No Safeword

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No Safeword Page 18

by Claire Thompson

  Lucia and Ashley each had selected canes of medium thickness, and Jaime’s skin prickled with sympathy and longing as she watched Lucia position herself behind Katie, Ashley behind Danielle.

  “You start lightly,” Lucia said, taking over the narrative by some silent or prearranged agreement. “A steady, easy tapping to get the skin acclimated and ready. You want to get the blood rising to the surface, you want to get the adrenaline flowing and the anticipation up.”

  They both tap-tap-tapped for a while, and then Ashley said, “You don’t want them falling asleep, though.” She struck suddenly, the cane thwacking against Danielle’s right ass cheek. Danielle jerked but otherwise held her position. Ashley struck again, painting a matching line on the left side. Danielle yelped. Ashley struck her twice more, painting even, parallel lines above the first strokes. Danielle began to pant, and Jaime could see she was gripping her ankles hard, her legs trembling slightly from the effort.

  “You’ve been practicing, I see, Ashley,” said Mistress Marjorie, approval in her tone.

  “Yes, Mistress,” Ashley said, smiling sweetly up at Mistress Marjorie. “Master Mason recently discovered the purifying effects of the cut of the cane. It’s his new favorite way to relax.”

  Mistress Marjorie nodded. “Perhaps we’ll switch him yet,” she said with a laugh.

  “I don’t think so, ma’am,” Ashley said.

  “No,” Mistress Marjorie agreed, still grinning. “Mason is a Dom, through and through. Still, I had no idea you’d become so accomplished. Perhaps for your Sadie Hawkins switch with slave Julian, you’d like to try something different.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Ashley agreed with a grin. “I do have something else in mind, as a matter of fact. Hans and I have been talking.”

  “I bet you have,” Mistress Marjorie said, laughing again. She looked at the bent-over girls. “I’m distracting you. Let’s return the focus to the session.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” Ashley turned to Jaime. “Here, you try now.” Jaime took the offered cane and stepped hesitantly behind Danielle. “Watch what Lucia is doing.”

  Lucia was still tapping against Katie’s ample bottom, which was turning a rosy pink. “Especially when you’re just starting out,” Lucia said, her eyes fixed on the movement of the cane as it made contact, “make sure to avoid the tailbone.” She struck a little harder and a white line appeared against the pink flesh, which quickly darkened to red. Katie gasped but held her position. “When your sub is bent over, the muscles are pulled taut, making them more sensitive to impact,” Lucia continued.

  “That’s right,” Ashley chimed in, “so you don’t want to strike as hard as if your subject is lying down. Go ahead,” she urged. “You try it, Jaime.”

  “Copy what I’m doing,” Lucia said. “Use a quick snapping motion of the wrist, and then let the cane bounce back as soon as it strikes, like this.” The cane whistled through the air and connected with flesh. Katie gasped again and then whimpered.

  “You can strike with the tip of the cane, which produces a sharp, concentrated sting, or you can use the side of the cane, aiming for contact about midway down its length, like this.” Lucia shifted a little and the caned whipped through the air and landed with a crack against Katie’s jiggling ass, leaving another welt in its wake.

  “Oh!” Katie cried.

  Ignoring her, Ashley continued, “As a novice, though, it’s better to start with more carry-through.” She placed her hand over Jaime’s on the cane. “Like this, see.” She guided Jaime’s arm through the air, stopping just before making contact with Danielle’s bottom. “This will produce a heavier feeling of impact that’s not as sharp and stingy. It’s less likely you’ll inadvertently cut the skin this way. It’s a safer stroke for a newbie. Go on, you try it.”

  Jaime drew in a breath and, concentrating fiercely, tried to mimic the movements of her teachers. She hesitated slightly at the moment of impact, and the cane glanced off Danielle’s ass, the tip catching her hip and leaving an angry mark.

  “Ow!” Danielle cried, outrage in the single syllable.

  “Aim is important,” Ashley said, winking at Jaime. “You don’t want to hit bone like that, but that only happened because you didn’t trust yourself. Follow through this time. Give her what she needs, and put your own fear aside.”

  Jaime wanted to apologize to Danielle, but knew that wouldn’t be well received. Instead, she refocused on her task, ignoring the fear sweat pricking in her armpits.

  She flicked her wrist, and the cane whistled and landed with a satisfying crack just where Danielle’s ass met her right thigh.

  “Yeah!” Ashley enthused. “That’s it. That’s the sweet spot. That’s the best, right?”

  Jaime’s skin tingled with muscle memory of being caned just so. She nodded in agreement, and aimed again, catching Danielle in the same spot on her other thigh. They worked a while longer, and Jaime’s confidence rose. She painted several pink stripes on Danielle’s ass, though she was very careful not to strike too hard.

  “Okay, really good job, girls.” Mistress Marjorie placed a hand on Jaime’s shoulder. “Jaime, you’re still a little timid, but that will improve with experience.” Stepping back, she addressed all of them. “Okay, now we’ll switch out. Jaime and Lucia, assume the position. Danielle and Katie, take the canes. Ashley, you may continue to instruct.”

  Jaime handed her cane to Ashley, her heart kicking up a notch. Please, please, please, let me have Katie, she begged the BDSM gods. “Danielle, you will work with Jaime, and Katie, you take Lucia,” Mistress Marjorie continued, blithely unaware of Jaime’s silent plea.

  Jaime focused on relaxing her body and mind. Don’t anticipate. Practice acceptance. The caning began well, the light, steady tapping creating a sensual, steady hum through her blood. She relaxed a little more and drew a deep, calming breath.

  The sudden, savage cut across both cheeks struck like a snake, leaving a stinging line of fire in its wake. “Fuck,” Jaime blurted involuntarily, the f exploding percussively against her teeth, tears blurring her vision.

  “What was that?” Mistress Marjorie said sharply, and then, before Jaime could apologize for the outburst, “Oh, dear. Danielle, didn’t I tell you no blood today?”

  “I’m so sorry, Mistress Marjorie,” Danielle said, her tone saccharine sweet. “I didn’t mean to.”

  Jaime’s fingers were slippery with sweat and she felt dizzy. Somehow she managed to stay in position, holding on to her ankles for dear life. Something cool and soothing was dabbed gently along the painful line of fire on her ass. “There,” Mistress Marjorie said behind her. “You may stand, Jaime.” Strong fingers wrapped gently around Jaime’s upper arms, helping her to a standing position. “It’s a shallow cut, nothing that won’t heal quickly, especially with the miracle salve Aubrey makes for us.” She turned Jaime so she was facing her. “You look a little pale, dear.” She touched the back of her hand to Jaime’s forehead. “A little clammy.” She turned to Ashley. “Take Jaime over to the recovery couch for a few minutes. Give her some water. The slave boys”—she grinned widely at the term—“will be in shortly for their Sadie Hawkins session.” She rubbed her hands together. “I don’t know about you girls, but I can’t wait.”


  Mark remembered something called the Sadie Hawkins Dance back in middle school, where the girls were supposed to ask the boys to the dance. Apparently, in his mother’s day, to hear her tell it, such an event was a much bigger deal than in his more liberated time. At his school’s dance, as he recalled, he and a gaggle of gangly boys had showed up in a pack, not having been among the chosen few specifically asked by a girl. Like every other school dance he attended until his hormones kicked in sufficiently to override insecurity, he’d stood around, his hands shoved in his pockets, posturing to attempt to impress if a girl moved close enough.

  Mark was surprised but pleased to see Lawrence had chosen to participate in the Sadie Hawkins session, signing up for the last of th
e four available spots that morning. They filed into the room and moved to the yoga mats, as they’d been instructed prior to entering.

  Jaime, Katie, Danielle, Lucia and Ashley were standing in a line and Mark’s brain did a double take as it struggled to process what was different about them.

  They weren’t naked.

  The slave girls were wearing silky, shimmery lingerie type things, like see-through one-piece bathing suits, except much sexier. Each wore a different color, Lucia in gold, Danielle in cobalt blue, Katie in pink, Ashley in black and Jaime in silver. It was still possible to see their bare, lovely forms beneath, but somehow, perhaps because it was so unusual to see slaves clothed in any way, the effect was extremely erotic.

  Mark started to kneel on the mat, assuming that was required, but was stopped by Marjorie. “Welcome, slave boys. Before you kneel and await your instruction, you will strip completely naked. You may leave your clothes in neat, folded piles in the cubbies.” She pointed to an area of the dungeon where supplies were kept.

  Mark’s initial impulse was to balk, but he realized how ridiculous that was. They expected and required the subs to be naked, and they, as subs at least for that morning, should have expected nothing different. He glanced at the other men. Julian, who had already pulled off his shirt, was in the process of removing his boots, a wide grin on his eager face. Anthony was unbuttoning his shirt with a calm, faintly amused expression. Lawrence looked grim, a faint blush moving over his pale face as he reached for the fly of his fine, black leather pants.

  Mark, who had dressed that morning in black jeans, work boots and his favorite black leather vest, set about stripping himself as directed. He glanced toward the slave girls, or rather, the Mistresses. All of them were watching the men with rapt attention. Mark smiled as he stared back at them, admiring their lovely, feminine curves, made all the more tantalizing by the shimmery silk. Ashley frowned at him, and he looked away, suddenly aware he’d been behaving in a less than submissive fashion with his brazen stare. This was going to be a very interesting morning.

  When the men were all naked and kneeling in a relatively neat row, Marjorie said, “Today we will be working in three groups. Your Mistresses have been given carte blanche to fully direct their own scenes. Their plans haven’t been discussed or rehearsed. Whatever they say, goes.” As she gave them a moment to digest this, Lawrence fidgeted a little beside Mark.

  “Anthony,” Marjorie continued, “you will be dominated by Mistress Lucia. Mark, you will be claimed by Mistress Katie, and Lawrence, you will submit to Mistress Danielle. Julian, I do believe Mistress Ashley has something wicked in mind for you.”

  Julian laughed. “Bring it on, Mistress Ashley. I can take it.”

  Mark’s eyes slid to Jaime. As a trainee, she hadn’t yet earned the privilege of serving as a Mistress in this scene, but Anthony had mentioned she’d be participating as an assistant and observer. Mark found himself conflicted about whether he wanted her in on his scene. On the one hand, he liked being near her, whatever the circumstance. On the other, she was distracting. It was going to be hard enough to do this particular exercise without having to control his desires, especially given the fact he would be naked. Yes, much better if she wasn’t in the way.

  “Slave Jaime will assist Mistress Lucia,” Marjorie added, and Mark experienced a sudden, sharp letdown that told him he’d been lying to himself.

  Katie led Mark to a spanking horse and instructed him to drape himself face down over its back, resting his elbows and knees on the padded supports that ran along the sides of the horse. Lawrence followed Danielle to nearby stocks. Mark watched with amusement as she lifted the hinged top and instructed Lawrence to kneel and place his head and hands in the hollows of the wood. Mark twisted his head but the others in the room were out of his line of vision.

  “Stop fidgeting,” Katie said, and Mark, chagrined, stilled. As she placed cuffs around his wrists and ankles, a little swoop of adrenaline rippled through his gut.

  “Today, slave boy,” Katie said in a slightly tremulous voice, “we will begin with a spanking, and then I’ll move on to flogging and caning. You will remain still and quiet during the session, except to thank me. Are we quite clear on this?”

  “Yes, Ka—, er, Mistress Katie,” Mark said, suppressing a smile. He had a fairly high tolerance for pain, and wasn’t too worried about his ability to obey her directives. Katie stepped out of his line of vision. He could hear her fumbling about behind him.

  He stiffened when he felt the sudden touch of something cold and gooey between his ass cheeks. Katie appeared once more in front of him, this time waving a huge, shiny black butt plug in his face. “To help you enter the proper headspace of a submissive,” she continued, her tone less timid now, “I’m going to insert this butt plug into your ass.”

  Mark barely managed to bite back the immediate, sharp retort that rose in his throat. This exercise in submission was going to be a little more difficult to handle than he had anticipated.

  Katie must have seen something in his expression, because she knitted her brows and frowned. “Is there a problem, slave Mark? Are you frightened?” She stroked his head, tilting her own as she peered into his face. “You need to relax—to open yourself to the experience. You need to trust me.” She was parroting back words he’d said to her on many occasions during various sessions and, despite the concern on her face, her eyes were sparkling.

  She’s having fun with it. So should you, he told himself. This morning is for the slave girls. It’s their day to play. Give her what you so easily demand.

  “No, Mistress Katie, no problem,” he said sincerely. “Thank you for guiding me, for reminding me.” He closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, willing the stress he was holding in his muscles to leave along with the air in his lungs.

  “Much better,” Katie said, patting his head.

  She stepped out of his vision again, and after a moment he felt the poke of hard rubber against his sphincter. He couldn’t help but tense as it pressed its way past the ring of muscle, but it slid in easily enough with the ample lubricant she’d applied. Only the last, wide bit of the plug created a brief, intense pressure that quickly subsided merely into a sensation of fullness.

  “We begin,” Katie, or rather, Mistress Katie, announced as she brought her hand down on Mark’s bare ass. Mark glanced over at Lawrence. Danielle was kneeling in front of him, her face close to his. She’d attached clamps to his nipples, and the chain swung gently below his chest. All at once, she drew back her hand and slapped his face, the sound sharp and sudden, and followed by Lawrence’s quick intake of breath.

  Danielle tapped Lawrence’s hands, which had balled into fists inside the stocks. He uncurled his fingers, his eyes still on hers. She stroked the cheek she’d just slapped with two fingers and then slapped him again on the same cheek, the sound ringing in the air. The two continued to stare at one another. Lawrence’s lips were parted. Mark’s gaze slid down their bodies, and he observed that Danielle’s nipples were fully erect, as was Lawrence’s cock.

  Well, well, Mark thought, what the hell is going on between those two?

  He was distracted from his musings by Katie’s hard, insistent palm. She was surprisingly strong, and with each smack, the stinging heat rose and spread over Mark’s skin. He grunted, tensing in his effort to hold himself in a way that caused the least stress to his body.

  He felt a soothing hand on his lower back, though the spanking continued. “Remind him to breathe,” Marjorie said, for a moment confusing Mark. Then he realized she was talking to Katie. “See how he’s holding himself stiffly, his body taut. He’s not relaxing into the spanking. You need to remind him. Talk to him. Bring him along. Ask him how he’s doing.”

  “Oh, gosh. Right!” Mark could hear the chagrin in Katie’s voice. She leaned close to his ear, the spanking halted for the moment, which was just fine with him. “Slave Mark,” she said softly, “how are you doing? Are you remembering t
o breathe? To flow with the pain?”

  “I’m trying, Mistress,” he answered honestly. “This is new for me. Thank you for reminding me.”

  “You’re welcome, slave boy.”

  Mark smiled at the incongruity of sweet, submissive Katie referring to him as her slave boy, though he managed to hold his grin at bay until she was again behind him.

  The smile fell away when her hard palm cracked once more on his now quite tender flesh. It took concentration not to cry out, but he was determined to remain silent and stoic—to take it like a true sub.

  When she finally stopped, she demanded breathlessly, “Thank me, slave.”

  “Thank you, Mistress Katie,” Mark replied somewhat breathlessly himself.

  The flogger was next, and the sensation was almost pleasant when compared with the sharp, hard sting of Katie’s palm. The flogger was a long-handled suede model, ideal for an introductory flogging. She was wielding it in a steady, swinging motion that was more sensual than painful, and Mark began to relax beneath its onslaught. His cock actually rose in response to the erotic pain, rubbed pleasurably against the leather horse with each thuddy stroke. He nearly protested when she stopped, but caught himself in time.

  “Thank me,” she demanded once more, and he did.

  The cane was another story.

  Though she began with the traditional light tapping to acclimate the skin, he wasn’t ready when the first searing stroke sliced across the top of his ass just below the tailbone. It fucking hurt!

  That’s the point, he could almost hear himself say aloud, which was what he would have said to a protesting sub if they’d voiced their complaint. The second and third strokes landed with better aim, catching him across the fleshier part of his ass, though the cut was still biting and quite painful. Without the overlay of masochistic hardwiring that made such an experience easier to bear, Mark found himself clenching his fists once more. Though Katie appeared too focused on her task to notice, Mark recognized in himself that he was taking the pain in and failing to release it—to let it go, as he so easily counseled his submissives.


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