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Trusted Page 12

by Vicki Green

  “Shhh. I know. Rest. I’m getting you some water, be right back. Don’t move.”

  The corners of one side of her mouth raise just a bit. “Don’t worry, I won’t.” I grin, but my chin starts to quiver and wetness forms in my eyes as I lean down and gently kiss her forehead, which is damp with sweat and burning hot.

  I quickly rise, run to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water from the fridge, then run back and bend down on my knees beside the couch, twisting off the cap. “Here, try to drink some.” I hold the bottle to her lips as my hand moves around the back of her neck and raise her a little. “Good girl. That’s good. Drink what you want.” Her hand covers mine on the bottle, and I feel how warm it is, too warm. I’m about to go crazy with worry when a knock comes on the door. Her hand flops down on her stomach as I release her and set the bottle down on the table. I run to the door, open it and Knox and Dr. Phillip walk in hurriedly. I feel helpless as I stand there watching the doctor checking her, talking with her, but she only nods or shakes her head when asked a question. I take a chance and shift my eyes over to Knox, who’s standing beside me. His arms crossed over his chest, and the worry on his face matches mine if not more. We stand there for what seems like an hour when Dr. Phillip rises and walks over to us.

  “Harley, so nice to see you, again.” Dr. Phillips holds out his hand, and I don’t hesitate to shake it. He looks over at Knox and smiles. “Knox. I feel she has pneumonia but is resting comfortably now. I’ve given her a couple of shots that will help and have left some medications on the table.” He turns his head looking at her and then back at Knox and me. “I think she’ll be fine but I’d like to get a chest x-ray in the morning at my office. Think you can bring her in?” Knox nods and looks at me, and I nod at him. “Good. Just keep her comfortable tonight, warm and try to get her to take plenty of water.” He looks at me and removes a card from his pocket, handing it to me. “Here’s my card. It also contains my cell phone number. Please call me if she seems to get any worse. Okay?” I nod again and reach out my hand, which he takes quickly and shakes.

  “Thank you, Dr. Phillip. I’m so appreciative.” He gives me a smile and starts to walk to the door.

  “No thanks needed. She’s like a daughter to me.” He walks out the door, and I turn to Knox, who doesn’t look very happy with me. I don’t blame him.

  “Come, let’s get something to drink and sit at the dining table so we can keep an eye on her.” He walks off and towards the kitchen, and I just follow, looking over at Pearl one last time. As he walks by the dining table, he points to a chair, and I quickly pull it out and sit down. I hear him open cabinets, glasses clanking and ice being put in the glasses, when he walks back in he pulls out the chair next to me. He opens the lid of the Jack Daniels and looks at me, pouring both glasses half full when I nod. He slides one over to me and then picks his up a takes a big gulp, hissing as he swallows. Picking up the glass, I also take a huge drink, my eyes closing as the liquid burns going down my throat. “So,” he begins and I open my eyes and look right into his, but then he looks down at his glass. “Pearl has always had a low immune system since she was a baby. It doesn’t take much for her to become ill, and we really had to keep a close eye on her as she grew up. She’s so much like her mother, always was a tomboy, playing outside, getting hurt, broken bones, cuts, and bruises, and would come down with a cold at the drop of a hat.” I take another drink and watch as he moves his glass around on the table. His eyes move up to mine, and I swallow hard. “You wanna tell me why you broke her heart? Why you left without so much as a word to her, wouldn’t answer her calls or call her back?” My heart grows heavier with each of his words, and I feel worse than I already did. “She didn’t tell me but Stormy told Jade. News travels fast in my family, especially when one of them is hurting. Oh! Speaking of news, there’s a quite an unusual article about you in today’s paper.”

  “Yes, sir. I know.” The liquid gets stuck in my throat as I take another drink and try to swallow.

  “Enlighten me.” It’s not a request but an order.

  “Did she tell you about my life growing up in a foster care home?” He shakes his head and settles back in his seat. I tell him about the beatings, the abuse, the killing of my foster dad. I stop and take a drink. “What I haven’t told Pearl is what I’m about to tell you and until now no one knows and still doesn’t know the whole story, with the exception of the paper.” His eyes widen, and he nods slightly. “Max and Macy also had a foster daughter, Venice. She was beautiful and she watched me get beaten regularly but I also made sure he didn’t touch her. I protected her and took a lot of the beatings for her. We fell in love and she got pregnant. When Max and Macy found out they were livid. Max beat me to within an inch of my life but I stayed strong and tough for Venice.” I take another drink finishing the liquid and when I set the glass down, Knox pours more in, his eyes full of anger. “When it got close to her due date, Max made me sign my rights away, saying it was best. I had no money, no job, and no way to take care of Venice or the baby. I was only seventeen at the time, almost eighteen but not close enough, so I signed but I didn’t want to. Venice….” I swallow hard and quickly take another huge drink and a deep shaky breath as I set the glass down. “She died giving our daughter life. That night…. That night is when Max came after me, tried to kill me but the gun went off into his chest instead of me.” I look up at Knox, tears filling my eyes, and I crease my brows in my anger. “I’ve never seen Rosie, my daughter. Macy told me I couldn’t tell anyone, ever, or she’d leave with her and I’d never hear about her anymore. Once I got out of jail I hit the road. Macy instructed me to keep quiet that Rosie will have a better life without me and I did. I started hitting bars, making enough money to send some to Macy for Rosie, and enough to get by on. Town after town, bar after bar, until I landed here.” I take another drink and set the glass down, and he quickly refills it.

  “Son, that has to be the hardest life I’ve ever heard of. Even harder than mine and I’ve been through a lot. I’m sorry.” I nod, a tear running down my face, and I quickly swipe it away. He leans forward, resting his elbows on the table and gives me a straight look. “Harley. Let me help. I have the best lawyers around. I think they’ll agree that you signed that paper under duress and can get your daughter back.”

  My aching heart begins to beat wildly at his words. “Do you really think that’s possible,” I whisper afraid to say it too loudly. He nods and gives me a sad smile. “Macy can’t know. She’ll run.”

  I look down at his hand on my shoulder and back up at him. “She won’t. I also have two of the best bodyguards who can find out just about anything, keep me updated and keep watch. Emerson and Ralph have been with me most of my life. They’re good.”

  I feel like I’m about to blow everything but I look at him and get serious. “Sir. I love Pearl. I know she loves me too and I want nothing more than to make her happy. I’m sorry I ran but I did it for my daughter but believe me, I was torn. I didn’t want to leave Pearl and I feel awful for it and now she’s sick and….”

  “Son. Take it from someone who loves his daughter with all his heart and soul. I understand. But from a father’s perspective, don’t hurt her anymore.”

  I nod and breathe out a big sigh of relief. “That’s one thing you don’t have to worry about, sir.” For the first time I feel hope. For the first time I can smile and really mean it and now, I just need Pearl to get well and tell her everything. Maybe I can have a happy life after all.

  I’ve been sitting in the waiting room with Pearl’s parents for over an hour, my leg bouncing as my nerves are shot. What’s taking so long? Shit, maybe she’s worse than he thought! The door opens and I stand quickly, walking fast over to Pearl and put my arm around her. I look up and see her parents standing in front of us. “Well, the good news is, it’s not pneumonia, yet, but we must be careful.” Dr. Phillip looks at Pearl and smiles. “Pearl, you must not work for a few days and get plenty of rest, drink a lot of fluids and
take your medication. Call me at any time and I will stop by your apartment tomorrow to check on you.” I look at Pearl and watch her nod at the doctor, and then we start to walk towards the lobby door, but I stop quickly when Knox puts his hand on my arm.

  “I’ll be over later to talk. Take care of our girl,” he says smiling but cocks an eyebrow at me. I nod, and Jade stops us again to kiss Pearl on the cheek, telling her she’ll come with Knox to keep her company.

  I didn’t think we would ever get out of that office, but finally, I get her home and tucked into bed, giving her the medicine and water, along with some juice. I watch her sleep, her hands under her beautiful face and head downstairs to clean up the mess of blankets on the couch and to call Pete. After him telling me about his concern on how bad she looked yesterday, he said he would handle everything and not to worry, and then he told me he was glad I was back. All these people showing me how much they like me is so weird, but I’m so thankful for them. Maybe everything will be okay now. Maybe I can get Rosie, and we can be a happy family. But things have never worked out for me, and I’m afraid to get my hopes up too high.

  Chapter Eleven

  My eyes slowly open to darkness. I squeeze them tight a few times and things begin to clear, little by little. I look over at the chair and see Harley, asleep with his face resting in his hand and my heart beats faster. Harley. My clouded mind thinks back of images of him and me in the rain, the rain beating down on us, his mouth on mine, his pleading look and my anger. He came back, and I got angry. I had every right. I look at him as he sleeps and notice how much younger he looks in his slumber, but the worry lines on his face look like he’s carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.

  My throat is dry. I reach over to the coffee table to get the bottled water and drop it as my hand and arm seem so weak. I look over at Harley and see him sit up, looking at me with such worry in his eyes. He jumps up, picks up the bottle and twists off the cap, holding it out to me, and I try to sit up but lay back down quickly. I watch as he bends down on one knee, puts his hand around the back of my head and lifts me up, putting the bottle close to my lips. I keep looking into his eyes as I take a few sips, then start to drink more as the wetness slides down my throat. “Slowly,” he whispers and I slow down, obeying immediately. Finally, I nod and he releases my head back onto the pillow and sets the bottle down, putting the cap back on. He rises, turns and I grab his hand, his head twisting to me, his eyes sad.

  “Don’t go,” I whisper.

  He turns fully and kneels by the couch, his hand still in mine and his other brushes some hair from my face. “I’m not going anywhere, ever again.”

  I look down at our hands lying on the couch and then swallow hard. “You left me.” My eyes move to his, and I tilt my head when I see wetness in them. “You wouldn’t answer my calls or tell me anything. I gave my heart to you, trusted you with it and you broke it.” I can’t stop my tears from falling, but my heart bleeds when I watch one fall down his cheek.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I really didn’t. If I would have had a choice, I would have never left you, ever,” his low, raspy voice choking on his tears hits me hard.

  “But why?” I sniff and close my eyes, tears overflowing, as his hand cups the side of my face and when I open them, his eyes are but inches from mine.

  “My daughter needed me and I was sworn to secrecy about her or she’d be taken away.” My eyes blink rapidly, my heart beats faster and my chest aches. “I told your dad everything and I’m gonna tell you everything too, Pearl, but you have to believe me. I would have never left you if I could have helped it. I love you.” My head shakes in my confusion, my brows lower and my mind is all over the place. “I know you don’t trust me much right now, but I aim to get that back and I’ll never let you down again or break your heart. Please, believe me. I love you, baby.”

  My hand reaches up and covers his against my face as we stare into each other’s wet eyes. “I love you too. Just…. Just don’t leave me again. Don’t fight without me, let me fight with you, not alone. Promise me,” I sniff and choke out.

  He leans closer still, kissing my lips as he rubs his thumb along my damp cheek. “Never again. I promise.” He kisses me again, and I grow weak but not from the illness. He leans back and smiles. “Let me take you upstairs. Let me hold you, help you get better. I’m gonna need you strong for that fight.” I smile and nod as he stands, lifting the blankets off me then puts his arm under my legs and around my back, lifting me effortlessly. Laying my head on his shoulder, he carries me upstairs and lays me down gently on the bed. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move,” he says smiling and taps my nose lightly. I’m too tired to answer but give him a smile and watch as he walks out of the room. My eyes close and I take a breath, but I can’t seem to take a deep one. My eyes flutter open when I feel the bed dip beside me, and soon I’m in his arms and snuggling my face against his chest. “Sleep, baby.”

  When my eyes open I look towards the window and see it’s still raining. I turn my head the other direction, and I see the other side of the bed is empty. Did I dream Harley came back? Just then the door opens wider and Harley walks in, a huge smile on his face, and I can’t help but smile back. He told me he loved me. My heart speeds up as he walks closer and sits down on the bed, picking up my hand and kissing it. “I brought more water and some medicine you need to take.”

  “Medicine?” My voice creaks.

  “Yes, Dr. Phillip said you must take it and I have to get you to his office this morning for an x-ray.” He releases my hand and puts it under my arms, helping me to sit up.

  “You saw Dr. Phillip? Last night?” I take the glass of water and the pills, swallow them and keep drinking. I’m so thirsty.

  He laughs, but then becomes serious, his worry lines appearing on his forehead. “You really don’t remember, do you?” I shake my head but don’t stop drinking. “He came by, checked you out and gave you a couple of shots, then said he believes you have pneumonia. Your dad has already called me this morning and said he and your mom will meet us at Dr. Phillip’s office in about thirty minutes. Are you up for a ride?”

  I empty the glass and hold it out to him. “More, please.” He smiles and takes it, then walks into the bathroom, and I hear the faucet. Soon he’s back at my side handing me the glass, and I drink up greedily.

  “I’m glad to see you drinking. Pete told me this morning you hadn’t been eating or drinking much, since…. Since I left.” His face contorts into worry then anger. “I’m so pissed off that I didn’t confide in you, knowing you wouldn’t say anything. I don’t know how to make it up to you, but I will.”

  He takes my empty glass, and I shake my head ‘no’ when he offers me more then he sets the glass down on the table. “You already are,” I whisper. He leans down, kisses my lips and we look into each other’s eyes. “I need to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth too. Oh! And my hair.” He laughs and pulls the covers away and lifts me into his arms. My smile won’t leave my face as he carries me into the bathroom and sets me down. “Uh, this is kind of embarrassing, can you….?” He shakes his head, folding his arms over his chest but covers his eyes with one of his hands.

  “I’m not leaving you in your weakened state. I won’t look.” He’s trying to be serious, but I can see the faint smile on his lips.

  “Well, okay but don’t look. I mean it.” I pull down my panties and sit down on the toilet. I would be even more embarrassed, but I feel a little lightheaded and suddenly, I’m thankful he’s right there. When I’m done, I pull up my panties and stand while holding onto the counter. He grabs me around the waist and sets me on it. I give him a perplexing look, and he smiles. I’m handed my toothbrush and hold it out as he puts paste on it. He holds onto my arm as I lean over the sink and brush, his other hand pulling my hair back and holding it. After rinsing I sit back up and look at him. The look in his searching eyes are of concern, worry and love, and it makes my heart melt. “I’m glad you’re h

  He smiles and lifts me from the counter, grabs my brush and sets me on the bed, sitting down behind me. I close my eyes as he sweeps the brush through my hair, and I think I could fall asleep with his tender touch. “I’m glad I’m here too. Now, we might have to get a move on. I’m not having your dad get pissed off at me for getting you there late.” I let out a giggle as he finishes. He takes a blanket and wraps it around me then lifts me into his strong arms and carries me downstairs. He stops off in the kitchen, grabs two bottles of water, and I place them on my lap. He takes me out the front door, down the stairs and to his truck. Once he has me buckled in, he gets in the driver’s seat, starts the car and pulls out of the lot. I give him the directions, and we’re on our way.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  “What’s your daughter’s name?” She looks over at me and smiles, and I take her warm hand in mine.

  “Rosie.” I smile back, and my heart is so full.

  “What does she look like?” My heart just dropped with her words, and I frown.

  “They wouldn’t let me see her.” Her smile moves down and she almost looks like she could cry. “I signed away my rights before she was born, I was forced to by my foster parents. Venice was their foster daughter and I protected her, took beatings for her and we fell in love.” Her eyes are intent on mine, but I see her body stiffen. “She died during childbirth.” Her other hand flies to cover her mouth quickly and her face changes to remorse. I look out the front window and stare at the road as my memories invade me once again. “I couldn’t give her the life I wanted her to have so I agreed to sign the papers. Biggest mistake of my life. I was not quite eighteen and after I killed….” My eyes shift back over to Pearl. “After the struggle and death of my foster dad, I was in jail for six months before my lame lawyer could prove my innocence, and my foster mom had already taken her away. I’ve been sending money, every chance I get, to try to help with expenses but Pearl….?” Her hand leaves her mouth, and a tear falls from her eye. “I want her. I want custody and your dad said he could help me.” Her hand squeezes mine, and her lips turn into a smile.


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