Heat_A Stone Billionaire Series Novel

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Heat_A Stone Billionaire Series Novel Page 23

by Kaya Woodward

  “But, that means you would be a Duke, if she accepts,” I remind him.

  “If she accepts,” my father says.

  “Do you not want to be?” I ask.

  “I want whatever Tinsley wants. If it means a life that I once avoided, because I didn’t want it, then I’ll do it, because all that matters to me is the woman I love, whatever strings she comes with. I’ve proven that thus far, I would think,” my dad says smartly.

  But he’s disturbed by something, I can tell.

  There’s an odd twinge of sourness to his voice.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “Ava Darlington Senior isn’t doing all that well, Evan,” My father admits.

  “Her Alzheimer’s has gotten much worse, and cancer has spread, it’s only a matter of time now, before she goes,” he says.

  “Dad,” I whisper.

  I don’t know what else to say.

  I put a hand on his shoulder.

  Ava Darlington was like a mother to him, in spite of everything Elizabeth had done.

  She is my grandmother, and she’s essential to the whole family.

  “Is she still in New York?” I ask.

  “No, the Darlington’s brought her home, to the Darlington Estate. She’s been asking to see Ava, you should go with her,” he replies.

  “You aren’t going to come?” I ask.

  My father swallows and presses his lips together.

  He shakes his head, slowly, as if making a momentous decision.

  “I guess we’ll all go,” he says.



  January 16, 2018

  “You spent summers here?” I exclaim, as the Darlington Estate comes into view.

  The enormous white brick house is far in the distance as Evan passes through the stately gate, down the tree-lined driveway.

  “Every summer, until she moved to Long Island,” Evan replies, smiling.

  He drives around a dormant fountain and pulls up beside his father’s Aston Martin.

  “Are you ready?” Evan asks.

  I’m in awe of this house.

  “This is gigantic!” I squeal.

  “Didn’t you grow up in Beverly Hills?” he asks.

  “Nothing compares to English houses,” I admit.

  We knock on the front door, and one of the maids invites us inside.

  My father and Tinsley are in the sitting room with Corban, who’s got both twins in his hands.

  They’re awake, bright-eyed, and growing by the day.

  Their blue eyes are so wide and innocent.

  I picture them older, with Ava’s eyes and Corban’s dark hair.

  “Oh, don’t these two look precious?” I tell Corban.

  “Take one, please,” Corban jokes, handing me one of the twins.

  I take Grayson, or maybe Landon, into my arms.

  He makes a little sound and blows bubbles with his mouth as he stares up at me.

  “You’re blonde, you can pass for Ava without Landon screeching his head off,” Corban laughs.

  “This one’s Landon?” I ask.

  Corban nods.

  “Not that we need a sitter now, but if we ever do, guess who I’m calling. Landon is at that stage where he only wants me, or his mother. He screams even in Magda’s arms. I’ve never seen him quiet with anyone else,” Corban explains.

  I laugh.

  “I didn’t think I was any good with babies,” I admit.

  My heart melts, looking at the little bundle of joy.

  When Landon’s tiny little fingers lock down on one of mine, it takes me by surprise.

  “You’ve got a strong grip, little guy,” I whisper.

  He squeezes my finger and refuses to let go.

  I’m amazed by this tiny little person.

  I know now, for sure, that I want our baby.

  Evan’s and mine.

  Not one shred of me was ever ready to be a mother, not at twenty-four anyway.

  But now?

  Holding this baby in my arms?

  I cannot imagine being anything else.

  This baby is ours.

  I just want to wait a little longer, before I tell Evan.

  Just in case something happens.

  I’m only six weeks pregnant, and it’s still very early.

  I have an appointment for a sonogram on February 26th, and I will tell him right after that.

  It’s the right thing to do.

  “You look pretty comfortable with a baby,” Evan hints, and sidles up to me with a glass of whiskey.

  “I didn’t think I would be,” I admit.

  “Go see your grandmother. I’ll wait here,” I tell him.

  “No, Vic. We’re all going, so come on,” he says.

  Evan motions for me to follow him down the hallway.

  She may be dying, but Ava Senior still seems very much alert, and sits upright in a chair, fully dressed and aware.

  Though it’s evident, when she speaks, that she is living in the past.

  She takes one look at Evan.

  “Levi! How lovely it is to see you I thought you were in school?” Ava Senior asks.

  “I was, now I’m here to see you,” Evan says gently.

  “She thinks Evan is me,” Noah whispers to me.

  “Levi, though?” I ask Noah.

  “Leviathan is my middle name, and Ava used to call me Levi, just to tease me,” he laughs.

  “Levi, is this lovely young woman your wife? And is that your baby? Oh, you’ve had a baby!” Ava Senior Exclaims.

  Ava just nods for Evan to play along; she’s got tears in her eyes.

  “Can I hold him?” Ava senior asks.

  Evan can only nod, incapable of speech as I gently lean down and place Landon in Ava Senior’s arms.

  The smile on Ava Senior’s face completely melts my heart, and I feel as though I’m about to cry.

  I can see why Ava just sits and absorbs everything.

  This woman, who is so vital to all of them, will never know her grandchildren for real, she won’t get to see them grow-up or anything of the sort.

  Ava Senior is so focused on the baby we all just heave a sigh of relief.

  Babies calm her.

  When she looks up at us, I’m sure we all have tears in our eyes.

  “What are you all? Emotional fools?” Ava Senior laughs.

  Ava instantly perks up.

  “Grandma?” she asks.

  “Ava, what’s wrong? Where am I?” she looks around.

  It takes her a moment to place the estate.

  “She’s lucid,” Evan whispers in my ear.

  “Grandma this is my son, Landon. Corban, my husband, has our other son, Grayson, over there. They’re twins,” Ava says too quickly.

  “Oh, Ava! He’s darling!” Ava’s grandmother says.

  “And you’re married- I walked you down the aisle, that’s right,” Grandma Darlington remembers.

  “Oh, Noah! Look at you! Are you finally engaged to Tinsley?” Ava Senior asks.

  Tinsley holds out her hand with tears in her eyes and they all embrace.

  Tears are rolling down my cheeks the entire time.

  Then, Ava Darlington Senior turns to Evan.

  “And who is this young lady, Evan? Don’t tell me you’ve become engaged?” Ava senior exclaims.

  “This is my fiancée, Victoire,” Evan steps forward with me.

  “Are you alright dear?” Ava senior asks me when she sees my tear-stained face.

  “It’s just emotional, seeing you all together like this,” I excuse.

  I’m also pregnant, and my hormones are everywhere now.

  I’m not a crier. I don’t cry.

  Yet, here I am ready to sob.

  “Let’s get a picture,” I say.

  I pull out my phone to distract everyone from the mess I’ve become.

  Ava is ready to sob as well, and her eyes are red-rimmed.

  They all gather around her, and I snap the picture.r />
  “Make sure you send that to me dear,” Ava Darlington says.

  I’m somehow part of this family, and I feel at home,

  Then Ava Senior asks if she can have a word with me.


  Once they’re all out of the room, and the door is closed, Ava Darlington Senior pulls me close.

  “It’s a girl,” she tells me.

  “What?” I stare at her.

  “You’re pregnant. It’s a girl. Trust me when I tell you Victoire, that everything will be just fine with your baby,” Ava Senior’s voice is so smooth and warm.

  “You didn’t have much of a mother? Did you?” she asks.

  “No,” I admit.

  “Come here, child, everyone needs a hug from a Grammy once in a while,” she says.

  I oblige her.

  Ava Senior stands and wraps her arms around me, and I hug her back for all it’s worth.

  She feels very frail, but the strength of the love she radiates to me is powerful.

  I’ve never had a mother that genuinely cared about me, and I’ve never had a woman, who I barely know, tell me what I need.

  Ava Darlington Senior is the person I needed to hear from; she’s the living embodiment of love that I need.

  I can feel that this is her way of welcoming me into her family, and the tears of joy flow down my cheeks even more.

  Whether I’ve noticed or not, the Stones have accepted me as their own.

  Ava embraced me without question, no hesitation, just love.

  I sniffle against her for a bit, then she stands back and offers me a kerchief.

  I wipe my nose and face, and smile.

  She has an expression on her face, but I can’t place it.

  Then when she looks up at me, she says something I don’t expect.

  “Well, Elizabeth, I didn’t expect to see you, you’re looking well,” she smiles slyly.

  And just like that.

  The switch is flipped.

  “I want to stay here, with Grandmother,” Ava announces as we all prepare to leave.

  “Her family isn’t about to visit now, I want to spend time with her while I can...,” Ava trails off into sobs.

  “I’ll stay with you,” Corban says slowly.

  He wraps an arm around his wife.

  “And we’ll visit,” I say as I automatically volunteer Evan and myself.

  “Of course,” Evan agrees.

  “We, too,” Tinsley urges Noah.

  “Of course,” Noah nods.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he says.

  Ava Senior has already gone to bed, early by our standards, so we decide to go out for dinner together, the four of us.

  Noah and Tinsley take the sleeping twins home.

  Ava picks a cozy high-end restaurant, that serves ‘the best comfort food she’s ever had’ - her words, not mine.

  We get a booth overlooking the whole restaurant, and the four of us fit comfortably.

  I end up between Ava and Evan.

  “We used to come here and guess about the lives of the people sitting around the place,” Evan says.

  “Oh, I remember that! That was when I first realized I was pregnant!” Ava laughs.

  “So, what do you think about those two?” Evan points out to a couple across the room.

  I don’t fucking believe it!

  Of all the damned luck!

  It’s my ex-husband, sitting with a woman I don’t recognize.

  “She looks miserable,” Ava notes.

  “He paid her,” I say lamely.

  “Definitely,” Evan agrees.

  “How do you know?” Corban asks.

  “That’s my ex-husband,” I say.

  “What!” Evan almost yells in shock.

  “Oh, keep it down please,” I say.

  “That’s your ex-husband?” Evan whispers in my ear.

  “Yes, it is, I recognize him now too,” Ava interjects.

  “What? Oh, God, Ava!” Evan says.

  “Shut-up,” Ava chimes back.

  “Stop it,” I say, forcing myself between the two of them.

  “You two are like children,” I say, shaking my head.

  Then, when I look up, I realize my ex-husband, has seen me and is on his way over here.


  “Well, well, well, if it’s not Miss Bishop. Who has the pleasure of your company tonight?” Eric Lassen looms over all of us.

  “I’m her fiancé,” Evan says automatically.

  “Who didn’t pay for her, by the way,” Evan spits out.

  He instantly regrets his words, and looks uncomfortable.

  Eric laughs in his face.

  “Well, sport, you would have been buying damaged goods, as they say,” he sneers.

  Evan looks ready to punch Eric, but I put a hand on his leg, under the table, letting him know it’s not worth the trouble.

  Eric glares at me.

  His entire visage is tinged by malice and hate of me.

  “So, you managed to land a Stone, what did you have to do to get him into bed, you worthless thing,” Eric snorts.

  “Eric, please, just go away. I want nothing more to do with you, I made that clear,” I say.

  “Right. You still think you divorced me,” he says.

  “I filed the papers didn’t I. Oh, oh wait, I forgot. You somehow cleared yourself of the allegations of spousal abuse,” I spit back.

  “Well, as I recall, that ‘abuse’ was something you begged me for, every night!” Eric chuckles, looking at Evan.

  “She still like it rough, sport?” he asks.

  Evan stiffens, and it’s all I can do to push his leg down, silently begging him to let it go.

  “That, ‘abuse’? Don’t make me laugh! It was what you deserved sweetheart! What you craved!”

  He puts his face close to mine, leering at me.

  “It’s what got you wet, remember?” he whispers.

  Evan looks as though he’ll jump over the table and throttle Eric by the neck.

  I squeeze his hand, wrapping my leg around his.

  He’s primed for action, his eyes glinting with a dangerous look.

  Evan looks at the woman with Eric.

  He sits back, and I can feel him relax.

  “Eric,” he growls.

  “So, you bought a wife? How does it make you feel that you couldn’t just find yourself a wife? Like a real man?” Evan asks.

  I gasp, sure that the two men are going to get into a fist fight within seconds.

  “And now, it seems you’ve bought yourself another one. On a trip, are we? You know, my bodyguard has connections to the FBI. One word to him, and we’ll find out just how you and your new wife met,” Evan says menacingly.

  I can tell he’s spoiling for a fight.

  His relaxed posture is a ruse.

  He’s tightly coiled, ready to strike, like a deadly cobra.

  His military experiences are coming into play, and I sense he’s able to kill Eric without remorse, should it come to that.

  Eric gets the vibe coming from Evan and backs away.

  He looks at his new wife, then me, and then Evan.

  Eric pales for a moment.

  “You don’t have that power,” he spits back.

  He walks back towards his table.

  “We’re the Stones,” Evan stands up, his voice authoritative.

  “We can do anything we want, asshole,” he says, clearly.

  “Don’t forget, dipshit, my family has royal connections, so if I were you, I’d slink out of here like the scum that you are, and get the hell out of my fiancée’s life, for good!” Evan booms.

  He’s standing there, like a tiger about to attack a bull.

  People stare at us, but no one at our table notices.

  All eyes are on Evan.

  He walks around the table, directly in front of Eric.

  “Worthless whores,” Eric mutters.

  “Did you say something, douchebag?” Evan

  He’s ready.

  If Eric does the wrong thing, he’s dead.

  Eric stares at Evan, for about ten seconds.

  Then, he stomps off.

  Within minutes they’ve left the restaurant.

  Ava takes a few deep breaths.

  Evan regains his seat and pats my hand.

  “It’s okay, Vic. I wouldn’t have murdered him here in this nice restaurant,” he quips.

  “How did he buy another wife? Is Elizabeth involved in this?” she says.

  Then, she pinches her nose.

  Ava and Evan reach the same conclusion simultaneously.

  “Oh, crap!” she exclaims.

  “Oh, shit!” Evan groans.

  “Of course, she’s involved in this! The fucking island!” he swears under his breath.

  “They used the island for their human trafficking business until Noah won it from your father,” Evan says.

  Ava just stares at us.

  “What are you talking about? She’s just another ISA girl, right?” she asks.

  Evan keeps his voice down as he explains precisely what happened in New York.

  “Ava, Aidan and I think ISA was a bigger front for a global human trafficking ring. They’re still running that ring somehow, and mom is obviously behind this?” Evan says.

  “Well, she did say she killed Ventretti,” I confirm.

  Evan turns to me suddenly.

  “How did you know that?” he asks.

  He’s straightforward.

  “She told me when she came to visit me after you left. She wanted to chat,” I say meekly.

  “Why didn’t you tell me!” he hisses.

  “I didn’t want you to worry, it was nothing. She just wanted to unsettle me,” I say calmly.

  “She flat out told you she murdered him?” Evan asks.

  “She slipped something in his drink, to induce a heart attack,” I squeak.

  “So, she’s the one behind the Ventretti mob then?” Ava guesses.

  “Perhaps. But, on the face of it, it would appear so,” Evan says.

  “Is that how she took dad’s business? Is that how she kept us apart for all those years? She had men all over the place, watching me?” Ava asks.

  My gut churns in anguish and I come to a big decision.

  “No,” I tell Ava slowly.

  I can’t handle her not knowing.

  “Before we became friends, she promised me extra money, if I would keep you away from Noah Stone,” I say.


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