Deadlier than the H-Bomb

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by Leonard Young

  Possibly it is significant that he appears to have kept quiet about the Jewishness of Communism and subversive activities since February 8th, 1920.

  And it should be noted that his wholehearted support for, and appeasement of Russia was given, although Rudolf Hess had recently made his remarkably self—sacrificing and heroic bid to stop the war between Britain and Germany, knowing that Hitler did not want to fight or harm Britain. Churchill kept the self-appointed envoy a prisoner and gave the public no information. (See Prisoner of Peace.)

  If Churchill had had any sense of responsibility he would have allowed Hitler to get on with destroying Communism and the Jew menace, while he (Churchill) concentrated on building up the strength of Britain and the Empire.

  14. The Plot In America

  WE might now turn to America again for a moment. In 1931 the financiers had persuaded President Hoover to stand by with a moratorium to tide their friends in Germany over the worst of their difficulties resulting from the gigantic feast of international usury in which they had been indulging.

  Mr. McFadden, speaking of the moratorium, said: “If the German international financiers of Wall Street had not had this job waiting to be done, Herbert Hoover would never have been elected President of the United States”, and, in describing how the business had been done, he told Congress: “We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve Banks. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States … . They have been peddling the credit of this Government and the signature of this Government to the swindlers and speculators of all nations. This is what happens when a country forsakes its constitution and gives its sovereignty over public currency to private interests. Give them the flag and they will sell it.”

  In 1933, Bernard Baruch & Co., achieved a master stroke by getting their stooge, Franklin D. Roosevelt, installed as President and such was the immense power derived from their control of money and propaganda that they were able to keep him in that position until his death in 1945, in spite of the fact that he spent practically the whole time taking actions diametrically opposed to his words, and actions whose sole effect was to further subject the American people to the Sanhedrin, in the form of Bernard Baruch & Co., and Socialism or Communism.

  In 1932, the “economic blizzard” in the U.S. had approached its height and President Hoover was completely discredited, most of the smaller industrial firms were wrecked and attacks on the banking system, both as a system and as a credit monopoly, were increasing to a great volume. There were over 12 million unemployed. Before assuming office, Roosevelt deliberately ignored Hoover‘s appeals to him for support in measures to stop the rot, measures which he could not very well take if he did not know that Roosevelt would continue them. The result is that when

  Roosevelt took over there was a condition of nation-wide panic and, in many towns, not a single bank was open for business and all over the country money substitutes of the token class were in daily use. Probably 60 per cent of the banks were insolvent. During the depression, hundreds of thousands of American farmers had been ruined. Roosevelt's first action was to close every bank, a financial step, not an industrial one, it is significant to note. Under the American Banking Laws, the English system of Branch Banking was forbidden and most American Banks, outside New York, were in real and active competition with each other, both for customers' accounts and for re-discount facilities. The prohibition of Branch Banking had been a great safeguard against the mammoth Wall Street Banks, but its fatal weakness was the need to borrow in order to lend. The freezing of re-discount loans by the Reserve Banks, ultimately controlled by the Federal Reserve Board, had put the country banks in the position of being helpless against a “run”, which took place in nearly every case. Hundreds of small banks, and some large, but none of the largest, banks had closed, never to re-open. So the largest banks were relieved of a good deal of competition. Obviously in accordance with a carefully prepared programme, selected banks were reopened, and the Federal Reserve Banks, which had kept quiet until then, poured out credits for them on dictated terms which removed any danger of revolt.

  The financiers had obtained, by financial methods, virtual control of the economic life of the country and they now set about consolidating their position by acting more and more directly through Government officials in charge of the various Public Bodies or Governmental Monopolies set up by the administration. Large contracts for public works were placed with contractors; and State Employed agencies, whose barely concealed object was the lavish spending of money, rose and expanded. At the same time “controls”, the groundwork of the Planned Monopolistic State, were imposed on each main industry.

  One effect was to create vested interests and a large number of State employees to vote for a continuance of the administration. The Roosevelt administration became riddled with Jews and Communists or fellow-travellers.

  Speaking in Congress on June 8th, 1934, Mr. McFadden said: “The people of the United States have been propagandised into a belief that the N.R.A. is a product of the political genius of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. There is no greater popular fallacy … . It required 15 years of hard work on the part of Mr. Baruch and his associates to foist this act on the American people, and it was only through their sufferings over a period of great stress that he was able to do it … . It might be added that practically every year since the war, Baruch has been going to the Army War College and giving our future generals lectures along these lines.”

  It is of interest that, when General Hugh Johnson was appointed head of the N.R.A., he was still on Baruch's Wall—Street pay—roll. IT is also noteworthy that Eisenhower has been Baruch's protege ever since he went to Baruch for advice when a Major. That is why he was made Supreme Commander for the invasion of Europe and also why he has been made President. Every one of Roosevelt's 'state—controlling' policies helped to strengthen existing Combines and Trusts. By 1939 the immense inefficiency of the New Socialist Deal had almost resulted in the ruin of America's economic life, but the war in Europe gave the administration a new lease of life.

  (For much further information about Roosevelt and his administrations see The Roosevelt Myth, by John T. Flynn, B. Jenzen's books, The Brief for the Prosecution, by Douglas, and The Nameless War, by Ramsay).

  In brief, Roosevelt now concentrated on spending money on armaments and worked to get America involved in the war, which be had had a hand in provoking anyway. He tricked the Japanese into attacking America and so tricked the American people into supporting the war. Throughout, he conducted the war from the angle of doing all he could to support Communist requirements and to destroy the British Empire, making full use of the strength of the American people for these purposes. Also, of course, he did everything from the point of view of his own advantage, regardless of what it might cost the American or any other peoples. To attain his ends, he would double—cross Churchill. He was acting under the influence of his Jewish counsellors all the time, which accounts for allowing Russia to obtain control of Eastern Europe and so much of Germany, and the acceptance of the Morgenthau Plan to destroy German industry. The idea of “Unconditional Surrender” was to ensure that the Germans would resist to the end so that such chaos and destruction would result in Europe that it would become a wonderful breeding ground for Communism and that Germany would be destroyed in the process. The advance of the British and American Armies was delayed deliberately in order to ensure that the Russians would get control of so much of Europe and wreck it.

  Since Roosevelt's death, all succeeding American Governments have remained firmly in the grip of Bernard Baruch & Co. The Japanese War was prolonged so as to bring Russia in at the last moment and hand a lot of the Far East over to her and in order to be able to test the atomic bombs on Japan. The American Government deliberately handed China over to the Communists and stopped McArthur and Van Fleet from turning the Communists out of Korea
and has been a main agent in ousting the British, French and Dutch from all possessions and concessions in Asia. It will be noticed that New York finance or the Communists always move in. The same policy is being pursued in Africa.

  Aggression, supported by the United States Government and the U.N.O., created a State of Israel after liquidating the Arab inhabitants of the land.

  Everything that is happening recently in Cyprus, Suez, Sudan, Kenya, etc., is having the effect of getting the British out of the way of a Communist advance through Africa. Possibly the hostility between Egypt and Israel may be taken with a pinch of salt. The Jews seem to remain prominent in law, finance and business in Egypt through it all. Arms are being placed in the hands of the Egyptians and Communists are moving in. The arms could be used for a drive with instead of against Israel. Israel and Russia seem to be at loggerheads just now, but how real is it? It is true that there is, or has been rivalry between the Zionist and the Communist Jews for the allegiance of world Jewry but it is the opinion of the writer that both are effectively under the control of the Sanhedrin. Some Jews are purged in Russia, but they are purged by Jews and for personal reasons, not because they are Jews. There are bound to be quarrels between individual Jews in struggles for power and disagreements between groups as to the best means of attaining the aim at different times. But they are all working to the same end of world domination by Jewry. The Jews are remarkably cunning at throwing dust into Gentile eyes.

  15. The United Nations

  LIKE the League of Nations, the United Nations has been created by the Jews as a step to World Government as are all the other supranational organisations such as N.A.T.O., European Union, S.E.A.T.O., etc. One of the main arguments being used to frighten the Western peoples into giving up sovereignty to supranational organisations is the threat of the horrors of atomic warfare, which are painted in lurid terms by fellow-travelling “scientists” like Bertrand Russell and broadcast with the full blast of all the publicity under Jew control. The writer has heard of no such propaganda being broadcast to the people under Communist tyranny.

  The colours of the United Nations flag are pale blue and white, the same as those of the new State of Israel. All, or nearly all the key positions in the U.N.O. are held by Jews or fellow-travellers and they always have been. The U.N.O. Charter was drawn up by the Jew, Leo Pasvolsky, special assistant Secretary of State, U.S.A., and the Secretary-General of the San Francisco Conference which brought this Jew-planned “U.N.O.” into being, was Alger Hiss. Although the latter was a Gentile he owed his political career entirely to the influence of the Red New Deal Jew, Justice Felix Frankfurter, and he has been proved to be a spy for Soviet Russia. Incidentally, Fuchs and Pontecorvo were Jews.

  U.N.O. only seems to function in any unanimous sense when a Jewish interest is at stake. For example, both America and Russia voted for admitting Israel to U.N.O., although she was well ‘to the bottom of the waiting list and had just been brought into existence by one of the most glaring examples of treacherous aggression in history. Both America and Russia had armed and abetted Israel against the Arabs. Also, when U.N.O. decided, by bribing and bullying the small nations for their votes, on partitioning Palestine, it included the rich oil-bearing Negeb area in the Jewish part. But Count Bernadotte‘s proposals, submitted to U.N.O. reversed this decision. He was murdered and the Jews forced their way into the Negeb. This outrage led to U.S .A., Britain and China putting forward a resolution at U.N.O. for sanctions against the Jews if they did not withdraw from the area. But the resolution was soon squashed. The Jew, Morgenthau, ex-Secretary of the U.S.A. Treasury, cabled President Truman about it and Truman ordered the U.S.A. representative at U.N.O. to stop voting on the resolution. The resolution was dropped by the three powers and the Jews kept the Negeb and its oil.

  Atomic Energy in the U.S.A. is run by Jews: Bernard Baruch, L. L. Strauss, J. R. Oppenheimer, etc. Eisenhower, Baruch‘s stooge puts out ideas about Atomic World Banks. Obviously the Jews wish to obtain full control of the world‘s supplies of atomic energy because this, combined with their control of finance, which might get shaky, would greatly strengthen their grip on national governments throughout the world.

  General Sir Frederick Morgan, head of the European U.N.R.R.A. Mission discovered and stated that the organisation was being used:

  to feed and clothe the mass exodus of Jews from Russia and Communist Eastern Europe to Israel, and later

  that the Communists were using U.N.R.R.A. for espionage purposes.

  For (1.) he was made to cross the Atlantic and apologise to the U.N.R.R.A. Director-General, the Jew, Herbert Lehman, Wall Street Banker. For (2.) he was curtly dismissed by the half-Jew fellow-traveller, La Guardia, and replaced by the Jew, Meyer Cohen. Morgan was then placed on the retired list by the ‘British‘ Government and was later proved to be right on both statements. Statistics have revealed that U.N.R.R.A. operated mainly behind the Iron Curtain although financed solely by America and Britain.

  16. Post War Britain

  DURING the last half-century, Britain has produced a number of outstanding people in various fields, e.g., Richard St. Barbe Baker, A. K. Chesterton, C. H. Douglas, Sir Albert Howard, Arnold Leese, J. C. Thomson, Prof. L. A. Waddell, Nesta Webster and C. H. Welch. Unfortunately, they tend to remain more or less unheard of because they stand for the truth in their various fields. On the other hand, our Judaeo-Masonic, Financial, “Democratic” system, imposed on us during the last 300 years, has the inevitable tendency to bring only the froth to prominence in Church and State. For example, we have leading members of the Church of England, a supposedly Christian organisation, who are also Freemasons, i.e., members of what is, in fact, an anti-Christian secret or semi-secret society. They hobnob with Jews in a so-called “Council of Christians and Jews”, apparently quite oblivious of the fact that the Jews have frequently announced, during the last nineteen hundred years, that their primary aim is to destroy the Christian faith. They also support other Jew-sponsored suicidal policies such as miscegenation, designed to produce a race of mongrels, devoid of the best qualities of all races and one which will prove subservient to a world government, composed of Jews, who will themselves be careful to avoid such miscegenation. Could muddle-headedness go further? It is not surprising that the Church of England makes so little appeal to the British people, containing as it does ministers ranging over all stages of belief from Christian to Communism and Atheism.

  Since the war, Wall Street has tied up Britain and the British Empire very thoroughly by means of the Bretton Woods, the American Loan Agreement and G.A.T.T. They are designed to prevent the members of the British Empire from combining in any way to help each other by Imperial Preference. For example, G.A.T.T., compels us to submit to the dictation of a bunch of foreigners as to how we should trade within the Empire. It compels the Dominions to treat one another as foreign countries. It prevents Britain from helping the West Indian parts of the Empire to compete with Cuba by giving enough preferential treatment in the home market. This leads to unemployment in Jamaica, etc., and this again to an influx of coloured people into Britain in search of employment. There are reasons to believe that many of these people are persuaded and financed to come here by representatives of Wall Street. The Jews have taken care to see that our laws are framed so that, as they stand, we cannot restrict or stop the influx. Our feather-weight politicians do nothing about it.

  The hordes of Jews, Negroes, Indians, Pakistanis, Cypriots and other non-Nordic aliens flooding into this country are being deliberately introduced by Sanhedrin policy in order to pollute our race and provide alien and degenerate urban mobs which can be used for revolutionary purposes under the “democratic”, i.e., Jewish or Communist system.

  Appalling things are happening in our largest cities where there are these large coloured invasions but these facts can only be learnt by reading such clear-sighted British periodicals as Candour and Free Britain because our press and “B”.B.C. keep the public in complete ignoranc
e or very ill-informed. The writer would like to know why our press behaves like it does. Is it because of fear of the crack of the Jew-wielded financial whip or because of blindness and ignorance?

  Our “British” Governments of the last decade have cravenly submitted to all these Jewish moves for destroying us. They now appear to be proposing to import Maltese M.P.s to help the process of centralisation and mongrelisation.

  It is quite obvious that all these American loans, Marshall Aids, etc., about the world are made with the express purpose of keeping nations from standing on their own feet and of keeping them in pawn to Wall Street.

  The “Conservative” administration in Britain is now headed by Eden, Macmillan and Butler.

  Eden has been a protégé throughout of financial Jewry, a friend of the Sassoons and Sieffs and an appeaser of Soviet Russia. He has the remarkable qualities of many modern politicians in this country which enable him to describe wholesale scuttles from Persia, Suez Canal, Sudan, etc., as British victories or Conservative triumphs. A man who can invite Bulganin and Kruschev, two of the most appalling thugs and murderers in history, to pay a visit to this country, which involved their being received by our young Queen, must have lost all sense of Britain's past greatness and traditions.

  Macmillan is intimately connected with P.E.P. and a friend of Sieff. He has come out as an advocate of World Government, although to do so is in direct contravention of the Parliamentary oath of allegiance to the Queen.

  Butler is either completely ignorant of the basic facts about money, the banking system and international finance, or he is deliberately concealing any knowledge he may possess while pursuing a course which can only subjugate us entirely to Wall Street. All he seems to be able to think of, like his colleagues, is hanging round Wall Street, cap in hand, instead of taking steps to enable this country and Empire to develop their own resources and take the lead in the world, which we could do, without doubt, if we could only wake up and do something sensible about it. Butler, though, seems to be happy to stay in G.A.T.T. and to help break up the Empire by doing such things as telling the Australians, at the 1952 meeting of the Dominion Premiers that, as their country was the only large source of non-dollar wheat, it was their duty to grow more wheat. The Australians responded to this appeal to duty and then Mr. Butler remained a leading member of a Government which, after making the appeal, used hard currency to buy wheat, subsidised at ten shillings a bushel, from the Argentine while leaving Australian storehouses full of wheat for which there was no market.


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