Chasing Desire

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Chasing Desire Page 3

by Joya Ryan

  “Actually, the color is called Flamingo’s Dream,” Jenna Justice replied. She was sitting near the massive hanging mirror in their ritzy hotel suite while a professional makeup artist applied her eyeliner.

  “Even better.” Autumn forced a fake smile. She was getting good at those. It had only been a few hours since she’d put one on for her own sake as she left Mr. Sexy’s hotel room.

  But she wasn’t thinking about him. One night, no strings. A few hours of sleep later, and she was feeling just fine. Okay, she felt like crap and had bags under her eyes—bags that had been covered up with a pound of makeup an hour ago. But she’d gotten exactly what she’d asked for, sex so hot that she’d finally made it through a night without thinking about her ex.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Jenna said from her seat. “How late did you end up getting in?”

  “It was after midnight, I think.” She’d made the four-hour drive from her small hometown to be there for Jenna’s wedding. What were friends for?

  “So, that’s why you looked so tired this morning,” Jenna said.

  “Yeah,” Autumn agreed, leaving out the encounter with the hottie from the bar.

  The big barrel curlers currently pinned to her scalp swayed a bit. She wouldn’t think of everything falling apart in her world right now, and she wouldn’t think of him. After the wedding, she was heading to Diamond—only a short drive away—to house sit for Jenna.

  Autumn would use the two weeks there to find a job and plan for her next move. She already had a promising shot at a job in Los Angeles. It would suck starting out at the bottom in a new garage, in a new city, but she had to begin again somewhere. At least this way she’d know where she stood.

  Which was more than she could say for this dress.

  She stared it down again, biting her thumbnail.

  “You better not chip the nail polish by doing that,” Jenna said from her chair.

  Autumn turned and frowned. “Do you have eyes in the back of your head or something?”

  “It’s my bride senses.” Jenna smiled and, now that the makeup woman was done applying the liner, opened her eyes. “And you can glare at the dress all you want, but it’s going on.”

  Yeah, she knew it. If curlers and makeup and nail polish weren’t bad enough, the dress was the final straw. She stood in jeans and a black tank top—without stains on either, thank you very much—praying for a few more moments before she’d have to smile, pretend like she had a fricking clue about love and marriage, and mingle with strangers while wearing a dress that looked to be made of cotton candy.

  “You seem pretty calm,” Autumn said to her friend, trying to buy some time.

  The ceremony was set to take place in the next hour, in the hotel’s massive gardens. It was an all-inclusive kind of deal. The wedding party and a lot of the guests were staying at the hotel. Between getting ready in Jenna’s room at the crack of dawn, then the wedding and reception downstairs, it was elegant and convenient.

  Just like Jenna. She was the only person Autumn knew around there. Not that she had many friends back home, either.

  Scratch that. She didn’t even have a home. Not anymore.

  Her mission tonight was to survive the reception and the dress, then grab a bottle of wine to take back to Jenna’s house and prepare for the next two weeks of limbo.

  “I’ve been practicing on letting the little things go,” Jenna said with a smile. “On taking calming breaths. Nothing will rattle me today. I’m marrying the man I love.”

  As if on cue, a frustrated squeal came from the bathroom, followed by a pretty redhead stomping into the suite in a huff of tears. Penny Diamond—introduced to Autumn earlier that morning—was by all accounts nice enough, but the fire in her voice hinted at another side of her.

  “The zipper on my dress is stuck!” Penny said, turning to show the zipper snagged halfway up the middle of her back. “I just tried this thing on last night.”

  “Well, what happened between last night and this morning?” Jenna asked.

  Penny looked a little guilty. “Nothing.”

  “Uh-huh. So that wasn’t you and Bass moaning in the coat closet last night?”

  “Hey, he didn’t go near the zipper. We worked around that.”

  Jenna pinched the bridge of her nose. “It’ll be okay,” she said, looking at where the zipper caught. She gave it a tug, but the thing didn’t budge.

  “Oh no…”

  “Jenna, I’m so sorry. I never meant to break the dress,” Penny said. Tears spilled out of her eyes, which had Jenna on the brink of tears herself and Autumn beyond the brink of uncomfortable. There were a lot of hormones flying around, and she didn’t know how to deal with this kind of thing.

  A blonde in a matching pink dress burst through the suite door. “We’ve got a problem.” Ah, Lily McCade, the sister of the groom, and she had her son Alex in tote.

  “What problem?” Jenna said, those “calming breaths” good and gone.

  Lily motioned for her son to sit down and gave him a stern look. “Alex discovered that the archway is leaning a bit.”

  The kid was in a tux, making explosion noises, holding a massive Tonka truck. Yeah, Autumn could figure how the arch might have mysteriously started leaning. Say…if a toy truck started smashing into it?

  “And by leaning, I mean collapsing,” Lily finished.

  “What?!” Jenna shrieked.

  “It’s okay.” Lily held out her hands. “It’s still upright, it just…needs some work.”

  “The wedding is in an hour.” Jenna burst into full-blown tears, which made Penny cry harder and Lily start to get misty.

  Shit. Autumn was standing in the middle of a hotel suite with three crying women, a makeup artist who was inching toward the door, and a kid running his Tonka tires along the coffee table.

  Yep, this was way beyond her expertise. But she could help in a different way. Hell, she had to earn her keep somehow, didn’t she?

  “I’ll go fix the arch,” she said.

  All three women looked at her.

  Jenna shook her head. “But you’re not even ready yet.”

  “All I have to do is take the curlers out and put that dress on. I’ll be back in time. Unless you want me to work on the arch while wearing the dress?”

  “No!” Jenna shot out quickly.

  Autumn applauded herself for her trick. At least she’d bought herself some time before she had to strap on that pink flowy thing of death.

  “You’ll get it dirty,” Jenna said. She wiped her eyes, which now had black smeared beneath them. “Okay… You can fix the arch, but the curlers have to stay in another fifteen minutes.”

  Autumn nodded. Curlers she could sport for a few minutes, especially since she was going to fix an arch, not chat with guests.

  “Colt should be downstairs in the bar,” Jenna said. “He or one of the guys will have tools. You sure you don’t mind fixing it?”

  If it got her out of this cry fest? “I don’t mind at all.”

  Jenna nodded. “Okay. Thank you so much.”

  With that, Autumn checked the urge to run from the room and downstairs to the bar. She instead left the room at a careful pace. And then, as soon as she was out of sight, she quickened her step.

  She’d met Colt briefly earlier that morning, but she hadn’t met anyone else from the wedding party—outside the other bridesmaids—since she’d arrived. She’d just have to keep a lookout for a cluster of dudes in tuxes.

  Should be easy to spot them.


  “Good god man, you need to calm down. You’re…” Huck eyed his friend Colt McCade. “…bouncing.”

  “He’s excited,” Sebastian said, slapping Colt on the back. “Can’t blame you. Marrying the woman of your dreams must be bliss.” Sebastian Strafford was a tall, take-no-bullshit attorney, and he was actually grinning like a girl toward the ceiling. “I can’t wait until Penny and I get married.”

  “Did you just sigh?” Huck asked.
“That’s it.” He held out his hand, palm up, and wiggled his fingers. “Give me your man card.”

  “You’re the one who helped me get Penny back.”

  “Yeah, and she’s great. But it doesn’t mean you have to giggle and preen like a damn pageant tween.”

  Bass just shot him the bird.

  In truth, Huck was happy for both his friends. They’d found the women they loved and were talking about forever—something he’d never again consider with a woman, and for good reason.

  But after last night, he was in a shitty mood. The incredible raven-haired dream he’d been inside of had ditched him while he was sleeping.

  She left me.

  The thought sat real bad with him, brought up unwanted feelings, and worse, he actually had been wishing for a bit more time with the incredible stranger. The way she’d loved on him, no holding back, and had come apart around him had been fucking incredible. All of her soft skin and sexy moans in his ear had driven him crazy. She’d tried for the upper hand, and he’d given it, but eventually he had won, and she’d been at his mercy.

  And he’d loved it, the silent war of wills they’d played, and he wanted another turn.

  But that wasn’t going to happen. She was gone. He should be grateful. As long as she wasn’t there, he wouldn’t be tempted to ask for another night and risk being left again.

  Colt smiled and said, “Ah, Huckleberry, the forever bachelor. You just don’t know how good it is when you find the one—”

  Colt stopped mid-sentence, realizing who he was talking to. Huck knew damn well what it was like to find “the one.”

  And then to have his heart ripped out and stomped on when that “one” ran off with someone else. Which was why Huck had spent the last three years not thinking of his ex, Sydney, and instead focused on one woman at a time, one night at a time.

  “Sorry, bro. I didn’t mean to bring that up.”

  Huck slapped Colt’s back. “It’s cool.”

  And it was. Colt would never say or do anything to purposefully give him grief. His friends were his family. Huck hadn’t exactly broadcasted the full story to them, but they understood how Sydney’s leaving had affected him.

  Commitment equaled a sad Huck. He could barely watch the same movie twice without getting hives, let alone be with the same woman. He’d never admit he was afraid of committing; it just scared the shit out of him is all. Because rejection was a bitch and no way in hell would he set himself up for that again.

  Yet here he was thinking about the black-haired beauty from last night. How she’d felt. The taste of her mouth. The way she’d touched him, soft and intimately, like she was learning him through her fingertips.

  Fuck, she was like a drug, and he was ready for his next hit. Appreciating a hot woman and even hotter sex with her was one thing. But replaying the memory like a damn teenager who rarely got laid was throwing him off. He didn’t ask her for more, she didn’t ask him for more. Which was good because Huck made a point to never ask people for more than they could give. It only led to disappointment.

  His thoughts just then should be relaxed and happy. Yeah, until he remembered the pivotal moment of last night. Usually, he made sure that he took care of a woman well past the point of satisfaction, so there’d be no hard feelings when he left her.

  But last night he’d let his guard down and fallen asleep.

  And she had left him.

  Huck shook his head. Fuck this. He needed more to drink. Needed something to distract him.

  “Since we’re cool,” Colt said, “I need you to show Jenna’s friend around while she’s in Diamond housesitting for us.”

  “No way,” Huck said. “Sebastian was supposed to play host to the out of towner.” Who, from what he heard, was some mechanic who was going through a rough time.

  “I’ve got my hands full with Penny,” Bass said, back to grinning like a goon. But damn he looked happy.

  “Come on,” Colt said. “Auto isn’t going to know anyone, and she’s not very social. Just show her around, take her out—”

  “No. Way,” he said again. “I’m not going to babysit some mechanic named Auto.” Christ, wasn’t that the name of a pop-belly fifty-plus year old balding type of greaser? He could only imagine what the female version looked like.

  It had nothing to do with that, though. He was annoyed and pissed off, and he was in no condition to play host to anyone. A lady was a lady, and he’d never be rude or unwelcoming, but he just wasn’t up for plastering on a smile and playing charmer today. Or for the rest of the week.

  “I’m sure the girls will keep her company,” Huck said, then raised his glass in a toast to change the subject. “Here’s to the happy couple and a lifetime of sex with the same woman.” Huck clinked his whiskey with his friends’ glasses.

  “I’ll drink to that every day of the week,” Colt said. “My soon to be wife is the only one I need, and she’s smokin’.”

  Huck hid a roll of his eyes while he drained his glass in one swallow.

  “Careful,” Colt said. “If you get anything on the tux, Jenna will have my ass.”

  “Are you kidding me right now? Don’t make me take your man card, too.”

  Colt assessed Huck. “And for god sakes, button up your shirt and tie your tie already, would you?” he continued, as if not hearing Huck’s threat.

  Huck glanced down. It was only the first two buttons that were undone, and his tie hung around his neck.

  “I still have time.”

  “Yeah, just be glad he has his pants on,” Bass mumbled.

  “For now,” Huck said with a wry laugh. When he caught sight of an A-plus ass from across the lobby, his mood perked up slightly.

  After last night, he’d been ready to forget about women for a long, long time. But a look at whoever owned that ass and suddenly he was ready for another random encounter.

  God, I’m impossible.

  “Looks like he has one in sight,” Bass said, seeing what Huck was currently staring down. And it was just his luck that she turned and headed their way. As she got closer, Huck realized two things: One, she was beyond hot, even with curlers in her hair. And two—

  “No. Fucking. Way.”

  The woman halted dead in her tracks just before she reached him. “You,” she snapped.

  “You,” he said.

  He couldn’t believe it. She stood there in tight jeans that made his cock hard, as well as an even tighter tank top that gave him a view of olive skin and high, perfect breasts. Breasts he knew first hand to be sensitive. Her face might be all done up in makeup, but those scowling gray eyes were zeroed in on him.

  “Us!” Colt said, breaking the tension. “Huck, I didn’t know you’d met Auto.”

  “Oh, we’ve met,” he said. “Auto?”

  “Autumn Lane.”

  He nodded. Now it all made sense.

  “And yes, we’ve met briefly. Very, very briefly,” she said with a hint of sarcasm.

  Fuck briefly. They’d spent hours together. Between the bar and sexing her all ways up and down, there’d been no briefly about it. It was, however, still short of the full night he’d been expecting.

  “Back up,” Colt said. “When did you meet?”

  “Last night,” Huck said.

  “That’s why he’s so pissy today,” Colt whispered to Bass loud enough for Huck and Autumn to hear. “He’s been sulking around all morning.”

  “All. Morning,” Bass agreed.

  “Will you two shut up? I’m not sulking.”

  The two guys carried on like he—and Autumn—weren’t standing right fucking there.

  “You think she shot him down?” Colt asked Bass.

  “That would be…impossible!” Bass said in an end-of-the-world-movie-voiceover tone. His friends clearly thought this was hilarious.

  Huck was about to unleash a verbal ass whooping, but then Autumn smiled. Big and bright, and the damn thing made his chest twist and his cock stir. Just like last night. Her tough exteri
or, eat-shit-and-die glare together with a sex-pot body and fantasy-inducing eyes made him almost forget that his friends were giving him hell right in front of her.

  She was a no-bullshit, hot-as-fuck woman who looked amazing in ripped jeans. She also had a chip on her shoulder that he was desperate to eradicate—almost as much as her panties. He might not do commitment, but this woman turned his blood up ten degrees with one look, and he couldn’t figure out how to fight the fever.

  Maybe one more night would quench his desire and get his damn body back to a normal temperature. Then he could be the one to leave and regain control.

  “Huck’s never been shot down,” Bass said, in a “whisper” everyone could hear. Which only made Autumn’s smile widen.

  “Well, glad I can make the impossible happen,” she said.

  “Impossible?” Huck asked, taking a step toward her and putting his hands in his pockets. Her stormy eyes snapped to the motion, and just as he remembered, the mouthy mechanic wasn’t completely immune to his charms. Time he got his swagger back and reminded her of last night and how she’d begged and screamed for his touch. “If memory serves, honey, you were pretty set on seeing what I tasted like.”

  He expected her to gasp, but she didn’t even look the least bit frazzled. God, he liked that about her. She was a challenge. Different. Not a girly-girl, but all woman.

  “I think lack of sleep has messed with your memory, honey.” She leaned in a little, her gaze locked with his, and licked her bottom lip before giving it a little bite. The action made him nearly groan. “You were the one begging for a taste of me.”

  “Oh, shit,” Colt whispered.

  Great. His friends were standing right behind him, basically giving commentary, as he got his ass handed to him by this woman.

  Huck clicked his tongue ring against his teeth. He wasn’t going down like this. They may have had only a couple hours, but he recalled one thing vividly.

  “Oh, I remember the taste of you very well.” He leaned in and whispered in her ear so that his asshole friends couldn’t hear. “You were like warm caramel.”


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