The Tantric Shaman

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The Tantric Shaman Page 6

by Crow Gray

  Horis had shifted to bear form and was tearing through the woods like a bulldozer. Indigo wasn't as eager, but had also shifted and was following the trail Horis made through the wilderness. She didn't even need to track the scent at this point, having only to follow the path Horis was making as his huge body ripped through the woods. Her duty as a warmaster was at odds with her friendship with Candy, but she was afraid duty would win out. It wasn't like she could stop Horis anyway. She hoped they wouldn't find the two, and she wouldn't have to worry about any of it. But she knew better.

  “So what do we do when this is all over?” Bo asked. The two had mostly made small talk after Damian left, both of them avoiding anything serious for a while.

  “We can decide that when the time comes, first we have to live through it,” Candy said.

  “But we never said much about the future.”

  “We haven't had time. They were going to kill us. We had to go. My dad won't even take my calls, and neither will any of your family. We're outcasts now. If Damian can pull this off, maybe we'll have a chance for―something.”

  “You know if anyone finds out we played a part in killing four warmasters we'll be right back where we started,” Bo said.

  “As far as I'm concerned, this is self-defense. If we're lucky they'll all kill each other and we won't even need to get involved,” Candy said, and shuddered as she realized this would mean the death of a friend. The ideal scenario would be if Horis was killed and Indigo lived. She'd never liked Horis, and hated how he treated Indigo. She'd never had proof but she was almost sure he beat her. She had no love lost for that bastard, that was for sure.

  “I'm just playing devil's advocate here. We have to realize this is serious shit we're involved in. No more games, this is life or death,” Bo said.

  “Bo, it's been life for death for a while now,” Candy said.

  Bo opened his mouth to respond but was silenced by a familiar screech as Damian flew into the clearing.

  He landed and shifted to human. “It's a go. All four are on their way here. I want you two back in the next clearing, I'm going to shift and wait in the tree.”

  “Should we shift?” Bo asked.

  “Yes, you may as well. But do not, I repeat DO NOT get involved unless I tell you to.”

  “How will we know?” Candy said.

  “You'll know,” Damian said, but his lips didn't move. The two heard his voice in their head.

  “Holy shit! You're telepathic too? Fuck! Wait, can you read our minds?” Bo said, shaken by hearing Damian's voice go straight to his brain.

  “No, I can't read minds. And telepathy takes a lot out of me, but in this case we may need it,” Damian said.

  “Damn, I'm beginning to think all of the legends are true,” Candy said, awed.

  “No one wants to be a dead legend, so you two go! Now! And take my stuff and yours too, I've got a masking spell on everything but if they see the wrong thing our cover could be blown,” Damian said before shifting into a raven and flying up onto a branch.

  Candy and Bo both looked up at him, squinting. “Shit, a raven too? This guy is starting to scare me,” Bo said. Candy said nothing, just gathered up their things and headed back to the clearing. Bo followed her, shifting as he did.

  Sam paused when he saw the clearing up ahead, Gigi halting behind him. He sniffed the air. The scent was strong here, but he didn't see them. Something seemed wrong. He looked and Gigi and whined, and she licked his cheek in return. Then two bears bounded into the clearing, rushing in headlong just as the bear clan had a tendency to do.

  Sam shifted back to human and Gigi did the same. “The fucking bears are here,” he said. It was obvious to both of them it was Horis and Indigo, as the four had been rivals for years.

  “Fuck,” Gigi said. “Now what?”

  “We claim our fucking territory,” Sam said, shifting back to wolf. Gigi did the same, and they ran towards the bears.

  Damian watched from his perch as the bears rushed to meet the wolves. This was just what he'd planned, and it appeared to be working perfectly. The animals didn't attack yet, instead stopping within a few feet of each other and snarling. Sam and Horis seemed ready for battle, and Gigi as well. Indigo didn't seem as aggressive, but she seemed no less dangerous.

  The animals circled, snapping and pawing at one another but not attacking yet. What the fuck are they waiting on? Damian thought.

  Sam shifted to human. Horis did the same. Gigi followed, but Indigo remained in bear form, agitated. Damian watched, confused. It was very rare, if not unheard of, for warmasters to battle in human form. Now that they had shifted, Damian saw a bag of some type hanging around the neck of Horis. It had been so small it was unnoticeable when he was in bear form, but in human form it was prominent. Horis pulled the bag from his neck and began to rub his hands inside. Damian saw he was coating his hands in some type of black gunk, and the pungent odor was reaching him even from up in the tree.

  “So you see them yet?” Sam asked.

  “Nah, but I know where they are,” Horis answered.

  “Me too, so what are we waiting on?” Gigi answered. Indigo still hadn't shifted, and she growled at Gigi and backed up.

  “You need to keep your bitch in line,” Sam said, shooting Indigo a look.

  “Aw, don't fucking worry about her. She doesn't know what's going on. I didn't want her dumb ass blowing the plan,” Horis said, disgust on his face.

  “So let's do this!” Gigi said, shifting to wolf. Horis and Sam shifted as well, and all three headed directly towards the hiding place of Sam and Candy.

  “Sam, Candy, heads up! They are headed your way, you're going to have to fight!” Damian said, screaming so loud in their heads it was painful?

  “What do you mean?” Bo thought back.

  “I mean I fucked up. Big time,” Damian said, swooping down from the branch towards the warmasters.


  The warmasters made a beeline right for Candy and Bo, cutting right through the spells Damian had used. Damian sized the three up and decided Horis was probably the most dangerous. He was pretty sure the black substance coating Horis's claws was poison. Indigo had remained behind in the clearing for some reason, so for now the odds were somewhat even.

  Damian dove at Horis, and shifted to bear form right before impact. He crashed his full weight right between Horis's shoulder blades, hoping he could break his back. The two struck the ground and Damian rolled to his feet, not graceful at all in this lumbering form.

  Horis was stunned but definitely not out. He roared a challenge and rushed Damian. Damian had a split second to see Bo tangling with Sam, the two of them rolling around together. Candy and Gigi were also fighting, but it looked like they were sticking and moving and not much physical contact had been made at this point.

  The split second Damian had been distracted almost proved fatal as Horis moved much faster than Damian would have thought. He was able to duck the swing of Horis's paw, but in doing so brought himself into the range of the warmasters jaws, which clamped down on his snout. Damian tried to pull away, but before he could Horis raked his chest with his claws, digging deep. Damian felt the wounds burning and knew he'd been poisoned. He wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed fast acting. He realized he couldn't beat Horis using pure power, but would need to use some of the tricks at his disposal.

  He pulled his head free, ripping some of the flesh from near his nose. He shifted to a spitting cobra, spitting venom directly into Horis's eyes before the slower bear could react. Horis had not been expecting this, and the bear howled and put his head down, pawing at his stinging eyes. Damian struck, biting the bear on the paw and injecting venom. The bear struggled to step away, but tripped. The unintentional move caused him to fall on top of Damian, almost crushing him.

  The pain caused Damian to switch back to human form, a reflex action that could cost him his life. Horis pinned him with one paw as he raised the other to swipe his head off. Then another bear cr
ashed into Horis, slamming him off of Damian and into a nearby tree. Damian was dazed but still figured out what had happened: Indigo. For some reason, she'd saved him.

  Horis was between Indigo and Damian now, facing his mate. He roared a challenge, anger radiating from him in waves as he gave Indigo a death sentence. Indigo's brown eyes locked with Damian's, and he knew what she had planned.

  Horis reared up onto his hind legs, raising his mighty paws up to smack Indigo. She charged him, head down just like a bull. Just as she crashed into his chest, Damian shifted to a stag. Damian ducked his head as Horis fell, and the warmaster was impaled on the stag's formidable rack of antlers. The antlers pierced all the way through Horis, and he gave one last roar before dying.

  Damian shifted back to bear form, mainly just to get his antlers from Horis's body. Horis fell limply to the ground and Damian faced Indigo, unsure what her next move would be. She didn't attack, instead roaring towards the other two battles currently being waged.

  Damian turned and saw Bo was doing better than expected, having gotten the best of Sam so far. Sam was in werewolf form while Bo was in full wolf form, and he'd been able to stay one step ahead of the bigger warrior so far.

  Damian didn't want to interfere unless he had to, as defeating the warmaster could give Bo some standing in his clan, or at least self-confidence if nothing else. He turned to Candy, and saw she wasn't doing quite as well.

  Gigi was in werewolf form on Candy's back, and was raking her shoulder and neck over and over again with her long claws. She had wrapped her legs around Candy's body, and the position didn't give Candy many options for getting free. He was about to interfere when Indigo beat him to it, running over and smashing into Gigi, sandwiching the werewolf between the two bears. When Gigi slid to the ground stunned, the two bears began to tear at her. Between the rending claws and ripping teeth, Gigi was done for.

  Sam saw that his allies had fallen, and since Bo was kicking his ass he decided to retreat. He turned to full wolf form, his fur covered in blood. He tried to run, but his only path of escape took him right by Damian. Damian didn't hesitate, bringing his mighty paw down right across the back of Sam's neck, breaking it. He gave one small whimper and then was silent.

  The enemy had fallen, but Damian and Bo both circled Indigo, still unsure as to her intentions. Candy moved between the two men and Indigo, baring her teeth and bellowing at them. Indigo put her head down in surrender.

  Damian was the first to shift to human form, but the rest followed, with Indigo shifting last. Even under these circumstances, Damian couldn't help but notice how attractive Indigo was. Short, dark skin with long black hair, and voluptuous with curves in all the right places. The four of them stood, nude and covered in the wounds and gore of battle.

  “So what the fuck is going on?” Damian asked Indigo.

  “I don't know, I'm as confused as you are,” Indigo said.

  “Oh come on. You were here to kill Candy and Bo, we know that. Why were you working with the wolves?” Damian shouted.

  “I don't know, I promise! I had no idea we were working with them! Horis never tells me anything!” Indigo said, wondering who she was talking to. He was very well put together, and she couldn't help but gaze at his nude body. Something about him was very compelling.

  “I think you know more than―than you're--” Damian said, growing dizzy.

  “Damian? Are you okay?” Candy asked as he leaned against a tree to keep his balance.

  “Fuck. The poison--” Damian said, and then collapsed.

  When Damian awoke it was dark. He was still nude and laying on a blanket with someone cleaning his wounds with a cold cloth. He was surprised to see it was Indigo, who he noticed was also still nude. He checked out her firm, large breasts almost without realizing it. He noticed her nipples were large and dark and very appealing.

  “How long was I out?” he asked.

  “A few hours. It looked iffy for a while, but you pulled through,” Indigo said as she ran the damp rag over his chest.

  “So what's your story?” Damian asked.

  “I'm Indigo, the warmaster of--” she started, but he stopped her.

  “I know who you are, but what's going on? Why were you working with the wolves?”

  “I don't know a thing about that. It must have been something Horis worked out with them.”

  “That's impossible, you wolves and bears can't stand each other long enough to work something out. What's going on here?”

  “I promise you, I don't know. I thought were just being sent to...”

  “To kill Candy and Bo, say it. I never knew a warmaster that was squeamish.”

  “I don't like killing for the sake of killing, but I do believe in protecting what's important to me,” Indigo said, showing some fire.

  “Something's going on. I wonder how deep this goes. Is there anything you can tell me that may help?” Damian said, trying to sit up but wincing.

  “Be careful, you're still in bad shape. And no, I don't know anything else. I was shocked when we met the wolves and Horis spoke like he knew them.”

  Damian opened his mouth but dizziness overcame him.

  “You're still hurt. I know how I can help you,” Indigo said, sliding her hand down to his limp penis.

  “What the hell?” Damian asked, trying again to move but finding his body stiff.

  “I know who you are Damian Ivory. And I know how your powers work.”

  Damian was curious but didn't speak as he felt his cock coming to life at her touch.

  “I can make you as good as new,” Indigo said, stroking him harder.

  “Where are--”

  “They are fine, I think they are resting back by the water,” Indigo said, now using her other hand to cup his balls as she stroked his now fully erect shaft. “Mmm you're big and thick, very nice.”

  Damian wasn't sure about this, but he knew he was injured and needed to heal. If this hot female wanted to help him, he'd let her. He was too hurt to argue anyway.

  Sure you are, Damian. You wanted to fuck her as soon as you saw those huge hooters and that little landing strip over her pussy. Don't play dumb with me, you'd fuck her even if you were totally healthy, you manwhore. I mean, come on, her mate was just killed earlier today, and she already wants to jump your bones? Are you sure you're not influencing her just a teeny bit?

  Damian ignored the voice as Indigo stroked him harder, one hand massaging his balls and the other gripping his shaft very tightly. He felt the energy flow through him as the aches and pains began to fade. Indigo was looking into his eyes as she stroked him, rubbing her thumb over the cock-head and smearing the precum.

  She kept her eyes locked on his as she brought her mouth down to his shaft, taking the head between her lips as she continued the stroking and fondling. Damian just laid back and enjoyed the sensation as she slowly took more of him into her mouth. She finally removed her hand so she could get him deeper, still cupping his balls as she ran her free hand over his stomach and chest. Damian groaned as she deep-throated him, expertly sucking his cock.

  “Fuck yes, take it down your throat,” Damian whispered as he began to feel invigorated.

  He ran his fingers through her long black hair as she hummed on his cock, her finger sliding beneath his balls to tease his hole. He moaned as she lightly probed him and started to suck harder.

  Damian had had enough. “Okay, now I want some pussy,” he said, patting her ass. “Climb on my cock and ride it.”

  Indigo obeyed, once again making smoldering eye contact as she straddled him, rubbing his cock-head over her pussy slowly. Damian could feel her wetness coating him as she slowly sunk down, her tight opening adjusting to take his girth. She sucked in a breath over clenched teeth before putting her hands on his shoulders and starting to move up and down.

  Damian's entire body felt like one big bruise only minutes earlier, but now he was feeling much better. He grabbed her hips and began to lift her up and down as she bounced on his cock
. “Yeah, you like that? You like riding that cock you little slut?” he said as darkness slipped out just a little.

  Indigo didn't seem offended by his words, and instead answered. “Fuck yes, I love your cock. Such a nice cock...a nice hard cock!”

  Damian leaned up and sucked her tits, finally getting his mouth on those large dark nipples he'd been admiring. She arched her back, grabbing him behind the head and rubbing her tits in his face. She used him for leverage and placed her feet flat on either side of his body, bouncing even harder on his stiff prick. This position allowed her even more control, and she took him as deep as possible.

  Damian reached back to squeeze her firm ass, admiring her curves as his hands explored her body. He spanked her ass and was rewarded with a loud moan, so he smacked her ass again, harder.

  He was at one hundred percent now, so he rolled over into missionary and began to fuck her that way, pulling her legs up and holding her ankles so he could watch his cock going in and out. They both watched, entranced by the way his dick was stuffing her pussy.

  She reached down and began to rub her clit as he fucked her harder, really giving it to her now. “You like it hard like that? You like to be fucked hard?” he asked.

  “Yes, fuck me! Fuck me harder! DO IT! FUCK ME!”

  He gave her what she asked for, really pounding her as his balls slapped off of her ass. He watched her big tits bounce as she slammed into her. “Come for me. Do it, fucking come!” he yelled.

  She cried out as she orgasmed, her fingers really rubbing her clit as her pussy clenched his dick. He didn't slow down but instead pounded her through her orgasm, controlling his own until she was finished.

  “I know what I want to try,” he said, withdrawing his cock and moving up to straddle her waist. “I've been wanting to do this since I first saw you,” he said, sliding his slick pole between her tits. She squeezed them around it and smiled up at him as he pinched her nipples in each hand and began to titfuck her. He moved his cock back and forth, the friction of rubbing between her mounds really setting him off. She began to flick her tongue over the head each time it appeared, licking a little precum each time.


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