkerchief which she used to dry his face and then wrapped it around his knuckles.

  “Come!” She stood up while holding his hand. “Let me give you yuh makeover.” He started getting up. “You wouldn’t even recognize yourself when I finish with you, I promise.”

  She led him to the couch and took out the fake dreadlocks and other cosmetics from her bag. Steve stood and watch as she created her masterpiece.

  Sean was over at the laptop making a few copies of the memory card.

  Keisha took an hour and a half to cut, glue and dye his new dreadlocks and beard. When she was finished she handed him a mirror and he had put it to his face to see the new look that had Sean and Steve so amazed.

  Kevin’s eyes lighted up and he stood to his feet, surprised at what he was looking at. He looked totally different and she was so right when she said he wouldn’t be able to recognize himself. He smiled and pulled her in for a hug, lifting her off her feet. She was beyond talented. He brought the mirror to his face again and carefully examine his new Rastafarian look, with black and cocoa brown dreadlocks and patched beard.

  With his new look he had no doubt that their plan was going to work.

  He thanked her again and when she noticed the time she reminded them that she had to leave for work.

  Her car was parked at the main road to draw less suspicion. She quickly organized her belongings and left with Sean and Steve. They would rent two vehicles and Steve would go ahead of them to observe their most reliable route and remain at a static location. Sean would return for Kevin who should be ready and waiting at that time.

  Sean had returned at 5:15 p.m. and Kevin was already dressed in one of Steve’s blue jeans, a long sleeve shirt and a tie. Sean took twenty minutes to get dressed in a jeans and short sleeve shirt.

  “You ready?” Sean said as he walked into the room bringing Kevin back to reality. Kevin stood up and Sean handed him two copies of the memory card as he’d requested. Kevin hesitated for a moment.

  “What happen? You good?”

  “Yeah… Kinda.” Kevin couldn’t stop thinking about his daughter and he was becoming anxious to see her.

  “I know it might be kind of risky, but I want to see them before we go.”

  “See who?” Sean looked concerned.

  “Who else? Shantel and meh daughter.”

  Sean shook his head and mumbled, “This can’t be happening now,” to himself.

  The truth was, they both knew there was a strong possibility of things working out. But, if it didn’t, the next time Shantel would be seeing him would be to identify his body at the morgue. The plan was mostly Sean’s idea and although they had time on their hands they were working as a team and with a schedule. A schedule that catered all remaining time for unforeseen circumstances.

  Sean thought about it for a while and then agreed. They both left the house and got into the new sedan that Sean had just rented. Sean started the engine and drove out onto the street. He’d decided that he’d only contact Steve and inform him of the change of plans if they were running behind time.

  Along the way they saw police officers and soldiers patrolling the streets in vehicles and some on foot. But, lucky for them, no vehicles or persons were being questioned or searched.

  The streets were quiet and deserted, and it had taken them twenty-five minutes before they pulled up a few houses away from Shantel’s parents place.

  Kevin had gotten a phone from Sean and he'd contacted her when they were about to leave so she would be expecting him. He also told her about his Rastafarian disguise. He called again when the vehicle had come to a stop.

  Sean left the engine running and they kept scanning their surroundings.

  Kevin saw her look out her bedroom window and then the front door opened a few moments after and he saw when she stepped back into the house.

  Sean drove up to the house and Kevin made sure it was safe before exiting the vehicle and making his way into the yard. He noticed her father’s car parked in the driveway and he walked past it and went into the house.

  When he entered Shantel was standing by the door and it was as if she needed to take a moment to recognize him. She signaled for him to be quiet and closed the door behind them. She then held his hand and led him through the dark house and into her bedroom.

  The light in her room was dim and he could see his daughter sleeping on a smaller blanket on the bed. He walked closer, admiring her for a moment. She was lying on her side in a pink and white suit. She was a beautiful brown-skinned baby with pink lips and curly hair. He remembered Shantel describing what she believed their baby would look like and she was right about the complexion and the curly hair. He knew if things were going smoothly she would’ve had her opportunity to brag about it. And she’d have every right to. Shantel came to his side and gripped his hand tightly.

  It was like neither one of them could believe they were standing in each other’s presence again. He turned to her and she was just standing there looking at him. She saw beneath his new appearance. She saw him as the person she knew him to be. He couldn’t hold back his emotions and tears settled in his eyes. He realized that her eyes were already red and puffy.

  Within that moment Kevin leaned into her and took her in his arms. He held her tight and he could feel her breathing against his neck. He enjoyed feeling her warm body in his arms again and he wished he didn’t have a reason to let go. It was as if she’d read his mind as she tightened her arms around him. He could feel their heartbeats slow and got into one rhythm as his body became calm and he felt as if a weight was being lifted away. His stomach pushed out short gasps of air and he started sobbing. After everything he’d been through, she was the only person who brought him to a peaceful state of mind.

  They stood there for a couple minutes.

  “I miss you so much,” she said. He leaned away and looked at her. He noticed a streak of tears working its way down her cheeks and he wiped it away and when he got his words together he told her he missed her even more. She pulled him back into her arms.

  “Look how things change. I does think about it all the time and it just so sad... How we even end up like this?” she said.

  He thought about everything she’d been going through and he realized that there wasn’t a good enough answer that would replace the pain.

  “I sorry babe,” he said in a soft voice as tears ran down his face. “I so sorry.”

  He held her face between his hands and looked into her eyes.

  “I would make it up to you, I promise.”

  Her eyes became concerned and she pulled her face away from him and walked away at the same time.


  He studied the way her attitude had suddenly changed and then he said tha
t he was going to fix it.

  “How you planning to fix it?” she said in a more aggressive but concerned voice. It was her stare that demanded an answer.

  Kevin started to think things through as she stood there anxiously waiting to hear what he had to say. He hadn’t told her about the drug house, and he realized leaving out that piece of information was coming back to haunt him now. As much as he’d like to fill her in, time was becoming a disadvantage to him.

  He quietly shook his head and looked at her with a face that was requesting her forgiveness.

  Her crying became more intense and she sat on the bed and sank her face into her hands. He sat next to her and when he attempted to move her hand she pulled away. He pleaded for her forgiveness a couple times and then he eventually held her around her arms and pulled her closer to him. He kept her there until she was calm. She then lifted her head and looked at him for his explanation and he waited a while before speaking.

  “Babe, you have to understand, is not what you thinking,” he said.

  She shook her head in a frantic manner and began massaging her forehead in frustration.

  “So, what it is then Kev?” Her voice sounded sore and she cleared her throat. “I does watch news and read papers, every single day, from the day the shooting happen to now…” She looked up at him expressing her anger at everything that he’d put her through.

  “Look how long I begging you to stop hanging out with them fellas and you just keep getting yourself tie up in more and more shit. Look how far it reach now…What you could possibly tell me? And how you really planning to fix this, Kevin? You tell me?”

  Kevin looked at her without saying a word. At this point he was willing to tell her everything but didn’t know how or where to start.

  “Go ahead. I waiting to hear how you going to fix this. And, while you at it, tell me how you planning to bring back the dead too?” Her face was serious.

  Kevin got up and slowly walked across the room as he began studying everything she had just said.

  It was the first time he realized that without the video footage, he had no story. The officers had done a good job in making believers out of every citizen, even her. And he had never once responded to refute their claims. And, to make matters worse, he had agreed to having committed all the crimes and that had already gone public.


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