Chasing Desire

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Chasing Desire Page 8

by Joya Ryan

  Shit, even his conscience was sounding like a pussy. Time to man up.

  “She’s not Sydney,” Bass said.

  “I know.”

  “Then talk to me, man. What’s going on with you?”

  Huck shook his head. In the last forty-eight hours, he’d undergone emotions he never wanted to feel again. That familiar panic of what it was like to lose something he cared about. Sure, he’d just met Autumn, and yes, they had a connection, but the sick twist to this whole thing was he liked her as much as he disliked her.

  She was amazing, but she reminded him of all the bad stuff from the past.

  “I haven’t had to face this—” he waved his hand in the air “—feeling in a long time.”

  “What feeling is that?” Bass asked.


  But Huck bit his tongue. He’d been so caught off guard by how Sydney had so easily discarding him that he hadn’t known how to function for months afterward. His whole world hadn’t fallen away; it had ridden out of town to someone better.

  It was his own issue, not Autumn’s, but there was no way to explain the horror he’d felt that the morning when he’d realized he’d lost something that he’d fallen asleep wanting to hang on to. No matter how briefly.

  “Never mind.” He took a bite of his breakfast and Bass just stared at him.

  “You know, feeling shit sucks sometimes,” he said. The attorney would know after going through his own ordeal with Penny. “But my advice would be to just try not to be an ass.”

  “I’m not.”

  “You kind of are,” Penny chimed in. She set a plate of food and coffee down in front of Bass, then turned her attention back to Huck. “Jenna said that Autumn is going through a rough time. I guess she lost her auto shop. I don’t know the details, but just this morning she was talking about looking for a new job. Maybe try not to kick a girl when she’s trying to pull herself back up.”

  Shit. A heavy weight settled in Huck’s chest. The thought of Autumn struggling didn’t sit great with him.

  Sure, they were still new to each other, but he cared. There was something special about that woman. Something that he gathered she didn’t let people see often. And he’d just come in pissed off because he was dealing with his own mess. He hadn’t even thought about whether she had her own problems.

  The truth remained that, yes, he wanted another night with her. And yes, he wanted to eradicate this feeling of loss. He just didn’t know how to do both other than to stick to his plan to have her again and be the one to leave. Not because he was trying to be an ass, but because this throbbing pain that pulsed in his gut was growing.

  Ironically, the only time it was manageable was when he was with her. And the time it was at its worst was when she disappeared. Just his luck that the one woman who could cure his pain was also the one who could make it worse than ever.

  But none of that seemed to matter right now. All he cared about was slaking the hunger she’d woken in him. A hunger it seemed only she could satisfy.

  Fine. He’d deal with potential pain later. Right now, he just needed some relief.

  But if he wanted her to agree to anything else, he’d have to first find a way to win her over. Show her he was more than the enemy.

  An idea came to him. He just hoped it would work.

  Chapter Seven

  Autumn walked into the small mechanic shop at the end of Main Street. It was an old fashioned garage building painted blue, with a big red sign that read Auto Shop. Go figure. The place looked to have been opened in the fifties. Which wasn’t a bad thing. It had an old world charm. While just a little worn around the edges, it was still a gem.

  The large roll-up doors were open, and two cars were inside: a Honda that looked ready for a routine oil change and inspection, and on the other side—

  “Holy shit,” Autumn whispered.

  “Holy shit is right, kiddo,” an older man said. He walked up behind her and wiped his hands on a rag, then stuffed it in his back pocket. He looked to have had the same uniform since 1955, though he couldn’t be more than sixty himself. Blue pants matched a blue and white pinstripe shirt with “Pete” embroidered on the left side.

  “Is that a Dual Giha?” she asked.

  “1957,” Pete said proudly. The car was mostly just a rusted body, but the thing was rare, even in its current poor state. “Still got the original engine.”

  Her eyes widened. “That’s amazing.”

  “Well, I can see we’re going to get along just fine,” he said.

  She faced him. Pete had called her an hour ago and asked her to come to his shop. She’d been shocked to say the least. And she had no idea how this older gentleman had gotten her number to begin with.

  “Can I ask why you called?”

  “Word around town is you’re a fine mechanic. Could use some help around here if you’re interested.”

  She stood up straighter and looked at him like he was crazy. It couldn’t be that easy. She’d been warned about gossip in this town, but this was nuts.

  “Ah…I’m only in town for a couple weeks.”

  “I know. But you need a job, right?”

  Again she paused. The only person she’d talked to about her situation in detail was Jenna. She’d talked to Penny this morning, but she’d barely mentioned her need for a job. But this guy seemed to not only know that she was a mechanic, but temporary, a word that was starting to feel like was stamped on her forehead.

  “Yes, that would be great,” she said. “You okay with short term? You just hire with no references?”

  “Someone already gave you a reference, and that’s good enough for me.” The man smiled and patted her shoulder. “Besides, you know what a Dual Giah looks like, so you’ve passed the most important part of the test.”

  She smiled. Were people seriously this nice? Or had she gotten swooped up by some kind of Kansas tornado like Dorothy and her dog and dropped in a different plane of existence?

  Whatever the reason, she couldn’t help but feel a little lighter. The kind knowingness in Pete’s eyes reminded her of her grandfather. Maybe Pete was the man her father could have been if he weren’t a selfish bastard. His weathered hands, the dirt and oil beneath his fingernails, and the smell of the shop brought back happy memories, made her feel like she instantly belonged.

  But this wasn’t her shop, and Autumn needed to get a few things straight, because this just seemed too good to be true.

  “I’d be happy to help you out while I’m in town, but can I ask, did Penny call you?”

  “No, my son Huck did. Said you were a fine mechanic and I should take a chance on you.”

  Her jaw hit the floor.

  “Huck is your son and he told you about me?” Why would he do that? Helping get her this job had nothing to do with a quick screw. Unless her value was more than that to him? Unlikely. But still, she wondered—hoped—maybe there was a bit more beneath the one-night leaver.

  “Yep. Pete Galvin. Pleased to meet you Miss Autumn.” He shook her hand.

  She noticed the resemblance now. Same green eyes. Same charm. Same easy confidence. While Mr. Galvin didn’t seem to have tattoos, she could see where Huck had gotten his chiseled jaw and lazy grin.

  Question was, why would Huck do this for her? Her instinct was to fight this act of…kindness? Because if she accepted, it meant that he’d gotten her the job. It didn’t mean she’d earned it.

  “With all due respect, I’d like to be hired on my merit.” She could prove her worth. Even for the short term.

  “Oh? You don’t think you’ve got the chops?”

  “I do. And I want to show that to you. I ran my own garage for years back home—”

  “Then this will be great. Young lady, if I may, don’t fight good things just because you’ve got some pride. My son may have put in a good word, but it’s up to you to keep the job and prove yourself. In the meantime, accept the gesture.”

  She swallowed. Well shit, he’d just told her
. But he was kind of right. Was she throwing a fit for the sake of her pride? The same thing she’d accused Huck of?

  Damn. This was why she was alone most of the time.

  “How do you feel about replacing the shocks on this Honda and finishing the oil change?”

  Autumn took off her jacket. “I feel real good about it.”

  “Well then, let’s get to it.”

  With a smile, she threw her hair into a ponytail and dug in.


  “Did that wall mouth off to you, or are you just extra pissy today?” Ryder asked Huck.

  Huck simply smiled and drilled his sledgehammer through the wall again. Dust flew, and the drywall split further.

  “It’s a great stress relief,” he said.

  And it was. Between the crappy way he’d been feeling recently and how he’d treated Autumn earlier that morning, he wasn’t sure if he was more angry at himself for being a pussy or more sorry for himself for not being able to be happy with the little time he’d shared with Autumn.

  She’d ignored his phone calls. So he’d done something he knew she wouldn’t be able to ignore. Hopefully his dad had called her and she’d gone down to his auto shop. Saying he had some pull with the local mechanic was an understatement, and hopefully they’d come to some arrangement that got her at least some short-term work. He needed to buy more time with her and feel better about this whole situation before she left for good.

  “So you’re still reeling over the leggy bridesmaid.” Ryder said. Not a question. Because apparently by now it was obvious to all Huck’s friends that he had a problem with “the leggy bridesmaid.”

  “There’s something about her, man.” He sighed and took another chunk out of the wall.

  Try as he might, he couldn’t stop replaying their last night together. Which was a fucking awesome replay since it was the best he’d felt in a long time. For a two-night stand, he felt more connected to the woman than he should.

  Sure, he may have been mad this morning, and yeah, she’d read him and called out his motives. And that’s what got him. He’d blown into Penny’s BBQ all piss and rage, ready to hash it out, but one look at those eyes and that mouth had sent him reeling.

  She didn’t let him get away with his usual crap. God, she would be the end of him. It was bad enough needing another night with her, but he had some weird desire to see what made her smile. To hear her laugh.

  Christ, he’d never heard her laugh.

  The realization made this need soar to the top of the list. The desire to hear her voice laced with happiness he felt almost as strong as the need to see her naked again. Maybe stronger. Don’t get him wrong, he’d give just about anything to see her naked again, but her laugh? If it was half as powerful as her smile, it’d be life changing.

  Which brought another realization: the beautiful woman didn’t smile much either. Sure, she flirted, gave saucy grins, but had he ever seen her smile with joy and light? No. He hadn’t.

  Most girls seemed happy to take a few orgasms from him and call it quits, but Autumn? He didn’t want her to leave town without him giving her something real to smile about.

  “She’s sticking around for a couple weeks,” Ryder said, as though Huck wasn’t painfully aware of that. “Ever thought about pursuing her for something outside the bedroom?”

  His best friend seemed to be tapping into his thoughts.

  “I kind of blew it this morning,” Huck admitted. “She strutted that sweet ass away from me with no intention of returning. I can guarantee it.”

  He wasn’t lying. He’d tried calling her, had put in a word with his father to get her a temporary job at his auto shop, but still, he hadn’t heard one word back from her. Maybe he could go to the shop and see her in person. She couldn’t just ignore him then. But why take the risk? It had been a big enough deal going after her for that second night together. Look at what had happened.

  Ryder put down his sledgehammer, took off his safety glasses, and grinned like a moron.


  He shook his head. “I never thought I’d see the day where Huck Galvin didn’t go after what he wanted.”

  “And you think I want her?”

  “I know you do, for a lot more than you’re admitting. You talked to your dad about getting her a job. Was that just to get into her pants?”

  Ryder had him there. Maybe at first it had been just to get back into her pants. But if that wasn’t an option, it would be enough that he’d done a nice thing for her. So what if he’d lost out in the end? You did a nice thing for someone because it needed doing, not because you wanted something in return.

  “I thought it would help her out.”

  “Uh-huh.” Ryder eyed him. “Why is it so bad that you admit that you like her?”

  “It’s not bad. It’s…uncomfortable.”

  Ryder nodded as if he understood. Hopefully someone did, because this whole emotional feeling crap was getting annoying.

  It didn’t help that sometimes it also felt kind of…well, good. Like when he thought of how soft her hair or how strong her will was. A woman like Autumn Lane could handle a hell of a lot. He had no doubt about that. Part of him really wanted to tap into all she kept hidden. But that would require some level of repetition.


  The word made his skin crawl.

  “I think you’re missing the beauty of the situation here,” Ryder said. “You already know she’s leaving at some point. You know she’s only here for a short while.”

  Huck let his buddy’s words sink in. Since Huck knew she’d leave, he was ready for it. This worry didn’t have to plague him. He didn’t want or hope for more. He already knew.

  So what was there to lose?

  “No harm in getting to know the girl,” Ryder said.

  The guy had a point. As long as he kept his expectations in check, this could be exactly what he needed. The first encounter with her had shocked him. But he was over the shock now. He was prepared.

  “Assuming she’ll still have anything to do with me,” he said.

  “Maybe if you stop being a jackass for a second she just might give you a shot,” Autumn’s voice said from behind him.

  The shit-eating grin on Ryder’s face said that he’d known she’d been standing there for god knew how long. Great. He made a mental note to kick his friend’s ass later. First, he had to collect his swagger and face Autumn.

  Huck turned, charm intact, smile in place, and he gave his best casual greeting. “So now you’ve resorted to stalking?” He leaned toward her. “You know, if you wanted to meet up, all you had to do was ask.”

  She didn’t even bother rolling her eyes. Like she was already on to him.

  “I’ve learned quickly that this town is small and information is easy to get. Like your whereabouts. No stalking required,” she said.

  “Penny told ya, huh?” Ryder asked from behind Huck.

  Of course it had been Penny. Ryder’s sister would have happily spilled their location. Not that Huck was complaining. It was getting to the end of the day, and he was in the middle of demolishing the interior of a vacant house. A visit from a sexy woman was always welcome. Especially when she was wearing tight jeans, black boots, and oil stains. Jesus, the woman was gorgeous.

  “I’m going to grab some air outside,” Ryder said, then left Autumn and Huck alone.

  She looked him up and down, and Huck just stood there, doing his own open perusal of her body. She was oil stained, and he was dusty and dirty, and damn if they didn’t fit perfect.

  “I just wanted to clear a few things up real quick,” she said. “I don’t know what you expect from me in terms of repayment for getting me the job, but—”

  “I don’t expect anything,” Huck said. “I was being nice. You know, that thing that’s the opposite of what you normally are to me.”

  “I’m nice,” she snapped.

  He took a step closer. “Aw, honey. You’re vicious and wild.” His voice dropped lower as h
e got closer. “Don’t get me wrong, I like that about you. But the only time you’ve been nice to me is when I’ve got you pinned beneath me, kindly begging for more.”

  She lifted her chin. “So this goes back to sex?”

  He thought about that for a moment. He’d have to answer in the most honest way he could.

  “I meant it when I said I wanted another night with you, but I didn’t put in a good word with my dad because of that. Those are two separate things.”

  “Then why did you talk to your dad?”

  “Because you ignored my calls, so I thought maybe a different Galvin man could get your attention. You also looked like you needed someone to come through for you.”

  That seemed to hit her hard. Her whole body tensed and her breath hitched. “I don’t need special favors. I’m fine.”

  Huck was on to something. Because by the way she reacted to both his words and his actions, he guessed kind gestures weren’t common in her world. But it was what she’d said that had him wondering just how thick the walls she put up around herself were. Because those two words were becoming a staple.

  I’m fine.

  They might be simple, but they were the heaviest two words he’d ever heard someone utter. And she used them often.

  “I can take care of myself,” she clarified. But he’d already seen that tough exterior wavier just enough to give him a glimpse of that something more he was looking for.

  “I have no doubt about that, honey. I just thought I’d help out. You obviously enjoy your profession, and idle hands make for the devil’s playground.”

  She looked at him, and a spark of sultry lust laced those gray eyes. “I suppose that’s true.”

  “Look, you’re here for a couple of weeks, right?”

  She nodded.

  Time for him to put it out there. He wanted to know her. First he had to…what had she said? Stop being a jackass first?

  “Now you have a job. You’re making friends. And I’ll be damned if I come between you and them by leaving you high and dry.” Her eyes were locked on his with anticipation, and he smiled.


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