Claiming Carter

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Claiming Carter Page 7

by W. S. Greer

  “I never meant to come in between you guys, Lily. I know that it was wrong, and I have already apologized. But, talking about me and making fun of me won’t change anything,” Angela said.

  “I’m not trying to change anything, Angela. It is what it is. And don’t get me wrong, I blame Tim more than I blame you. All I can say is that I’m still a little pissed about the whole thing, and my good friend, Lexy here, is allowed to say whatever she wants to say. I’m not out to hurt your feelings. Believe it or not, I’m doing quite well with moving on with my life. But, that doesn’t change what you did.”

  “You’re moving on with your life? Not from what I can tell. As far as I can see, you’re still hung up on Tim and mad that I was able to take him away from you. You’re obviously not over it if you’re still pissed about it. You need to really move on with your life, and get over it,” Angela countered just as she turned to grab her mug and began walking towards the door.

  As the door closed, I looked over at Lexy with a frown. “Have I told you how much I hate that bitch?”

  “Only about a million times,” Lexy quipped.

  The school bell rang and Lexy and I, once again, headed down separate hallways towards our classes. Just as I approached my classroom, I couldn’t help but to peek inside Tim’s class. He was sitting at his desk with his arms folded, completely standoffish and unapproachable to his students. Just looking at him reminded me of how shitty my relationship with him was. We’d never had sex anywhere but my bedroom—besides the one time in my classroom—the entire time we were together, and never once did Tim ever ask me to give him “oral pleasure” outside of my house. Yet, I stayed with him in hopes that it would get better. Hoping that one day, he would come around and have something click inside of him that would make him want me more. Meanwhile, while I was hoping, he was shoving his cock in Angela Bronson’s mouth in the nurse’s office.

  But, was it true that I hadn’t moved on? Maybe Angela had a point. If I was still mad about what she and Tim had done, did it mean that I was holding on to Tim? I hadn’t ever really thought about it that way. The way I saw it, I had every right to be pissed at my lying, cheating, ex-boyfriend and there was nothing wrong with that. I wasn’t stuck on Tim—I was a woman scorned. I needed to move past Tim and Angela completely. I didn’t want to think about everything that the two of them had made me feel, and the thought of them staying together after Tim and I had broken up only made me feel worse. I really did need something to come into my life and help me to move forward. I needed something. Maybe I needed someone.

  I walked into my classroom and settled down my raucous students. It was seven-twenty, and it never ceased to amaze me how energized children could be so early in the morning. Luckily, there were no crying kids and no fights about to break out this morning, so I immediately began the day’s lesson on division.

  Time passed quickly, and the day was moving along without a hitch. My teacher’s aide, Mrs. Butterfield, took the kids to P.E. where another one of my exes was successful with riling the children back up before sending them back to class right before lunch. As the class came filing into the room, I heard my phone’s text alert chime from inside my purse. I quickly picked it up and saw that the message was from Lexy.

  Lexy: Almost lunch time. Lounge?

  Me: You know it. I’m starving. See you soon.

  Ten minutes later, I was prepping my students to go to lunch and my phone vibrated and chimed once again. I had just responded to Lexy, so I was wondering what was going on that she was texting me again. I, again, dug into my purse and pulled out my cell phone, but I quickly realized that I didn’t recognize the number, however, it looked vaguely familiar.

  630-555-2319: Hey, beautiful. How is your day going so far??

  Although, I thought I recognized the number, I still wasn’t sure who the message was from, or why they decided to use two question marks at the end of the message. I usually wouldn’t respond to an unknown number, but I decided I would take the bait.

  Me: My day is going fine. It might be better if I knew who this was.

  After about two minutes, my phone chimed again.

  630-555-2319: Kelvin Carter Jr.

  My heart rate began to pick up speed and I gasped loudly, drawing the attention of Mrs. Butterfield.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, yeah. Sorry,” I replied with an embarrassed smile.

  I wasn’t sure how to respond. The way the night ended last night, I was shocked that Kelvin had decided to call me back. We’d had a great night at the dinner table, but the ending was a gigantic cold shower. The surprise text put an immediate smile on my face. I quickly went into my contacts and changed the unknown number to Kelvin’s name.

  Me: Hi. I didn’t expect to hear from you. How are you?

  Kelvin: I’m good. About to go have a business meeting. I wanted to apologize again about the way things ended last night. I hope I didn’t scare you away.

  I smiled a full, embarrassing smile that I failed to hide from Mrs. Butterfield. She scrunched her forehead and tilted her head, silently asking me what was going on. I shook my head as I smiled at her, successfully filling her with more confusion as I continued texting.

  Me: Definitely didn’t scare me off. I understand. Sometimes things come up. It’s okay.

  Kelvin: Thanks for understanding. Kind of wish I could make up for last night by seeing you again today.

  I smiled another enormous smile just as the bell for lunch rang and Mrs. Butterfield began filing the kids out of the classroom and into the hallway, which was quickly filling up with hungry first, second, and third graders.

  Me: Well, I’m about to go to lunch right now. It would be cool if you came by and saw me before lunch was over. I know you’re busy though. Maybe we can set something up for later on tonight.

  As I pressed Send on my phone, I rushed out of my classroom and speed walked down the hall towards the teacher’s lounge, where I knew Lexy would be waiting. I couldn’t stifle my excitement as I walked and I was dying to share this with her, and I knew she would be dying to hear about it.

  I pushed the door to the teacher’s lounge open with a little too much force and winced when I heard the door knob slam into the wall. Lexy stood at the counter warming up her chicken pot pie in the microwave. Her white dress hung low and swayed at her ankles as she moved. When she turned around, I instantly noticed her excessive cleavage. I could only imagine what the boys in her third grade class were thinking every time she bent over.

  “Excited about lunch, huh?” Lexy snipped as I rushed into the room.

  “He’s texting me. Right now,” I answered with excitement. Lexy bolted over to me and basically snatched the phone out of my hand, examining the text conversation between Kelvin and I.

  “He hasn’t responded yet? Do you think he’ll actually come?” Lexy seemed as eager as I was.

  “I don’t know. I mean, I doubt it. He’s a busy guy, and he already said he was about to go to a meeting, so I won’t get my hopes up,” I said.

  Thirty minutes quickly came and went as Lexy and I ate our lunch in the empty lounge. For one reason or another, Lexy and I were the only two teachers who ate lunch in the lounge. Most of the other teachers ate outside at the picnic tables or got in their cars and left for lunch. It was a short break, but a necessary one. The teacher’s aides were responsible for taking the children out to recess and very few teachers actually accompanied their class outside. I didn’t know the exact reasons, but I was glad that Lexy and I could get some alone time during the school day.

  “I told you he was too busy to come,” I said, slouching in my chair with frustration. Lunch was almost over and I still hadn’t gotten any sort of response from Kelvin.

  “Well, that sucks. I was looking forward to seeing his sexy ass again,” Lexy said.

  “Yeah, well, what can you do? The kids will be back in ten minutes. I better finish up here and get ready to head—” My text alert chimed and startled
both of us.

  “Is that him?” Lexy chirped.

  I looked down at my phone and gasped when I read the message.

  “What?” Lexy said. “What is it? Is that him or not?”

  I nodded my head slowly. “He said he’s outside,” I replied.

  Lexy’s eyes bulged in her head. “Oh shit! He’s here? What are you going to do?”

  I placed the phone in my pocket and smiled from ear to ear. “I don’t know. What should I do?”

  “Go meet him. Where is he?” Lexy inquired.

  “He said he’s outside by the playground, in the back. We only have a few minutes left. I’m going to go see him.”

  “Well, you better believe I am coming with you!”

  Lexy and I scrambled to pack away our Tupperware dishes and mugs and bolted out the door and down the hallway. The moment I pushed my way through the exit, I noticed all the teacher’s aides were staring in one direction and whispering amongst themselves. I followed their eyes and instantly saw what they were looking at. Kelvin’s Bentley was parked next to the curb adjacent to the playground.

  “Holy fucking shit!” Lexy’s swearing came out like a strangled whisper as she gaped at the luxury car. I didn’t know why, but it looked as if the Bentley had just been washed every time I saw it. “Oh my gosh, Lil. That car is incredible. Only rich people drive those things.”

  I didn’t say anything. Instead, I straightened out my shirt and dusted off my skirt as I began walking towards the car. Just as I reached the grass, the back door popped open and the first thing I saw was a patent leather, navy blue shoe step out onto the curb. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the vision I was about to see.

  As Kelvin climbed out of the car, I couldn’t help but smile at how good he looked. Kelvin was wearing a navy blue suit, with dark gray pinstripes and a dark gray tie. His silver watch matched the silver studs he wore in his ear lobes and his teeth were as white as ever as he smiled at me.

  “Hi,” he said, charming me with that smile as he closed the door to the car behind him.

  “Hi,” I replied. “I didn’t think you were actually going to come. I thought you had a meeting.”

  “I did. But, I wanted to see you more than I wanted to go to the meeting. So, what’s been up with you?”

  “Same as usual, I guess. Nothing better than dealing with a class full of third graders. You?”

  “Nothing much. I may or may not have pissed a few people off by missing this meeting, but I just couldn’t get over how things ended last night. It bothered me all night,” Kelvin said.

  “Well, I may or may not have been a little disappointed with how quickly things ended. We were having a good time up until then,” I replied. I couldn’t get over his allure. Everything about him made me want him, which, in turn, made me even more nervous.

  “Me too,” Kelvin said as he flashed his irresistible smile again. “I think you have a little bit of an audience.”

  I turned around and noticed that every adult on the playground was staring at us. Every teacher and teacher’s aide who’d ventured outside was giving us their full attention. Lexy was still standing by the door that we’d come out of and Mrs. Butterfield was supposed to have been helping a little girl off of the monkey bars, but was too busy staring at us to see the little girl still reaching out for her. As I glanced around the playground, I saw Tim sitting down at the picnic table. He did not look happy.

  “Yeah, they’re nosy around here,” I said as I turned and faced Kelvin again. “Unfortunately, lunch is about to be over. So, I’m going to have to go soon.”

  “Okay,” Kelvin said. “I didn’t want to keep you long. But, before you go, I have to be honest with you. After all the fun we had at the restaurant, I have to say, I was pretty disappointed that I wasn’t able to end the night with a goodbye kiss.”

  My eyes widened and my heart felt like it dropped into the pit of my gut. “Oh?”

  “Yeah, I was pretty upset about that. It’s kind of the reason I was so motivated to come here today. I felt like I needed to make up for it,” Kelvin said as he did his signature head tilt that never failed to set off fireworks in my stomach.

  “Honestly, I was pretty disappointed with that as well,” I replied with a bashful smile. “So, you came here so you could kiss me? What about the audience that’s watching our every move?”

  “I’m not worried about them,” Kelvin said with confidence oozing from him. “I’m only interested in you.”

  I felt a warm sensation starting to build up between my thighs. Kelvin had that look again. The look that told me that he knew that he had me.

  “I think my students would have a fit if they saw me kissing a guy out here,” I said.

  “Come on, you know the kids aren’t paying attention. But that guy over there—the one with the suspenders on—he hasn’t taken his eyes off of us since you came out here.”

  I already knew he was talking about Tim. I didn’t know any other person who wore suspenders.

  “Yeah. That’s Tim. He’s my ex-boyfriend. He’s been trying to get back together, so I’m sure he’s going to be pretty upset seeing me talking to you,” I said.

  Kelvin smiled as he stepped up onto the curb and moved within inches of me. He placed his hand on my hip and pulled me closer to him and I gasped as our pelvises touched. His hand rested on the side of my ass and I could feel the strength in his fingers.

  “Now he’ll actually have something to be upset about,” Kelvin said as he moved his face closer to mine.

  It was too late to turn back now. I wanted it. I needed him to kiss me, and I was perfectly fine with him doing even more than that, even though I knew I shouldn’t have been having those thoughts next to the playground of my school. But I didn’t seem to have it in me to fight the sensation I was feeling.

  “But everyone is watching,” I said, giving myself one last excuse, even though I knew it was bullshit.

  “Don’t worry about them,” Kelvin said. “I got you.”

  As he spoke the words, I felt my last bit of inhibition melt away. Kelvin had pulled me closer, but it was me who lunged forward and placed my mouth on his. I closed my eyes and felt his tongue slip into my mouth, as his full, plump lips pressed aggressively against mine. He lifted his head slightly as we kissed and I could feel myself getting hotter every second that we were connected. It was as if my body had been lifted off of the ground and I was floating in midair as he continued to press my body firmly against his.

  I knew the entire playground was probably watching, but it didn’t matter to me. I didn’t care who was watching, I didn’t want it to end. He had such strength and control as he kissed me and all I wanted was to give into his will. But, as quickly as the rush had come, I came slowly crashing back to Earth as he pulled away and I opened my eyes. His face was still only inches from mine and I stared into his deep, dark brown eyes as he stared into mine.

  “That was definitely worth the wait,” Kelvin said as he let me go and I stumbled backwards. I couldn’t speak. I only stared at him, thinking about all the things I wanted him to do to me. “I think I can rest a little bit easier now,” he said.

  “Me too,” I replied quietly.

  “Good,” Kelvin said, with a smile. “Okay, I know you have to go. So, I’ll call you later, okay?”

  “Okay,” I answered just as the bell rang.

  “Okay.” Kelvin smiled at me one last time and a tingling sensation shot through me once again. He quickly turned around, popped open the door and slid himself inside the Bentley. As the car drove away, I turned around to find the children beginning to line up to go inside. Kelvin was right. None of them were paying attention to us. They were too busy being kids. I did, however, notice Lexy smiling at me from the door with the biggest grin I’d ever seen on her face.

  As I began walking in her direction, I felt Tim’s eyes burning into me. I looked in his direction and saw him standing next to Angela Bronson with his arms folded. They had obviously see
n the whole thing. As I walked past them, I smiled the brightest smile I could muster.

  “Looks like I’m moving on, after all,” I said, as I continued walking towards a smiling Lexy, with Kelvin Carter Jr.’s cologne emanating off me.

  “Where were you?”

  Kelvin Carter Jr. closed the large cherry wood door behind him and stood in front of it, resting his hands in front of him as he interlocked his fingers. James stood next to him and did the same thing. The massive table in the middle of the conference room on the top floor of the Red Chip Hotel & Casino was made of thick mahogany, and the lights hanging from the ceiling reflected off of the shiny table top.

  Kelvin’s uncle, Michael Carter, was seated at the head of the empty table in a navy blue leather chair at the far end of the room. Michael was huge—six-foot-three, three hundred pounds—wearing black slacks and a red button-up shirt with black buttons and a black tie. His round face was accented by his signature goatee that hung down at least three inches from his chin, and he stared across the room at Kelvin with obvious frustration spread across his face.

  Kelvin strode over to the table and grabbed the chair that was in front of him and took a seat, placing his hands on the table in front of him and interlocking his fingers. He didn’t smile. He didn’t grin. He knew his uncle was going to be pissed off at his decision to skip the meeting without letting him know, but at the time it seemed like a good idea. There was something about Lilliana that made him feel like it was worth it.

  “I went to go see someone,” Kelvin said in his best stern tone.

  “Someone?” Michael replied. “And you thought this someone was worth missing our meeting?”

  Kelvin put his head down and twisted his mouth. His frustration with the situation was beginning to reach its boiling point, and he could feel himself beginning to lose his patience. His uncle’s attitude over the past few months was becoming a nuisance.


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