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Trusted Page 19

by Vicki Green

  The noise dwindles as heads turn his way and he walks closer. “Well, if you take it really easy and be careful with those few stitches in your stomach, you can go home now.”

  “Deal!” Pearl half yells and everyone starts laughing.

  I look at her as she excitedly talks to everyone, and suddenly I’m full of emotions. Excited and happy about a baby that we made together and scared shitless of losing her. She turns her smiling face at me, takes my hand and then turns back to everyone. I couldn’t be more proud of her than I am right at this moment.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “God, it’s so great to be home, even if I have to sit around for a couple of days and I can’t lift Rosie.” I look around at everyone. Rosie is playing with her toys on the floor with Stormy. Mom, Bo and Dad are drinking a beer sitting in the chairs, and Harley is watching his daughter. “Stormy, it was so sweet of you to clean and cook food for us. I can’t say that I have a big appetite but your food is to die for.” Everyone’s head turns to me in shock, and Harley squeezes my hand. The look on his face is of horror. “Hey, I can’t watch everything I say. Her food is to die for.” I roll my eyes and slowly everyone starts to relax. Bo laughs and Stormy hits his arm. “Lighten up, everybody. I know we’ve only been told but we can’t walk on eggshells. I want normalcy.”

  “I know you do, baby, but give everyone a little time to let it sink in, okay?” Harley’s words hit me hard, but he’s right. I lay my head against his shoulder, and his arm moves around me.

  “You’re right. I guess I’m just anxious to start living again and try to be as happy as I can. I’m being selfish.” Harley’s arm tightens around me.

  “No, princess. You’re being strong. Just like your mother.” I smile at Dad and then look over at Mom who has tears in her eyes.

  “Well, enough of this doom and gloom. Who’s hungry? I made enough to feed a small army and look, here you are,” Stormy announces as she stands and starts walking towards the kitchen. Everyone finally relaxes and laughs. Mom gets up and walks there too so she can help her, and Bo follows to go get himself another beer. Harley kisses my lips and smiles against them then gets up and goes to the kitchen too. I look down at Rosie, who’s still busy with her toys and smile. This is life. This is family, and this is how I want to live what rest of my life I have.

  Everyone brings their plates into the living room. Harley piled the food on mine and Mom and Stormy brought the fixings in, setting them on the coffee table. Bo even brought in Rosie’s high chair and set her in it as Mom set her plate down on her tray. I look at Harley and laugh, raising my brow, and look down at my plate. “Just eat what you can, baby. Just wanted to make sure you got some of everything.” I lean over, kiss his sweet lips, and start eating.

  We end up having a lot of fun when everything looked so bleak earlier. I know it’s hanging over their heads as it is mine, but I know they’re trying to be strong for me. Once everyone gave their hugs and kisses to Rosie and me, and patted Harley’s back and shook hands, they left. Harley picks Rosie up and takes my hand, and we go upstairs to put her to bed. I watch him change her diaper and put on her little pajamas and kiss her forehead after putting her in bed. I walk over, his arm moving around me, and kiss her sweet lips.

  “Goodnight, my sweet pumpkin.” She looks at me, smiles and giggles.

  “Daddy!” She giggles.

  I smile and touch her nose, then Harley and I leave her room and walk into ours. I go into the bathroom and do all my bathroom things, then look up at myself in the mirror, tears streaming down my face. My hands press down on the counter as I try to regain myself, but it’s so hard. Finally, I turn on the faucet, splash some water on my face and dry off, trying to look strong for my man. I need to be strong and courageous for my family. I have to.

  I slip into bed, turning on my side and Harley immediately is behind me, as close as he can get, with his arm around me, his fingers sliding in between mine, and I feel comforted already. “You’ve been crying,” he whispers in his sexy, low raspy voice. A tear makes its way down my cheek, and I wipe it away quickly. “Baby, you don’t have to be so strong or maybe you feel you need to for your family, but you don’t have to for me. I’m here with you every step of the way. Let me comfort you. Let me love you.”

  I turn in his arms and snuggle into his side, my head on his chest, my arm bent on his stomach, and my hand around the side his neck. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?” I kiss his lips hard pouring all my love into this one kiss. When I release his mouth, we just stare into each other’s eyes, and I feel like he’s looking into my soul.

  “I feel your love so much, baby, and I love you just as much. You’re everything to me. My life was nothing before you. You gave me life.” His lips take mine, and I couldn’t feel more loved than I do right at this moment.

  We kiss for a long time, holding each other tight in our love. Finally, I lay my head down on his chest, and even after I hear his light breathing sleep escapes me.

  The next several days are so great! Rosie started eating with her fork and spoon and seems to be growing so fast. Harley and I spent so much time together. We went out on our ‘official’ first date and took Rosie to the beach. She was in heaven with all the sand. Tomorrow, we’re getting married. I always thought about my wedding day, ever since I was young, and thought I’d be so nervous but now? I can’t wait to be Mrs. Sanders. Mom thought it would be a great idea to spend the night at their house, saying it’s not good to be together the night before, and how much we will anticipate being together tomorrow night for our honeymoon. Ha! Little does she know Harley plans on sneaking in once they are asleep. How romantic! Right now, Mom, Stormy and I are in my old bedroom at my parents. They are painting my nails, toes and fingers, and we have a ton of snack food, even though my appetite is not that great, but I did get my stitches out today so I went swimming earlier and got a little color on me from the sun.

  “So, I’ve tried not to keep asking you but how are you feeling?” Mom asks as she paints my fingernails.

  “I’m feeling great, Mom. No morning sickness, yet anyway and I’m not as tired as I was. I’m so anxious when we can find out if it’s a boy or a girl. Will you all help me decorate the other bedroom when we find out?”

  I look up at Mom and see she’s smiling at me, but it’s not reaching her eyes. “That’s good, honey, but I meant your stomach issues. You know? Not from the pregnancy.” My eyes squint and then realization hits me.

  “Mom, you can say cancer. It’s okay. I know it’s a horrible word but it is what it is. And to answer your question, it’s doing okay. I’m not having the awful pain that I had before but I just never know when it may hit. Dr. Phillip gave me some pain pills to keep on hand, just in case.” I can see the wetness in her eyes and know she’s trying to be strong for me. I place my hand on hers, stopping her from painting my nail, and she looks at me. “It’s okay to cry, Mom. I do, when I’m alone. I love everyone’s support,” I say looking at Stormy and then back at Mom. “But it’s okay to cry with me too. Sometimes we need to do that, to make it through. Besides,” I look down at the toe Stormy is painting and smile, “sometimes I just want someone to hold me and cry with me, letting me know they feel like I do.”

  Stormy put her brush back into the polish container and leaps at me, her arms moving around me as mine wrap around her, and she starts crying into my neck. “Oh! I’m so glad to hear you say that. I’ve been crying for days and Bo’s been great but it’s not the same.” We hold each other when Mom puts her arms around me as well and we all just sit there like that for a while. Finally, Stormy releases me, wiping her eyes and laughing. “Of course, Bo can’t be serious all the time and tells me some of it is hormones.”

  Mom and I both start laughing, and I see her wipe her eyes as well. Both of them start painting again, and I take a drink of my bottled water. “Well, Bo’s always been a kidder. God! I remember when he told me he had a present for me and then handed me a frog. Oh, my God! I sc
reamed like crazy, but I kind of got him back when I threw it, trying to get rid of it, and he happened to be bent over, laughing, and it went down the back of his shirt. He was jumping all over the place trying to get it out, untucking his shirt. I laughed so hard until he finally got it out and screamed he was gonna get even with me and took off running after me. I was lucky I made it to my room before he got to me and locked my door.”

  “I remember that! And what about the time….” Mom went on and on, and we ended up turning a serious conversation to a day full of laughter. It felt so good to laugh, cry with happy tears and be with the best friends a girl could ever have.

  That night, after we all went to bed, Stormy and Bo sleeping in his old room, I hear a tap on the window. My heart raced a little, but then I roll my eyes and get up. Knowing the high security here, it’s just stupid to be afraid. I peek through the blinds, my smile huge as I open them and lift the window. “Harley, be careful. You could fall.” I grab his upper arms and help him in then his arms are around me before I can blink. His mouth is on mine as he pulls my camisole up and our mouths break long enough for him to pull it over my head.

  Our panting starts quickly, our chests rising and falling hitting against each other’s, and I struggle to pull his shirt up. Our lips release again briefly as he helps pull it over his head, throwing it on the floor, and then our kissing becomes overheated as he backs me up to the bed. We both fall on the bed, laughing, but our mouths never break apart. His hand is on my breast, kneading, tweaking my nipple, then it moves down my body, and he lifts up long enough to pull my panties down and off my legs, both of us struggling to keep our lips on each other’s. As he situates himself between my legs, his hand cups my pussy. His finger slides inside, and I moan into his mouth. He finally releases my lips as my hips buck into his hand. “Fuck! You’re so wet for me. I love how your body responds to my touch. God, I love you!” I grasp his arms, my body moving with the rhythm of his finger, and my eyes begin to plead with his.

  “Harley…. Ungh! Please. I need you inside me. Please…. I….”

  I feel the loss of his finger, but he stands, removes his jeans and boxers, and then I am full of him as he thrusts into me hard. “Damn! It’s been too long since I’ve felt you, since I’ve been inside you. God! You feel so fucking good!” He moans as he moves in and out. I grab his shoulders, holding on for dear life as he holds onto my hips, pushing harder and harder. He rams into me then pulls out enough that he’s barely inside me and then slams back into me again. “I’m sorry, baby, but I can’t…. Stop from…. Ugh!” He can barely speak, and I feel like I can’t breathe as each time his cocks hitting the one spot that is taking my breath away.

  “Ungh! Harley!” I scream as my climax is reached, the sensations and heat running through me making me see spots and his causing a glow around his face. Through my clouded eyes, I manage to watch his beautiful face as he comes, crying out my name, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look this sexy, this hot, as he reaches his climax. He collapses beside me, careful not to put his weight on me, and I hold him as close as I possibly can as we ride out our bliss together. He finally turns his head to me with such satisfaction on his gorgeous face, and I smile back, while my fingers stroke the back of his head. “You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on,” I whisper.

  He smiles and then chuckles. “Beautiful? How about handsome, gorgeous, hot, sexy or manly?”

  I laugh back and then suddenly become serious. His face changes instantly, softens but yet concerned. “Yes, my love. All of those and more.” He rises, looking down at me and into my eyes, searching them and then his mouth is on mine but this time, it’s not one of heated desire but one of tenderness, of passion and of his love. After a seriously long time of kissing and holding each other tight, he helps me get under the covers and is spooning me. Our legs tangled with each other’s, his loving arm around me and our fingers entwined. I look at the clock on the nightstand, noticing it’s very early on the morning of our wedding day, and smile. I can feel his light breathing on my upper back as I look out the window. The moonlight gives my room a little light, and I just lay here feeling his warmth thinking how lucky I am to have someone love me so unconditionally and sleep escapes me once again.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  I haven’t seen Rosie yet, and I’m dying to see Pearl. Knox told me Pearl was sick to her stomach this morning and had to take a pain pill, but Jade and Stormy still wouldn’t let me see her. But I did get to talk to her through her bedroom door. I would have broken it down if I couldn’t have at least talked to her. I’m pacing Bo’s bedroom floor as I await to be called. I have no idea what the girls have planned, no one would tell me, but I love Pearl even more for surprising me today. Fuck! I love her so much it hurts to be without her even for a second.

  “Yo! Time to go downstairs. You ready, man?” My head snaps to the door as I hear Bo’s words and my heart starts beating fast but not due to nervousness, strictly anxiousness. I walk quickly to the door, pulling down on my dress shirt, and open it, Bo almost falls inside the room, but I stop him with my hands on his shoulders.

  “Of course I’m ready! I’ve been ready for hours. Shit! Get me to my woman!” Bo laughs as I walk out hurriedly, his arm around my shoulder and trying to keep up with my fast pace.

  “Damn, dude. She isn’t going anywhere. Slow the fuck down,” he laughs as I fly down the stairs and through the living room.

  I walk out onto the deck and see all the awesome decorations and smile. Girls love this stuff but to me, I just want to marry her and get on with our honeymoon. Bo’s still laughing as he passes me, and I follow him down the deck stairs, hot on his heels, down the path and onto the beach. There I stop short and look at the view. A gazebo decorated all over the top with different colored roses, and over to the left is a makeshift dance floor. There are long tables covered with table clothes, bouquets of the same colored roses as centerpieces and then a few more tables behind them with covered silver platters standing over small flames to keep food warm. When in the hell did she do all this? I look back at the gazebo and see a minister standing in it smiling at me. I walk towards it, up the two steps and shake his extended hand.

  “Harley, nice to finally meet you. I’ve married everyone in this family and I’m honored to marry you and Pearl today.”

  “Thank you, sir. So when do we start?” He laughs as I rub my hands together and freeze when I hear music playing. I turn around slowly, my eyes wide as I see my most beautiful bride. I’m not one for caring about fancy dresses and shit like that, but my heart couldn’t beat any faster when I take in her beauty. Her dress is white, fitted perfectly showing all her curves and a halter type top that displays her gorgeous, tanned, flawless skin. I look down and chuckle as I see her bare feet, an ankle bracelet with some kind of charms around one and the other has another one, but it’s made out of the same colored roses that are everywhere around me. She’s carrying the same roses in a bouquet as Knox begins to bring her to me, her face is glowing in radiance. I turn my head and see Bo standing beside me and have no idea when he appeared. As I look back to my gorgeous bride I now notice people sitting in chairs, outlining a path that Pearl and her dad are walking through. Most are regular customers at the bar, but I see Pete, Jenny, our babysitter, and our employee’s and wonder who in the hell is managing the bar. But then my eyes scan over and I see Rosie sitting on Jade’s lap, clapping her hands, and Stormy sitting next to them and the bar doesn’t matter anymore.

  As Pearl gets nearer, she stops at the front and leans down, picking up Rosie, and then rejoins Knox. My heart couldn’t get any fuller right now with my love for her. She walks to the bottom of the steps, Rosie playing with her necklace, and I watch as Knox kisses her cheek, whispering words to her. She smiles and tells him she loves him, and I can see the wetness in her eyes. She finally walks up the two steps and takes my outstretched hand, and we turn to the minister, but I can’t seem to take my eyes off her. The minister spea
ks, and I’m sure his words are great, but all I can think of is when we first met, the first time we made love, her beautiful smile until Bo hits my arm.

  “What?” I half yell. He laughs as well as the people behind us, and I look at Pearl, who’s turned facing me and smiling so brightly. “Oh!” I turn to her and take her left hand, squeezing it tightly.

  “Harley, my love. Every day of my life I’ve waited for you. I didn’t know you, didn’t know your name, what you looked like or sounded like but I waited. I knew you were out there somewhere and one day we’d meet and you’d take my heart. When that day finally came, I was so bowled over by your handsome looks, your confusing charm….” I let out a laugh as well as she and everyone else did too. “But then one day, you trusted me. You let me in your heart, your soul and soon after there was nothing that could tear us apart.” My eyes fill with tears at her loving words. All her emotions become mine as she places a golden band on my finger, lined all the way around with small diamonds. “Will you take me, heart, body and soul and be with me, love me, support me and care for me, for the rest of my life?”

  Her last words tear my heart, and I feel a tear fall down my face. “I do.”

  Bo hits my arm again, and my head turns when he hands me her ring.

  I clear my throat as I feel the words I’m about to speak choke me. I place the ring on her finger and look into her beautiful eyes. “Pearl, my baby, my love. For most of my life I had nothing or no one who loved me, cared about me or that I could trust with my deepest, my most darkest secrets. Until you came into my life, I didn’t know what love was. What truly caring for and trusting someone really meant. You show me every day. You fill me with your love, your trust and you complete every fiber of my being.” I reach over and wipe her tears with my thumb, and Rosie looks at me and smiles. “You helped me when I thought I couldn’t be helped. You brought me out of my doom, despair and darkness and showed me light. I can’t…. I don’t think I can put into words what you mean to me. Will you take me? Heart, body and soul, love me…. Aw, hell you already do all that and more.” Everyone laughs and Rosie giggles, but I don’t care. “Marry me, stay with me forever.”


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